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### Education
Harvard University
PhD candidate in Environmental Science and Engineering
Secondary degree in Data Science
Williams College
Bachelor of Arts in Geoscience and Computer Science
Varsity Cross Country and Track
Dean's List 2019
PhD Candidate, Harvard Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group, Harvard University
Advised by Dr. Daniel Jacob
Developing open-source, user-friendly software to quantify and monitor methane emissions through a combination of satellite data and inverse modeling techniques
Applying novel data assimilation techniques to estimate US methane emissions from satellite data
Scientific Programmer, GEOS-Chem Support Team, Harvard University
Supervised by Dr. Daniel Jacob
Supporting postdocs and graduate students on research projects requiring technical expertise
Further developing and improving the capability of running GEOS-Chem and GCHP on the cloud
Developing structural updates to the model’s analysis tools (GCPy) and chemical solver (KPP)
Providing user support to a vibrant community of users via github issues
Software Engineer, Nevo Technologies
Worked as part of a high velocity agile development team on a wide variety of projects
Gained experience in web/mobile app development and AWS ecosystem
Quickly adapted to new technologies, stacks, and development environments
Implemented ETL processes for high volume data processing project
Research Intern, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
Supervised by Dr. Kasey Aderhold
Conducted novel seismic research studying Alaskan Sea Ice modulations of seismic noise
Performed statistical analyses of seismic data in Matlab and Python
Presented research at American Geophysical Union conference 2019
Wrote scripts that pull data in real time directly from the IRIS data center API
Research Assistant, Cohen Lab - Williams College
Supervised by Dr. Phoebe Cohen
Studied the microfossil and mercury content of Devonian Shales to investigate the End-Devonian mass extinction
Prepared samples for analysis and recorded detailed notes of results and procedures
Presented research at the Geological Society of America's 2018 Conference in Indianapolis
Wrote Python scripts to analyze datasets from the Macrostrat and Paleobio Database API
Crew, Appalachian Mountain Club Cold River Camp - Chatham, NH
Lived and worked with colleagues in a team-oriented, fast-paced environment
Maintained all buildings and grounds; Served on waitstaff and ensured guest satisfaction
Intern, Weston Geophysical -- Lexington, MA
Analyzed global seismic activity using company software in a Linux environment
Setup and Prepared equipment for offsite seismic studies
Python, Java, TypeScript, C/C#/C++, Matlab, SQL/PSQL, Docker, AWS,
Terraform, Linux, Object Oriented Programming, Unit Testing, Debugging,
Version Control (Git), Bitbucket Pipelines, SQL/PSQL
Angular, .NET Core, React Native, Xamarin Forms
ArcGIS, InDesign, Microsoft Suite
Purple Bike Coalition President, Treasurer, Mechanic
Manage shop budget, train and hire mechanics, organize work schedules
Teaching Assistant - Geoscience 101, Williams College
Assist 30+ students in labs and answer questions related to lectures and course materials
Review and grade student labs
Track Captain, Williams College
Organize team events, promote positive culture, communicate with coaches
Integrated Methane Inversion (IMI)
The Integrated Methane Inversion (IMI) is a user-friendly research-grade cloud-computing tool for estimating total methane emissions for any domain and period of interest by analytical inversion of satellite observations from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). It enables researchers and stakeholders to infer methane emissions at up to 0.25° × 0.3125° (≈ 25 × 25 km²) spatial resolution and up to weekly temporal resolution from TROPOMI satellite data resident on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, without requiring expert knowledge of inverse methods or cumbersome data download. See the IMI website for more information. I am the lead developer on this project.
Acushnet Artworks
Worked as part of a small development team to implement a logo
management web application for the Acushnet Holdings Corporation. This
project utilized Angular for the front end application and .NET Core for
the backend. This project was deployed and run with an entirely
serverless footprint using AWS ECS to run a dockerized version of the
application. I was heavily involved in standing up the necessary devOps
infrastructure and coding both the client-side and server-side
IHM Insights
Developed a high volume, cloud-based medical data ingest and egress
system for the Institute for Health Metrics. I worked as one the sole
contributors handling the ingestion and transformation of EHR data from
over 50 hospitals into our canonical persistence store on the cloud.
This project involved leveraging a wide variety of AWS services
including AWS Glue (Pyspark), Lambda, Step Functions, RDS Aurora, ECS,
J&J JLabs Navigator
Developed a web application for Johnson & Johnson's incubator program
(JLABS). Worked on the client-side application to replace their legacy
Drupal application with a new Angular version that provides richer
interactions and visualizations.
Seismic Data Tools
Programmed tools in Matlab and Python to fetch and analyze seismic noise
from IRIS data center
Paleontology Scripting Analysis
Wrote Python scripts to interact and analyze data from Macrostrat and
the Paleobio Database API's
Roguelike Game Development
Implemented and developed JavaScript rogue-like video game