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Victory Changelog

0.21.4 (2017-08-07)


  • 285 bugfix: tooltips with activateData
  • 278 Support touch events
  • 280 Fix tooltip rendering in VictoryPortal
  • 281 bugfix: functional label padding
  • 282 bugfix: fix "unknown props on <g> tag" warning
  • 283 Allow boolean value for animate prop
  • 284 Sort arrays by "key" when animating. See #684
  • 274 Fixes automatic bar width calculation for horizontal bars
  • 275 Adds an optional containerId prop for all Victory containers
  • 276 Adds downsample method for Data


  • 504 bugfix: padding bug in VictoryCursorContainer
  • 505 Support touch events on all containers
  • 506 Add props argument for VictoryVoronoiContainer callbacks
  • 507 bugfix: Support array styles for VictoryLabel when it is used as a direct child of VictoryChart or other wrappers
  • 508 Add support for animate as a boolean prop
  • 509 Add props as the last argument for all container callbacks
  • 502 Fix bug in VictoryZoomContainer
  • 503 Add downsample option for VictoryZoomContainer
  • 504 Fix padding bug in VictoryCursorContainer


  • 151 bugfix: support functional padding for labels
  • 152 Support boolean animate prop

0.21.3 (2017-07-24)


  • 267 Correct single-point domain logic
  • 268 Correct stacked domain logic
  • 269 VictoryLabel accepts percentage values for x and y
  • 270 VictoryLegend supports events. Also enforces consistent parent styles as other Victory components. Breaking style change for VictoryLegend
  • 272 Aggressive shouldComponentUpdate logic for evented Victory components Breaking change for some components using addEvents


  • 496 VictoryZoomContainer improvements for real-time, updating data
  • 497 bugfix: apply domainPadding to explicit domains
  • 498 VictoryAxis determines its own default tickFormat
  • 499 Fix label prop merge order for VictoryVoronoiContainer labels
  • 500 Support performance improvements for evented components e.g. VictoryArea, VictoryBar ...

0.21.2 (2017-07-13)


  • 651 Support Webpack 3 and ES6 exports


  • 266 Support Webpack 3 and ES6 exports
  • 265 Translates Slice when an origin prop is given


  • 495 Support Webpack 3 and ES6 exports
  • 494 Ensure that tickFormat has access to tick, index, and ticks
  • 491 Corrects dependent axis for innerRadius
  • 490 Fixes a bug in domain calculation for polar axes
  • 488 VictoryZoomContainer only updates the domain in the dimension it controls
  • 489 Adds support for innerRadius on polar charts


  • 149 Support Webpack 3 and ES6 exports
  • 148 Translates individual slices rather than an entire group translation for pie and labels

0.21.1 (2017-06-29)

Minor bug fixes:



0.21.0 (2017-06-06)

Breaking Changes

  • Removes default bar width from themes
  • Changes how default bar widths are calculated
  • Changes render methods for Area, Bar and Curve primitives (Breaking change for victory-native and others extending primitives)
  • Changes function sigintures for Selection.getDomainCoordinates and Selection.getDataCoordinates (Breaking change for victory-native)


  • Supports polar charts by adding the polar prop to charts.
  • Polar charts are supported for VictoryArea, VictoryChart, VictoryGroup, VictoryLine, VictoryScatter VictoryStack and VictoryVoronoi
  • Polar charts are supported for VictoryBar, but horizontal (radial) bars are not yet supported
  • Polar charts work with VictoryVoronoiContainer
  • Polar charts work with VictorySelectionContainer, but the dimension prop is not supported for polar selections
  • Polar charts work with VictoryZoomContainer, but zooming is limited to centered radial zooming. Panning has no effect.
  • Polar-specific default animations for VictoryLine and VictoryArea
  • horizontal polar charts are not yet supported
  • VictoryCandlestick and VictoryErrorBar do not yet work with polar charts
  • VictoryCursorContainer does not yet work with polar charts
  • VictoryBrushContainer does not work with polar charts
  • VictoryZoomContainer has limitations for polar charts

Planned additional work

  • Support for radial bars
  • Support for spider charts (i.e. linear grid lines rather than arcs on polar charts)
  • Support separate theming for polar charts (at least axes)
  • Support for a polar version of VictoryCursorContainer
  • Minimal support for polar versions of VictoryCandleStick and VictoryErrorBar (Elements will be correctly positioned and angled, but path elements will not be altered to reflect curvature, i.e. candles will still be rects rather than arc paths)
  • Investigate hollow polar charts


