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Releases: lenosisnickerboa/csgosl

New run page options + apiauthkey bugfix

18 May 18:15
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- Added Run page options:
  - warmuptime, buytime and freezetime
  - removed immediaterestart option (replaced by above)
- Fixed bug which caused authkey not to be set in lanonly mode meaning
  hosting workshop stuff didn't work in lanonly mode.

Sourcemod config page, sourcemod upgrade, much more...

09 May 21:43
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Fixed metamod/sourcemod install bug which caused linux binaries to be installed on windows.

  • if you had problems with sourcemod plugins on windows this will fix it
    Upgraded Sourcemod to latest stable release 1.7 - build 5303
    Sourcemod config page
  • support for stock plugins + Franug-Weapon_Paints and Franug-Knifes
  • add sourcemod admins (by steam id or ip)
  • banprotection for running sourcemod plugins in lanonly mode
    Automatically builds mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt
    Now notifies you of csgosl updates
    Now automatically upgrades metamod/sourcemod/plugins when csgosl is upgraded
    New option to set IP the server should bind to (srcds command line option -ip)
  • useful when running lanonly server over VLAN
  • this option, if set, overrides the "-ip" fix for RCON on linux

Fixed autoupdateonstart bug

03 May 18:41
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Auto update on start crashed, fixed.

bot_quota support + fixed broken list widgets

02 May 18:35
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New option in Run Page which allows the exact number of bots to be set instead of just filling up with bots to the stated number of players. (Thanks to Alex Heisler for suggesting this improvement).

Fixed the list widget bug which made it impossible to select map, map group, ...

Bug fixes, tool tips, sourcemod admin support, cvars support

01 May 15:51
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- Support for controlling all cvars
- Tooltips showing help for all options
- Support for configuring a sourcemod admin
- Misc bug fixes

Minor bug fixes

20 Apr 20:24
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Minor bug fixes Pre-release

Minor bug fixes

Minor bug fixes

17 Apr 17:13
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Minor bug fixes Pre-release

Minor bug fixes

Initial release

17 Apr 00:20
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Initial release Pre-release

Initial release for testing download and installation. May be severly broken.