diff --git a/dist/mcss-0.5.0.js b/dist/mcss-0.5.0.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a4efe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/mcss-0.5.0.js @@ -0,0 +1,6051 @@ +var mcss; +(function (modules) { + var cache = {}, require = function (id) { + var module = cache[id]; + if (!module) { + module = cache[id] = {}; + var exports = module.exports = {}; + modules[id].call(exports, require, module, exports, window); + } + return module.exports; + }; + mcss = require('0'); +}({ + '0': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var mcss = module.exports = require('1'); + mcss.env = 'BROWSER'; + var options = global.mcssOptions || {}; + var path = mcss.path; + var io = mcss.io; + var $ = function (selector) { + return mcss._.slice(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); + }; + var text = function (node) { + return node.innerText || node.contentText; + }; + $('link[rel="stylesheet/mcss"], style[type="text/mcss"]').forEach(function (node) { + var nodename = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + var style = document.createElement('style'); + document.head.appendChild(style); + if (nodename === 'link') { + var filename = path.join(path.dirname(location.pathname), node.getAttribute('href')); + io.get(filename).done(function (text) { + mcss({ filename: filename }).translate(text).done(function (mcssContent) { + style.textContent = mcssContent; + }).fail(function (error) { + mcss.error.format(error); + console.error(error.message); + }); + }).fail(function (error) { + }); + } else { + var filename = location.pathname; + mcss({ filename: filename }).translate(text(node)).done(function (mcssContent) { + style.textContent = mcssContent; + }).fail(function (error) { + mcss.error.format(error); + console.error(error.message); + }); + } + document.head.removeChild(node); + }); + }, + '1': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Parser = require('2'); + var Interpreter = require('j'); + var Translator = require('p'); + var tk = require('3'); + var promise = require('e'); + var functions = require('o'); + var path = require('6'); + var _ = require('4'); + var io = require('i'); + var options = require('f'); + var error = require('a'); + var hooks = require('s'); + var helper = require('w'); + var state = require('h'); + function Mcss(options) { + if (typeof options.prefix === 'string') { + options.prefix = options.prefix.split(/\s+/); + } + this.options = _.extend(options, { + imports: {}, + importCSS: false, + pathes: [], + walkers: [], + format: 1, + sourcemap: false + }); + var walkers = this.get('walkers'); + if (!Array.isArray(walkers)) + walkers = [walkers]; + this.set('walkers', walkers.map(function (hook) { + if (typeof hook === 'string') { + hook = hooks[hook]; + } + return hook; + })); + } + var m = options.mixTo(Mcss); + m.include = function (path) { + var pathes = this.get('pathes'); + if (Array.isArray(path)) { + this.set('pathes', pathes.concat(path)); + } else { + pathes.push(path); + } + return this; + }; + m.walk = function (type) { + if (typeof type === 'string') { + walker = {}; + walker[type] = arguments[1]; + } else { + walker = type; + } + this.get('walkers').push(walker); + return this; + }; + m.define = _.msetter(function (key, value) { + if (typeof value === 'function') { + functions[key] === value; + } + return this; + }); + m.tokenize = function (text) { + return tk.tokenize(text, this.options); + }; + m.parse = function (text) { + var options = this.options, parser = new Parser(this.options), fp, pr = promise(); + if (text === undefined) { + if (this.get('filename')) { + fp = io.parse(this.options.filename, this.options); + } else { + throw Error('text or filename is required'); + } + } else { + fp = parser.parse(text); + } + fp.always(pr); + return pr; + }; + m.interpret = function (text) { + var options = this.options; + var interpreter = new Interpreter(options); + var pr = promise(); + var walkers = options.walkers; + if (walkers.length) { + walkers.forEach(function (hook) { + hook && interpreter.on(hook); + }); + } + this.parse(text).done(function (ast) { + try { + ast = interpreter.interpret(ast); + pr.resolve(ast); + } catch (e) { + pr.reject(e); + } + }).fail(pr); + return pr; + }; + m.translate = function (text) { + var options = this.options; + var translator = new Translator(options); + var interpreter = new Interpreter(options); + var pr = promise(); + var walkers = options.walkers; + if (walkers.length) { + walkers.forEach(function (hook) { + hook && interpreter.on(hook); + }); + } + this.parse(text).done(function (ast) { + var date = Date.now(); + try { + ast = interpreter.interpret(ast); + pr.resolve(translator.translate(ast)); + } catch (e) { + pr.reject(e); + } + }).fail(pr); + return pr; + }; + var mcss = module.exports = function (options) { + return new Mcss(options || {}); + }; + mcss.Parser = Parser; + mcss.Interpreter = Interpreter; + mcss.Translator = Translator; + mcss.Tokenizer = tk.Tokenizer; + mcss.node = require('8'); + mcss.io = io; + mcss.promise = promise; + mcss._ = _; + mcss.error = error; + mcss.path = path; + mcss.helper = helper; + mcss.state = state; + mcss.connect = function (options) { + return function () { + }; + }; + }, + '2': function (require, module, exports, global) { + module.exports = Parser; + var tk = require('3'); + var tree = require('8'); + var directive = require('c'); + var _ = require('4'); + var binop = require('d'); + var promise = require('e'); + var options = require('f'); + var path = require('6'); + var fs = null; + var sysUrl = null; + var symtab = require('g'); + var state = require('h'); + var error = require('a'); + var io = require('i'); + var remoteFileCache = state.remoteFileCache; + var perror = new Error(); + var slice = [].slice; + var errors = { + INTERPOLATE_FAIL: 1, + DECLARION_FAIL: 2, + FILE_NOT_FOUND: 3 + }; + var assignMap = { + '=': 1, + '?=': 2, + '^=': 3 + }; + var combos = [ + 'WS', + '>', + '~', + '+' + ]; + var skipStart = 'WS NEWLINE COMMENT ;'; + var operators = '+ - * /'; + var isSkipStart = _.makePredicate(skipStart); + var isCombo = _.makePredicate(combos); + var isSelectorSep = _.makePredicate(combos.concat([ + 'PSEUDO_CLASS', + 'PSEUDO_ELEMENT', + 'ATTRIBUTE', + 'CLASS', + 'HASH', + '&', + 'TEXT', + '*', + '#', + '#{', + ':', + '.', + '%', + '-', + 'compoundident', + 'DIMENSION' + ])); + var isOperator = _.makePredicate(operators); + var isColor = _.makePredicate('aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgrey darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray grey green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgrey lightgreen lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen'); + var isMcssAtKeyword = _.makePredicate('mixin extend var'); + var isMcssFutureAtKeyword = _.makePredicate('if else css for'); + var isCssAtKeyword = _.makePredicate('import page keyframe media font-face charset'); + var isShorthandProp = _.makePredicate('background font margin border border-top border-right border-bottom border-left border-width border-color border-style transition padding list-style border-radius.'); + var isWSOrNewLine = _.makePredicate('WS NEWLINE'); + var isCommaOrParen = _.makePredicate(', )'); + var isDirectOperate = _.makePredicate('DIMENSION STRING BOOLEAN TEXT NULL'); + var isRelationOp = _.makePredicate('== >= <= < > !='); + var isNeg = function (ll) { + return ll.type === 'DIMENSION' && ll.value < 0; + }; + var isProbablyModulePath = function (path) { + return /^[-\w]/.test(path) && !/:/.test(path); + }; + var states = { + 'FILTER_DECLARATION': _.uid(), + 'TRY_DECLARATION': _.uid(), + 'TRY_INTERPOLATION': _.uid(), + 'FUNCTION_CALL': _.uid() + }; + function Parser(options) { + this.options = options || {}; + } + Parser.prototype = { + parse: function (tks) { + try { + var p = new promise(); + if (typeof tks === 'string') { + var filename = this.get('filename'); + if (filename && !this.get('imports')[filename]) { + this.get('imports')[filename] = tks; + } + tks = tk.tokenize(tks, this.options); + } + this.lookahead = tks; + this.p = 0; + this.length = this.lookahead.length; + this._states = {}; + this.scope = this.options.scope || new symtab.Scope(); + this.marked = null; + this.promises = []; + var ast = this.stylesheet(); + } catch (e) { + return p.reject(e); + } + var self = this; + if (this.promises.length) { + promise.when.apply(this, this.promises).done(function () { + return p.resolve(ast); + }).fail(function (err1) { + p.reject(err1); + }); + } else { + return p.resolve(ast); + } + return p; + }, + state: function (state) { + return this._states[state] === true; + }, + enter: function (state) { + this._states[state] = true; + }, + leave: function (state) { + this._states[state] = false; + }, + next: function (k) { + k = k || 1; + this.p += k; + }, + lookUpBefore: function (lookup, before) { + var i = 1, la; + while (i++) { + if ((la = this.la(i)) === lookup) + return true; + if (la === before || la === 'EOF' || la === '}') { + return false; + } + } + return false; + }, + match: function (tokenType) { + var ll; + if (!(ll = this.eat.apply(this, arguments))) { + var ll = this.ll(); + this.error('expect:"' + tokenType + '" -> got: "' + ll.type + '"', ll.lineno, tokenType); + } else { + return ll; + } + }, + matchSemiColonIfNoBlock: function () { + this.eat('WS'); + if (this.la() !== '}') + this.match(';'); + }, + ll: function (k) { + k = k || 1; + if (k < 0) + k = k + 1; + var pos = this.p + k - 1; + if (pos > this.length - 1) { + return this.lookahead[this.length - 1]; + } + return this.lookahead[pos]; + }, + la: function (k) { + return this.ll(k).type; + }, + is: function (pos, tokenType) { + return this.la(pos) === tokenType; + }, + mark: function () { + this.marked = this.p; + return this; + }, + restore: function () { + if (this.marked != undefined) + this.p = this.marked; + this.marked = null; + return this; + }, + eat: function (tokenType) { + var ll = this.ll(); + for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { + if (ll.type === arguments[i]) { + this.next(); + return ll; + } + } + return false; + }, + skip: function (type) { + var skiped, la, test; + while (true) { + la = this.la(); + test = typeof type === 'string' ? type === la : type(la); + if (test) { + this.next(); + skiped = true; + } else + break; + } + return skiped; + }, + skipStart: function () { + return this.skip(isSkipStart); + }, + skipWSorNewlne: function () { + return this.skip(isWSOrNewLine); + }, + error: function (msg, ll, expect) { + if (typeof msg === 'number') { + perror.code = msg; + perror.message = 'Uncauched Error'; + throw perror; + } + var lineno = ll.lineno || ll; + var err = new error.SyntaxError(msg, lineno, this.options); + if (expect) + err.expect = expect; + throw err; + }, + stylesheet: function () { + return this.block(true); + }, + stmt: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), la = ll.type, node = false; + if (la === 'AT_KEYWORD') { + node = this.atrule(); + } + if (la === 'VAR') { + switch (this.la(2)) { + case '(': + node = this.fnCall(); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + break; + case ':': + node = this.transparentCall(); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + break; + case '=': + case '?=': + case '^=': + node = this.assign(); + if (node.value.type !== 'func') { + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + } + break; + default: + this.error('UNEXPECT token after VARIABLE', this.ll(2)); + } + } + if (la === 'FUNCTION') { + node = this.fnCall(); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + } + if (isSelectorSep(la)) { + node = this.ruleset(true); + } + if (node !== false) { + return node; + } + this.error('INVALID statementstart ' + ll.type, ll); + }, + atrule: function () { + var fullname = this.ll().value.toLowerCase(); + var name = this._removePrefix(fullname); + if (typeof this[name] === 'function') { + var node = this[name](); + } else { + node = this.directive(); + } + node.fullname = fullname; + return node; + }, + directive: function () { + var ll = this.ll(); + var name = ll.value.toLowerCase(); + var dhook = directive.getDirective(name); + if (dhook) { + console.log('has hook'); + } else { + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var value = this.valuesList(); + this.eat('WS'); + if (this.eat(';')) { + return tree.directive(name, value); + } else { + var block = this.block(); + return tree.directive(name, value, block); + } + this.error('invalid customer directive define', ll); + } + }, + extend: function () { + var ll = this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var node = tree.extend(this.selectorList()); + node.lineno = ll.lineno; + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + return node; + }, + return: function () { + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var value = this.assignExpr(true); + var node = new tree.ReturnStmt(value); + this.skip('WS'); + if (value && value.type !== 'func') { + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + } + return node; + }, + import: function () { + var node, url, queryList, ll, la, self = this; + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + ll = this.ll(); + la = this.la(); + if (la === 'STRING' || la === 'URL') { + url = ll; + this.next(); + } else { + this.error('expect URL or STRING' + ' got ' + ll.type, ll.lineno); + } + this.eat('WS'); + if (!this.eat(';')) { + queryList = this.media_query_list(); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + } + var node = new tree.Import(url, queryList), extname = path.extname(url.value), filename, stat, p; + if (extname === '.css') { + if (this.get('importCSS')) { + } + } + if (extname !== '.css' || this.get('importCSS')) { + if (!extname) + url.value += '.mcss'; + var p = this._import(url, node).done(function (ast) { + if (ast) { + node.stylesheet = ast; + } + }); + this.promises.push(p); + } + return node; + }, + abstract: function () { + var la, url, ruleset; + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + if ((la = this.la()) !== '{') { + if (url = this.eat('STRING', 'URL')) { + var node = new tree.Import(url); + var p = this._import(url, node).done(function (ast) { + if (ast) { + node.stylesheet = ast.abstract(); + } + }); + this.promises.push(p); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + return node; + } else { + ruleset = this.ruleset(); + ruleset.abstract = true; + return ruleset; + } + } else { + var list = this.block().abstract().list; + return list; + } + }, + url: function () { + return this.match('STRING', 'URL'); + }, + if: function () { + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + var test = this.expression(), block = this.block(), alt, ll; + this.eat('WS'); + ll = this.ll(); + if (ll.type == 'AT_KEYWORD') { + if (ll.value === 'else') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + alt = this.block(); + } + if (ll.value === 'elseif') { + alt = this.if(); + } + } + return new tree.IfStmt(test, block, alt); + }, + for: function () { + var element, index, list, of, block, by; + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + element = this.ll().value; + this.match('VAR'); + if (this.eat(',')) { + index = this.ll().value; + this.match('VAR'); + } + this.eat('WS'); + if (this.ll().value === 'by') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + by = this.expression(); + this.eat('WS'); + } + of = this.match('TEXT'); + if (of.value !== 'of' && of.value !== 'in') { + this.error('for statement need of or in KEYWORD but got:' + of.value, of.lineno); + } + list = this.valuesList(); + this.eat('WS'); + block = this.block(); + return new tree.ForStmt(element, index, list, block, of.value == 'in', by); + }, + media: function () { + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var list = this.media_query_list(); + this.skip('WS'); + var block = this.block(); + return new tree.Media(list, block); + }, + media_query_list: function () { + var list = []; + do { + list.push(this.media_query()); + } while (this.eat(',')); + return list; + }, + media_query: function () { + var expressions = [], ll, type = ''; + if (this.la() === '(') { + expressions.push(this.media_expression()); + } else { + ll = this.ll(); + if (ll.value === 'only' || ll.value === 'not') { + type = ll.value; + this.next(1); + this.eat('WS'); + ll = this.ll(); + } + this.match('TEXT'); + type += (type ? ' ' : '') + ll.value; + } + this.eat('WS'); + while ((ll = this.ll()).type === 'TEXT' && ll.value === 'and') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + expressions.push(this.media_expression()); + this.eat('WS'); + } + return new tree.MediaQuery(type, expressions); + }, + media_expression: function () { + var feature, value; + this.match('('); + this.eat('WS'); + feature = this.expression(); + if (this.eat(':')) { + value = this.valuesList(); + } + this.eat('WS'); + this.match(')'); + return new tree.MediaExpression(feature, value); + }, + keyframes: function () { + var lineno = this.ll().lineno; + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var name = this.expression(); + if (!name) + this.error('@keyframes\'s name should specify', lineno); + if (name.type === 'FUNCTION') { + this.eat('WS'); + this.match('('); + this.eat('WS'); + } + this.eat('WS'); + var block = this.block(); + var node = new tree.Keyframes(name, block); + return node; + }, + keyframe: function () { + var steps = []; + do { + steps.push(this.expression()); + } while (this.eat(',')); + var block = this.block(); + return new tree.Keyframe(steps, block); + }, + page: function () { + var keyword = this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var selector = this.complexSelector().string; + this.eat('WS'); + var block = this.block(); + return tree.directive('page', tk.createToken('TEXT', selector, keyword.lineno), block); + }, + debug: function () { + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + var value = this.valuesList(); + var node = new tree.Debug(value); + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + return node; + }, + vain: function () { + var selector, block; + this.match('AT_KEYWORD'); + this.eat('WS'); + if (this.la() !