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The basics of putting GTFS into a database with the OneBusAway GTFS Hibernate CLI


  1. Move into this directory cd learnyougtfs/database

  2. Create a database called gtfs with the sql flavor of your choice. If you're not familiar with or don't have a database software installed, the easiest to use is probably just HSQLDB (does not require setting up a separate database software).

  3. Run hibernate (full documentation is here)


java -classpath onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-cli-1.3.3.jar:your-database-jdbc.jar \
 org.onebusaway.gtfs.GtfsDatabaseLoaderMain \
 --driverClass=... \
 --url=... \
 --username=... \
 --password=... \

HSQLDB (default)

java -classpath onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-cli-1.3.3.jar:hsqldb.jar \
 org.onebusaway.gtfs.GtfsDatabaseLoaderMain \
 --driverClass=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver \
 --url=jdbc:hsqldb:file:gtfs \
 --username=user \
 --password=pass \

After a successful gtfs import, run java -jar sqltool.jar to open the sql tools command line interface.

To connect to the gtfs database in sql tools, type \j user pass jdbc:hsqldb:file:gtfs

Postgresql (assumes version 9.3)

java -classpath onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-cli-1.3.3.jar:postgresql-9.3-1100.jdbc4.jar \
 org.onebusaway.gtfs.GtfsDatabaseLoaderMain \
 --driverClass=org.postgresql.Driver \
 --url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/gtfs \
 --username=postgres \
 --password= \