To save a PNG, include the script saveSvgAsPng.js
in your page, then call the saveSvgAsPng
function with an SVG node and a filename:
saveSvgAsPng(document.getElementById("diagram"), "diagram.png");
The filename is the preferred filename when saving the image to the file system. The browser may change the name of the file if there is already a file by that name in the target directory.
If you want to scale the image up or down, you can pass a scale factor in an options object:
saveSvgAsPng(document.getElementById("diagram"), "diagram.png", {scale: 0.5});
If you just want a dataURI for an SVG, you can call svgAsDataUri
with an SVG node, options, and a callback:
svgAsDataUri(document.getElementById("diagram"), {}, function(uri) {
Compatible with browserify.
saveSvgAsPng relies on the canvas element's toDataURL
, which throws a SecurityError in IE.