== '{') { + selector = this.selectorList(); + } else { + block = this.block(); + } + }, + ruleset: function () { + var node = new tree.RuleSet(), rule; + node.selector = this.selectorList(); + this.eat('WS'); + node.block = this.block(); + return node; + }, + block: function (noBlock) { + var end = noBlock ? 'EOF' : '}'; + this.eat('WS'); + var node = new tree.Block(); + if (!noBlock) + this.match('{'); + this.skip('WS'); + while (!this.eat(end)) { + if (noBlock) { + var declareOrStmt = this.stmt(); + } else { + declareOrStmt = this.mark().declaration() || this.restore().stmt(); + } + node.list.push(declareOrStmt); + this.skipStart(); + } + return node; + }, + selectorList: function () { + var node = new tree.SelectorList(); + do { + node.list.push(this.complexSelector()); + } while (this.eat(',')); + node.lineno = node.list[0].lineno; + return node; + }, + complexSelector: function () { + var node = new tree.ComplexSelector(); + var selectorString = '', value; + var i = 0, ll, interpolation, start; + while (true) { + ll = this.ll(); + if (ll.type === '#{' && this.ll(2) !== '}') { + interpolation = this.interpolation(); + if (interpolation) { + selectorString += '#{' + i++ + '}'; + node.interpolations.push(interpolation); + } else { + break; + } + } else if (isSelectorSep(ll.type)) { + value = ll.type === 'DIMENSION' ? tree.toStr(ll) : ll.value || (ll.type === 'WS' ? ' ' : ll.type); + selectorString += value; + this.next(); + } else { + break; + } + } + node.string = selectorString; + node.lineno = ll.lineno; + return node; + }, + declaration: function (noEnd) { + var node = new tree.Declaration(); + var ll1 = this.ll(1), ll2 = this.ll(2); + if (ll1.type === '*' && ll2.type == 'TEXT') { + this.next(1); + ll2.value = '*' + ll2.value; + } + node.property = this.compoundIdent(); + if (!node.property) { + return; + } + this.eat('WS'); + if (!this.eat(':')) + return; + if (node.property.value && /filter$/.test(node.property.value.toLowerCase())) { + this.enter(states.FILTER_DECLARATION); + } + this.enter(states.TRY_DECLARATION); + try { + node.value = this.valuesList(); + this.leave(states.TRY_DECLARATION); + } catch (error) { + this.leave(states.TRY_DECLARATION); + if (error.code === errors.DECLARION_FAIL) { + return; + } else { + throw error; + } + } + if (this.eat('IMPORTANT')) { + node.important = true; + } + if (!noEnd) { + this.matchSemiColonIfNoBlock(); + } + this.leave(states.FILTER_DECLARATION); + return node; + }, + valuesList: function () { + var list = [], values; + do { + values = this.values(); + if (values) + list.push(values); + else + break; + } while (this.eat(',')); + if (list.length === 1) { + return list[0]; + } + return new tree.ValuesList(list); + }, + values: function () { + var list = [], value; + while (true) { + value = this.expression(); + if (!value) + break; + list.push(value); + } + if (list.length === 1) + return list[0]; + if (list.length === 0) + return null; + return new tree.Values(list); + }, + assign: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), la, name = ll.value, value; + this.match('VAR'); + var op = this.match('=', '?=', '^=').type; + value = this.assignExpr(true); + return new tree.Assign(name, value, assignMap[op] || 1); + }, + assignExpr: function (hasComma) { + var la = this.la(), node, fn = hasComma ? 'valuesList' : 'values'; + if (la === '{') + return this.func(); + if (la === '(') { + this.mark(); + try { + var res = this.func(); + return res; + } catch (e) { + if (e.expect && e.expect == '{' || e.expect == 'VAR' || e.expect == ')') { + this.restore(); + return this[fn](); + } else { + throw e; + } + } + } else { + return this[hasComma ? 'valuesList' : 'values'](); + } + }, + func: function () { + var params, block, lineno = this.ll().lineno; + if (this.eat('(')) { + this.eat('WS'); + var params = this.params(); + this.match(')'); + } + block = this.block(); + return new tree.Func(params, block); + }, + params: function () { + var rest = 0, params = []; + if (this.la() !== ')') { + do { + var param = this.param(); + if (param.rest) + rest++; + params.push(param); + } while (this.eat(',')); + if (rest >= 2) + this.error('can not have more than 2 rest param', lineno); + this.eat('WS'); + } + return params; + }, + param: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), name = ll.value, dft, rest = false; + this.match('VAR'); + if (this.eat('...')) { + rest = true; + } + if (this.eat('=')) { + if (rest) + this.error('rest type param can"t have default params', ll); + dft = this.values(); + } + return new tree.Param(name, dft, rest); + }, + expression: function () { + this.eat('WS'); + return this.logicOrExpr(); + }, + logicOrExpr: function () { + var left = this.logicAndExpr(), ll, la, right; + while ((la = this.la()) === '||') { + this.next(); + right = this.logicAndExpr(); + if (!right) + this.error(la + ' require right operand', left); + var bValue = tree.toBoolean(left); + if (bValue != null) { + if (bValue === false) { + left = right; + } + } else { + left = new tree.Operator(la, left, right); + } + this.eat('WS'); + } + return left; + }, + logicAndExpr: function () { + var node = this.relationExpr(), ll, la, right; + while ((la = this.la()) === '&&') { + this.next(); + right = this.relationExpr(); + if (!right) + this.error(la + ' require right operand', node); + var bValue = tree.toBoolean(node); + if (bValue != null) { + if (bValue === true) { + node = right; + } + } else { + node = new tree.Operator(la, node, right); + } + this.eat('WS'); + } + return node; + }, + relationExpr: function () { + var left = this.binop1(), la, right; + while (isRelationOp(la = this.la())) { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + right = this.binop1(); + if (!right) + this.error(la + ' require right operand', left); + if (tree.isPrimary(left.type) && tree.isPrimary(right.type)) { + left = binop.relation.call(this, left, right, la); + } else { + left = new tree.Operator(la, left, right); + } + this.eat('WS'); + } + return left; + }, + binop1: function () { + var left = this.binop2(), right, la, ll; + this.eat('WS'); + while ((la = this.la()) === '+' || la === '-') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + right = this.binop2(); + if (!right) + this.error(la + ' require right operand', left); + if (right.type === 'DIMENSION' && left.type === 'DIMENSION') { + left = binop[la].call(this, left, right); + } else { + left = new tree.Operator(la, left, right); + } + this.eat('WS'); + } + return left; + }, + binop2: function () { + var left = this.unary(), right, la, ws; + if (this.eat('WS')) + ws = true; + la = this.la(); + if (la === '...') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + right = this.unary(); + return tree.range(left, right, left.lineno); + } + while (la === '*' || la === '/' || la === '%') { + if (la == '/' && !ws && this.la(2) !== 'WS') { + return left; + } + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + right = this.unary(); + if (!right) + this.error(la + ' require right operand', left); + if (right.type === 'DIMENSION' && left.type === 'DIMENSION') { + left = binop[la].call(this, left, right); + } else { + left = new tree.Operator(la, left, right); + } + this.eat('WS'); + la = this.la(); + } + return left; + }, + unary: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), value, la; + if ((la = ll.type) === '-' || la === '+' || la === '!') { + this.next(); + this.eat('WS'); + value = this.unary(); + var node = new tree.Unary(value, la); + node.lineno = ll.lineno; + return node; + } else { + return this.primary(); + } + }, + primary: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), node, value; + switch (ll.type) { + case '(': + return this.parenExpr(); + case '=': + if (this.state(states.FILTER_DECLARATION) && this.state(states.FUNCTION_CALL)) { + this.next(); + return ll; + } + break; + case '/': + this.next(); + return ll; + case '-': + var ll2 = this.ll(2); + if (ll2.type === 'TEXT' || ll2.type === '#{') { + return this.CompoundIdent(); + } + case '#{': + case 'TEXT': + return this.compoundIdent(); + case 'FUNCTION': + return this.fnCall(); + case 'HASH': + this.next(); + value = ll.value; + if (/^#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/.test(value)) { + node = new tree.Color(value); + node.lineno = ll.lineno; + } else { + node = new tree.Unknown(ll.value); + } + return node; + case 'STRING': + case 'DIMENSION': + case 'BOOLEAN': + case 'VAR': + case 'NULL': + case 'URL': + this.next(); + return ll; + case '>': + case '~': + case '+': + case '.': + case '#': + case '&': + case '{': + case ':': + case '*': + case 'PSEUDO_CLASS': + case 'CLASS': + case 'ATTRIBUTE': + if (this.state(states.TRY_DECLARATION)) { + this.error(errors.DECLARION_FAIL); + break; + } + default: + return null; + } + }, + parenExpr: function () { + this.match('('); + this.eat('WS'); + var lineno = this.ll().lineno; + var node = this.valuesList(); + node.lineno = lineno; + this.eat('WS'); + this.match(')'); + return node; + }, + compoundIdent: function () { + var list = [], ll, sep, node, slineno = this.ll().lineno; + while (true) { + ll = this.ll(); + if (ll.type === '#{') { + sep = this.interpolation(); + list.push(sep); + } else if (ll.type === 'TEXT' || ll.type === '-') { + this.next(); + list.push(ll.value || ll.type); + } else + break; + } + if (!sep) { + if (!list.length) + return null; + return { + type: 'TEXT', + value: list[0], + lineno: slineno + }; + } else { + node = new tree.CompoundIdent(list); + node.lineno = slineno; + return node; + } + }, + interpolation: function () { + var node; + this.match('#{'); + node = this.valuesList(); + this.match('}'); + return node; + }, + fnCall: function () { + var ll = this.ll(), name = ll.value, pargs; + this.match('FUNCTION', 'VAR'); + if (ll.args) { + return tree.call(name, ll.args, null, ll.lineno); + } + this.eat('WS'); + this.match('('); + this.enter(states.FUNCTION_CALL); + this.eat('WS'); + var la = this.la(); + if (la !== ')') { + pargs = this.args(); + } else { + pargs = { args: [] }; + } + this.leave(states.FUNCTION_CALL); + this.match(')'); + var node = tree.call(name, pargs.args, pargs.named, ll.lineno); + return node; + }, + args: function (end) { + var ll, expr, args = [], named = null, i = 0; + do { + var ll = this.ll(); + if (ll.type === 'VAR' && this.la(2) === '=') { + this.next(2); + if (!named) + named = {}; + named[ll.value] = i; + } + args.push(this.assignExpr()); + this.skip('WS'); + i++; + } while (this.eat(',')); + return { + args: args, + named: named + }; + }, + transparentCall: function () { + var ll = this.ll(); + var name = ll.value; + this.match('VAR'); + this.match(':'); + this.eat('WS'); + var pargs = this.args(); + return tree.call(name, pargs.args, pargs.named, ll.lineno); + }, + _lookahead: function () { + return this.lookahead.map(function (item) { + return item.type; + }).join(','); + }, + _import: function (url, node) { + var pathes = this.get('pathes'), extname = path.extname(url.value); + if (!path.isFake && pathes.length && isProbablyModulePath(url.value)) { + var inModule = pathes.some(function (item) { + filename = path.join(item, url.value); + try { + stat = fs.statSync(filename); + if (stat.isFile()) + return true; + } catch (e) { + } + }); + } + if (!inModule) { + if (/^\/|:\//.test(url.value)) { + var filename = url.value; + if (/^(https|http):\/\//.test(filename)) { + var isRemote = true; + } + } else { + var base = path.dirname(this.options.filename), filename; + if (/^(https|http):\/\//.test(base) && sysUrl) { + filename = sysUrl.resolve(this.options.filename, url.value); + isRemote = true; + } else { + filename = path.join(base, url.value); + } + } + } + filename += extname ? '' : '.mcss'; + var options = _.extend({ filename: filename }, this.options); + var self = this; + var _requires = this.get('_requires'); + if (_requires && ~_requires.indexOf(filename)) { + this.error('it is seems file:"' + filename + '" and file: "' + this.get('filename') + '" has Circular dependencies', url.lineno); + } + options._requires = _requires ? _requires.concat([this.get('filename')]) : [this.get('filename')]; + var pr = promise(); + var imports = this.get('imports'), text = imports[filename]; + if (typeof text === 'string' || isRemote && (text = remoteFileCache.get(filename))) { + new Parser(options).parse(text).always(pr); + } else { + io.get(filename).done(function (text) { + if (isRemote) { + remoteFileCache.set(filename, text); + } else { + imports[filename] = text; + } + new Parser(options).parse(text).always(pr).fail(pr); + }).fail(function () { + var err = new error.SyntaxError(filename + ' FILE NOT FOUND', url.lineno, self.options); + pr.reject(err); + }); + } + return pr.done(function (ast) { + node.filename = filename; + }); + }, + _removePrefix: function (str) { + return str.replace(/^-\w+-/, ''); + } + }; + options.mixTo(Parser); + }, + '3': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var util = require('4'); + var tree = require('8'); + var error = require('a'); + var slice = [].slice; + var $ = function () { + var table = {}; + return function (name, pattern) { + if (!pattern) { + if (/^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(name)) { + return table[name]; + } + pattern = name; + name = null; + } + if (typeof pattern !== 'string') { + pattern = String(pattern).slice(1, -1); + } + pattern = pattern.replace(/\{([a-zA-Z]+)}/g, function (all, name) { + var p = table[name]; + if (!p) + throw Error('no register pattern "' + name + '" before'); + var pstart = p.charAt(0), pend = p.charAt(p.length - 1); + if (!(pstart === '[' && pend === ']') && !(pstart === '(' && pend === ')')) { + p = '(?:' + p + ')'; + } + return p; + }); + if (name) + table[name] = pattern; + return new RegExp(pattern); + }; + }(); + var toAssert = function (str) { + var arr = typeof str == 'string' ? str.split(/\s+/) : str, regexp = new RegExp('^(?:' + arr.join('|') + ')$'); + return function (word) { + return regexp.test(word); + }; + }; + var toAssert2 = util.makePredicate; + function createToken(type, value, lineno) { + var token = typeof type === 'object' ? type : { + type: type, + value: value + }; + token.lineno = lineno; + return token; + } + exports.tokenize = function (input, options) { + return new Tokenizer(options).tokenize(input); + }; + exports.Tokenizer = Tokenizer; + exports.$ = $; + exports.createToken = createToken; + var isUnit = toAssert2('% em ex ch rem vw vh vmin vmax cm mm in pt pc px deg grad rad turn s ms Hz kHz dpi dpcm dppx'); + var isPseudoClassWithParen = toAssert2('current local-link nth-child nth-last-child nth-of-type nth-last-of-type nth-match nth-last-match column nth-column nth-last-column lang matches not', true); + var MAX_ALLOWED_CODEPOINT = parseInt('10FFFF', 16); + var REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = parseInt('FFFD', 16); + var $rules = []; + var $links = {}; + var addRules = function (rules) { + $rules = $rules.concat(rules); + var rule, reg, state, link, retain; + for (var i = 0; i < $rules.length; i++) { + rule = $rules[i]; + reg = typeof rule.regexp !== 'string' ? String(rule.regexp).slice(1, -1) : rule.regexp; + if (!~reg.indexOf('^(?')) { + rule.regexp = new RegExp('^(?:' + reg + ')'); + } + state = rule.state || 'init'; + link = $links[state] || ($links[state] = []); + link.push(i); + } + return this; + }; + $('nl', /\r\n|[\r\f\n]/); + $('w', /[ \t\r\n\f]/); + $('d', /[0-9]/); + $('escape', /\\[0-9a-f]{1,6}/); + $('nmchar', /[_-\w\u00A1-\uFFFF]|{escape}/); + $('nmstart', /[_a-zA-Z\u00A1-\uFFFF]|{escape}/); + $('ident', /-?{nmstart}{nmchar}*/); + addRules([ + { + regexp: /\/\*([^\x00]+?)\*\/|\/\/([^\n\r]*)/, + action: function (yytext, mcomment, scomment) { + var isSingle = mcomment === undefined; + if (this.options.comment) { + this.options.comment({ + type: isSingle ? 'singleline' : 'multiline', + content: isSingle ? scomment : mcomment + }); + } + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/(url|url\-prefix|domain|regexp){w}*\((['"])?{w}*([^\r\n\f]*?)\2{w}*\)/), + action: function (yytext, name, quote, url) { + this.yyval = url; + if (name === 'url') + return 'URL'; + return { + type: 'FUNCTION', + value: name, + args: [{ + type: 'STRING', + value: url + }] + }; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/(?:\$?-?[_A-Za-z][-_\w]*)(?=\()/), + action: function (yytext) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'FUNCTION'; + } + }, + { + regexp: /\$(-?[_A-Za-z][-_\w]*)/, + action: function (yytext, value) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'VAR'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/{ident}/), + action: function (yytext) { + if (yytext === 'false' || yytext === 'true') { + this.yyval = yytext === 'false' ? false : true; + return 'BOOLEAN'; + } + this.yyval = yytext; + if (yytext === 'null') + return 'NULL'; + return 'TEXT'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/(-?(?:{d}*\.{d}+|{d}+))(\w*|%)?/), + action: function (yytext, value, unit) { + if (unit && !isUnit(unit)) { + this.error('Unexcept unit: "' + unit + '"'); + } + return { + type: 'DIMENSION', + value: parseFloat(value), + unit: unit + }; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/\.({nmchar}+)/), + action: function (yytext) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'CLASS'; + } + }, + { + regexp: /@(-?[_A-Za-z][-_\w]*)/, + action: function (yytext, value) { + this.yyval = value; + return 'AT_KEYWORD'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/!{w}*important/), + action: function (yytext) { + return 'IMPORTANT'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(':([-_a-zA-Z]+)' + '(?:\\(' + '([^\\(\\)]*' + '|(?:' + '\\([^\\)]+\\)' + ')+)' + '\\))'), + action: function (yytext, value) { + if (~yytext.indexOf('(') && !isPseudoClassWithParen(value)) { + return false; + } + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'PSEUDO_CLASS'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $('::({nmchar}+)'), + action: function (yytext) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'PSEUDO_ELEMENT'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $('\\[\\s*(?:{nmchar}+)\\s*(?:([*^$|~!]?=)\\s*[\'"]?(?:[^\'"\\[]*)[\'"]?)?\\s*\\]'), + action: function (yytext) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'ATTRIBUTE'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/#{nmchar}+/), + action: function (yytext, value) { + this.yyval = yytext; + return 'HASH'; + } + }, + { + regexp: /(['"])([^\r\n\f]*?)\1/, + action: function (yytext, quote, value) { + this.yyval = value || ''; + return 'STRING'; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/{w}*(&&|\|\||[\*\$\^~\|>=<]){w}*/), + action: function (yytext, punctuator) { + return punctuator; + } + }, + { + regexp: $('WS', /{w}+/), + action: function () { + return 'WS'; + } + }, + { + regexp: /($|#\{|:|::|[~!#()\[\]&\.]|[\}%\-+*\/])/, + action: function (yytext, punctuator) { + if (!punctuator) + return 'EOF'; + return punctuator; + } + }, + { + regexp: $(/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6})/), + action: function (yytext, value) { + var hex = parseInt(value, 16); + if (hex > MAX_ALLOWED_CODEPOINT) { + hex = '\ufffd'; + } + hex = '\\' + hex.toString(16); + this.yyval = hex; + return 'TEXT'; + } + } + ]); + function Tokenizer(options) { + this.options = options || {}; + this.options.ignoreComment = true; + } + Tokenizer.prototype = { + constructor: Tokenizer, + tokenize: function (input) { + this.input = input; + this.remained = this.input; + this.length = this.input.length; + this.lineno = 1; + this.states = ['init']; + this.state = 'init'; + return this.pump(); + }, + lex: function () { + var token = this.next(); + if (typeof token !== 'undefined') { + return token; + } else { + return this.lex(); + } + }, + pump: function () { + var tokens = [], t; + var i = 0; + while (t = this.lex()) { + i++; + tokens.push(t); + if (t.type == 'EOF') + break; + } + return tokens; + }, + next: function () { + var tmp, action, rule, token, tokenType, lines, state = this.state, rules = $rules, link = $links[state]; + this.yyval = null; + var len = link.length; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + var rule = $rules[link[i]]; + tmp = this.remained.match(rule.regexp); + if (tmp) { + action = rule.action; + tokenType = action.apply(this, tmp); + if (tokenType === false) { + continue; + } else + break; + } + } + if (tmp) { + lines = tmp[0].match(/(?:\r\n|[\n\r\f]).*/g); + if (lines) + this.lineno += lines.length; + this.remained = this.remained.slice(tmp[0].length); + if (tokenType) { + token = createToken(tokenType, this.yyval, this.lineno); + if (tokenType === 'WS') { + if (this._preIsWS) { + token = undefined; + } + this._preIsWS = true; + } else { + this._preIsWS = false; + } + } + return token; + } else { + this.error('Unexpect token start'); + } + }, + pushState: function (condition) { + this.states.push(condition); + this.state = condition; + }, + popState: function () { + this.states.pop(); + this.state = this.states[this.states.length - 1]; + }, + error: function (message) { + var line = this.lineno; + var err = new error.SyntaxError(message, line, this.options); + err.column = this._getColumn(); + throw err; + }, + _getColumn: function () { + var newline = /^[\n\f\r]/; + var n = this.length - this.remained.length, column = 0, line; + for (; n--;) { + if (newline.test(this.input.charAt(n)) && n >= 0) + break; + column++; + } + return column; + } + }; + }, + '4': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = {}; + var slice = [].slice; + var fs = null; + var mkdirp = require('5'); + var path = require('6'); + var tpl = require('7'); + var acceptError = tpl('the {i} argument passed to this function only accept {accept}, but got "{type}"'); + var fp = Function.prototype, np = Number.prototype; + function returnTrue() { + return true; + } + _.accept = function (fn, list) { + if (!list || !list.length) + return; + var tlist = list.map(function (item) { + if (!item) + return returnTrue; + if (typeof item === 'function') + return item; + return _.makePredicate(item); + }); + return function () { + var args = _.slice(arguments); + for (var i = args.length; i--;) { + if (!args[i]) + continue; + var type = args[i].type; + var test = tlist[i]; + if (test && !test(type)) { + var message = 'invalid param or operand : ' + type; + if (this.error) { + this.error(message, args[0].lineno); + } else { + throw Error(message); + } + } + } + return fn.apply(this, arguments); + }; + }; + _.msetter = function (fn) { + return function (key, value) { + if (typeof key === 'object') { + var args = _.slice(arguments, 1); + for (var i in key) { + fn.apply(this, [ + i, + key[i] + ].concat(args)); + } + return this; + } else { + return fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + }; + }; + _.limit = function (num, min, max) { + return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, num)); + }; + _.makePredicate = function (words, prefix) { + if (typeof words === 'string') { + words = words.split(' '); + } + var f = '', cats = []; + out: + for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) { + for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j) + if (cats[j][0].length == words[i].length) { + cats[j].push(words[i]); + continue out; + } + cats.push([words[i]]); + } + function compareTo(arr) { + if (arr.length == 1) + return f += 'return str === \'' + arr[0] + '\';'; + f += 'switch(str){'; + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) + f += 'case \'' + arr[i] + '\':'; + f += 'return true}return false;'; + } + if (cats.length > 3) { + cats.sort(function (a, b) { + return b.length - a.length; + }); + f += 'var prefix = ' + (prefix ? 'true' : 'false') + ';if(prefix) str = str.replace(/^-(?:\\w+)-/,\'\');switch(str.length){'; + for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) { + var cat = cats[i]; + f += 'case ' + cat[0].length + ':'; + compareTo(cat); + } + f += '}'; + } else { + compareTo(words); + } + return new Function('str', f); + }; + _.isNotAcceptByBlock = _.makePredicate('rgba dimension string boolean text null url values valueslist'); + _.makePredicate2 = function (words) { + if (typeof words !== 'string') { + words = words.join(' '); + } + return function (word) { + return ~words.indexOf(word); + }; + }; + _.perf = function (fn, times, args) { + var date = +new Date(); + for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { + fn.apply(this, args || []); + } + return +new Date() - date; + }; + _.extend = function (o1, o2, override) { + for (var j in o2) { + if (j.charAt(0) === '_') + continue; + if (o1[j] == null || override) + o1[j] = o2[j]; + } + return o1; + }; + _.copy = function (obj, keys) { + var res = {}; + keys.forEach(function (key) { + res[key] = obj[key]; + }); + return res; + }; + _.debugger = 1; + _.log = function () { + if (_.debugger < 3) + return; + console.log.apply(console, arguments); + }; + _.warn = function () { + if (_.debugger < 2) + return; + console.warn.apply(console, arguments); + }; + _.error = function () { + if (_.debugger < 1) + return; + console.error.apply(console, arguments); + }; + _.uuid = function (t) { + var _uid = 1; + t = t || ''; + return function () { + return t + _uid++; + }; + }, _.writeFile = function (fullpath, data, callback) { + function write(cb) { + fs.writeFile(fullpath, data, cb); + } + write(function (error) { + if (!error) + return callback(null, fullpath, data); + mkdirp(path.dirname(fullpath), 493, function (error) { + if (error) + return callback(error); + write(function (error) { + callback(error, fullpath, data); + }); + }); + }); + }; + _.flatten = function (array) { + var res = []; + _.slice(array).forEach(function (item, index) { + if (!item) + return; + if (Array.isArray(item)) { + res = res.concat(_.flatten(item)); + } else { + res.push(item); + } + }); + return res; + }; + _.throttle = function (func, wait, immediate) { + var context, args, result; + var timeout = null; + var previous = 0; + var later = function () { + previous = new Date(); + timeout = null; + result = func.apply(context, args); + }; + return function () { + var now = new Date(); + if (!previous && immediate === false) + previous = now; + var remaining = wait - (now - previous); + context = this; + args = arguments; + if (remaining <= 0) { + clearTimeout(timeout); + timeout = null; + previous = now; + result = func.apply(context, args); + } else if (!timeout) { + timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); + } + return result; + }; + }; + _.restrict = function (func, interval) { + var previous; + return function () { + var now = +new Date(); + if (!previous || now - previous > interval) { + func.apply(this, arguments); + } + previous = now; + }; + }; + _.uid = _.uuid(); + _.merge = function (list, ast) { + if (!ast) + return; + var type = ast.type; + if (type === 'block' || type === 'stylesheet') { + return _.merge(list, ast.list); + } + if (Array.isArray(ast)) { + for (var i = 0, len = ast.length; i < len; i++) { + _.merge(list, ast[i]); + } + } else if (ast.type && !_.isNotAcceptByBlock(ast.type.toLowerCase())) { + list.push(ast); + } + }; + _.typeOf = function (obj) { + return obj == null ? String(obj) : Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); + }; + _.slice = function (arr, start, last) { + return slice.call(arr, start, last); + }; + _.watch = function (file, callback) { + var isWin = process.platform === 'win32'; + if (isWin) { + fs.watch(file, function (event) { + if (event === 'change') + callback(file); + }); + } else { + fs.watchFile(file, { interval: 200 }, function (curr, prev) { + if (curr.mtime > prev.mtime) + callback(file); + }); + } + }; + _.round = function (num, percision) { + if (!percision) + percision = Math.pow(10, 6); + return Math.round(num * percision) / percision; + }; + _.cache = function (max) { + var keys = [], cache = {}; + return { + set: function (key, value) { + if (keys.length > this.length) { + delete cache[keys.shift()]; + } + if (cache[key] == undefined) { + keys.push(key); + } + cache[key] = value; + return value; + }, + get: function (key) { + if (key === undefined) + return cache; + return cache[key]; + }, + length: max, + len: function () { + return keys.length; + } + }; + }; + module.exports = _; + }, + '5': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var path = null; + var fs = null; + module.exports = mkdirP.mkdirp = mkdirP.mkdirP = mkdirP; + function mkdirP(p, mode, f, made) { + if (typeof mode === 'function' || mode === undefined) { + f = mode; + mode = 511 & ~process.umask(); + } + if (!made) + made = null; + var cb = f || function () { + }; + if (typeof mode === 'string') + mode = parseInt(mode, 8); + p = path.resolve(p); + fs.mkdir(p, mode, function (er) { + if (!er) { + made = made || p; + return cb(null, made); + } + switch (er.code) { + case 'ENOENT': + mkdirP(path.dirname(p), mode, function (er, made) { + if (er) + cb(er, made); + else + mkdirP(p, mode, cb, made); + }); + break; + default: + fs.stat(p, function (er2, stat) { + if (er2 || !stat.isDirectory()) + cb(er, made); + else + cb(null, made); + }); + break; + } + }); + } + mkdirP.sync = function sync(p, mode, made) { + if (mode === undefined) { + mode = 511 & ~process.umask(); + } + if (!made) + made = null; + if (typeof mode === 'string') + mode = parseInt(mode, 8); + p = path.resolve(p); + try { + fs.mkdirSync(p, mode); + made = made || p; + } catch (err0) { + switch (err0.code) { + case 'ENOENT': + made = sync(path.dirname(p), mode, made); + sync(p, mode, made); + break; + default: + var stat; + try { + stat = fs.statSync(p); + } catch (err1) { + throw err0; + } + if (!stat.isDirectory()) + throw err0; + break; + } + } + return made; + }; + }, + '6': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var syspath = null, slice = [].slice; + if (syspath) + module.exports = syspath; + else { + exports.fake = true; + exports.join = join; + exports.normalize = normalize; + exports.dirname = dirname; + exports.extname = extname; + exports.isAbsolute = isAbsolute; + var slice = [].slice; + var DIRNAME_RE = /[^?#]*\//; + var DOT_RE = /\/\.\//g; + var MULTIPLE_SLASH_RE = /(:\/)?\/\/+/g; + var DOUBLE_DOT_RE = /\/[^/]+\/\.\.\//; + var URI_END_RE = /\?|\.(?:css|mcss)$|\/$/; + function dirname(path) { + return path.match(DIRNAME_RE)[0]; + } + function normalize(path) { + path = path.replace(DOT_RE, '/'); + path = path.replace(MULTIPLE_SLASH_RE, '$1/'); + while (path.match(DOUBLE_DOT_RE)) { + path = path.replace(DOUBLE_DOT_RE, '/'); + } + return path; + } + function join(url, url2) { + var args = slice.call(arguments); + var res = args.reduce(function (u1, u2) { + return u1 + '/' + u2; + }); + return normalize(res); + } + function extname(url) { + var res = url.match(/(\.\w+)[^\/]*$/); + if (res && res[1]) { + return res[1]; + } + return ''; + } + function isAbsolute(url) { + return /^\/|:\//.test(url); + } + } + }, + '7': function (require, module, exports, global) { + function tpl(template) { + var i = 0; + function get(p) { + return p == '.' ? '' : '.' + p; + } + function replace(str) { + var codes = [], pre = str; + while (str = str.replace(/^\{\s*([\.-\w]*?)\s*}|\{#([\.-\w]*?)}([\s\S]*?)\{\/\2}|([^{]*)/, function (all, tagname, blockname, blockcontent, raw) { + if (raw) + codes.push([ + 's+="', + raw, + '";' + ].join('')); + else if (tagname) + codes.push([ + 's+=vars', + get(tagname), + '||"";' + ].join('')); + else if (blockname) { + var k = ++i; + codes.push([ + 'var o', + k, + '=vars', + get(blockname), + ';', + 'o', + k, + ' = o', + k, + ' instanceof Array? o', + k, + ':[o', + k, + ']', + ';for(var i', + k, + '=0;i', + k, + '\s]\s*/; + RuleSet.prototype._concatSelector = function (slist, plist) { + if (!plist.length || !slist.length) + return []; + var slen = slist.length, plen = plist.length, sstring, pstring, rstring, s, p, res = []; + for (p = 0; p < plen; p++) { + pstring = plist[p].string; + for (s = 0; s < slen; s++) { + sstring = slist[s].string; + if (~sstring.indexOf('&')) { + rstring = sstring.replace(/&/g, pstring); + } else if (~sstring.indexOf('%')) { + var index = pstring.search(comboSplit); + rstring = sstring.replace(/([^0-9]|^)%/g, function (all, a) { + return (a || '') + (~index ? pstring.slice(index) : ''); + }); + } else { + rstring = pstring + ' ' + sstring; + } + res.push(new exports.ComplexSelector(rstring)); + } + } + return res; + }; + RuleSet.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new RuleSet(cloneNode(this.selector), cloneNode(this.block), this.abstract); + return clone; + }; + function Block(list) { + this.type = 'block'; + this.list = list || []; + } + Block.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Block(cloneNode(this.list)); + return clone; + }; + Block.prototype.exclude = function (isMedia) { + var res = [], list = this.list, item; + if (isMedia) + var declarations = []; + for (var len = list.length; len--;) { + item = list[len]; + if (isMedia) { + if (item.type === 'media') + res.unshift(list.splice(len, 1)[0]); + if (item.type === 'declaration') + declarations.unshift(list.splice(len, 1)[0]); + } else if (item.type !== 'declaration') { + res.unshift(list.splice(len, 1)[0]); + } + } + if (declarations && declarations.length) + res.unshift(declarations); + return res; + }; + Block.prototype.abstract = function () { + var list = this.list, i = list.length; + for (; i--;) { + var ruleset = list[i]; + if (ruleset && ruleset.type == 'ruleset') { + ruleset.abstract = true; + } + } + return this; + }; + function Declaration(property, value, important) { + this.type = 'declaration'; + this.property = property; + this.value = value; + this.important = important || false; + } + Declaration.prototype.clone = function (name) { + var clone = new Declaration(cloneNode(this.property), cloneNode(this.value), this.important); + return clone; + }; + function Values(list) { + this.type = 'values'; + this.list = list || []; + } + Values.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Values(cloneNode(this.list)); + return clone; + }; + Values.prototype.flatten = function () { + var list = this.list, i = list.length, value; + for (; i--;) { + value = list[i]; + if (value.type == 'values') { + splice.apply(this, [ + i, + 1 + ].concat(value.list)); + } + } + return this; + }; + exports.values = function (list, lineno) { + var node = new Values(list); + node.lineno = lineno; + return node; + }; + function ValuesList(list, lineno) { + this.type = 'valueslist'; + this.list = list || []; + this.lineno = lineno; + } + ValuesList.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new ValuesList(cloneNode(this.list), this.lineno); + return clone; + }; + ValuesList.prototype.flatten = function () { + var list = this.list, i = list.length, values; + for (; i--;) { + values = list[i]; + if (values.type == 'valueslist') { + splice.apply(list, [ + i, + 1 + ].concat(values.list)); + } + } + return this; + }; + ValuesList.prototype.first = function () { + return this.list[0].list[0]; + }; + exports.valueslist = function (list, lineno) { + return new ValuesList(list, lineno); + }; + function Unknown(name) { + this.type = 'unknown'; + this.name = name; + } + Unknown.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Unknown(this.name); + return clone; + }; + function Assign(name, value, mode) { + this.type = 'assign'; + this.name = name; + this.value = value; + this.mode = mode === undefined ? 1 : mode; + } + Assign.prototype.clone = function (name) { + var clone = new Assign(this.name, cloneNode(this.value), this.mode); + return clone; + }; + function Func(params, block, name) { + this.type = 'func'; + this.params = params || []; + this.block = block; + } + Func.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Func(cloneNode(this.params), this.block); + return clone; + }; + function Param(name, dft, rest) { + this.type = 'param'; + this.name = name; + this.default = dft; + this.rest = rest || false; + } + Param.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Param(this.name, cloneNode(this.default), this.rest); + return clone; + }; + function Extend(selector) { + this.type = 'extend'; + this.selector = selector; + } + Extend.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Extend(this.selector); + return clone; + }; + exports.extend = function (selector) { + return new Extend(selector); + }; + function Module(name, block) { + this.type = 'module'; + this.block = block; + } + Module.