The HCDemo is intended to be a sample app to highlight the SMS and Voice APIs available from Twilio. The app consists of several Python files that send and recieve SMS messages and places an outbound call to an enduser. The app uses two Goggle Docs Sheets to retrieve and store data.
The theme of the app revolves around Healthcare and the role that SMS interactions can play to improve outcomes of patients and reduce the overall costs. Additional care is often more complex when a patient needs to be readmitted after their initial discharge from a hospital stay. There is ample result information from recognized Medical Associations of the efficacy of this simple use of SMS technology.
Note: This app only sends to a single subscriber in its present form but could easily be adapted to send to a wider audience. Additionally, the use of Google Sheets for a data repository while functional and free it should be replaced with a more robust database.
The app uses the Flask and gspread modules and makes use of the ngrok utility to for Twilio to tunnel back to your PC to test the and run the code.
The files required for this application are: - This sends a random tips that is pulled from the HealthTips Google Sheet to the subscriber - This sends a reminder to the subscriber asking them to report their weight. - This sends a reminder to the subscriber asking them if they took their meds as prescribed. - This file listens and responds to messages and voice interactions.
HealthTips - aaaabbbbcccc.json - This is a credential file required by the app so it can access the Sheet files.
You need pip to install the required Python modules and libraries. If you don't have pip installed do the following:
sudo easy_install pip
Install Flask - this is a Python based Web Server
pip install Flask
Install Python modules needed by app
sudo pip install gspread sudo pip install twilio sudo pip install oauth2client --upgrade --ignore-install six
Set environment variables used in the app
cd ~ nano .bash_profile
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=AC2b691d272423be8d147b7033766cab29 export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=1732a50893a37cf11b6804f054f08f40 export TWILIO_NUMBER=+16202664198 export MY_PHONE_NUMBER=+19196569888
Restart terminal to have them take effect.
- Download ngrok
Running ngrok
ngrok http 5000
ngrok will then generate a list of items on the screen that show a URL running on the port specified (5000 in this case). This URL changes each time you run the utility.
Session Status online
Version 2.2.4
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> localhost:5000
Forwarding -> localhost:5000
In the above example the URL must be specified in the Webhook field of the Twilio Console for SMS. Additionally, the suffix must also be supplied.
For example in the Console for Phone numbers:
Messaging URL: