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File metadata and controls

502 lines (337 loc) · 12.9 KB

DOMly NPM version Build status

The fast template system that creates and clones DOM nodes

DOMly logo

DOMly uses cloneNode and createElement to render templates in the browser up to 7 times faster than doT and Handlebars.

DOMly is named after Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned.


DOMly's syntax is simply HTML with a few special tags and attribute prefixes thrown in and Mustache-like syntax for variable substitution / method invocation.

  <h1>Category: {{data.category}}</h1>
    <if data.items.length>
        <foreach data.items>
            <h2>{{parent.category}}: {{}}</h2>
            <h3>{{formatCount(data.stockCount)}} in stock</h3>
            <button unless-data.stockCount='disabled="disabled"'>Buy now</button>
      <p>This category is empty.</p>

Calling a compiled template returns the the root Node or DocumentFragment, ready to be added to the DOM:

var div = template({
  category: 'Main Courses',
  items: [
      name: 'Spicy Steak Tacos',
      sale: true,
      price: '$5.00',
      stockCount: 100

// Add the node to the DOM

Available variables


data refers to the current data context as passed to the template. If within a <foreach> or <forin> loop, data refers to the current item.


When within a <foreach> or <forin> loop, parent refers to the data context outside of the loop. This can be chained, resulting in parent.parent referring to the data context outside of two nested loops.


this refers to the value of this when executing the template function.

The initial value of this when executing a template is whatever is to the left of the dot:

var obj = {
  template: template

// this is obj

You can change the value of this when executing template function by using or Function.prototype.bind:

var obj = {
  method: function() {
    return 'Available as this.method()';
  property: 'Available as'

var templateData = {
  property: 'Available as'

// Render the template with obj as this and templateData as data
var fragment =, data);


All global variables and functions are available within templates.

As properties of the data context and this object must be preceded by data and this respectively, there is no possibility of accidentally using a global variable.


An iterator variable, as declared when using <foreach> or <forin> with a named iterator.

Iterators supersede global variables, so you will not be able to access any globals with the same name as an iterator used anywhere in the template.


Statements take the same form as JavaScript statements, except spaces are not allowed.

Note: Expressions are not currently supported within statements. As such, statements cannot contain &&, ||, +, etc.


Variables can be used as the return value of a statement.

  • data - Substitute the current data context directly
  • data.myProperty - Substitute a property of the current data context
  • this.myProperty - Substitute with a property of this
  • myGlobalVariable - Substitute a global variable
  • myGlobalObject.myProperty - Substitute a property of a globally accessible object


Methods can be invoked as part of a statement.

  • data.myMethod() - Invoke a method of the current data context
  • parent.myMethod() - Invoke a method of the parent data context
  • this.myMethod() - Invoke a method on this
  • myGlobalFunction() - Invoke a globally accessible function
  • myGlobalObject.myMethod() - Invoke a method of a globally accessible object

Invoked methods can be passed any arbitrary arguments. For instance:


The above statement would invoke myMethod with the following:

  • The return value of the global function globalFunc when passed the current data context's myDateProp property
  • The value of the parent data context's myParentProp property
  • The value of this's myScopeProp property
  • The value of the global variable myGlobalVariable
  • The value of the myProp property of the globally accessible object, myGlobalObject



Substitute the return value of statement into the DOM as text.

Substitutions can be made in attribute values or text content:

<button class="{{data.className}}">{{data.label}}</button>

Substitutions are always escaped. It is impossible to inject HTML.


<if statement>

Include the contained elements if statement is truthy.

If the value of a data context property is truthy

In this example, we simply test the current data context's enabled property for truthiness, adding the <p> to the DOM if it's truthy.

<if data.enabled>
  <p>{{}} is enabled!</p>

If the return value of a method is truthy

In this example, the method passesTest is a method of this. We'll pass the current data context to it, and, if passesTest returns a truthy value, we'll add the <p> to the DOM.

<if this.passesTest(data)>
  <p>{{}} passes the test!</p>

<unless statement>

The opposite of <if statement>.


Used with <if> and <unless>, evaluated if the statement is falsey.

<if data.enabled>
  <p>{{}} is enabled!</p>
  <p>{{}} is disabled.</p>

<foreach statement[,iterator]>

Iterate over the items the of the array returned by statement. The item is available as data.

