The beauty of homotopy type theory and the Curry-Howard isomorphism is that they allow us to interpret the same syntactical system in many contexts simultaneously. This leads to analogies between these semantics. These analogies can usefully guide our intuition.
This table is logically-oriented
Logic | Classical ITT | HoTT | Haskell | Sets |
Proposition | Data(type) | Space | Type | Set |
Proof | Term, program | Point | Program | Element |
Predicate A(x) | Dependent type A(x) | Fibration | Can't be expressed | Family of sets |
False: ⊥ | Empty type: ⫫ | Empty type: 0 | `_ | _`? |
True: ⊤ | Unit type: ⫪ | Unit type: 1 | () |
Set containing empty set: {{}} |
And: A ∧ B | Product type: A × B | Product space: A × B | (A, B) ? |
Cartesian product: A × B |
Or: A ∨ B | Sum type: A + B | Coproduct space: A ⨿ B | Either |
Disjoint union: A ⨿ B |
A ⇒ B | Function: A → B | Continuous function: A → B | A -> B |
Function: A → B |
Negation: ¬ A | Contradiction: A → ⫫ | Contradiction: A → 0 | Can't be expressed? | Function: A → {} |
∀ a in A, B(a) | Pi type: Π (a : A) B(a) | Function type: Π (a : A) B(a) | Can't be expressed | Product |
∃ a in A, B(a) | Sigma type: Σ (a : A) B(a) | Pair type: Σ (a : A) B(a) | Can't be expressed | Coproduct |
Equality a = b | Id(a,b), a ≡ b | Path a ⇝ b | a == b (a, b :: A with Eq A ) |
{(x,x)|x in A} |
This is from the HoTT book (TODO: citation):
Logic | Homotopy | ∞-Groupoids |
Reflexivity | Constant path | Identity arrow |
Symmetry | Inverse path | Inverse arrow |
Transitivity | Path concatenation | Composition |
UniMath | HoTT book | HoTT/M-types |
funextfun | Function extensionality | substⁱ-lemma |
maponpaths | ap | app= |
total2_paths_f | Theorem 2.7.2 | unapΣ |
transportf | transport | subst |