This directory contains an example of a Prometheus receiver setup with OpenTelemetry collector which sends data to Levitate
Follow through the tutorial here for a walk-through of the setup and the information flow, side by side.
Replace the following variables in otel-collector-config.yaml
with the actual values from your Levitate cluster.
$levitate_username -> Cluster ID
$levitate_password -> Write Token
$levitate_write_endpoint -> Levitate Remote Write endpoint
Make sure that you have docker running and then perform:
docker-compose up -d
After that, the Golang application will start on port 9000, and the Open Telemetry collector will start on port 4317
Send a few HTTP requests on http://localhost:9000/hello
It will emit metrics relayed to Levitate via Open Telemetry collector.
Create a Read token for Levitate cluster and connect to Grafana for verification.
If all goes well, you should see the metrics as follows:
"status": "success",
"isPartial": false,
"data": {
"resultType": "matrix",
"result": [
"metric": {
"__name__": "levitate_request_counts_total",
"__l9cluster__": "ebce9978-80f0-4976-9103-d435a7a4adf6",
"__l9lake__": "prometheus",
"__tenant__": "omecs",
"env": "production",
"instance": "app:8000",
"job": "otel-collector-01",
"otel_scope_name": "levitate-otel-demo",
"program": "levitate",
"via_cluster": "cs-test-levitate-01"
"values": [
What is OpenTelemetry Collector
Instrumenting Java applications using OpenTelemetry
Read more about the difference between Prometheus vs. Otel.
Here is a post on How to filter metrics by labels using OpenTelemetry Collector.