Launch calibration studio:
roslaunch atom_worlds calibration_studio.launch
Spawn your robot.
Other options:
- launch_rviz - Whether to launch RViz or not.
- rviz_config - RViz configuration file.
- gui - Starts gazebo gui.
- world_name - World on Gazebo.
- paused - Starts gazebo in paused mode.
Run interactive pattern:
rosrun atom_worlds interactive_pattern
Run autonomous pattern:
rosrun atom_worlds autonomous_pattern
rosrun atom_worlds autonomous_pattern -vi
Configure the camera topic on camera.yaml
Launch rosbag record, after configure the topics to record:
roslaunch atom_worlds record_sensor_data.launch
Chessboard patterns coordinate frames are located in ta different position when compared to charuco patterns.
For this reason we have to define the coordinate system of the patterns in accordance, i.e.:
Important tutorials: