diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 77aa55a..89280b8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Currently, it is the unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses.
-See [docs/](docs/) or for a documentation of the template.
+See [docs/](docs/) or for documentation of the template.
## License
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The license of this work is [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/
### Exceptions
-The images in `logos` are subject to other copyright from other parties:
+The images in `logos` are subject to other copyrights from other parties:
- `UPB_LOGO_GB_RGB_15.pdf` and `UPB_Logo_RGB_D_2012.pdf` are copyright Paderborn University.
Refer to for proper use.
diff --git a/config.tex b/config.tex
index 678603e..3eb3ef1 100644
--- a/config.tex
+++ b/config.tex
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
% EN: Enable copy and paste of text from the PDF
% Only required for pdflatex. It "just works" in the case of lualatex.
-% mmap enables mathematical symbols, but does not work with the newtx font set
+% mmap enables mathematical symbols but does not work with the newtx font set
% See: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/64457/9075
% Other solutions outlined at http://goemonx.blogspot.de/2012/01/pdflatex-ligaturen-und-copynpaste.html and http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/4397/make-ligatures-in-linux-libertine-copyable-and-searchable
-% Trouble shooting outlined at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/100618/9075
+% Troubleshooting outlined at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/100618/9075
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
% rm = libertine im Brottext, Linux Biolinum NICHT als serifenlose Schrift, sondern helvet (von oben) beibehalten
-% EN: Alternative Font: Palantino. It is recommeded by Prof. Ludewig for German texts
+% EN: Alternative Font: Palantino. It is recommended by Prof. Ludewig for German texts
% DE: Alternative Schriftart: Palantino, Packageparamter [osf] = Minuskel-Ziffern
% Bitte nur in deutschen Texten
%\usepackage{mathpazo} %ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/fonts/mathpazo/ - Tipp aus DE-TEX-FAQ 8.2.1
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
% EN: backticks (`) are rendered as such in verbatim environments.
-% See following links for details:
+% See the following links for details:
% - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/341057/9075
% - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/47451/9075
% - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/166791/9075
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
% DE: Optischer Randausgleich und Grauwertkorrektur
- babel=true, % EN: Enable language-specific kerning. Take language-settings from the languge of the current document (see Section 6 of microtype.pdf)
+ babel=true, % EN: Enable language-specific kerning. Take language-settings from the language of the current document (see Section 6 of microtype.pdf)
protrusion=alltext-nott, % EN: Ensure that at listings, there is no change at the margin of the listing
final % EN: Always enable microtype, even if in draft mode. This helps finding bad boxes quickly.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
% EN: Fixes bugs in AMS math
-% Corrently conflicts with unicode-math
+% Currently conflicts with unicode-math
% \usepackage{mathtools}
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
-% EN: Defintion of colors. Argument "hyperref" is not used as we do not want to change border colors of links: Links are not colored anymore.
+% EN: Definition of colors. The "hyperref" argument is not used as we do not want to change the border colors of links: Links are not colored anymore.
% DE: Farbdefinitionen
@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
- % EN: Set English as language and allow to write hyphenated"=words
+ % EN: Set English as the language and allow to write hyphenated"=words
% `american`, `english` and `USenglish` are synonyms for babel package (according to https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12775/babel-english-american-usenglish).
- % "english" has to go last to set it as default language
+ % "english" has to go last to set it as the default language
% EN: Hint by http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/321066/9075 -> enable "= as dashes
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
% EN: For even easier quotations: \qq{text}.
-% Is not smart in the case of nesting, but good enough for the most cases
+% Is not smart in the case of nesting, but good enough for most cases
% EN: German quotes are different. So do not use the English quotes, but the ones provided by the csquotes package.
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
% Siehe https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/3034/9075.
-% EN: When activated, use text font as url font, not the monospaced one.
+% EN: When activated, use text font as URL font, not the monospaced one.
% For all options see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/261435/9075.
% \urlstyle{same}
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
% EN: Hack for fancyvrb based on http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/comp.text.tex/2008-12/msg00075.html
-% Change of the solution: \Vref somehow collidated with cleveref/varioref as the output of \Vref{} was "Abschnitt 4.3 auf Seite 85"; therefore changed to \myVref -- so completely removed
+% Change of the solution: \Vref somehow collided with cleveref/varioref as the output of \Vref{} was "Abschnitt 4.3 auf Seite 85"; therefore changed to \myVref -- so completely removed
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/132420/9075 for more information.
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
% EN: Required for proper environments of fancyvrb and lstlistings
-% There is also the newfloat pacakge (recommended by minted), but we currently have no expericene with that
+% There is also the newfloat package (recommended by minted), but we currently have no experience with that
% DE: Wird für fancyvrb und für lstlistings verwendet
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
% Abstand zwischen Fußnoten vergrößern:
-% EN: Following command disables the separting line of the footnote
+% EN: Following command disables the separating line of the footnote
% DE: Folgendes Kommando deaktiviert die Trennlinie zur Fußnote
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@
-%Replace last "and" by comma in bibliography
+%Replace last "and" with a comma in bibliography
%See http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/41532/9075
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
-% EN: Define color of links and more
+% EN: Define the color of links and more
% have both title and number hyperlinking to content
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@
-% EN: Complete different chapter style - self made
+% EN: Complete different chapter style - self-made
% Innen drin kann man dann noch zwischen
% * serifenloser Schriftart (eingestellt)
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000
-% EN: Try to get rid of "overfull hbox" things and let text flow batter
+% EN: Try to get rid of "overfull hbox" things and let the text flow better
% See also
% - http://groups.google.de/group/de.comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/f97da71d90442816/f5da290593fd647e?lnk=st&q=tolerance+emergencystretch&rnum=5&hl=de#f5da290593fd647e
% - http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=overfull
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
% EN: Enable footnotes in tables.
-% This package superseeds the 1997 package "footnote"
+% This package supersedes the 1997 package "footnote"
% TODO: The footnotehyper author recommends to enclose the respective area with \begin{savenotes} ... \end{savenotes}
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
-% EN: pgfplots (optional if the ppackage is installed)
+% EN: pgfplots (optional if the package is installed)
% PGFPlots draws high-quality function plots in normal or logarithmic scaling
@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@
-% EN: pgfplotstable (optional if the ppackage is installed)
-% PGFPlots generates tables from csv files
+% EN: pgfplotstable (optional if the package is installed)
+% PGFPlots generates tables from CSV files
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@
-% EN: Layout: bottoms of pages not aligned to each other
+% EN: Layout: bottoms of pages not aligned with each other
% DE: Der untere Rand darf "flattern"
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
-% EN: Required for recent version of komascript, as some packges are not that compatible with KOMAScript as they should be
+% EN: Required for a recent version of komascript, as some packages are not as compatible with KOMAScript as they should be
% Has to be loaded at the *very* end, so we use "\AtEndPreamble" by etoolsbox
diff --git a/latexhints-english.tex b/latexhints-english.tex
index 8d6b3a6..01527c5 100644
--- a/latexhints-english.tex
+++ b/latexhints-english.tex
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ \chapter{LaTeX Hints}
In LaTeX, you can do that by using two backslashes (\textbackslash\textbackslash).
This is rarely used.
-Please do \textit{not} use two backslahes for new paragraphs.
+Please do \textit{not} use two backslashes for new paragraphs.
For instance, this sentence belongs to the same paragraph, whereas the last one started a new one.
A long motivation for that is provided at \url{http://loopspace.mathforge.org/HowDidIDoThat/TeX/VCS/#section.3}.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ \section{Citations}
-The following sentence demonstrates that you can overwrite the text part of the generated label using \texttt{label} in a bibliopgrahie"=entry, but the year and the uniqueness is still generated by biber.
+The following sentence demonstrates that you can overwrite the text part of the generated label using \texttt{label} in a bibliopgrahie"=entry, but the year and the uniqueness are still generated by biber.
The workflow engine Apache ODE \cite{ApacheODE} executes \BPEL processes reliably.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ \section{Formulas and Equations}
A list with all available mathematical symbols is provided at \url{http://texdoc.net/pkg/symbols-a4}.
-As example the set of natural numbers is given by $\mathbb{N}$.
+As an example, the set of natural numbers is given by $\mathbb{N}$.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ \section{Formulas and Equations}
-Following equation is not numbered because of using \texttt{\textbackslash align*} as environment.
