${gif.authorName || 'autor'}
- `;
- let text, description;
${gif.authorName || 'autor'}
+ `;
+ // Event listener for removing the favorite (outside modal logic)
+ figure.querySelector('.remove-fav-btn').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation(); // Prevents the modal from being triggered on remove
+ removeFav(gif.imageUrl); // Remove GIF from localStorage using its imageUrl
+ figure.remove(); // Remove the GIF from the DOM
+ });
+ fragment.appendChild(figure);
+ // Modal logic
figure.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
url = e.target.src;
- text = 'Check out this amazing Gif!';
- description = 'Check out this amazing Gif!';
- figure.querySelector('.remove-fav-btn').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- removeFav(gif.imageUrl);
- figure.remove(); // Remove the GIF from the DOM
- });
+ // Close button listener
+ modal.querySelector('#close').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ modal.classList.remove('display-modal');
+ });
- fragment.appendChild(figure);
modal.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (e.target.id === 'fav') {
e.target.textContent = 'Removed';
if (e.target.id === 'copy') {
- // Show "Copied" message
e.target.textContent = 'Copied';
- // Reset the button text to "Copy" after 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds)
setTimeout(() => {
e.target.textContent = 'Copy';
}, 2000);
@@ -103,37 +106,25 @@ const setFavs = function () {
if (e.target.id === 'share-twitter') {
- shareOnTwitter(url, text);
+ shareOnTwitter(url, 'Check out this amazing Gif!');
if (e.target.id === 'share-pinterest') {
- shareOnPinterest(url, url, description);
+ shareOnPinterest(url, url, 'Check out this amazing Gif!');
- // if(e.target.id === 'share-insta'){
- // shareOnInstagram(url,description);
- // }
- modal.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- if (e.target.id === 'close' || e.target.id === 'modal-overlay') {
- modal.classList.remove('display-modal');
- }
- if (e.target.id === 'copy') {
- console.log(url);
- }
- });
- fragment.appendChild(figure);
+// Updated removeFav function
const removeFav = function (url) {
- const localStorage = window.localStorage;
- const favsString = localStorage.getItem('gifs');
- const favs = favsString ? JSON.parse(favsString) : {};
- delete favs[url];
- const newFavs = JSON.stringify(favs);
- localStorage.setItem('gifs', newFavs);
+ let favs = getFavs(); // Get current favorites
+ favs.delete(url); // Remove the GIF from the Map using the imageUrl as the key
+ const newFavs = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(favs)); // Convert Map back to an object
+ localStorage.setItem('gifs', newFavs); // Update localStorage with the new state