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Module(this.name, cloneNode(this.block)); + return clone; + }; + function Pointer(name, key) { + this.type = 'pointer'; + this.name = name; + this.key = key; + } + Pointer.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Pointer(this.name, this.key); + return clone; + }; + function Import(url, queryList, stylesheet) { + this.type = 'import'; + this.url = url; + this.queryList = queryList || []; + this.stylesheet = stylesheet; + } + Import.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Import(this.url, this.queryList, this.stylesheet); + return clone; + }; + function IfStmt(test, block, alt) { + this.type = 'if'; + this.test = test; + this.block = block; + this.alt = alt; + } + IfStmt.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new IfStmt(cloneNode(this.test), cloneNode(this.block), cloneNode(this.alt)); + return clone; + }; + function ForStmt(element, index, list, block, isIn, by) { + this.type = 'for'; + this.element = element; + this.index = index; + this.list = list; + this.block = block; + this.isIn = isIn || false; + this.by = by; + } + ForStmt.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new ForStmt(this.element, this.index, cloneNode(this.list), cloneNode(this.block), this.isIn, cloneNode(this.by)); + clone.isIn = this.isIn; + return clone; + }; + function ReturnStmt(value) { + this.type = 'return'; + this.value = value; + } + ReturnStmt.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new ReturnStmt(cloneNode(this.value)); + return clone; + }; + function CompoundIdent(list) { + this.type = 'compoundident'; + this.list = list || []; + } + CompoundIdent.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new CompoundIdent(cloneNode(this.list)); + return clone; + }; + CompoundIdent.prototype.toString = function () { + return this.list.join(''); + }; + function Dimension(value, unit) { + this.type = 'dimension'; + this.value = value; + this.unit = unit; + } + Dimension.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Dimension(this.value, this.unit); + return clone; + }; + Dimension.prototype.toString = function () { + return '' + this.value + (this.unit || ''); + }; + function Operator(op, left, right) { + this.type = 'operator'; + this.op = op; + this.left = left; + this.right = right; + } + Operator.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Operator(this.op, cloneNode(this.left), cloneNode(this.right)); + return clone; + }; + Operator.prototype.toBoolean = function () { + }; + function Range(left, right) { + this.type = 'range'; + this.left = left; + this.right = right; + } + Range.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Range(cloneNode(this.left), cloneNode(this.right)); + return clone; + }; + function Unary(value, op) { + this.type = 'unary'; + this.value = value; + this.op = op; + } + Unary.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Unary(cloneNode(this.value), this.op); + return clone; + }; + function Call(name, args, named, lineno) { + this.type = 'call'; + this.name = name; + this.args = args || []; + this.named = named; + this.lineno = lineno; + } + Call.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Call(this.name, cloneNode(this.args), this.named); + return clone; + }; + exports.call = function (name, args, named, lineno) { + var node = new Call(name, args, named, lineno); + return node; + }; + function FontFace(block) { + this.type = 'fontface'; + this.block = block; + } + FontFace.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new FontFace(param); + return clone; + }; + function Media(queryList, block) { + this.type = 'media'; + this.queryList = queryList || []; + this.block = block; + } + Media.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Media(cloneNode(this.queryList), cloneNode(this.block)); + return clone; + }; + function MediaQuery(type, expressions) { + this.type = 'mediaquery'; + this.mediaType = type; + this.expressions = expressions || []; + } + MediaQuery.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new MediaQuery(this.mediaType, cloneNode(this.expressions)); + return clone; + }; + MediaQuery.prototype.equals = function (media) { + var expressions = this.expressions, len = expressions.length, test, exp; + if (!media) + return false; + if (this.mediaType !== media.mediaType) { + return false; + } + if (len !== media.length) { + return false; + } + for (; len--;) { + exp = expressions[len - 1]; + test = media.expressions.some(function (exp2) { + return exp.equals(exp2); + }); + } + }; + function MediaExpression(feature, value) { + this.type = 'mediaexpression'; + this.feature = feature; + this.value = value; + } + MediaExpression.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new MediaExpression(cloneNode(this.feature), cloneNode(this.value)); + return clone; + }; + MediaExpression.prototype.equals = function (exp2) { + return this.feature == exp2.feature && this.value === exp2.feature; + }; + function Keyframes(name, list) { + this.type = 'keyframes'; + this.name = name; + this.block = list; + } + Keyframes.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Keyframes(cloneNode(this.name), cloneNode(this.block)); + clone.fullname = this.fullname; + return clone; + }; + function Keyframe(steps, block) { + this.type = 'keyframe'; + this.steps = steps || steps; + this.block = block; + } + Keyframe.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Keyframe(cloneNode(this.steps), cloneNode(this.block)); + return clone; + }; + function Page(selector, block) { + this.type = 'page'; + this.selector = selector; + this.block = block; + } + Page.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Page(this.selector, cloneNode(this.block)); + return clone; + }; + function Debug(value) { + this.type = 'debug'; + this.value = value; + } + Debug.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Debug(cloneNode(this.value)); + return clone; + }; + function Directive(name, value, block) { + this.type = 'directive'; + this.name = name; + this.value = value; + this.block = block; + } + Directive.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Directive(this.name, cloneNode(this.value), cloneNode(this.block)); + clone.fullname = this.fullname; + return clone; + }; + function Range(start, end) { + this.type = 'range'; + this.start = start; + this.end = end; + } + Range.prototype.clone = function () { + var clone = new Range(cloneNode(this.start), cloneNode(this.end)); + clone.lineno = this.lineno; + return clone; + }; + exports.range = function (start, end, lineno) { + var node = new Range(start, end); + node.lineno = lineno; + return node; + }; + exports.directive = function (name, value, block) { + return new Directive(name, value, block); + }; + exports.Stylesheet = Stylesheet; + exports.SelectorList = SelectorList; + exports.ComplexSelector = ComplexSelector; + exports.RuleSet = RuleSet; + exports.Block = Block; + exports.Declaration = Declaration; + exports.ValuesList = ValuesList; + exports.Values = Values; + exports.Unknown = Unknown; + exports.Func = Func; + exports.Param = Param; + exports.Extend = Extend; + exports.IfStmt = IfStmt; + exports.ForStmt = ForStmt; + exports.ReturnStmt = ReturnStmt; + exports.Module = Module; + exports.Debug = Debug; + exports.Pointer = Pointer; + exports.Range = Range; + exports.Import = Import; + exports.Page = Page; + exports.Directive = Directive; + exports.Color = require('9'); + exports.Unary = Unary; + exports.Assign = Assign; + exports.Call = Call; + exports.Operator = Operator; + exports.CompoundIdent = CompoundIdent; + exports.Media = Media; + exports.MediaQuery = MediaQuery; + exports.MediaExpression = MediaExpression; + exports.Keyframes = Keyframes; + exports.Keyframe = Keyframe; + exports.null = function (lineno) { + return { + type: 'NULL', + value: 'null', + lineno: lineno + }; + }; + exports.token = function (type, value, lineno) { + return { + type: type, + value: value, + lineno: lineno + }; + }; + exports.inspect = function (node) { + return node.type ? node.type.toLowerCase() : null; + }; + var cloneNode = exports.cloneNode = function (node) { + if (!node) + return node; + if (node.clone) { + var clone_node = node.clone(); + clone_node.lineno = node.lineno; + return clone_node; + } + if (Array.isArray(node)) + return node.map(cloneNode); + if (node.type) { + var res = { + type: node.type, + value: node.value, + lineno: node.lineno + }; + if (node.type === 'DIMENSION') + res.unit = node.unit; + return res; + } + if (typeof node !== 'object') + return node; + else { + _.error(node); + throw Error('con"t clone node'); + } + }; + var precision = 6; + exports.toStr = function (ast) { + if (!ast) + return ''; + switch (ast.type) { + case 'TEXT': + case 'BOOLEAN': + case 'NULL': + return String(ast.value); + case 'DIMENSION': + var value = '' + _.round(ast.value) + (ast.unit ? ast.unit : ''); + return value; + case 'STRING': + return ast.value; + case 'color': + return ast.toCSS(); + case 'func': + return ''; + case 'values': + return ast.list.map(function (item) { + return exports.toStr(item); + }).join(' '); + case 'valueslist': + return ast.list.map(function (item) { + return exports.toStr(item); + }).join(','); + case 'call': + return ast.name + '(' + ast.args.map(exports.toStr).join(',') + ')'; + case 'selectorlist': + return ast.list.map(function (selector) { + return selector.string; + }).join(','); + default: + return ast.value; + } + }; + exports.toBoolean = function (node) { + if (!node) + return false; + var type = node.type; + switch (type) { + case 'DIMENSION': + return node.value != 0; + case 'STRING': + case 'TEXT': + return node.value.length !== 0; + case 'BOOLEAN': + return node.value === true; + case 'NULL': + return false; + case 'valueslist': + case 'values': + return node.list.length > 0; + case 'color': + return true; + case 'func': + return true; + } + }; + exports.isPrimary = isPrimary; + exports.isRelationOp = _.makePredicate('== >= <= < > !='); + exports.convert = function (primary) { + var type = _.typeOf(primary); + var tType; + switch (type) { + case 'string': + tType = 'STRING'; + break; + case 'boolean': + tType = 'BOOLEAN'; + break; + case 'number': + tType = 'DIMENSION'; + break; + case 'undefined': + case 'null': + tType = 'NULL'; + break; + case 'object': + return primary; + } + if (tType) + return tk.createToken(tType, primary); + return primary; + }; + }, + '9': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'); + function Color(channels, alpha, lineno) { + this.type = 'color'; + if (typeof channels === 'string') { + var string = channels.charAt(0) === '#' ? channels.slice(1) : channels; + if (string.length === 6) { + channels = [ + parseInt(string.substr(0, 2), 16), + parseInt(string.substr(2, 2), 16), + parseInt(string.substr(4, 2), 16) + ]; + } else { + var r = string.substr(0, 1); + var g = string.substr(1, 1); + var b = string.substr(2, 1); + channels = [ + parseInt(r + r, 16), + parseInt(g + g, 16), + parseInt(b + b, 16) + ]; + } + } + this[0] = channels[0]; + this[1] = channels[1]; + this[2] = channels[2]; + Color.limit(this); + this.alpha = alpha == null ? 1 : alpha; + this.lineno = lineno; + } + var c = Color.prototype; + c.toHSL = function () { + return Color.rgb2hsl(this); + }; + c.toCSS = function (argb) { + var r = Math.round(this[0]), g = Math.round(this[1]), b = Math.round(this[2]); + if (this.alpha == null || this.alpha === 1 || argb) { + var rs = r.toString(16), gs = g.toString(16), bs = b.toString(16), as = Math.floor(this.alpha * 255).toString(16); + if (rs.length === 1) + rs = '0' + rs; + if (gs.length === 1) + gs = '0' + gs; + if (bs.length === 1) + bs = '0' + bs; + if (as.length === 1) + as = '0' + as; + if (!argb && rs[0] == rs[1] && gs[0] == gs[1] && bs[0] == bs[1]) { + gs = gs[0]; + bs = bs[0]; + rs = rs[0]; + } + return '#' + (this.alpha == 1 ? '' : as) + rs + gs + bs; + } else { + return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + this.alpha + ')'; + } + }; + c.clone = function () { + return new Color(this, this.alpha, this.lineno); + }; + Color.rgb2hsl = function (rv, hv) { + hv = hv || []; + var r = rv[0] / 255, g = rv[1] / 255, b = rv[2] / 255, max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b), h, s, l = (max + min) / 2, d; + if (max == min) { + h = 0; + s = 0; + } else { + var d = max - min; + s = l >= 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); + switch (max) { + case r: + h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); + break; + case g: + h = (b - r) / d + 2; + break; + case b: + h = (r - g) / d + 4; + break; + } + h /= 6; + } + hv[0] = h * 360; + hv[1] = s * 100; + hv[2] = l * 100; + return hv; + }; + Color.hsl2rgb = function (hv, rv) { + rv = rv || []; + var r, g, b, h = hv[0] / 360, s = hv[1] / 100, l = hv[2] / 100; + function hue2rgb(p, q, t) { + if (t < 0) + t += 1; + if (t > 1) + t -= 1; + if (t < 1 / 6) + return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; + if (t < 1 / 2) + return q; + if (t < 2 / 3) + return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; + return p; + } + if (s === 0) { + r = g = b = l; + } else { + var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; + var p = 2 * l - q; + r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3); + g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); + b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3); + } + rv[0] = r * 255; + rv[1] = g * 255; + rv[2] = b * 255; + return rv; + }; + Color.limit = function (values) { + values[0] = _.limit(values[0], 0, 255); + values[1] = _.limit(values[1], 0, 255); + values[2] = _.limit(values[2], 0, 255); + if (values.alpha) + values.alpha = _.limit(values.alpha, 0, 1); + }; + Color.hsl = function (channels, a) { + return new Color(Color.hsl2rgb(channels), a); + }; + Color.maps = { + aliceblue: [ + 240, + 248, + 255 + ], + antiquewhite: [ + 250, + 235, + 215 + ], + aqua: [ + 0, + 255, + 255 + ], + aquamarine: [ + 127, + 255, + 212 + ], + azure: [ + 240, + 255, + 255 + ], + beige: [ + 245, + 245, + 220 + ], + bisque: [ + 255, + 228, + 196 + ], + black: [ + 0, + 0, + 0 + ], + blanchedalmond: [ + 255, + 235, + 205 + ], + blue: [ + 0, + 0, + 255 + ], + blueviolet: [ + 138, + 43, + 226 + ], + brown: [ + 165, + 42, + 42 + ], + burlywood: [ + 222, + 184, + 135 + ], + cadetblue: [ + 95, + 158, + 160 + ], + chartreuse: [ + 127, + 255, + 0 + ], + chocolate: [ + 210, + 105, + 30 + ], + coral: [ + 255, + 127, + 80 + ], + cornflowerblue: [ + 100, + 149, + 237 + ], + cornsilk: [ + 255, + 248, + 220 + ], + crimson: [ + 220, + 20, + 60 + ], + cyan: [ + 0, + 255, + 255 + ], + darkblue: [ + 0, + 0, + 139 + ], + darkcyan: [ + 0, + 139, + 139 + ], + darkgoldenrod: [ + 184, + 134, + 11 + ], + darkgray: [ + 169, + 169, + 169 + ], + darkgreen: [ + 0, + 100, + 0 + ], + darkgrey: [ + 169, + 169, + 169 + ], + darkkhaki: [ + 189, + 183, + 107 + ], + darkmagenta: [ + 139, + 0, + 139 + ], + darkolivegreen: [ + 85, + 107, + 47 + ], + darkorange: [ + 255, + 140, + 0 + ], + darkorchid: [ + 153, + 50, + 204 + ], + darkred: [ + 139, + 0, + 0 + ], + darksalmon: [ + 233, + 150, + 122 + ], + darkseagreen: [ + 143, + 188, + 143 + ], + darkslateblue: [ + 72, + 61, + 139 + ], + darkslategray: [ + 47, + 79, + 79 + ], + darkslategrey: [ + 47, + 79, + 79 + ], + darkturquoise: [ + 0, + 206, + 209 + ], + darkviolet: [ + 148, + 0, + 211 + ], + deeppink: [ + 255, + 20, + 147 + ], + deepskyblue: [ + 0, + 191, + 255 + ], + dimgray: [ + 105, + 105, + 105 + ], + dimgrey: [ + 105, + 105, + 105 + ], + dodgerblue: [ + 30, + 144, + 255 + ], + firebrick: [ + 178, + 34, + 34 + ], + floralwhite: [ + 255, + 250, + 240 + ], + forestgreen: [ + 34, + 139, + 34 + ], + fuchsia: [ + 255, + 0, + 255 + ], + gainsboro: [ + 220, + 220, + 220 + ], + ghostwhite: [ + 248, + 248, + 255 + ], + gold: [ + 255, + 215, + 0 + ], + goldenrod: [ + 218, + 165, + 32 + ], + gray: [ + 128, + 128, + 128 + ], + green: [ + 0, + 128, + 0 + ], + greenyellow: [ + 173, + 255, + 47 + ], + grey: [ + 128, + 128, + 128 + ], + honeydew: [ + 240, + 255, + 240 + ], + hotpink: [ + 255, + 105, + 180 + ], + indianred: [ + 205, + 92, + 92 + ], + indigo: [ + 75, + 0, + 130 + ], + ivory: [ + 255, + 255, + 240 + ], + khaki: [ + 240, + 230, + 140 + ], + lavender: [ + 230, + 230, + 250 + ], + lavenderblush: [ + 255, + 240, + 245 + ], + lawngreen: [ + 124, + 252, + 0 + ], + lemonchiffon: [ + 255, + 250, + 205 + ], + lightblue: [ + 173, + 216, + 230 + ], + lightcoral: [ + 240, + 128, + 128 + ], + lightcyan: [ + 224, + 255, + 255 + ], + lightgoldenrodyellow: [ + 250, + 250, + 210 + ], + lightgray: [ + 211, + 211, + 211 + ], + lightgreen: [ + 144, + 238, + 144 + ], + lightgrey: [ + 211, + 211, + 211 + ], + lightpink: [ + 255, + 182, + 193 + ], + lightsalmon: [ + 255, + 160, + 122 + ], + lightseagreen: [ + 32, + 178, + 170 + ], + lightskyblue: [ + 135, + 206, + 250 + ], + lightslategray: [ + 119, + 136, + 153 + ], + lightslategrey: [ + 119, + 136, + 153 + ], + lightsteelblue: [ + 176, + 196, + 222 + ], + lightyellow: [ + 255, + 255, + 224 + ], + lime: [ + 0, + 255, + 0 + ], + limegreen: [ + 50, + 205, + 50 + ], + linen: [ + 250, + 240, + 230 + ], + magenta: [ + 255, + 0, + 255 + ], + maroon: [ + 128, + 0, + 0 + ], + mediumaquamarine: [ + 102, + 205, + 170 + ], + mediumblue: [ + 0, + 0, + 205 + ], + mediumorchid: [ + 186, + 85, + 211 + ], + mediumpurple: [ + 147, + 112, + 219 + ], + mediumseagreen: [ + 60, + 179, + 113 + ], + mediumslateblue: [ + 123, + 104, + 238 + ], + mediumspringgreen: [ + 0, + 250, + 154 + ], + mediumturquoise: [ + 72, + 209, + 204 + ], + mediumvioletred: [ + 199, + 21, + 133 + ], + midnightblue: [ + 25, + 25, + 112 + ], + mintcream: [ + 245, + 255, + 250 + ], + mistyrose: [ + 255, + 228, + 225 + ], + moccasin: [ + 255, + 228, + 181 + ], + navajowhite: [ + 255, + 222, + 173 + ], + navy: [ + 0, + 0, + 128 + ], + oldlace: [ + 253, + 245, + 230 + ], + olive: [ + 128, + 128, + 0 + ], + olivedrab: [ + 107, + 142, + 35 + ], + orange: [ + 255, + 165, + 0 + ], + orangered: [ + 255, + 69, + 0 + ], + orchid: [ + 218, + 112, + 214 + ], + palegoldenrod: [ + 238, + 232, + 170 + ], + palegreen: [ + 152, + 251, + 152 + ], + paleturquoise: [ + 175, + 238, + 238 + ], + palevioletred: [ + 219, + 112, + 147 + ], + papayawhip: [ + 255, + 239, + 