This project is just for documentation purposes and our attempt (together with a friend) to build an Wordclock, which is thightly bound to homeassistant using esphome. It uses the time and fastled plattform of esphome to controll the clock.
- Get time from HA instance
- Controll color and brightness from ha
- Controll status leds from ha with service calls
- uses esphome for OTA/API
- supports minutes LEDS
- Mirror 30x30 (IKEA LOTS - 7.99EUR/4Pack)
- Woodframe
- Wood for Back and inlay
- ESP8266
- 125x WS2812B LEDS
- Glue, wires and solder
- Laser engraver
- Mount the LED Stripes to the backplate and solder them based on following layout:
ESXISTXFÜNF 1.......11
ZEHNZWANZIG 22......12
DREIVIERTEL 23......33
XXNACHVORXX 44......34
HALBXZWÖLFX 45......55
XSECHSXXUHR 109.......101
ICONS 110.......120
MINUTES 124.......121
- Connect Ground and 5V and Data Pin of WS2812 to D5 Pin to the ESP8266
- Copy wordclock.yaml and wordclock.h into /config/esphome directory
- Using esphome GUI you can flash wordclock.yaml to an esp8266
Add the esphome to your Home Assistant instance. You should now see the Dummy Light "Wordclock", which allows you to controll the brightness and color of the Wordclock. Additionaly there is a service esphome.wordclock_setled, which allow you to set color to individual LEDS (e.g. the status icons) This Service takes: number (PIN Number of LED, see above), red (0-255), green (0-255), blue (0-255)
service: esphome.wordclock_setled
number: 115
green: 0
red: 255
blue: 0