The following frameworks were specifically designed to support the API First workflow with OpenAPI YAML files (sorted alphabetically):
- Connexion: OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask
- Friboo: utility library to write microservices in Clojure with support for Swagger and OAuth
- Play Swagger: build RESTful Play services from OpenAPI specification
- Swagger Codegen: template-driven engine to generate client code in different languages by parsing Swagger Resource Declaration
- Swagger Codegen Tooling: plugin for Maven that generates pieces of code from OpenAPI specification
- Swagger Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA: plugin to help you easily edit Swagger specification files inside IntelliJ IDEA
The Swagger/OpenAPI homepage lists more Community-Driven Language Integrations, but most of them do not fit our API First approach.
These utility libraries support you in implementing various parts of our RESTful API guidelines (sorted alphabetically):
- Problem: Java library that implements application/problem+json
- Problems for Spring Web MVC: library for handling Problems in Spring Web MVC
- Jackson Datatype Money: extension module to properly support datatypes of
- JSON fields: framework for limiting fields of JSON objects exposed by Rest APIs
- Tracer: call tracing and log correlation in distributed systems
- TWINTIP: API definition crawler for the STUPS ecosystem
- TWINTIP Spring Integration: API discovery endpoint for Spring Web MVC