213 + ], + peachpuff: [ + 255, + 218, + 185 + ], + peru: [ + 205, + 133, + 63 + ], + pink: [ + 255, + 192, + 203 + ], + plum: [ + 221, + 160, + 221 + ], + powderblue: [ + 176, + 224, + 230 + ], + purple: [ + 128, + 0, + 128 + ], + red: [ + 255, + 0, + 0 + ], + rosybrown: [ + 188, + 143, + 143 + ], + royalblue: [ + 65, + 105, + 225 + ], + saddlebrown: [ + 139, + 69, + 19 + ], + salmon: [ + 250, + 128, + 114 + ], + sandybrown: [ + 244, + 164, + 96 + ], + seagreen: [ + 46, + 139, + 87 + ], + seashell: [ + 255, + 245, + 238 + ], + sienna: [ + 160, + 82, + 45 + ], + silver: [ + 192, + 192, + 192 + ], + skyblue: [ + 135, + 206, + 235 + ], + slateblue: [ + 106, + 90, + 205 + ], + slategray: [ + 112, + 128, + 144 + ], + slategrey: [ + 112, + 128, + 144 + ], + snow: [ + 255, + 250, + 250 + ], + springgreen: [ + 0, + 255, + 127 + ], + steelblue: [ + 70, + 130, + 180 + ], + tan: [ + 210, + 180, + 140 + ], + teal: [ + 0, + 128, + 128 + ], + thistle: [ + 216, + 191, + 216 + ], + tomato: [ + 255, + 99, + 71 + ], + turquoise: [ + 64, + 224, + 208 + ], + violet: [ + 238, + 130, + 238 + ], + wheat: [ + 245, + 222, + 179 + ], + white: [ + 255, + 255, + 255 + ], + whitesmoke: [ + 245, + 245, + 245 + ], + yellow: [ + 255, + 255, + 0 + ], + yellowgreen: [ + 154, + 205, + 50 + ] + }; + module.exports = Color; + }, + 'a': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var tpl = require('7'); + var color = require('b'); + function McssError(message, line, options) { + this.message = message; + this.line = line; + this.filename = options.filename; + this.source = options.imports[options.filename]; + Error.captureStackTrace(this, McssError); + } + McssError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype; + McssError.prototype.name = 'McssError'; + function SyntaxError(message, line, options) { + this.message = message; + this.line = line; + this.filename = options.filename; + this.source = options.imports[options.filename]; + Error.captureStackTrace(this, SyntaxError); + } + SyntaxError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype; + SyntaxError.prototype.name = 'SyntaxError'; + exports.McssError = McssError; + exports.SyntaxError = SyntaxError; + exports.isMcssError = function (error) { + return error instanceof SyntaxError || error instanceof McssError; + }; + exports.tpls = { + 'unexcept': tpl('expcept {expcept} but got {type}'), + 'syntaxerror': tpl('expcept {expcept} but got {type}'), + 'tperror': tpl('expcept {expcept} but got {type}'), + 'outportError': tpl([ + '{message}\n', + 'at {filename} ({line}: {column})', + '{#lines}', + '{mark}|{index} {line}', + '{/lines}' + ].join('')) + }; + exports.format = function (error) { + if (!exports.isMcssError(error)) { + return error; + } + var source = error.source, lines = source.split(/\r\n|[\r\f\n]/), pos = error.pos, message = error.message, line = error.line || 1, column = error.column || 0, start = Math.max(1, line - 5), end = Math.min(lines.length, line + 4), res = [ + color(error.name + ':' + message, 'red', null, 'bold'), + '\tat (' + color(error.filename, 'yellow') + ' : ' + line + ')' + ]; + for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { + var cur = lines[i - 1], info; + if (i === line) { + info = color('>>', 'red', null, 'bold') + getLineNum(i) + '| ' + cur.slice(0, column) + color(cur.slice(column), 'white', 'red'); + } else { + info = ' ' + getLineNum(i) + '| ' + cur; + } + res.push(info); + } + error.message = res.join('\n'); + return error; + }; + function getLineNum(line) { + return (' ' + line).slice(-5) + '.'; + } + var newline = /^[\n\f\r]/; + function getLoc(pos, input) { + var n = pos, column = -1, line; + for (; n--;) { + if (newline.test(input.charAt(n)) && n >= 0) + break; + column++; + } + line = (input.slice(0, pos).match(/\r\n|[\r\f\n]/g) || '').length; + return { + line: line, + column: column + }; + } + }, + 'b': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var colorToAnsi, colorify; + colorToAnsi = { + style: { + normal: 0, + bold: 1, + underline: 4, + blink: 5, + strike: 9 + }, + fore: { + black: 30, + red: 31, + green: 32, + yellow: 33, + blue: 34, + magenta: 35, + cyan: 36, + white: 37, + brightBlack: 90, + brightRed: 91, + brightGreen: 92, + brightYellow: 99, + brightBlue: 94, + brightMagenta: 95, + brightCyan: 96, + brightWhite: 97 + }, + back: { + black: 40, + red: 41, + green: 42, + yellow: 43, + blue: 44, + magenta: 45, + cyan: 46, + white: 47, + brightBlack: 100, + brightRed: 101, + brightGreen: 102, + brightYellow: 103, + brightBlue: 104, + brightMagenta: 105, + brightCyan: 106, + brightWhite: 107 + } + }; + module.exports = colorify = function (text, fore, back, style) { + if (global.document && global.document.nodeType === 9) + return text; + var attrCode, backCode, foreCode, octpfx, reset, result, suffix, _ref; + if (style == null) { + style = 'normal'; + } + if (typeof fore !== 'string') { + _ref = fore, fore = _ref.fore, back = _ref.back, style = _ref.style; + } + result = []; + if (foreCode = colorToAnsi.fore[fore] || parseInt(fore)) { + result.push(foreCode); + } + if (backCode = colorToAnsi.back[back] || parseInt(back)) { + result.push(backCode); + } + if (attrCode = colorToAnsi.style[style] || parseInt(style)) { + result.push(attrCode); + } + suffix = result.join(';'); + octpfx = '\x1b'; + reset = '' + octpfx + '[0m'; + return '' + octpfx + '[' + suffix + 'm' + text + reset; + }; + }, + 'c': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = module.exports = Directive; + function Directive() { + } + _.addDirective = function (name, def) { + }; + _.getDirective = function (name) { + }; + }, + 'd': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'); + var tree = require('8'); + var formats = { + 'd': function (value) { + return parseInt(value.value, 10).toString(10); + }, + 'f': function (value) { + return parseFloat(value.value, 10).toString(10); + }, + 'x': function (value) { + return parseInt(value.value, 10).toString(16); + }, + 'X': function (value) { + return parseInt(value.value, 10).toString(16).toUpperCase(); + }, + 's': function (value) { + return tree.toStr(value); + } + }; + var $ = module.exports = { + '+': _.accept(function (left, right) { + var value = left.value + right.value; + var unit = left.unit || right.unit; + if (left.type === 'DIMENSION' && right.type === 'DIMENSION') { + if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) + _.warn('unmatched unit, forced 2rd unit equal with the 1st one'); + return { + type: left.type, + value: value, + unit: unit, + lineno: left.lineno + }; + } else { + return { + type: left.type === 'DIMENSION' ? right.type : left.type, + value: tree.toStr(left) + tree.toStr(right), + lineno: left.lineno + }; + } + }, [ + 'TEXT DIMENSION STRING', + 'TEXT DIMENSION STRING' + ]), + '-': _.accept(function (left, right) { + var value = left.value - right.value; + var unit = left.unit || right.unit; + if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) + _.warn('unmatched unit, forced 2rd unit equal with the 1st one'); + return { + type: left.type, + value: value, + unit: unit, + lineno: left.lineno + }; + }, [ + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + '*': _.accept(function (left, right) { + var value = left.value * right.value; + var unit = left.unit || right.unit; + if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) + _.warn('unmatched unit, forced 2rd unit equal with the 1st one'); + return { + type: left.type, + value: value, + unit: unit, + lineno: left.lineno + }; + }, [ + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + '/': _.accept(function (left, right) { + if (right.value === 0) + throw 'Divid by zero' + right.lineno; + var value = left.value / right.value; + var unit = left.unit || right.unit; + if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) + _.warn('unmatched unit, forced 2rd unit equal with the 1st one'); + return { + type: left.type, + value: value, + unit: unit + }; + }, [ + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + '%': _.accept(function (left, right) { + if (left.type === 'STRING') { + var values = right.list || [right], index = 0; + var value = left.value.replace(/\%(x|f|s|d|X)/g, function (all, format) { + var replace = values[index]; + if (!replace) + return ''; + index++; + return formats[format](replace); + }); + return { + type: 'STRING', + value: value, + lineno: left.lineno + }; + } else { + if (right.value === 0) + throw 'Divid by zero' + right.lineno; + var value = left.value % right.value; + var unit = left.unit || right.unit; + if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) + _.warn('unmatched unit, forced 2rd unit equal with the 1st one'); + return { + type: left.type, + value: value, + unit: unit, + lineno: left.lineno + }; + } + }, ['DIMENSION STRING']), + 'relation': function (left, right, op) { + var bool = { + type: 'BOOLEAN', + lineno: left.lineno + }; + var lv = left.value, rv = right.value, lt = left.type, rt = right.type, bv; + if (lt !== rt) { + if (~'STRING TEXT'.indexOf(lt) && ~'STRING TEXT'.indexOf(rt)) { + if (lv !== rv) + bv = op === '!='; + else + bv = op === '=='; + } else { + bv = op === '!='; + } + } else { + if (lt === 'DIMENSION') { + if (lv > rv) + bv = op === '>' || op === '>=' || op === '!='; + if (lv < rv) + bv = op === '<' || op === '<=' || op === '!='; + if (lv === rv) + bv = op === '==' || op === '>=' || op === '<='; + } else { + if (tree.toStr(left) !== tree.toStr(right)) + bv = op === '!='; + else + bv = op === '=='; + } + } + bool.value = bv; + return bool; + }, + '&&': function (left, right) { + var bool = tree.toBoolean(left); + if (!bool) + return left; + return this.walk ? this.walk(right) : right; + }, + '||': function (left, right) { + var bool = tree.toBoolean(left); + if (bool) + return left; + return this.walk ? this.walk(right) : right; + } + }; + }, + 'e': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var slice = Array.prototype.slice, isFunction = function (fn) { + return typeof fn == 'function'; + }, typeOf = function (obj) { + return obj == null ? String(obj) : Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); + }, extend = function (o1, o2) { + for (var i in o2) { + if (o2.hasOwnProperty(i)) + o1[i] = o2[i]; + } + }, merge = function (o1, o2) { + for (var i in o2) { + if (!o2.hasOwnProperty(i)) + continue; + if (typeOf(o1[i]) === 'array' || typeOf(o2[i]) === 'array') { + o1[i] = o1[i].concat(o2[i]); + } else { + o1[i] = o2[i]; + } + } + return o1; + }, states = { + PENDING: 1, + RESOLVED: 2, + REJECTED: 3 + }, Promise = function () { + this.state = states.PENDING; + this.locked = false; + this.args = []; + this.doneCallbacks = []; + this.failCallbacks = []; + this.progressCallbacks = []; + }; + extend(Promise.prototype, { + lock: function () { + this.locked = true; + return this; + }, + unlock: function () { + this.locked = false; + var method = { + 2: 'resolve', + 3: 'reject' + }[this.state]; + if (method) + this[method].apply(this, this.args); + return this; + }, + notify: function () { + if (this.state !== states.PENDING) + return this; + var fn, i = 0; + if (this.locked) + return this; + while ((fn = this.progressCallbacks[i++]) != null) { + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + if (this.parent) + this.parent.sub--; + return this; + }, + reject: function () { + if (this.state !== states.PENDING) + return this; + var fn, args = this.args = slice.call(arguments); + if (this.locked) + return this; + while ((fn = this.failCallbacks.shift()) != null) { + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + this.state = states.REJECTED; + return this; + }, + resolve: function () { + if (this.state !== states.PENDING) + return this; + var fn, args = this.args = slice.call(arguments); + if (this.locked) + return this; + while ((fn = this.doneCallbacks.shift()) != null) { + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + this.state = states.RESOLVED; + return this; + }, + done: function (callback) { + if (callback instanceof Promise) { + return this.done(function () { + var args = slice.call(arguments); + callback.resolve.apply(callback, args); + }); + } + if (!isFunction(callback)) + return this; + if (!this._match(states.RESOLVED, callback)) { + this.doneCallbacks.push(callback.bind(this)); + } + return this; + }, + fail: function (callback) { + if (callback instanceof Promise) { + return this.fail(function () { + var args = slice.call(arguments); + callback.reject.apply(callback, args); + }); + } + if (!isFunction(callback)) + return this; + if (!this._match(states.REJECTED, callback)) { + this.failCallbacks.push(callback.bind(this)); + } + return this; + }, + progress: function (callback) { + if (!isFunction(callback)) + return this; + this.progressCallbacks.push(callback); + return this; + }, + always: function (callback) { + if (!callback) + return this; + return this.done(callback).fail(callback); + }, + then: function (doneCallback, failCallback) { + if (!doneCallback) { + return this; + } + var promise = new Promise().lock(); + this.done(this._wraper(doneCallback, promise)).fail(promise); + return promise; + }, + pipe: function () { + return this; + }, + promise: function () { + return this; + }, + _wraper: function (fn, promise) { + var self = this; + return function () { + var result = fn.apply(self, arguments); + if (result instanceof Promise) { + extend(promise, result); + promise.unlock(); + } + }; + }, + _match: function (state, callback) { + if (this.state == state) { + callback.apply(this, this.args); + return true; + } + return false; + } + }); + var promise = module.exports = function () { + return new Promise(); + }; + extend(promise, { + when: function () { + var promises = slice.call(arguments), whenPromise = new Promise(); + whenPromise.waiting = promises.length; + for (var i = 0, len = promises.length; i < len; i++) { + (function (i) { + promises[i].done(function () { + whenPromise.args[i] = typeOf(promises[i].args[0]) == 'array' ? promises[i].args[0] : promises[i].args; + if (!--whenPromise.waiting) { + whenPromise.resolve.apply(whenPromise, whenPromise.args); + } + }); + promises[i].fail(function () { + whenPromise.reject.apply(whenPromise, promises[i].args); + }); + }(i)); + } + return whenPromise; + }, + not: function (p) { + var result = new Promise(); + p.done(result.reject.bind(result)).fail(result.resolve.bind(result)); + return result; + }, + or: function () { + var promises = slice.call(arguments), not = promise.not, negatedPromises = promises.map(not); + return promise.not(promise.when.apply(this, negatedPromises)); + }, + isPromise: function (promise) { + return promise && promise instanceof Promise; + } + }); + }, + 'f': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'); + var API = { + set: _.msetter(function (name, value) { + options = this.options || (this.options = {}); + options[name] = value; + return this; + }), + get: function (name) { + options = this.options || (this.options = {}); + return options[name]; + }, + has: function (name, value) { + if (!value) + return !!this.get(name); + return this.get(name) === value; + }, + del: function (name) { + options = this.options || (this.options = {}); + delete options[name]; + }, + add: function (name, item) { + options = this.options || (this.options = {}); + if (!options[name]) + options[name] = []; + var container = options[name]; + if (container instanceof Array) { + container.push(item); + } + return this; + } + }; + exports.mixTo = function (obj) { + obj = typeof obj == 'function' ? obj.prototype : obj; + return _.extend(obj, API); + }; + }, + 'g': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Symtable = exports.SymbolTable = function () { + }; + var Scope = exports.Scope = function (parentScope) { + this.parentScope = parentScope; + this.symtable = {}; + this.isStruct = false; + }; + Scope.prototype = { + getSpace: function () { + return this.symtable; + }, + resolve: function (name, first) { + var scope = this; + while (scope) { + var symbol = scope.symtable[name]; + if (symbol) + return symbol; + else { + if (first) + return; + scope = scope.parentScope; + } + } + }, + define: function (name, value) { + this.symtable[name] = value; + return this; + }, + getOuterScope: function () { + return this.parentScope; + }, + has: function (value) { + var symtable = this.symtable; + for (var i in symtable) + if (symtable.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + if (symtable[i] == value) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }, + toStruct: function () { + var scope = new Scope(); + scope.isStruct = true; + scope.symtable = this.symtable; + return scope; + } + }; + }, + 'h': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'); + module.exports = { remoteFileCache: _.cache(40) }; + }, + 'i': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var fs = null; + var path = null; + var promise = require('e'); + var Parser = require('2'); + exports.get = function (path) { + var pr; + if (/^http/.test(path) && fs) { + var request = require('1').request; + pr = promise(); + request(path, function (err, response, body) { + if (err) + return pr.reject(err); + if (!err && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 400) { + pr.resolve(body); + } else { + pr.reject('http request error with code: ' + response.statusCode); + } + }); + return pr; + } else { + if (fs) { + return file(path, 'utf8'); + } else { + return http(path); + } + } + }; + exports.parse = function (path, options) { + var p = promise(); + options.filename = path; + exports.get(path).done(function (text) { + new Parser(options).parse(text).always(p); + }).fail(p); + return p; + }; + var http = function (url) { + var p = promise(); + var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); + xhr.open('GET', url); + xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (xhr.readyState !