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Indy CLI Design

Re-implementation of CLI

This proposal follow the idea to re-implement CLI from scratch. Main reasons are:

  • Existing code base is written in hard-to support way.
  • Existing code base is too far from libindy entities model.
  • Existing code base requires complex runtime (python) and additional dependencies (python libindy wrapper) that complicates deployment.
  • It is just cheaper to re-implement CLI than to perform deep refactoring.

Use Rust language

We propose to re-implement CLI in Rust. Main reasons are:

  • Main libindy code base uses Rust. Team has deep Rust experience.
  • No need to big runtime, small list of dependencies. As result simple packaging and deployment.
  • Rust is nice and reliable cross-platform solution for native apps.

Terminal input-output handling

To handle complex terminal input, history and autocompletion support on different terminals linefeed crate will be used (few additional alternatives are also available). To handle colored terminal output ansi_term crate will be used.

Auto completion

The following autocompletion will be provided through readline infrastructure:

  • Command group name completion
  • Command name completion
  • Command param name completion

Libindy wrapper

CLI project will contain simple synchronous libindy wrapper:

  • Code from libindy tests that provides similar wrapper will be partially reused.
  • Synchronization will be performed through Rust channels:
    • Main thread creates channel and closure that will send message to this channel.
    • Calls libindy and puts this closure as callback.
    • Blocks on reading from channel.

As channel reading assumes timeouts it will be possible to emulate progress updating .

Threading model

There will be one main thread that will perform io operations with terminal and libindy calls synchronized through Rust’s channel. Blocking will be limited by small channel read timeout.

Execution modes

CLI will support 2 execution modes:

  • Interactive. In this mode CLI will read commands from terminal interactively.
  • Batch. In this code all commands will be read from file or pipe and executed in series.

Code structure

  • CLI code will define "Command" structure that will be container for:
    • Command meta information (name, command help, supported params, params help)
    • "Executor" function that will contain command execution logic
    • "Cleaner" function that will contain command cleanup logic
  • Each command will be implemented as Rust module with one public "new" function that returns configured "Command" instance
  • All commands will share one "CommandContext". "CommandContext" will hold application state and contain 2 parts:
    • Pre-defined application part. Part that holds application-level state like command prompt, isExit flag and etc...
    • Generic command specific part. This part will be key-value storage that will allow commands to store command-speficic data like Indy SDK handles, used DID and etc...
  • "Executor" and "Cleaner" functions will get CommandContext as parameter
  • Actual execution of commands will be performed by CommandExecutor class. This class will:
    • Instantiation of shared "CommandContext"
    • Hold all commands and command grouping info
    • Parse command lines according to commands meta information and search for relevant command
    • Triggering of command execution
    • Provide line auto completion logic
    • Triggerid of command cleanup Command instances will optionally share few contexts:
  • EntryPoint will:
  • Instantiate CommandExecutor and provide commands to command executor instance.
  • Determine execution mode.
    • In interactive mode it will start readline cycle and execute each line with CommandExecutor until Exit command received.
    • In batch mode it will execute each command in the list and finish execution after completion of all commands.

See diagram:


Command format

indy> [<group>] <command> [[<main_param_name>=]<main_param_value>] [<param_name1>=<param_value1>] ... [<param_nameN>=<param_valueN>]

Common commands


Print list of groups with group help:

indy> help

Print list of group commands with command help:

indy> <group> help

Print command help, list of command param and help for each param:

indy> <group> <command> help


Print about and license info:

indy> about


Exit from CLI:

indy> exit


Change command prompt:

indy> prompt <new_prompt>


Print content of file:

indy> show [file=]<file_path>

Wallets management commands (wallet group)

indy> wallet <command>

Wallet create

Create new wallet with specified name and pool:

indy> wallet create [name=]<wallet name> pool_name=<pool name> [key=<key>]

TODO: Think about custom wallet types support. Now we force default wallet security model..

