- Switched to checkout v4 for CI/CD.
- Compatibility with Flutter 3.27 . Thanks @23doors #130
- Removed the kotlin.jvmToolchain specification from the build.gradle . Thanks @pnilkanth12 #128
- Got rid of deprecated code assertUniqueValue and added warning on sendSelection caught execution.
- Removed assert that prevented the use of padding with fieldDecoration. Thanks @nikpelgr #127
- Upgraded to Gradle 8.6.0, Kotlin 2.0.20 and JVM 1.8. Thanks @snmeric #126
- lints and dependabot issues corrected
- rightToLeft is defaulted according to app Directionality. Thanks @slavap #116
- pubspec.yaml description was too long for pub.dev
- added searchResultDisplayFn. Thanks @ramioooz #109
- improved documentation and simplified constructors. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #65
- marked assertUniqueValue parameter as deprecated since it is not used anywhere.
- added buildFutureFilterOrOrderButton to customize future filter and order button. Thanks @agustin-garcia #107
- continued with task 2 of #100
- subtitle1 is deprecated. Use titleMedium instead.
- compileSdkVersion 33
- started with task 2 of #100
- If there is no validator nor any listValidator, form validation is not triggered. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #102
- Avoided a warning when validating a form with multiple objects. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #97
- Separated big classes. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #100
- Added parameter giveMeThePop to allow closing the dialog or menu from outside the widget. Thanks @krButani #94
- Removed assertion condition forcing buildDropDownDialog to be null if dialogBox is false. Thanks @krButani #93
- Removed assertion preventing the use of validator together with fieldDecoration. Thanks @willhhf #92
- Validator in form: The form field validator is called by the parent form validator. Thanks @martin-labanic #68
- Updated kotlin version from 1.3.50 to 1.7.20 . Thanks @wutsi #91
- Corrected video link on readme page to use https instead of http.
- Sort and filter buttons don't appear when searchHint is not provided. Thanks @rob-mur #88
- Initial effort to support FormField parameters. Thanks @martin-labanic #68
- Recording Flutster automated integration testing as a playable video.
- Preventing a breaking change when projects older than 2.0.21 set an int padding. Thanks @MikeAndrson https://github.com/lcuis/search_choices/commit/6c05345c0144b82034f98997ba7067f51f950ee3#commitcomment-79884226
- Added Flutster integration testing.
- Customize the call to showDialog with showDialogFn. Thanks @slavap #84
- Updated license date. Fixed a deprecation warning in pub.dev with isAlwaysShown.
- Fixed increasing or decreasing size between hint, enabled, disabled, selected states. Thanks @vaibhavjoshi247 #81
- Added fieldDecoration. Thanks @rhernandez-itemsoft #78
- Added clearSearchIcon. Thanks @gslender #73
- Added dropDownDialogPadding parameter. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #77
- ScrollBar parameter isAlwaysShown is back instead of thumbVisibility as it broke the build as shown in #70
- Working with stable flutter channel on GitHub CI/CD instead of dev channel.
- Added fieldPresentationFn for the needs of #69 . Thanks @sajiyabro98 .
- Bug 63 1.1 Click on dropdown button while menu is opened doesn't close menu. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #63
- Enhancement 63 1.2 Pop menu from onChanged. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #63
- Enhancement 63 2.2 Pop menu from updateParent. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #63
- Bug 63 3. Delete last item from menu causes index error. Thanks @Macacoazul01 #63
- Added searchDelay to give some time before search function is called in Future and non-Future cases. Thanks @rhernandez-itemsoft #58
- Customize error - retry button through new parameter futureSearchRetryButton. Thanks @rhernandez-itemsoft #56
- Use of context for onChange was potentially breaking situations where Widget was already disposed. Thanks @bondjpf #51
- Removed issue example from example project.
- Trying to comply with the pub.dev formatting.
- Trying to comply with the pub.dev formatting.
- Fixed some gradle problems: https://jeroenmols.com/blog/2021/02/04/migratingjcenter/
- Trying to comply with the pub.dev formatting.