== 4) + return; + var status = xhr.status; + if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { + p.resolve(xhr.responseText); + } else { + p.reject(xhr); + } + }; + xhr.send(); + return p; + }; + var file = function (path) { + var p = promise(); + fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', function (error, content) { + if (error) + return p.reject(error); + p.resolve(content); + }); + return p; + }; + }, + 'j': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Interpreter = require('k'); + module.exports = Interpreter; + }, + 'k': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Walker = require('l'); + var parser = require('2'); + var tree = require('8'); + var symtab = require('g'); + var state = require('m'); + var Event = require('n'); + var promise = require('e'); + var path = require('6'); + var u = require('4'); + var io = require('i'); + var options = require('f'); + var binop = require('d'); + var functions = require('o'); + var color = require('9'); + var colorify = require('b'); + var error = require('a'); + function Interpreter(options) { + this.options = options; + } + ; + var _ = Interpreter.prototype = new Walker(); + var walk = _._walk; + state.mixTo(_); + options.mixTo(_); + Event.mixTo(_); + _._walk = function (ast) { + var res = walk.apply(this, arguments); + if (!ast || !ast.type) + return res; + var name = ast.type.toLowerCase(); + this.trigger(name, res || ast); + return res; + }; + var errors = { 'RETURN': u.uid() }; + var states = { 'DECLARATION': u.uid() }; + _.ierror = new Error(); + _.interpret = function (ast) { + this.ast = ast; + this.scope = this.globalScope = new symtab.Scope(); + this.istack = []; + this._globalImports = []; + this.rulesets = []; + this.medias = []; + this.indent = 0; + if (!this._handles) { + this._walk = walk; + } + return this.walk(ast); + }; + _.walk_default = function (ast) { + return ast; + }; + _.walk_stylesheet = function (ast) { + var plist = ast.list, item; + ast.list = []; + for (ast.index = 0; !!plist[ast.index]; ast.index++) { + if (item = this.walk(plist[ast.index])) { + u.merge(ast.list, item); + } + } + return ast; + }; + _.walk_directive = function (ast) { + ast.value = this.walk(ast.value); + if (ast.block) + ast.block = this.walk(ast.block); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_keyframes = function (ast) { + ast.name = this.walk(ast.name); + ast.block = this.walk(ast.block); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_keyframe = function (ast) { + ast.steps = this.walk(ast.steps); + ast.block = this.walk(ast.block); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_ruleset = function (ast) { + this.rulesets.push(ast); + var rawSelector = this.walk(ast.selector), values = ast.values, res = []; + this.rulesets.pop(); + var self = this; + rawSelector.list.forEach(function (complex) { + self.define(complex.string, ast); + }); + if (ast.abstract) { + rawSelector.list = []; + } + if (!values) { + ast.selector = rawSelector; + ast.parent = this.rulesets[this.rulesets.length - 1]; + } + ast.lineno = rawSelector.lineno; + ast.filename = this.get('filename'); + if (values) { + for (var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { + this.define('$i', { + type: 'DIMENSION', + value: i + }); + this.define('$item', values[i]); + var block = ast.block.clone(); + var selector = tree.selectorlist([rawSelector.list[i]], ast.lineno); + var ruleset = new tree.RuleSet(selector, block); + res.push(this.walk(ruleset)); + } + } else { + this.down(ast); + var block = this.walk(ast.block); + this.up(ast); + res = block.exclude(); + ast.block = block; + if (res.length) { + res.unshift(ast); + } + } + return res.length ? res : ast; + }; + _.walk_selectorlist = function (ast) { + var list = ast.list, len = list.length, self = this, res = []; + if (len === 1) { + this.enter('ACCEPT_LIST'); + } + list = this.walk(list); + if (Array.isArray(list[0])) { + list = list[0]; + } + ast.list = list; + this.leave('ACCEPT_LIST'); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_complexselector = function (ast) { + var ruleset = this.rulesets[this.rulesets.length - 1]; + var interpolations = ast.interpolations, i, len = interpolations.length, valuesList; + var values = []; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + var value = this.walk(interpolations[i]); + if (value.type === 'valueslist') { + if (ruleset.values || !this.state('ACCEPT_LIST')) { + this.error('con"t has more than 2 interpolations in ComplexSelector', ast); + } else { + ruleset.values = value.list; + values.push(null); + } + } else { + values.push(tree.toStr(value)); + } + } + ast.string = ast.string.replace(/#\{(\d+)}/g, function (all, index) { + var value = values[parseInt(index)]; + if (typeof value === 'string') { + return value; + } else { + return '#{interpolation}'; + } + }); + if (valuesList = ruleset.values) { + var res = [], toStr = tree.toStr; + for (var j = 0, jlen = valuesList.length; j < jlen; j++) { + var value = valuesList[j]; + var string = ast.string.replace(/#\{interpolation}/, function () { + return toStr(value); + }); + res.push(new tree.ComplexSelector(string)); + } + return res; + } + return ast; + }; + _.walk_operator = function (ast) { + var op = ast.op; + var left = this.walk(ast.left); + var right = op == '&&' || op == '||' ? ast.right : this.walk(ast.right); + if (tree.isRelationOp(op)) { + return binop.relation.call(this, left, right, op); + } else { + return binop[op].call(this, left, right); + } + }; + _.walk_assign = function (ast) { + if (ast.mode == 2) { + var ref = this.resolve(ast.name); + if (ref && ref.type !== 'NULL') + return; + } + ; + (ast.mode == 3 ? this.globalScope : this).define(ast.name, this.walk(ast.value)); + }; + _.walk_var = function (ast) { + var symbol = this.resolve(ast.value); + if (symbol) { + symbol = symbol; + symbol.lineno = ast.lineno; + return symbol; + } else { + this.error('Undefined variable: ' + ast.value, ast); + } + }; + _.walk_url = function (ast) { + var self = this, symbol; + ast.value = ast.value.replace(/#\{(\$\w+)}/g, function (all, name) { + if (symbol = self.resolve(name)) { + return tree.toStr(symbol); + } else { + self.error('Undefined ' + name + ' in interpolation', ast); + } + }); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_unary = function (ast) { + var value = this.walk(ast.value), op = ast.op; + switch (op) { + case '+': + case '-': + if (value.type !== 'DIMENSION') { + this.error(op + ' Unary operator only accept DIMENSION bug got ' + value.type, ast.lineno); + } + var rvalue = op === '-' && -value.value; + var node = tree.token('DIMENSION', rvalue, ast.lineno); + node.unit = value.unit; + return node; + case '!': + var test = tree.toBoolean(value); + if (test === undefined) { + this.error('! Unary operator dont support valueType: ' + value.type, ast.lineno); + } + return { + type: 'BOOLEAN', + value: !test, + lineno: ast.lineno + }; + default: + this.error('Unsupprt Unary operator ' + op, ast.lineno); + } + }; + _.walk_text = function (ast) { + var chs = color.maps[ast.value]; + if (chs) { + return new color(chs); + } else { + return ast; + } + }; + _.walk_string = function (ast) { + var self = this, symbol; + ast.value = ast.value.replace(/#\{(\$\w+)}/g, function (all, name) { + if (symbol = self.resolve(name)) { + return tree.toStr(symbol); + } else { + self.error('not defined String interpolation', ast); + } + }); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_debug = function (ast) { + var value = this.walk(ast.value); + console.log(colorify('DEBUG', 'yellow') + ' ' + tree.toStr(value) + ' (' + colorify(value.type, 'green') + ')' + '\n'); + }; + _.walk_if = function (ast) { + var test = this.walk(ast.test); + if (tree.toBoolean(test)) { + return this.walk(ast.block); + } else { + return this.walk(ast.alt); + } + }; + _.walk_for = function (ast) { + var list = this.walk(ast.list), index = ast.index, isIn = ast.isIn, by = this.walk(ast.by), element = ast.element, block, iscope, len, res = [], item, key, value; + by = by && by.value ? Math.round(by.value) : 1; + if (!list.list) { + list = [list]; + } else { + list = list.list; + } + var len = list.length, i = by < 0 ? len - 1 : 0; + for (; i < len && i >= 0; i += by) { + item = list[i]; + if (isIn) { + if (item.type !== 'values') { + this.error('list in @for in statement must confirm the all elem is values type', ast.list.lineno); + } + value = item.list[1]; + key = item.list[0]; + } else { + value = item; + if (index) + key = tree.token('DIMENSION', i, ast.list.lineno); + } + this.define(element, value); + if (index) + this.define(index, key); + block = this.walk(ast.block.clone()); + res = res.concat(block.list); + } + return res; + }; + _.walk_call = function (ast) { + var func = this.resolve(ast.name), iscope, params, named, args = this.walk(ast.args); + if (!func || func.type !== 'func') { + if (func = functions[ast.name]) { + this.lineno = ast.lineno; + var value = tree.convert(func.apply(this, args)); + value.lineno = ast.lineno; + this.lineno = null; + return value; + } else { + if (ast.name.charAt(0) === '$') + this.error('undefined function: ' + ast.name, ast); + else { + ast.args = this.walk(ast.args); + return ast; + } + } + } + params = func.params; + var prev = this.scope; + var pref = this.get('filename'); + this.scope = func.scope; + this.down(); + if (named = ast.named) { + for (var i in named) { + var nindex = named[i]; + if (args[nindex]) { + this.define(i, args[nindex]); + args.splice(nindex, 1); + } + } + params = params.filter(function (item) { + return named[item.name] == null; + }); + } + for (var i = 0, offset = 0, len = params.length; i < len; i++) { + var param = params[i], pname = param.name; + if (param.rest) { + var remained = len - 1 - i, restArgsLen = args.length - i - remained; + restArgsLen = restArgsLen >= 0 ? restArgsLen : 0; + var restArgs = args.slice(i, i + restArgsLen); + var passArg = tree.valueslist(restArgs, ast.lineno); + this.define(param.name, passArg); + offset += restArgsLen - 1; + } else { + var value = args[i + offset] || param.default; + if (value) + this.define(param.name, value); + else + this.define(param.name, tree.null(args.lineno)); + } + } + this.define('$arguments', new tree.ValuesList(args)); + try { + this.set('filename', func.filename); + var block = this.walk(func.block.clone()); + } catch (err) { + if (err.code === errors.RETURN) { + var value = tree.convert(err.value); + this.up(); + this.scope = prev; + this.set('filename', pref); + return value; + } else { + throw err; + } + } + this.up(); + this.scope = prev; + this.set('filename', pref); + return block; + }; + _.walk_return = function (ast) { + _.ierror.code = errors.RETURN; + _.ierror.value = this.walk(ast.value); + throw _.ierror; + }; + _.walk_func = function (ast) { + ast.params = this.walk(ast.params); + if (!ast.scope) + ast.scope = this.scope; + ast.filename = this.get('filename'); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_param = function (ast) { + if (ast.default) { + ast.default = this.walk(ast.default); + } + return ast; + }; + _.walk_module = function (ast) { + var block = this.walk(ast.block); + }; + _.walk_extend = function (ast) { + var ruleset = this.rulesets[this.rulesets.length - 1]; + if (!ruleset) + this.error('can not use @extend outside ruleset', ast); + var selector = this.walk(ast.selector); + var self = this; + selector.list.forEach(function (item) { + var extend = self.resolve(item.string); + if (extend) { + extend.addRef(ruleset); + } + }); + }; + _.walk_import = function (ast) { + this.walk(ast.url); + var url = ast.url; + if (ast.stylesheet) { + var queryList = ast.queryList; + var stylesheet = ast.stylesheet; + if (queryList.length) { + var media = new tree.Media(queryList, stylesheet); + return this.walk(media); + } else { + if (~this._globalImports.indexOf(ast.filename) && this.scope === this.globalScope) { + u.log(colorify('WARNING:', 'yellow') + '(' + ast.filename + ') is import twice, mcss forbid default'); + return; + } else { + this._globalImports.push(ast.filename); + } + var pre = this.get('filename'); + this.set('filename', ast.filename); + var list = this.walk(stylesheet).list; + this.set('filename', pre); + return list; + } + } else { + return ast; + } + }; + _.walk_media = function (ast) { + ast.queryList = this.walk(ast.queryList); + var rulesets = this.rulesets, ruleset, newRuleset; + this.concatMedia(ast); + this.down(null, ast); + this.walk(ast.block); + this.up(null, ast); + var res = ast.block.exclude(true); + if (res.length) { + if (Array.isArray(res[0])) { + var declarations = res.shift(); + if (declarations.length && rulesets.length) { + ruleset = rulesets[rulesets.length - 1]; + newRuleset = new tree.RuleSet(ruleset.selector, new tree.Block(declarations)); + newRuleset.parent = ruleset.parent; + newRuleset.lineno = declarations[0].value.lineno || declarations[0].property.lineno; + ast.block.list.unshift(newRuleset); + } + } + res.unshift(ast); + } + return res.length ? res : ast; + }; + _.walk_mediaquery = function (ast) { + ast.expressions = this.walk(ast.expressions); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_mediaexpression = function (ast) { + ast.feature = this.walk(ast.feature); + ast.value = this.walk(ast.value); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_block = function (ast) { + var list = ast.list; + var res = [], r; + for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < list.length; i++) { + if (list[i] && (r = this.walk(list[i]))) { + u.merge(res, r); + } + } + ast.list = res; + return ast; + }; + _.walk_declaration = function (ast) { + this.enter('DECLARATION'); + ast.property = this.walk(ast.property); + ast.value = this.walk(ast.value); + this.leave('DECLARATION'); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_compoundident = function (ast) { + var text = '', self = this; + this.walk(ast.list).forEach(function (item) { + text += typeof item === 'string' ? item : tree.toStr(self.walk(item)); + }); + return { + type: 'TEXT', + value: text, + lineno: ast.lineno + }; + }; + _.walk_valueslist = function (ast) { + ast.list = this.walk(ast.list); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_values = function (ast) { + ast.list = this.walk(ast.list); + return ast; + }; + _.walk_range = function (ast) { + var start = this.walk(ast.start), end = this.walk(ast.end), lineno = ast.lineno; + if (start.type !== 'DIMENSION' || end.type !== 'DIMENSION') { + this.error('range"s start and end must be all DIMENSION type'); + } + var svalue = Math.round(start.value), evalue = Math.round(end.value), list = []; + for (; svalue <= evalue; svalue++) { + list.push(tree.token('DIMENSION', svalue, ast.lineno)); + } + return tree.valueslist(list, ast.lineno); + }; + _.down = function (ruleset, media) { + if (ruleset) + this.rulesets.push(ruleset); + if (media) + this.medias.push(media); + this.scope = new symtab.Scope(this.scope); + }; + _.up = function (ruleset, media) { + if (ruleset) + this.rulesets.pop(); + if (media) + this.medias.pop(); + this.scope = this.scope.getOuterScope(); + }; + _.concatMedia = function (media) { + var ss = this.medias; + if (!ss.length) + return media; + var slist = ss[ss.length - 1].queryList, mlist = media.queryList, queryList = []; + var s, m, slen = slist.length, mlen = mlist.length, mm, sm, nm; + for (m = 0; m < mlen; m++) { + mm = mlist[m]; + for (s = 0; s < slen; s++) { + sm = slist[s]; + nm = new tree.MediaQuery(); + if (sm.mediaType && mm.mediaType) { + var noConcat = true; + break; + } else { + nm.mediaType = mm.mediaType || sm.mediaType; + nm.expressions = sm.expressions.concat(mm.expressions); + queryList.push(nm); + } + } + } + if (!noConcat) { + media.queryList = queryList; + } + return media; + }; + _.push = function (scope) { + this.istack.push(scope); + }; + _.pop = function () { + this.istack.pop(); + }; + _.peek = function () { + var len; + if (len = this.istack.length) + return this.istack[len - 1]; + }; + _.getScope = function () { + return this.peek() || this.scope; + }; + _.define = function (id, symbol) { + this.scope.define(id, symbol); + }; + _.resolve = function (id) { + var scope, symbol; + if ((scope = this.peek()) && (symbol = scope.resolve(id))) { + return symbol; + } + return this.scope.resolve(id); + }; + _.expect = function (ast, type) { + if (!(this._inspect(ast) === type)) { + this.error('interpreter error! expect node: "' + type + '" got: "' + ast.type + '"', ast); + } + }; + _.error = function (msg, ll) { + if (ll) { + var lineno = ll.lineno || ll; + } else { + lineno = this.lineno; + } + throw new error.McssError(msg, lineno, this.options); + }; + module.exports = Interpreter; + }, + 'l': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'); + var Walker = function () { + }; + Walker.prototype = { + constructor: Walker, + walk: function (node) { + if (Array.isArray(node)) { + return this._walkArray(node); + } else { + return this._walk(node); + } + }, + walk_defaut: function (node) { + if (node.list || node.body) { + return this.walk(node.list || node.body); + } else if (node.type && this.walk_token) { + return this.walk_token(node); + } else { + _.warn('no "' + this._inspect(node) + '" walk defined'); + } + }, + _walkArray: function (nodes) { + var self = this; + var res = []; + nodes.forEach(function (node) { + if (node) + res.push(self._walk(node)); + }); + return res; + }, + _walk: function (node) { + var sign = this._inspect(node), name = 'walk_' + sign; + if (this[name]) + return this[name](node); + else + return this.walk_default(node); + }, + _inspect: function (node) { + if (!node) + return null; + return node.type ? node.type.toLowerCase() : null; + }, + error: function (e) { + throw e; + } + }; + module.exports = Walker; + }, + 'm': function (require, module, exports, global) { + function ex(o1, o2, override) { + for (var i in o2) + if (o1[i] == null || override) { + o1[i] = o2[i]; + } + } + ; + var API = { + state: function (state) { + var _states = this._states || (this._states = []); + return _states.some(function (item) { + return item === state; + }); + }, + enter: function (state) { + var _states = this._states || (this._states = []); + _states.push(state); + }, + leave: function (state) { + var _states = this._states || (this._states = []); + if (!state || state === _states[_states.length - 1]) + _states.pop(); + } + }; + exports.mixTo = function (obj) { + obj = typeof obj == 'function' ? obj.prototype : obj; + ex(obj, API); + }; + }, + 'n': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var slice = [].slice, ex = function (o1, o2, override) { + for (var i in o2) + if (o1[i] == null || override) { + o1[i] = o2[i]; + } + }; + var API = { + on: function (event, fn) { + if (typeof event === 'object') { + for (var i in event) { + this.on(i, event[i]); + } + } else { + var handles = this._handles || (this._handles = {}), calls = handles[event] || (handles[event] = []); + calls.push(fn); + } + return this; + }, + off: function (event, fn) { + if (event) + this._handles = []; + if (!this._handles) + return; + var handles = this._handles, calls; + if (calls = handles[event]) { + if (!fn) { + handles[event] = []; + return this; + } + for (var i = 0, len = calls.length; i < len; i++) { + if (fn === calls[i]) { + calls.splice(i, 1); + return this; + } + } + } + return this; + }, + trigger: function (event) { + var args = slice.call(arguments, 1), handles = this._handles, calls; + if (!handles || !