+The following equation is not numbered because of using \texttt{\textbackslash align*} as environment.
x = y
@@ -107,20 +107,20 @@ \section{Formulas and Equations}
-The template offers \verb+\abs+ to enable the bars scaling well at the absolute value:
+The template offers \verb+\abs+ to enable the bars to scale well at the absolute value:
-More details about mathematical environments provides the documentation available at \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/voss-mathmode.html}.
+The documentation available at \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/voss-mathmode.html} provides more details about mathematical environments.
-\Cref{lst:ListingANDlstlisting} shows how to emmbed source code.
+\Cref{lst:ListingANDlstlisting} shows how to embed source code.
With \texttt{\textbackslash lstinputlisting} the source code can be loaded directly from files.
%Listing-Umgebung wurde durch \newfloat{Listing} definiert
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ \section{Pseudocode}
\hrule height .5pt width\textwidth
-%without the following line, the text is nerer at the rule
+%without the following line, the text is never at the rule
code goes here\\
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ \section{Figures with tikz}
\foreach \y in {0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5}
\draw(\x,\y) circle (1pt);
- \caption{A regular grid genrated with easily with two for loops.}\label{fig:tikz_example}
+ \caption{A regular grid generated easily with two for loops.}\label{fig:tikz_example}
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ \subsection{Tables with pgfplots}
display columns/0/.style={string type,column name={}}
-\caption{Table direclty generated from the values of a csf file.}
+\caption{Table directly generated from the values of a csf file.}
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ \section{Tables spanning multiple pages}
-At the first pass the \gls{fr} was 5.
+At the first pass, the \gls{fr} was 5.
At the second pass was \gls{fr} 3.
The plural form can be seen here: \glspl{er}.
To demonstrate what the list of abbreviations looks like for longer description texts, \glspl{rdbms} must be mentioned here.
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ \section{References}
For distant sections \qq{varioref} is recommended:
\qq{See \vref{sec:mf}}.
-The command \texttt{\textbackslash{}vref} works similar to \texttt{\textbackslash{}cref} the difference beeing that a reference to the page is additionally added.
+The command \texttt{\textbackslash{}vref} works similarly to \texttt{\textbackslash{}cref} the difference being that a reference to the page is additionally added.
\texttt{vref}: \qq{\vref{sec:firstsectioninlatexhints}}, \texttt{cref}: \qq{\cref{sec:firstsectioninlatexhints}}, \texttt{ref}: \qq{\ref{sec:firstsectioninlatexhints}}.
If \qq{varioref} causes difficulties, then \qq{cref} can be used instead.
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@ \section{Various Things}
Numbers (123\,654\,789) are nicely set.
- Either in a line or as non-lining figure.
- The latter is reached by parameter \texttt{osf} at package \texttt{libertine} or.\ \texttt{mathpazo} in \text{fonts.tex}.
+ Either in a line or as a non-lining figure.
+ The latter is reached by the parameter \texttt{osf} at package \texttt{libertine} or.\ \texttt{mathpazo} in \text{fonts.tex}.
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ \section{Various Things}
The words \qq{workflow} and \qq{dwarflike} can be copied from the PDF and pasted to a text file.
-In case \LuaLaTeX{} is used as compiler, there is no ligature at \qq{f\/l} in the word \qq{dwarflike} (in contrast to \qq{fl} at \qq{workflow}).
+In case \LuaLaTeX{} is used as the compiler, there is no ligature at \qq{f\/l} in the word \qq{dwarflike} (in contrast to \qq{fl} at \qq{workflow}).
In other words: \qq{dwarflike} and \qq{dwarf\/like} look the same in the PDF.
In case they do not, there is an issue with Lua\LaTeX{} and the selnolig package.
diff --git a/latexhints-german.tex b/latexhints-german.tex
index 39f1505..8fc69b7 100644
--- a/latexhints-german.tex
+++ b/latexhints-german.tex
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ \section{Pseudocode}
\hrule height .5pt width\textwidth
-%without the following line, the text is nerer at the rule
+%without the following line, the text is never at the rule
code goes here\\
diff --git a/main-english.tex b/main-english.tex
index 1b021ec..e36ac48 100644
--- a/main-english.tex
+++ b/main-english.tex
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
% fontsize=11pt is the standard
a4paper, % Standard format - only KOMAScript uses paper=a4 - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/61044/9075
- twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-side printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
+ twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-sided printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
% idxtotoc, %Index ins Inhaltsverzeichnis
% liststotoc, %List of X ins Inhaltsverzeichnis, mit liststotocnumbered werden die Abbildungsverzeichnisse nummeriert
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
%tex4ht-Konvertierung verschönern
- % tell tex4ht to create picures also for formulas starting with '$'
+ % tell tex4ht to create pictures also for formulas starting with '$'
% WARNING: a tex4ht run now takes forever!
