Releases: laurent22/joplin
Releases · laurent22/joplin
- New: Added several keyboard shortcuts
- New: Convert new lines in tables to BR tags, and added support for HTML tags in Markdown viewers
- Fixed: Confirmation message boxes, and release notes text
- Fixed: Issue with items not being decrypted immediately when they are created due to a sync conflict.
- Updated: Translations
Still more fixes and improvements to get v1 as stable as possible before adding new features.
IMPORTANT: If you use Nextcloud it is recommended to sync all your notes before installing this release (see below).
- Fixed: Nextcloud sync target ID (which was incorrectly set to WebDAV sync ID). As a result items that have been created since this bug will be re-synced with Nextcloud. This sync will not duplicate or delete any item but is necessary to preserve data integrity. IF YOU HAVE NOTES IN CONFLICT AFTER SYNC: Close the app completely and restart it to make sure all the lists are visually up-to-date. The notes in conflict most likely can be ignored - they are just duplicate of the real ones. To be safe, check the content but most likely they can simply be deleted.
- Improved: Provide Content-Length header for WebDAV for better compatibility with more servers
- Fixed: Allow copy and paste from config and encryption screen on macOS
- Fixed: #201, #216: Make sure only one update check can run at a time, and improved modal dialog boxes
- New: Display message when creating new note or to-do so that it doesn't look like the previous note content got deleted.
- New: Also support $ as delimiter for Katex expressions
- New: Added sync config check to config screens
- New: Allowing opening and saving resource images
- New: Toolbar button to set tags
- Update: Improved request repeating mechanism
- Fix: Make sure alarms and resources are attached to right note when creating new note
- Fix: Use mutex when saving model to avoid race conditions when decrypting and syncing at the same time
- New: WebDAV synchronisation target
- New: Support for math typesetting Katex
- New: Tray icon for Windows and macOS
- Fixed: Don't allow adding notes to conflict notebook
- Updated: Russian translation
- Updated: French translation
- New: List missing master keys in encryption screen
- Fixed: Attaching images in Linux was no longer working
- Fixed crash in macOS
Android release v0.10.85
Android release v0.10.83