- 0f05d21: chore: trigger ci
- 3bc1cb6: chore: trigger ci
- 8f570b9: chore: trigger ci
- b77aed9: chore: improve automated generation with nx tasks
- b539fe4: fix(api-service/swagger): tag "diarios-professores"
- d9b0e77: fix(api-service/evento): rrule instead of dataInicio and dataTermino
- e54c05e: chore: code-static:fix
- 3245dab: change(api-service/main): use /swagger instead of /doc-api
- 2e9a627: feat(autenticacao): recover password route
- 0fc8146: feat: accept null ambientePadraoAula on create and update at turma
- 0fc8146: feat: add relationship with o_f_n_f on oferta_formacao
- c5b9613: feat: v1 with a lot of new resources