%$ % <- syntax highlighting fix for emacs
diff --git a/main-german.tex b/main-german.tex
index d8fe68a..9c5288d 100644
--- a/main-german.tex
+++ b/main-german.tex
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
% fontsize=11pt is the standard
a4paper, % Standard format - only KOMAScript uses paper=a4 - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/61044/9075
- twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-side printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
+ twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-sided printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
% idxtotoc, %Index ins Inhaltsverzeichnis
% liststotoc, %List of X ins Inhaltsverzeichnis, mit liststotocnumbered werden die Abbildungsverzeichnisse nummeriert
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
%tex4ht-Konvertierung verschönern
- % tell tex4ht to create picures also for formulas starting with '$'
+ % tell tex4ht to create pictures also for formulas starting with '$'
% WARNING: a tex4ht run now takes forever!
%$ % <- syntax highlighting fix for emacs
diff --git a/main-minted-german.tex b/main-minted-german.tex
index fdfbb0d..45ab462 100644
--- a/main-minted-german.tex
+++ b/main-minted-german.tex
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
% fontsize=11pt is the standard
a4paper, % Standard format - only KOMAScript uses paper=a4 - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/61044/9075
- twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-side printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
+ twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-sided printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
% idxtotoc, %Index ins Inhaltsverzeichnis
% liststotoc, %List of X ins Inhaltsverzeichnis, mit liststotocnumbered werden die Abbildungsverzeichnisse nummeriert
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-% EN: Syntax highligthing using pygments package
+% EN: Syntax highlighting using pygments package
% EN: line numbers within page margins
% DE: Zeilennummern innerhalb vom Rand
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
%tex4ht-Konvertierung verschönern
- % tell tex4ht to create picures also for formulas starting with '$'
+ % tell tex4ht to create pictures also for formulas starting with '$'
% WARNING: a tex4ht run now takes forever!
%$ % <- syntax highlighting fix for emacs
diff --git a/main-paderborn-english.tex b/main-paderborn-english.tex
index 038af1a..4c3863d 100644
--- a/main-paderborn-english.tex
+++ b/main-paderborn-english.tex
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
% fontsize=11pt is the standard
a4paper, % Standard format - only KOMAScript uses paper=a4 - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/61044/9075
- twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-side printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
+ twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-sided printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
% idxtotoc, %Index ins Inhaltsverzeichnis
% liststotoc, %List of X ins Inhaltsverzeichnis, mit liststotocnumbered werden die Abbildungsverzeichnisse nummeriert
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-% Packages required for title page of Paderborn University
+% Packages required for the title page of Paderborn University
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
%tex4ht-Konvertierung verschönern
- % tell tex4ht to create picures also for formulas starting with '$'
+ % tell tex4ht to create pictures also for formulas starting with '$'
% WARNING: a tex4ht run now takes forever!
%$ % <- syntax highlighting fix for emacs
diff --git a/main-paderborn-german.tex b/main-paderborn-german.tex
index 580db2d..67f0429 100644
--- a/main-paderborn-german.tex
+++ b/main-paderborn-german.tex
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
% fontsize=11pt is the standard
a4paper, % Standard format - only KOMAScript uses paper=a4 - https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/61044/9075
- twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-side printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
+ twoside, % we are optimizing for both screen and two-sided printing. So the page numbers will jump, but the content is configured to stay in the middle (by using the geometry package)
% idxtotoc, %Index ins Inhaltsverzeichnis
% liststotoc, %List of X ins Inhaltsverzeichnis, mit liststotocnumbered werden die Abbildungsverzeichnisse nummeriert
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-% Packages required for title page of Paderborn University
+% Packages required for the title page of Paderborn University
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
%tex4ht-Konvertierung verschönern
- % tell tex4ht to create picures also for formulas starting with '$'
+ % tell tex4ht to create pictures also for formulas starting with '$'
% WARNING: a tex4ht run now takes forever!
%$ % <- syntax highlighting fix for emacs