Register DID documents on the Solana blockchain using the SOL DID method
Solana mainnet address: ide3Y2TubNMLLhiG1kDL6to4a8SjxD18YWCYC5BZqNV
See the Solana documentation for developing Rust programs.
cargo build-bpf
solana program deploy <REPO_HOME>/sol-did/program/target/deploy/
The program is deployed on Mainnet at address:
Given an arbitrary account acc
, owned by a DID,
Check if a signer is a valid owner of A using:
use sol_did::validate_owner;
fn check_authority(authority_info: &AccountInfo, did: &AccountInfo, acc: &MyAccount) -> ProgramResult {
if !(acc.owner.eq(did.key)) {
msg!("Incorrect authority provided");
validate_owner(did, &[&authority_info])