(calls = handles[event])) + return this; + for (var i = 0, len = calls.length; i < len; i++) { + calls[i].apply(this, args); + } + return this; + }, + hasEvent: function (event) { + var handles = this._handles; + return handles && (calls = handles[event]) && calls.length; + } + }; + function Event(handles) { + if (arguments.length) + this.on.apply(this, arguments); + } + ; + ex(Event.prototype, API); + Event.mixTo = function (obj) { + obj = typeof obj == 'function' ? obj.prototype : obj; + ex(obj, API); + }; + module.exports = Event; + }, + 'o': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var fs = null; + var path = null; + var tree = require('8'); + var binop = require('d'); + var u = require('4'); + var tk = require('3'); + var Color = tree.Color; + var _ = module.exports = { + rgba: u.accept(function (r, g, b, a) { + if (arguments.length < 2) + this.error('param error'); + if (r.type === 'color') { + return new Color(r, getAlpha(g)); + } else { + return new Color([ + r.value, + g.value, + b.value + ], getAlpha(a)); + } + }, [ + 'DIMENSION color', + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + rgb: function () { + return _.rgba.apply(this, arguments); + }, + hsla: u.accept(function (h, s, l, a) { + if (arguments.length < 3) + this.error('hsla need at least 3 arguments got:' + arguments.length); + if (s.unit !== '%' || l.unit !== '%') + this.error('hsl param saturation and light all only accept percent'); + if (a && a.unit === '%') + a.value /= 100; + var node = Color.hsl([ + h.value, + s.value, + l.value + ], a && a.value); + return node; + }, [ + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + hsl: function () { + return _.hsla.apply(this, arguments); + }, + mix: u.accept(function (c1, c2, weight) { + if (weight && weight.unit !== '%') + this.error('weight param must be a percent'); + var a = c1.alpha - c2.alpha, p = (weight && weight.value || 50) / 100, w = p * 2 - 1, w1 = ((w * a == -1 ? w : (w + a) / (1 + w * a)) + 1) / 2, w2 = 1 - w1, alpha = c1.alpha * p + c2.alpha * (1 - p), channels = [ + c1[0] * w1 + c2[0] * w2, + c1[1] * w1 + c2[1] * w2, + c1[2] * w1 + c2[2] * w2 + ]; + return new Color(channels, alpha, c1.lineno); + }, [ + 'color', + 'color', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + define: u.accept(function (name, value, global) { + name = name.value; + if (!name || !value) + this.error('invalid passed param in define'); + var scope = tree.toBoolean(global) ? this.globalScope : this.scope; + scope.define(name, value); + }, ['TEXT STRING']), + apply: u.accept(function (func, args) { + if (!func) + this.error('function "apply" atleast need one prams'); + if (!func.name) + this.define('null', func); + var call = tree.call(func.name || 'null', args && args.list || []); + return this.walk(call); + }, [ + 'func', + 'valueslist values' + ]), + typeof: function (node) { + return node.type.toLowerCase(); + }, + js: u.accept(function (string) { + try { + return eval('(' + string.value + ')'); + } catch (e) { + this.error(e.message); + } + }, ['STRING']), + join: u.accept(function (list, separator) { + separator = separator ? separator.value : '-'; + return tree.token('TEXT', list.list.map(tree.toStr).join(separator), list.lineno); + }, [ + 'valueslist values', + 'TEXT STRING' + ]), + t: function (node) { + var text = tree.toStr(node); + if (text == null) + text = ''; + return tree.token('TEXT', text, node.lineno); + }, + match: u.accept(function (reg, str) { + if (!str || str.type !== 'STRING' && str.type !== 'TEXT') + return false; + var testReg = new RegExp(reg.value), strValue = str.value || ''; + return testReg.test(strValue); + }, ['STRING TEXT']), + error: u.accept(function (message) { + this.error(message.value); + }, ['STRING']), + index: u.accept(function (list, index) { + var elem; + if (!index || index.type !== 'DIMENSION') { + this.error('invalid param:index passed to args()'); + } + if (elem = list.list[index.value]) { + return elem; + } else { + return tree.null(); + } + }, [ + 'valueslist values', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + values: function (value) { + return tree.values(value && [value]); + }, + valueslist: function (value) { + return tree.valueslist(value && [value]); + }, + flattern: function () { + }, + slice: u.accept(function (list, start, end) { + var clist = list.list.slice(start && start.value || 0, end && end.value || list.list.length); + return tree[list.type](clist); + }, [ + 'valueslist values', + 'DIMENSION', + 'DIMENSION' + ]), + args: function (index) { + var args = this.resolve('$arguments'); + if (!args) { + this.error('the args() must be called in function block'); + } + return _.index.call(this, args, index); + }, + len: u.accept(function (list) { + return tree.token('DIMENSION', list.list.length, list.lineno); + }, ['values valueslist']), + last: u.accept(function (list) { + return list.list[list.length - 1]; + }, ['values valueslist']), + 'is-list': function (list) { + return !!(list && list.list); + }, + 'data-uri': u.accept(function (string) { + var value = string.value, url = { + type: 'URL', + value: value + }; + if (!fs) + return url; + else { + var fullname = path.resolve(path.dirname(this.get('filename')), value); + var base64 = converToBase64(fullname); + if (!base64) + return url; + url.value = base64; + return url; + } + }, ['STRING']) + }; + _.list = u.accept(function (list, index, value) { + }, ['values valueslist']); + [ + 'push', + 'unshift', + 'pop', + 'shift' + ].forEach(function (name) { + _[name.toLowerCase()] = function (list, item) { + var type = list.type; + if (type !== 'valueslist' && type !== 'values') { + this.error(name + ' first param only accept values or valueslist'); + } + return list.list[name](item); + }; + }); + _['-adjust'] = u.accept(function (color, prop, weight, absolute) { + var p = prop.value, key = channelsMap[p]; + var isAbsolute = tree.toBoolean(absolute); + if (isRGBA(p)) { + if (!weight) + return color[key]; + if (p === 'a' && weight.unit === '%') { + weight.unit = null; + weight.value /= 100; + } + if (weight.unit) + this.error('rgba adjust only accept NUMBER'); + var clone = color.clone(); + if (isAbsolute) { + clone[key] = weight.value; + } else { + clone[key] += weight.value; + } + Color.limit(clone); + return clone; + } + if (isHSL(p)) { + var hsl = color.toHSL(); + if (!weight) { + switch (p) { + case 'saturation': + case 'lightness': + return { + type: 'DIMENSION', + value: hsl[key], + unit: '%' + }; + } + return hsl[key]; + } + if (isAbsolute) { + hsl[key] = weight.value; + } else { + hsl[key] += weight.value; + } + var node = Color.hsl(hsl, color.alpha); + node.lineno = color.lineno; + return node; + } + this.error('invalid adjust property ' + p + ' ' + color.lineno); + }, [ + 'color', + 'STRING', + 'DIMENSION' + ]); + var RGBA_STR = 'red green blue alpha'; + var HSL_STR = 'hue saturation lightness'; + var isRGBA = u.makePredicate(RGBA_STR); + var isHSL = u.makePredicate(HSL_STR); + var channelsMap = { + 'hue': 0, + 'saturation': 1, + 'lightness': 2, + 'red': 0, + 'green': 1, + 'blue': 2, + 'alpha': 'alpha' + }; + _.argb = u.accept(function (color) { + return color.toCSS(true); + }, ['color']); + ; + (RGBA_STR + ' ' + HSL_STR).split(' ').forEach(function (name) { + var text = tk.createToken('STRING', name); + _[name.charAt(0) + '-adjust'] = _[name] = function (color, amount, absolute) { + return _['-adjust'].call(this, color, text, amount, absolute); + }; + }); + _.fade = _.alpha; + delete _.alpha; + ; + [ + 'floor', + 'ceil', + 'round', + 'abs', + 'max', + 'min', + 'sin', + 'cos', + 'tan' + ].forEach(function (name) { + _[name] = u.accept(function (d) { + if (arguments.length < 1) + this.error('at least pass one argument'); + var clone = tree.cloneNode(d); + var args = u.slice(arguments).map(function (item) { + return item.value; + }); + clone.value = Math[name].apply(Math, args); + return clone; + }, ['DIMENSION']); + }); + var mediatypes = { + '.eot': 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', + '.gif': 'image/gif', + '.ico': 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon', + '.jpg': 'image/jpeg', + '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg', + '.otf': 'application/x-font-opentype', + '.png': 'image/png', + '.svg': 'image/svg+xml', + '.ttf': 'application/x-font-ttf', + '.webp': 'image/webp', + '.woff': 'application/x-font-woff' + }; + function converToBase64(imagePath) { + imagePath = imagePath.replace(/[?#].*/g, ''); + var extname = path.extname(imagePath), stat, img; + try { + stat = fs.statSync(imagePath); + if (stat.size > 1024 * 6) { + return false; + } + img = fs.readFileSync(imagePath, 'base64'); + return 'data:' + mediatypes[extname] + ';base64,' + img; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + function getAlpha(node) { + if (node) { + var res = node.unit === '%' ? node.value / 100 : node.value; + } + return res; + } + }, + 'p': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Translator = require('q'); + module.exports = Translator; + }, + 'q': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var Walker = require('l'); + var tree = require('8'); + var error = require('a'); + var u = require('4'); + var options = require('f'); + var path = null; + var buffer = require('r'); + function Translator(options) { + this.options = options || {}; + } + var _ = Translator.prototype = new Walker(); + var walk = _.walk; + options.mixTo(_); + var formats = { + COMMON: 1, + COMPRESS: 2, + ONELINE: 3 + }; + _.translate = function (ast) { + this.ast = ast; + this.buffer = buffer(this.options); + this.level = 0; + this.indent = this.get('indent') || '\t'; + this.newline = this.get('format') > 1 ? '' : '\n'; + this.walk_stylesheet(ast, true); + var text = this.buffer.toString(); + if (path && this.options.sourceMap && this.options.dest) { + var base64 = new Buffer(this.buffer.getMap()).toString('base64'); + text += '/*@ sourceMappingURL= ' + path.basename(this.get('dest'), '.css') + '.css.map */'; + var sfilepath = this.get('dest') + '.map'; + u.writeFile(sfilepath, this.buffer.getMap(), function (err) { + if (err) + console.error('sourcemap wirte fail'); + console.log(sfilepath + ' sourcemap generated'); + }); + } + return text; + }; + _.walk_stylesheet = function (ast, blank) { + this.walk_block(ast, blank); + }; + _.walk_ruleset = function (ast) { + var buffer = this.buffer; + var slist = ast.getSelectors(), plist, parent = ast.parent; + if (!slist || !slist.length) + return false; + while (parent) { + if (parent.getSelectors().length == 0) + return false; + parent = parent.parent; + } + if (typeof ast.lineno === 'number' && ast.filename) { + buffer.addMap({ + line: ast.lineno - 1, + source: ast.filename + }); + } + if (!ast.block.list.length) + return false; + buffer.add(this.walk(ast.selector.list).join(',')); + this.walk(ast.block); + }; + _.walk_selectorlist = function (ast) { + return this.walk(ast.list).join(',' + this.newline); + }; + _.walk_complexselector = function (ast) { + return ast.string; + }; + _.walk_block = function (ast, blank) { + this.level++; + var indent = this.indents(); + var buffer = this.buffer; + var res = []; + if (!blank) + buffer.add('{'); + var list = ast.list; + if (!blank) + buffer.add(this.newline + indent); + for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { + var item = this.walk(list[i]); + if (item !== false) { + if (list[i].type !== 'declaration' && this.has('format', 3) && item !== '') { + buffer.add('\n'); + } + if (i !== len - 1 && item !== '') { + buffer.add(this.newline + indent); + } + } + } + this.level--; + if (!blank) { + buffer.add(this.newline + this.indents() + '}'); + } + }; + _.walk_valueslist = function (ast) { + var text = this.walk(ast.list).join(','); + return text; + }; + _.walk_values = function (ast) { + var text = this.walk(ast.list).join(' '); + text = text.replace(/ \/ /g, '/'); + return text; + }; + _.walk_import = function (ast) { + var outport = [ + '@import ', + this.walk_url(ast.url) + ]; + if (ast.queryList && ast.queryList.length) { + outport.push(this.walk(ast.queryList).join(',')); + } + this.buffer.add(outport.join(' ') + ';'); + }; + _.walk_media = function (ast) { + var str = '@media '; + str += this.walk(ast.queryList).join(','); + this.buffer.add(str); + this.walk_block(ast.block); + }; + _.walk_mediaquery = function (ast) { + var outport = this.walk(ast.expressions); + if (ast.mediaType) + outport.unshift(ast.mediaType); + return outport.join(' and '); + }; + _.walk_mediaexpression = function (ast) { + var str = ''; + str += this.walk(ast.feature); + if (ast.value) + str += ': ' + this.walk(ast.value); + return '(' + str + ')'; + }; + _.walk_keyframes = function (ast) { + var prefix = this.get('prefix'), buffer = this.buffer, store; + var str = '@' + ast.fullname + ' ' + this.walk(ast.name); + buffer.add(str); + this.walk(ast.block); + }; + var stepmap = { + from: '0%', + to: '100%' + }; + _.walk_keyframe = function (ast) { + var self = this; + var steps = ast.steps.map(function (item) { + var step; + if (item.type === 'TEXT') { + step = stepmap[item.value.toLowerCase()]; + if (step) + return step; + } + if (item.type === 'DIMENSION') { + if (item.unit == '%') + return tree.toStr(item); + } + self.error('@keyframe step only accept [from | to | ]', item.lineno); + }); + this.buffer.add(this.newline + this.indents() + steps.join(',')); + this.walk(ast.block); + }; + _.walk_declaration = function (ast) { + var text = this.walk(ast.property); + var value = this.walk(ast.value); + var str = text + ':' + value + (ast.important ? ' !important' : ''); + this.buffer.add(str + ';'); + }; + _.walk_string = function (ast) { + return '"' + ast.value + '"'; + }; + _['walk_='] = function (ast) { + return '='; + }; + _['walk_/'] = function (ast) { + return '/'; + }; + _.walk_unknown = function (ast) { + return ast.name; + }; + _.walk_url = function (ast) { + return 'url("' + ast.value + '")'; + }; + _.walk_color = function (ast) { + return ast.toCSS(); + }; + _.walk_directive = function (ast) { + var str = '@' + ast.fullname + ' '; + if (ast.value) { + str += this.walk(ast.value); + } + this.buffer.add(str); + if (ast.block) { + this.walk(ast.block); + } else { + this.buffer.add(';'); + } + }; + _.walk_call = function (ast) { + return ast.name + '(' + this.walk(ast.args).join(',') + ')'; + }; + _.walk_default = function (ast) { + if (!ast) + return ''; + var str = tree.toStr(ast); + if (typeof str !== 'string') { + return ''; + } + return str; + }; + _.error = function (msg, ll) { + var lineno = ll.lineno || ll; + throw new error.McssError(msg, lineno, this.options); + }; + _.indents = function () { + if (this.get('format') > 1) { + return ''; + } else { + return Array(this.level).join(this.indent); + } + }; + _._getSassDebugInfo = function () { + return '@media -sass-debug-info'; + }; + module.exports = Translator; + }, + 'r': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var path = null; + module.exports = function (options) { + var sourceMap = require('1').sourcemap; + var options = options || {}; + var buffers = []; + var mapper = {}; + var generator = path && options.sourceMap ? new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({ file: path.basename(options.dest) }) : null; + var lines = 1; + var column = 0; + var outport = ''; + var marked = null; + return { + add: function (content) { + if (options.sourceMap) { + var newline = (content.match(/\n/g) || '').length; + lines += newline; + var clen = content.length; + if (newline) { + column = clen - content.lastIndexOf('\n') - 1; + } else { + column += clen; + } + } + if (typeof marked === 'string') + marked += content; + outport += content; + }, + addMap: function (map) { + if (options.sourceMap) { + generator.addMapping({ + generated: { + column: column, + line: lines + }, + source: path.relative(path.dirname(options.dest), map.source), + original: { + column: 1, + line: map.line + } + }); + } + }, + toString: function () { + return outport; + }, + getMap: function () { + if (!generator) + return null; + return generator.toString(); + }, + mark: function () { + marked = ''; + }, + restore: function () { + var res = marked; + marked = null; + return res; + } + }; + }; + }, + 's': function (require, module, exports, global) { + module.exports = { + prefixr: require('t'), + csscomb: require('v') + }; + }, + 't': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var prefixs = require('u').prefixs; + var _ = require('4'); + var tree = require('8'); + var isTestProperties = _.makePredicate('border-radius transition'); + module.exports = { + 'block': function (tree) { + var list = tree.list, len = list.length; + for (; len--;) { + var declaration = list[len]; + if (isTestProperties(declaration.property)) { + list.splice(len, 0, declaration.clone('-webkit-' + declaration.property), declaration.clone('-moz-' + declaration.property), declaration.clone('-mz-' + declaration.property), declaration.clone('-o-' + declaration.property)); + } + } + } + }; + }, + 'u': function (require, module, exports, global) { + exports.orders = { + 'position': 1, + 'z-index': 1, + 'top': 1, + 'right': 1, + 'bottom': 1, + 'left': 1, + 'display': 2, + 'visibility': 2, + 'float': 2, + 'clear': 2, + 'overflow': 2, + 'overflow-x': 2, + 'overflow-y': 2, + '-ms-overflow-x': 