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ProductsAttribsRawHandler Usage Notes

lat9 edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 1 revision

The ProductsAttribsRawHandler supports the import and export of product-attribute related fields for your Zen Cart.

Feature Name Comments
Export/Import Both
Customized Fields for Export
Export Filters None
Required Columns (aka Fields) for Import v_products_id, v_options_id, v_options_values_id
Database Tables Affected products_attributes, products_attributes_download, products_options_values_to_products_options, and products (via zen_update_products_price_sorter).
DbIo Commands REMOVE

Additional Fields on Export

This handler provides some additional fields on an 'export' action to make it easier to identify the attribute; all but the v_dbio_command field are ignored on an import:

Field Name Description
v_products_model The 'products_model' associated with the attribute's products_id.
v_manufacturers_name The 'name' associated with the attribute's product's manufacturers_id.
v_products_options_name The 'name' associated with the attribute's options_id.
v_products_options_values_name The 'name' associated with the attribute's options_values_id.
v_dbio_command Can be either an empty string (no command) or REMOVE to cause the attribute to be removed from the database.

Controlling an Attribute's Download Options

An attribute's import can optionally include a download filename associated with the attribute, associated with the products_attributes_download table. The import processing depends on

  1. Whether the base attribute information is being inserted or updated.
  2. Whether an existing attribute has a pre-existing download filename.
  3. Whether a download filename (v_products_attributes_filename) is supplied for the to-be-imported record.
    • The handler supports a sub-command (REMOVE) value for this field, enabling a previously-recorded filename to be removed from the given attribute.

Here's how the processing flows:

  1. If an attribute matching the products_id+options_id+options_values_id does not exist or the attribute exists but does not currently have an associated download filename:
    1. If the products_attributes_filename field does not exist in the import or if the field exists and is an empty string:
      • No products_attributes_download record is created.
    2. Otherwise, if the filename field is not a valid filename
      • The addition of the products_attributes_download record is disallowed. Note that a new products_attributes record might have been created!
    3. Otherwise, the products_attributes_download record is created.
  2. Otherwise, an existing attribute with an existing products_attributes_download record:
    1. If the products_attributes_filename field does not exist in the import
      • No update is made to the products_attributes_download table.
    2. Otherwise, if that field is set to REMOVE (capitalization required)
      • The associated products_attributes_download table record is deleted.
    3. Otherwise, if that field is not a valid filename (including an empty string)
      • No change is made to the products_attributes_download table and the record is marked as an import error.
    4. Otherwise, the associated products_attributes_download record is updated.

Checking a Download Filename for Validity

When an import includes a v_products_attributes_filename field, there are a couple of rudimentary checks on that filename that must pass to enable the associated products_attributes_download table-record to be created or updated:

  1. The field's value must not be an empty string.
  2. The field's value must not start with a . (period).
  3. The field's value must not contain any characters in this list: [<>:"|?*].
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