If iterator is provided, the index of the current item will be available as {{iterator}} for substitution and iterator for method invocation.


  "tags": ["hot", "fresh", "new"]


  <foreach data.tags,tagNumber>
    <li>{{tagNumber}}. {{data}}</li>


  <li>0. hot</li>
  <li>1. fresh</li>
  <li>2. new</li>

<forin statement[,prop]>

Iterate over the properties of object. The value is available as data.

If prop is provided, the property name will be available as {{prop}} for substitution and prop for method invocation.


  "stats": {
    "Spice level": "hot",
    "Vegetarian": "No",
    "Rating": "5"


  <forin data.stats,stat>
    <li>{{stat}}: {{data}}</li>


  <li>Spice level: Hot</li>
  <li>Vegetarian: No</li>
  <li>Rating: 5</li>

<div if-statement='attr="value"'>

Conditionally sets the attr attribute to value if the return value of statement is truthy.

Use space to separate multiple attributes.

<button if-data.disabled='disabled="disabled" class="disabled"'>Buy</button>

Attributes can contain substitutions as well:

<button if-data.customAttr='{{}}={{customAttr.value}}'>Buy</button>

<div unless-statement='attr="value"'>

The opposite of <div if-statement='attr="value"'>.

<partial statement><partial>

Insert the returned DocumentFragment or Node into the DOM.

If no arguments are passed, the current data context will be passed.

<helper statement>{{statement}} text</helper>

Insert the returned string as text content.

If statement is a function call, the text content inside of the <helper> tag will be evaluated and passed as the last argument.


Evaluates the content in place. data will be set to the current data object and can be mutated or re-assigned.

var i = 10;
while (i-- > 0) {
  data.count = i;


If the handle attribute is present on any elements in the template, a reference to the element will be assigned as this.handleName.

Statements can also be used within handle names.


<ul handle="list">
  <foreach data.tags,itemNum>
    <li handle="item_{{itemNum}}">{{data}}</li>


// An object we'll use as the value of this
var obj = {};

// Data for the template
var templateData = {
  name: 'MainList',
  tags: [
    'Tag 1',
    'Tag 2'

// Render the template with obj as this and templateData as data, templateData);

// For handle names that start with $, references to the jQuery object are available
view.item_0.innerHTML = 'A new Tag 1';
view.item_1.innerHTML = 'A new Tag 2';

If a handle name begins with $, such as $handle, a jQuery object will be stored as $handle and the Node itself will be stored as handle. This is accomplished by passing the node to $, so you can use your own $ function instead of jQuery.

Template precompilation

DOMly parses HTML to generate createElement statements, and as such, it only makes sense if precompiled.

You cannot compile DOMly templates in the browser. Use grunt-domly or gulp-domly to precompile your templates.

Alternatively, the domly Node module can be used to precompile templates.

domly.precompile(template[, options])

Takes a template string and returns a string of JavaScript code.


Type: String

The template to compile.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

If true, meaningless whitespace will be stripped. This provides a large performance boost as less meaningless createTextNode calls are created.

Warning: Meaningful whitespace, such as space between inline tags, will be preserved. However, if your CSS gives display: inline to block elements, whitespace between those elements will still be stripped.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Dump debug data, including the source file, parsed tree, and compiled function body.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Don't create templates that immediately cache DocumentFragment objects. This is useful for web components where you don't want the createdCallback to be executed during template declaration.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Leave the handle attribute intact. By default, the handle attribute will not be added to the created elements.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Append the contents of the class attribute value to the existing className property. This is useful when your web component sets its className in createdCallback.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Leave comment nodes intact in the rendered template. By default, comment nodes will not be included.


var domly = require('domly');
var fs = require('fs');

// Precompile returns a string of JS code
var template = domly.precompile('<p>My template is {{data.adjective}}!</p>', {
  stripWhitespace: true // Strip whitespace for better performance

fs.writeFileSync('template.js', 'var awesomeTemplate = '+template.toString()+';');


<script src="template.js"></script>
  document.body.appendChild(awesomeTemplate({ adjective: 'awesome' }));

Running the benchmarks

DOMly comes with a set of benchmarks that use karma-benchmark to test real-world browser performance.

npm install
bower install
grunt bench

Running the test suite

DOMly is tested with mocha, chai, sinon, and jsdom.

npm install
grunt test


DOMly is licensed MIT.