2, + '-ms-overflow-y': 2, + 'clip': 2, + 'zoom': 2, + 'flex-direction': 2, + 'flex-order': 2, + 'flex-pack': 2, + 'flex-align': 2, + '-webkit-box-sizing': 3, + '-moz-box-sizing': 3, + 'box-sizing': 3, + 'width': 3, + 'min-width': 3, + 'max-width': 3, + 'height': 3, + 'min-height': 3, + 'max-height': 3, + 'margin': 3, + 'margin-top': 3, + 'margin-right': 3, + 'margin-bottom': 3, + 'margin-left': 3, + 'padding': 3, + 'padding-top': 3, + 'padding-right': 3, + 'padding-bottom': 3, + 'padding-left': 3, + 'table-layout': 4, + 'empty-cells': 4, + 'caption-side': 4, + 'border-spacing': 4, + 'border-collapse': 6, + 'list-style': 4, + 'list-style-position': 4, + 'list-style-type': 4, + 'list-style-image': 4, + 'content': 5, + 'quotes': 5, + 'counter-reset': 5, + 'counter-increment': 5, + 'resize': 5, + 'cursor': 5, + 'nav-index': 5, + 'nav-up': 5, + 'nav-right': 5, + 'nav-down': 5, + 'nav-left': 5, + '-webkit-transition': 5, + '-moz-transition': 5, + '-ms-transition': 5, + '-o-transition': 5, + 'transition': 5, + '-webkit-transition-delay': 5, + '-moz-transition-delay': 5, + '-ms-transition-delay': 5, + '-o-transition-delay': 5, + 'transition-delay': 5, + '-webkit-transition-timing-function': 5, + '-moz-transition-timing-function': 5, + '-ms-transition-timing-function': 5, + '-o-transition-timing-function': 5, + 'transition-timing-function': 5, + '-webkit-transition-duration': 5, + '-moz-transition-duration': 5, + '-ms-transition-duration': 5, + '-o-transition-duration': 5, + 'transition-duration': 5, + '-webkit-transition-property': 5, + '-moz-transition-property': 5, + '-ms-transition-property': 5, + '-o-transition-property': 5, + 'transition-property': 5, + '-webkit-transform': 5, + '-moz-transform': 5, + '-ms-transform': 5, + '-o-transform': 5, + 'transform': 5, + '-webkit-transform-origin': 5, + '-moz-transform-origin': 5, + '-ms-transform-origin': 5, + '-o-transform-origin': 5, + 'transform-origin': 5, + '-webkit-animation': 5, + '-moz-animation': 5, + '-ms-animation': 5, + '-o-animation': 5, + 'animation': 5, + '-webkit-animation-name': 5, + '-moz-animation-name': 5, + '-ms-animation-name': 5, + '-o-animation-name': 5, + 'animation-name': 5, + '-webkit-animation-duration': 5, + '-moz-animation-duration': 5, + '-ms-animation-duration': 5, + '-o-animation-duration': 5, + 'animation-duration': 5, + '-webkit-animation-play-state': 5, + '-moz-animation-play-state': 5, + '-ms-animation-play-state': 5, + '-o-animation-play-state': 5, + 'animation-play-state': 5, + '-webkit-animation-timing-function': 5, + '-moz-animation-timing-function': 5, + '-ms-animation-timing-function': 5, + '-o-animation-timing-function': 5, + 'animation-timing-function': 5, + '-webkit-animation-delay': 5, + '-moz-animation-delay': 5, + '-ms-animation-delay': 5, + '-o-animation-delay': 5, + 'animation-delay': 5, + '-webkit-animation-iteration-count': 5, + '-moz-animation-iteration-count': 5, + '-ms-animation-iteration-count': 5, + '-o-animation-iteration-count': 5, + 'animation-iteration-count': 5, + '-webkit-animation-direction': 5, + '-moz-animation-direction': 5, + '-ms-animation-direction': 5, + '-o-animation-direction': 5, + 'animation-direction': 5, + 'text-align': 5, + '-webkit-text-align-last': 5, + '-moz-text-align-last': 5, + 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'background-position-x': 6, + '-ms-background-position-x': 6, + 'background-position-y': 6, + '-ms-background-position-y': 6, + 'background-clip': 6, + 'background-origin': 6, + '-webkit-background-size': 6, + '-moz-background-size': 6, + '-o-background-size': 6, + 'background-size': 6, + 'box-decoration-break': 6, + '-webkit-box-shadow': 6, + '-moz-box-shadow': 6, + 'box-shadow': 6, + 'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient': 6, + '-ms-filter:\'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient': 6, + 'text-shadow': 6, + 'font': 7, + 'font-family': 7, + 'font-size': 7, + 'font-weight': 7, + 'font-style': 7, + 'font-variant': 7, + 'font-size-adjust': 7, + 'font-stretch': 7, + 'font-effect': 7, + 'font-emphasize': 7, + 'font-emphasize-position': 7, + 'font-emphasize-style': 7, + 'font-smooth': 7, + 'line-height': 7 + }; + }, + 'v': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var orders = require('u').orders; + var times = 0; + module.exports = { + 'block': function (tree) { + var list = tree.list; + if (!list[0] || list[0].type !== 'declaration') + return; + list.sort(function (d1, d2) { + return (orders[d1.property.value] || 100) - (orders[d2.property.value] || 100); + }); + } + }; + }, + 'w': function (require, module, exports, global) { + module.exports = { + 'io': require('i'), + 'Event': require('n'), + 'color': require('b'), + 'options': require('f'), + 'path': require('6'), + 'promise': require('e'), + 'state': require('m'), + 'tpl': require('7'), + 'util': require('4'), + 'watcher': require('x') + }; + }, + 'x': function (require, module, exports, global) { + var _ = require('4'), options = require('f'), Event = require('n'), fs = null; + function Watcher(options) { + this.set({ persistent: false }); + this.set(options); + this._files = options.files; + this.files = {}; + this.running = false; + } + var w = options.mixTo(Watcher); + Event.mixTo(Watcher); + w.add = function (file) { + var files = []; + _.flatten(arguments).forEach(function (fullpath) { + try { + var stat = fs.statSync(); + } catch (e) { + } + if (stat.isDirectory()) { + } + if (stat.isFile()) { + } + }); + return _.flatten(files); + }; + w._add = function (fullpath) { + this._files.push(file); + if (this.running) { + } + }; + w.remove = function (fullpath) { + }; + w.watch = function () { + if (!this.running) { + this.running = true; + process.on('SIGINT', function () { + process.exit(); + }); + process.on('exit', function () { + self.emit('end'); + ; + (callback || util.noop)(); + }); + } + }; + w._watch = function (callback) { + var self = this, watchers = {}, files = this.files, persistent = this.get('persistent'); + var changed = function (file) { + for (var p in watchers) + watchers[p].close(); + self.trigger('change', file); + callback(); + }; + for (var fullpath in files) + if (files.hasOwnProperty(fullpath)) { + var file = files[fullpath]; + fs.readFile(fullpath, 'utf-8', function (err, src) { + if (err) + return callback(err); + watchers[fullpath] = fs.watch(fullpath, { persistent: persistent }, _.throttle(function () { + fs.readFile(fullpath, 'utf-8', function (err, now) { + if (err && err.code == 'ENOENT') + changed(fullpath); + else if (err) + callback(err); + else if (now != src) + changed(fullpath); + }); + }, 100)); + }); + } + }; + } +})); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/mcss-latest.js b/dist/mcss-latest.js index 80a36cf..5a4efe5 100644 --- a/dist/mcss-latest.js +++ b/dist/mcss-latest.js @@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ var mcss; this.get('walkers').push(walker); return this; }; - m.define = function (key, value) { + m.define = _.msetter(function (key, value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { functions[key] === value; } return this; - }.__msetter(); + }); m.tokenize = function (text) { return tk.tokenize(text, this.options); }; @@ -1598,8 +1598,7 @@ var mcss; function returnTrue() { return true; } - fp.__accept = function (list) { - var fn = this; + _.accept = function (fn, list) { if (!list || !list.length) return; var tlist = list.map(function (item) { @@ -1628,8 +1627,7 @@ var mcss; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; }; - fp.__msetter = function () { - var fn = this; + _.msetter = function (fn) { return function (key, value) { if (typeof key === 'object') { var args = _.slice(arguments, 1); @@ -1645,8 +1643,8 @@ var mcss; } }; }; - np.__limit = function (min, max) { - return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this)); + _.limit = function (num, min, max) { + return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, num)); }; _.makePredicate = function (words, prefix) { if (typeof words === 'string') { @@ -2870,11 +2868,11 @@ var mcss; return rv; }; Color.limit = function (values) { - values[0] = values[0].__limit(0, 255); - values[1] = values[1].__limit(0, 255); - values[2] = values[2].__limit(0, 255); + values[0] = _.limit(values[0], 0, 255); + values[1] = _.limit(values[1], 0, 255); + values[2] = _.limit(values[2], 0, 255); if (values.alpha) - values.alpha = values.alpha.__limit(0, 1); + values.alpha = _.limit(values.alpha, 0, 1); }; Color.hsl = function (channels, a) { return new Color(Color.hsl2rgb(channels), a); @@ -3797,7 +3795,7 @@ var mcss; } }; var $ = module.exports = { - '+': function (left, right) { + '+': _.accept(function (left, right) { var value = left.value + right.value; var unit = left.unit || right.unit; if (left.type === 'DIMENSION' && right.type === 'DIMENSION') { @@ -3816,11 +3814,11 @@ var mcss; lineno: left.lineno }; } - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'TEXT DIMENSION STRING', 'TEXT DIMENSION STRING' ]), - '-': function (left, right) { + '-': _.accept(function (left, right) { var value = left.value - right.value; var unit = left.unit || right.unit; if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) @@ -3831,11 +3829,11 @@ var mcss; unit: unit, lineno: left.lineno }; - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION' ]), - '*': function (left, right) { + '*': _.accept(function (left, right) { var value = left.value * right.value; var unit = left.unit || right.unit; if (left.unit && right.unit && left.unit !== right.unit) @@ -3846,11 +3844,11 @@ var mcss; unit: unit, lineno: left.lineno }; - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION' ]), - '/': function (left, right) { + '/': _.accept(function (left, right) { if (right.value === 0) throw 'Divid by zero' + right.lineno; var value = left.value / right.value; @@ -3862,11 +3860,11 @@ var mcss; value: value, unit: unit }; - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION' ]), - '%': function (left, right) { + '%': _.accept(function (left, right) { if (left.type === 'STRING') { var values = right.list || [right], index = 0; var value = left.value.replace(/\%(x|f|s|d|X)/g, function (all, format) { @@ -3895,7 +3893,7 @@ var mcss; lineno: left.lineno }; } - }.__accept(['DIMENSION STRING']), + }, ['DIMENSION STRING']), 'relation': function (left, right, op) { var bool = { type: 'BOOLEAN', @@ -4138,11 +4136,11 @@ var mcss; 'f': function (require, module, exports, global) { var _ = require('4'); var API = { - set: function (name, value) { + set: _.msetter(function (name, value) { options = this.options || (this.options = {}); options[name] = value; return this; - }.__msetter(), + }), get: function (name) { options = this.options || (this.options = {}); return options[name]; @@ -5035,7 +5033,7 @@ var mcss; var tk = require('3'); var Color = tree.Color; var _ = module.exports = { - rgba: function (r, g, b, a) { + rgba: u.accept(function (r, g, b, a) { if (arguments.length < 2) this.error('param error'); if (r.type === 'color') { @@ -5047,7 +5045,7 @@ var mcss; b.value ], getAlpha(a)); } - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'DIMENSION color', 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION', @@ -5056,11 +5054,11 @@ var mcss; rgb: function () { return _.rgba.apply(this, arguments); }, - hsla: function (h, s, l, a) { + hsla: u.accept(function (h, s, l, a) { if (arguments.length < 3) this.error('hsla need at least 3 arguments got:' + arguments.length); if (s.unit !== '%' || l.unit !== '%') - this.error('hsl param saturation and light all only accpet percent'); + this.error('hsl param saturation and light all only accept percent'); if (a && a.unit === '%') a.value /= 100; var node = Color.hsl([ @@ -5069,7 +5067,7 @@ var mcss; l.value ], a && a.value); return node; - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION', @@ -5078,7 +5076,7 @@ var mcss; hsl: function () { return _.hsla.apply(this, arguments); }, - mix: function (c1, c2, weight) { + mix: u.accept(function (c1, c2, weight) { if (weight && weight.unit !== '%') this.error('weight param must be a percent'); var a = c1.alpha - c2.alpha, p = (weight && weight.value || 50) / 100, w = p * 2 - 1, w1 = ((w * a == -1 ? w : (w + a) / (1 + w * a)) + 1) / 2, w2 = 1 - w1, alpha = c1.alpha * p + c2.alpha * (1 - p), channels = [ @@ -5087,43 +5085,43 @@ var mcss; c1[2] * w1 + c2[2] * w2 ]; return new Color(channels, alpha, c1.lineno); - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'color', 'color', 'DIMENSION' ]), - define: function (name, value, global) { + define: u.accept(function (name, value, global) { name = name.value; if (!name || !value) this.error('invalid passed param in define'); var scope = tree.toBoolean(global) ? this.globalScope : this.scope; scope.define(name, value); - }.__accept(['TEXT STRING']), - apply: function (func, args) { + }, ['TEXT STRING']), + apply: u.accept(function (func, args) { if (!func) this.error('function "apply" atleast need one prams'); if (!func.name) this.define('null', func); var call = tree.call(func.name || 'null', args && args.list || []); return this.walk(call); - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'func', 'valueslist values' ]), typeof: function (node) { return node.type.toLowerCase(); }, - js: function (string) { + js: u.accept(function (string) { try { return eval('(' + string.value + ')'); } catch (e) { this.error(e.message); } - }.__accept(['STRING']), - join: function (list, separator) { + }, ['STRING']), + join: u.accept(function (list, separator) { separator = separator ? separator.value : '-'; return tree.token('TEXT', list.list.map(tree.toStr).join(separator), list.lineno); - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'valueslist values', 'TEXT STRING' ]), @@ -5133,16 +5131,16 @@ var mcss; text = ''; return tree.token('TEXT', text, node.lineno); }, - match: function (reg, str) { + match: u.accept(function (reg, str) { if (!str || str.type !== 'STRING' && str.type !== 'TEXT') return false; var testReg = new RegExp(reg.value), strValue = str.value || ''; return testReg.test(strValue); - }.__accept(['STRING TEXT']), - error: function (message) { + }, ['STRING TEXT']), + error: u.accept(function (message) { this.error(message.value); - }.__accept(['STRING']), - index: function (list, index) { + }, ['STRING']), + index: u.accept(function (list, index) { var elem; if (!index || index.type !== 'DIMENSION') { this.error('invalid param:index passed to args()'); @@ -5152,7 +5150,7 @@ var mcss; } else { return tree.null(); } - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'valueslist values', 'DIMENSION' ]), @@ -5164,10 +5162,10 @@ var mcss; }, flattern: function () { }, - slice: function (list, start, end) { + slice: u.accept(function (list, start, end) { var clist = list.list.slice(start && start.value || 0, end && end.value || list.list.length); return tree[list.type](clist); - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'valueslist values', 'DIMENSION', 'DIMENSION' @@ -5179,16 +5177,16 @@ var mcss; } return _.index.call(this, args, index); }, - len: function (list) { + len: u.accept(function (list) { return tree.token('DIMENSION', list.list.length, list.lineno); - }.__accept(['values valueslist']), - last: function (list) { + }, ['values valueslist']), + last: u.accept(function (list) { return list.list[list.length - 1]; - }.__accept(['values valueslist']), + }, ['values valueslist']), 'is-list': function (list) { return !!(list && list.list); }, - 'data-uri': function (string) { + 'data-uri': u.accept(function (string) { var value = string.value, url = { type: 'URL', value: value @@ -5203,10 +5201,10 @@ var mcss; url.value = base64; return url; } - }.__accept(['STRING']) + }, ['STRING']) }; - _.list = function (list, index, value) { - }.__accept(['values valueslist']); + _.list = u.accept(function (list, index, value) { + }, ['values valueslist']); [ 'push', 'unshift', @@ -5216,12 +5214,12 @@ var mcss; _[name.toLowerCase()] = function (list, item) { var type = list.type; if (type !== 'valueslist' && type !== 'values') { - this.error(name + ' first param only accpet values or valueslist'); + this.error(name + ' first param only accept values or valueslist'); } return list.list[name](item); }; }); - _['-adjust'] = function (color, prop, weight, absolute) { + _['-adjust'] = u.accept(function (color, prop, weight, absolute) { var p = prop.value, key = channelsMap[p]; var isAbsolute = tree.toBoolean(absolute); if (isRGBA(p)) { @@ -5232,7 +5230,7 @@ var mcss; weight.value /= 100; } if (weight.unit) - this.error('rgba adjust only accpet NUMBER'); + this.error('rgba adjust only accept NUMBER'); var clone = color.clone(); if (isAbsolute) { clone[key] = weight.value; @@ -5266,7 +5264,7 @@ var mcss; return node; } this.error('invalid adjust property ' + p + ' ' + color.lineno); - }.__accept([ + }, [ 'color', 'STRING', 'DIMENSION' @@ -5284,9 +5282,9 @@ var mcss; 'blue': 2, 'alpha': 'alpha' }; - _.argb = function (color) { + _.argb = u.accept(function (color) { return color.toCSS(true); - }.__accept(['color']); + }, ['color']); ; (RGBA_STR + ' ' + HSL_STR).split(' ').forEach(function (name) { var text = tk.createToken('STRING', name); @@ -5308,7 +5306,7 @@ var mcss; 'cos', 'tan' ].forEach(function (name) { - _[name] = function (d) { + _[name] = u.accept(function (d) { if (arguments.length < 1) this.error('at least pass one argument'); var clone = tree.cloneNode(d); @@ -5317,7 +5315,7 @@ var mcss; }); clone.value = Math[name].apply(Math, args); return clone; - }.__accept(['DIMENSION']); + }, ['DIMENSION']); }); var mediatypes = { '.eot': 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 2e42b1a..f06b4ad 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "name": "mcss", - "version": "0.4.9", + "version": "0.5.0", "main": "./lib/main.js", "bin": { "mcss": "./bin/mcss" - }, + }, "dependencies": { "commander": "1.1.x", "globule": "0.1.0", @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ "request": "2.20.x", "source-map": "0.1.22" }, - "devDependencies":{ + "devDependencies": { "mocha": "1.10.x", "chokidar": "*", "wrapup": "0.11.x" }, "scripts": { - "test" : "mocha", + "test": "mocha", "prepublish": "cake -t build" } }