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I will show the new RBAC model around managedcluster

The previous RBAC model is hard to understand, for managedclusters there are two sets of permissions that the user needs. A cluster role-binding to the ManagedCluster resource itself, a namespace role-binding to the cluster namespace. It is possible for a user to have either or both assignments. This leads to complexity in understanding what each pattern means.

So, in this epic, we simplify the rbac model around mangedcluster, Reduce the complexity, and Handle permission of clusterpool/claim/clusterdeployment

Next, I will show the demo, In this demo, I defined some Persona, Gurney as cluster-admin, and a server-foundation team , In the team, we have three members, Le and jian are team-admin Dangpeng is team view. team-admin can create/get/update/delete resources. and team-view can only view resource.

Let's see the demo video.

That's all for new rbac model around managedcluster, then liuwei will demo Leverage the ManagedClusterAddon API to deploy Submariner

In this clusterrole, we have two lables, one for clusterset, another one is role, user can filter the clusterroles by these labels.

[Note] Then for team-admin, if he want to create managedcluster and clusterdeployment, he must set the clusterset label. if not, the create request will be denied. lets try to create a managedcluster and clusterdeploment which has no set label. and it will fail

In this scario, we create a mangaecluster and use clusterdeployment to provision a managedcluster.

Then we will demo to use clusterpool and clusterclaim to provision clusters. Firstlly, gurney need to create a project for clusterpool and clusterclaim.

[Note] after clusterclaim and clusterdeployment created, we will add the clusterset lable to clusterclaim and clusterdeployment, and claim and clusterdeployment will be added to this set.

Then let's use other team member to access the clusterpool

Cluster-admin Create clusterset

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin gurney

cat cluster-admin/managedclusterset.yaml oc create -f cluster-admin/managedclusterset.yaml --as gurney

[Note] after the clusterset created, we will create two clusterrole, clusterset admin, clusterset view

kubectl get clusterrole| grep server-foundation-clusterset

kubectl get clusterrole open-cluster-management:managedclusterset:admin:server-foundation-clusterset -oyaml In this clusterrole, we have two lables, one for clusterset, another one is role, user can filter the clusterroles by these labels.

Cluster-admin Grant permission to team

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user open-cluster-management:managedclusterset:admin:server-foundation-clusterset le jian --as gurney oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user open-cluster-management:managedclusterset:view:server-foundation-clusterset dangpeng --as gurney

team-admin create cluster

[Note] Then for team-admin, if he want to create managedcluster and clusterdeployment, he must set the clusterset label. if not, the create request will be denied. lets try to create a managedcluster and clusterdeploment which has no set label. and it will fail

cat team-admin/managedcluster-nolabel.yaml oc create -f team-admin/managedcluster-nolabel.yaml --as le

cat team-admin/managedcluster-label.yaml oc create -f team-admin/managedcluster-label.yaml --as le

cat team-admin/clusterdeployment-label.yaml oc create -f team-admin/clusterdeployment-label.yaml --as le

######################################## view

another team-admin edit managedcluster

oc get managedclusters.clusterview --as jian oc annotate managedclusters managedcluster1 testupdate1=l1 --as jian oc get project --as jian oc get clusterdeployment -n managedcluster1 --as jian

oc get managedclusters.clusterview --as dangpeng oc annotate managedclusters managedcluster1 testupdate2=l1 --as dangpeng oc get project --as dangpeng oc get clusterdeployment -n managedcluster1 --as dangpeng

In this scario, we create a mangaecluster and use clusterdeployment to provision a managedcluster.

Then we will demo to use clusterpool and clusterclaim to provision clusters. Firstlly, gurney need to create a project for clusterpool and clusterclaim.

Cluster-admin create ns and grant permission

oc adm new-project server-foundation-clusterpool --as gurney oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin --namespace server-foundation-clusterpool le jian --as gurney

[note]cluster-admin also can give self-provisioner permission to team-admin, then team-admin can create this project by themselves

team-admin create Clusterpool

oc create secret generic server-foundation-aws-creds -n server-foundation-clusterpool --from-literal=aws_access_key_id=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --from-literal=aws_secret_access_key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} --as le oc create secret generic server-foundation-ocp-pull-secret --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=team-admin/clusterpool/pull-secret.txt -n server-foundation-clusterpool --as le

cat team-admin/clusterpool/clusterpool-label.yaml oc create -f team-admin/clusterpool/clusterpool-label.yaml --as le

oc get clusterdeployment --all-namespaces

team-admin create Claim

cat team-admin/clusterpool/clustercliam.yaml oc create -f team-admin/clusterpool/clustercliam.yaml --as le

[Note] after clusterclaim and clusterdeployment created, we will add the clusterset lable to clusterclaim and clusterdeployment, and claim and clusterdeployment will be added to this set.

Then let's use other team member to access the clusterpool

another team-admin get clusterdeployment

oc get clusterpool -n server-foundation-clusterpool --as jian oc get -n server-foundation-clusterpool --as jian oc get project --as jian

oc get clusterdeployment --all-namespaces

oc get clusterpool -n server-foundation-clusterpool --as dangpeng oc get -n server-foundation-clusterpool --as dangpeng oc get project --as dangpeng

kubectl delete -f cluster-admin/managedclusterset.yaml kubectl delete -f team-admin/managedcluster-label.yaml kubectl delete clusterrolebinding open-cluster-management:managedclusterset:admin:server-foundation-clusterset open-cluster-management:managedclusterset:view:server-foundation-clusterset

kubectl delete -f team-admin/clusterpool kubectl delete -f team-admin/

kubectl delete clusterdeployment managedcluster1 -n managedcluster1

??? delete rolebinding first, then delete set??

kustomize build deploy/foundation/klusterlet | kubectl delete -f - kustomize build deploy/foundation/hub | kubectl delete -f -

make deploy-foundation-hub GO_REQUIRED_MIN_VERSION:= make deploy-foundation-agent GO_REQUIRED_MIN_VERSION:=

kubectl get managedclusters kubectl get managedclustersets

kubectl get rolebinding -n cluster1

kubectl get clusterrolebinding |grep set clusterset1 server-foundation-clusterset



export KIND_CLUSTER=rbac cp ~/.kube/config .kubeconfig

// add in klusterlet/ cp .kubeconfig registration-operator/ export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config


  1. le in group server-foundation, and create clusterrolebding, but le can not list clusterview