A lualine component to show github copilot status, you can toggle the enabled state by clicking
This is a fork of the excellent lualine-copilot. deferent is this plugins depends on the copilot.lua not copilot.vim
-- lua
{ "leisurelicht/lualine-copilot.nvim" }
-- lua
use { "leisurelicht/lualine-copilot.nvim" }
Default values for lualine configuration is
lualine_x = {
So I recommend that you can add it to this table and arrange them in a reasonable order. Like is
lualine_x = {
Or you can custom icons. k
-- lua
require("lualine").setup {
sections = {
lualine_x = {
-- default is true.
symbols = {
-- use your icons to replace
enabled = " ",
disabled = " ",