Because v0.8.0 is a complete rewrite from v0.7.4 there is no easy migration path. If you have installed/used version 0.7.4 or older and wish to retain your information, you can do either of the following:
If your old version of hashview (v0.7.4 or older) is still running, you can perform the following steps to retain the wordlists, rules and cracked->plaintext data to be used with the new version of hashview (v0.8.0). Note, other apsects, like user accounts, customers, tasks, jobts etc will not be migrated.
The steps for migrating Wordlists & Rules from hashview v0.7.4 -> v0.8.0 are similar. In the old project folder, the the raw files are stored under control/rules and control/wordlists. Once your new version of hashview is running, you can import/add these manually from the old project folder.