- Trying to comply with the pub.dev formatting unmentioned requirements.
- Calling non future items onTap if not null when list item is tapped. Thanks @EbrahimMosaaed #49
- Fixed some typos.
- Added the following example code to the README: Multi dialog paged future
- Fixed bug: Multi future selected items did not appear as selected when reopening the list. Thanks @bhimpratapsingh #44
- Fixed bug: future search dialog box iOS: filter doesn't change list. #46
- Added an example: Multi dialog paged future
- Added emptyListWidget parameter. Thanks @KhatibFX #42
- Added onTap parameter. Thanks @KhatibFX #26
- Removed useless DropdownButtonNoSelDisp class.
- Corrected bug on pagination: scroll down and move to next page or type a new keyword, the scroll remained down.
- Improved documentation.
- Added pagination with itemsPerPage, currentPage and customPaginationDisplay parameters
- Added possibility to perform future/network searches with order and filter selections through the addition of the futureSearchFn, futureSearchOrderOptions, futureSearchFilterOptions and futureSelectedValues parameters
- New searchInputDecoration parameter, thanks @develogo #35
- Lets implementation control dropdown dialog layout display through buildDropDownDialog function, thanks @slavap #23 and #22
- Improved dartdoc documentation.
- Added dartdoc command script that is not affected by the issue where dartdoc tries to parse SDK libraries.
- Added linux release and mentioned windows as a possibility.
- Migrated to sound null safety with Flutter 2, thanks @Raphael-Jose-Ferraro-IRForever #31
- Added padding parameter to set the padding around the DropdownButton, thanks to @luis-cruzt #27
- Migrated buttons to non-deprecated versions
- Added the possibility to call the dialog with the search terms from a button, thanks to @ettiennelr #30
- Present selected values in a custom widget through selectedAggregateWidgetFn. Thanks @slavap #12
- avoid deprecated subhead warning in pub.dev
- search field autofocus parameter, thanks @slavap #11
- not displaying validation twice when in menu mode, thanks @geriby23 #10
- Bug: menu mode didn't open choices when on hosted web. #9 and icemanbsi#39
- Surrounded the DropdownDialog with a StatefulBuilder to allow the refresh of the display when there is a call to updateParent through a setState.
- surrounded a setState by an if statement to check that mounted is set to true
- corrected issue 8: ios compile error: search_choices_for_push-Swift.h file not found. Thanks @jaspervdbijl !
- improvement of the selection update logic
- consecutive adaptation of the examples
- bug: allow multiselection dialog select all to update when outside a tab bar: icemanbsi#21 (comment) thanks to @ettiennelr
- bug: allow selection update from outside the plugin: icemanbsi#21 (thanks to @ettiennelr and @lechuk)
- adapted dropdown list display to support multiple selection editable list
- added an example of multiple selection editable list
- added rightToLeft parameter to README
- made it possible to make a dark mode without changing the theme with an example
- added an example for ellipsis text overflow handling
- made it possible to support right to left languages with an example
- selectable items can be added and removed by the user
- added demonstration for disabled and readOnly
- test formatted
- added readOnly and menuBackgroundColor parameters
- clear icon disabled when Widget is disabled
- minor changes to CI/CD
- git cleanups
- minor improvements to README
- minor improvements to README
- CI/CD improved automated deployment
Improvements on a pull request that was probably changing too many things to be accepted of the great icemanbsi's searchable_dropdown: icemanbsi#11 Part of the pull request I proposed:
- keyboardType
- validator
- label
- searchFn
- multipleSelection
New with this repository:
- demo app with a gallery as tabs or as a single page (change through a switch)
- automated testing
- continuous integration (CI)
- continuous deployment (CD)
- license is MIT
- split constructors between single and multiple selection
- comments on the constructors
- selection can be done in a menu, not just a dialog box
- solution to allow flexibility to provide a String, a Widget or a Function that returns either one of String or Widget for several components of the Widget
- documentation
- keyboard doesn't overlap dialog