Wallet open

Open the wallet with specified name and make it available for commands that require wallet. If there was opened wallet it will be closed:

indy> wallet open [name=]<wallet name> [key=<key>] [rekey=<rekey>]

Wallet close

Close the opened wallet

indy> wallet close

Wallet list

List all created wallets with corresponded status (indicates opened one):

indy> wallet list

Pool management commands

indy> pool <subcommand>

Create config

Create name pool (network) configuration

indy> pool create [name=]<pool name> gen_txn_file=<gen txn file path> 


Connect to Indy nodes pool and make it available for operation that require pool access. If there was pool connection it will be disconnected.

indy> pool connect [name=]<pool name>


Disconnect from Indy nodes pool

indy> pool disconnect


List all created pools configurations with status (indicates connected one)

indy> pool list

Identity Management

indy> did <subcommand>


Create and store my DID in the opened wallet. Requires opened wallet.

indy> did new [did=<did>] [seed=<seed str>] [metadata=<metadata string>]


List my DIDs stored in the opened wallet as table (did, verkey, metadata). Requires wallet to be opened.:

indy> did list


Use the DID as identity owner for commands that require identity owner:

indy> did use [did=]<did>

Rotate key

Rotate keys for used DID. Sends NYM to the ledger with updated keys. Requires opened wallet and connection to pool:

indy> did rotate-key [seed=<seed str>]

Ledger transactions/messages

indy> ledger <subcommand>

NYM transaction

Send NYM transaction

ledger nym did=<did-value> [verkey=<verkey-value>] [role=<role-value>]

GET_NYM transaction

Send GET_NYM transaction

ledger get-nym did=<did-value>

ATTRIB transaction

Send ATTRIB transaction

ledger attrib did=<did-value> [hash=<hash-value>] [raw=<raw-value>] [enc=<enc-value>]

GET_ATTRIB transaction

Send GET_ATTRIB transaction

ledger get-attrib did=<did-value> [raw=<raw-value>] [hash=<hash-value>] [enc=<enc-value>]

NODE transaction

Send NODE transaction

ledger node target=<target-value> node_ip=<node_ip-value> node_port=<node_port-value> client_ip=<client_ip-value> client_port=<client_port-value> alias=<alias-value> blskey=<blskey-value> [services=<services-value>]

POOL_UPGRADE transaction

Send POOL_UPGRADE transaction

ledger pool-upgrade name=<name> version=<version> action=<start or cancel> sha256=<sha256> [timeout=<timeout>] [schedule=<schedule>] [justification=<justification>] [reinstall=<true or false (default false)>] [force=<true or false (default false)>]

SCHEMA transaction

Send SCHEMA transaction

ledger schema name=<name-value> version=<version-value> attr_names=<attr_names-value>

GET_SCHEMA transaction

ledger get-schema did=<did-value> name=<name-value> version=<version-value>

CRED_DEF transaction

Send CRED_DEF transaction

ledger cred-def schema_id=<schema_id-value> signature_type=<signature_type-value> primary=<primary-value> [revocation=<revocation-value>]

GET_CRED_DEF transaction

Send GET_CRED_DEF transaction

ledger get-cred-def schema_id=<schema_id-value> signature_type=<signature_type-value> origin=<origin-value>

POOL_CONFIG transaction

Send POOL_CONFIG transaction

ledger pool-config writes=<true or false (default false)> [force=<true or false (default false)>]

Custom transaction

Send custom transaction with user defined json body and optional signature

ledger custom [txn=]<txn-json-value> [sign=<true|false>]


Create pool configuration and connect to pool

indy> pool create sandbox gen_txn_file=/etc/sovrin/sandbox.txn
indy> pool connect sandbox
pool(sandbox):indy> pool list

Create and open wallet

sandbox|indy> wallet create alice_wallet pool_name=sandbox
sandbox|indy> wallet open alice_wallet
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy> wallet list

Create DID in the wallet from seed and use it for the next commands

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy> did new seed=SEED0000000000000000000000000001 metadata="Alice DID"
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy> did use MYDID000000000000000000001
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(MYD...001):indy> did list

Create new DID for BOB

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(MYD...001):indy> did new metadata="Bob DID"

Post new NYM to the ledger

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(MYD...001):indy> ledger nym did=MYDID000000000000000000001

Send GET_NYM transaction

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(MYD...001):indy> ledger get-nym did=MYDID000000000000000000001