  • Adds VictoryPolarAxis with new props: axisAngle startAngle, endAngle, and labelPlacement
  • Adds polar, startAngle, endAngle, and defaultPolarAxes props for VictoryChart
  • Adds polar, origin, and range props to all chart types.
  • Adds defaultPolarTransitions static methods to VictoryLine and VictoryArea
  • Uses LabelHelpers to simplify all helper-methods
  • Adds a new Arc primitive which is used for polar axes and grid lines
  • Adds polar and origin props to rendered components (primitives, VictoryLabel, VictoryClipContainer VictoryContainer)
  • Supports radial areas for Area and Curve. These props have no effect for cartesian charts
  • Adds an openPath prop for Curve. This prop is used to determine whether radial curves should be closed. Curves are closed by default, but when this prop is set to true they will not be. This prop has no effect for cartesian charts
  • Supports polar bars in the Bar primitive. (Angular bars only, radial bars are not yet supported)
  • Adds a labelPlacement prop to VictoryLabel and VictoryTooltip. Values are "parallel", "perpendicular", and "vertical". These flags help to appropriately position labels in polar charts. Polar charts will use "parallel" label placement by default. Cartesian charts will only use "'vertical" placement.
  • Adds support for circular clipPath
  • Adds support for polar animation transitions for continuous chart types. During onLoad, all points grow from zero. During onEnter and onExit new points are added / removed at the location of an adjacent point to keep path interpolation as smooth as possible. This implementation obviates the need for radial clip-path animations for these chart types.
  • before and after callbacks for onLoad, onEnter and onExit are now called with datum, index, and data instead of only datum.
  • Adds LabelHelpers
  • Adds helper methods for polar charts

0.20.0 (2017-05-24)

Breaking Changes -victory-chart/471 Passes the string value of ticks to the tickFormat function rather than the associated index. This may be a breaking change for users who are using categorical data and formatting tick values by index

New Features -victory-chart/474 Adds support for a y0 accessor so that users can have granular control over the baseline of components like VictoryArea -victory-core/246 Adds an itemsPerRow prop to VictoryLegend to support automatic legend wrapping

Minor Changes -victory-chart/472 Fixes a bug that was causing VictoryGroup to override styles on any independent VictoryLabel children -victory-core/244 Passes missing datum and index props to Flyout -victory-chart/250 Audits shouldComponentUpdate logic for all primitive components so that changes to optional props like className will cause components to re-render. -victory-pie/146 Rounds label positions for VictoryPie

0.19.1 (2017-05-12)

  • victory-chart/469 Adds VictoryCursorContainer
  • victory-core/241 Adds optional title an desc props to VictoryLabel
  • victory-core/243 Impovements to VictoryContainer
    • Automatic overflow: "visible" for elements rendered in VictoryPortal (tooltips)
    • VictoryContainer no longer renders g tags (this was causing confusion with evented containers)
    • Default responsive styles are now width: "100%" height: "100%" (fixes a bug in safari)
    • Changes the merge order for responsive styles so that width and height attrs may be overridden
  • victory-core/244 adds missing index and datum props to Flyout
  • victory-core/245 fixes dy calculation in VictoryLabel

0.19.0 (2017-05-02)


  • Updates to react@^15.5.0
  • Uses separate prop-types package
  • Projects using Victory must also depend on prop-types
  • Removes VictoryVoronoiTooltip

0.18.4 (2017-04-04)

  • Supports combining container behaviors with the createContainer method.
  • Individual combineContainerMixins are also exported.
  • For more detail, see victory-chart/453

0.18.3 (2017-03-21)

victory-chart/447 Improves performance for container components

0.18.2 (2017-03-15)

Minor bug fixes -508 -509 -510 -517 -520

0.18.1 (2017-03-14)


  • Support multi-repo tooling

0.18.0 (2017-02-27)



  • VictoryTooltip no longer automatically adds the active prop to data when hovered. To turn this behavior on, set the new activateData boolean prop on VictoryTooltip
  • Deprecates label in favor of labels in VictoryLine and VictoryArea, allowing individual data labels for these components like in other Victory components. This will be a breaking change for anyone using the label prop in VictoryLine or VictoryArea. Series labels will need to be configured manually.
  • VictoryZoomContainer now zooms both x and y dimensions, use the prop dimension="x" to return to the old behavior
  • VictoryZoomContainer now centers zoom behavior on the mouse position rather than the center of the chart
  • VictoryZoomContainer has a minimum zoom level of the extent of the domain / 1000. Set a custom minimum with the minimumZoom prop, which takes an object with numeric values for x and/ or y.
  • VictoryBrushContainer no longer has dimension="x" as the default value.

Deprecation Notice VictoryVoronoi and VictoryVoronoiTooltip have been replaced by VictoryVoronoiContainer and will be deprecated in version 0.20.0


  • VictoryTooltip no longer automatically adds the active prop to data when hovered. To turn this behavior on, set the new activateData boolean prop on VictoryTooltip
  • Adds a theme prop to VictoryContainer so that custom containers may pick up themes from their parents
  • Removes default title and desc props from VictoryContainer
  • Adds support for providing text as an array for VictoryLabel
  • Adds support for providing style as an array for VictoryLabel so that each line of a multi-line label may be styled independently
  • Changes how null data values are handled by Area and Curve primitives
  • Adds a reduceChildren method to Helpers to ensure order consistency when working with nested children


  • implements data sorting for all components with a sortKey props


  • Adds VictoryVoronoiContainer for hover events (tooltips). VictoryVoronoiContainer has several benefits over VictoryVoronoi and VictoryVoronoiTooltip
    • Supports multi-dataset voronoi
    • Much better performance (voronoi polygons are not actually rendered, so the number of nodes rendered is dramatically lower)
    • Supports multi-data tooltips
    • Supports rectangular selections with a dimension prop i.e. dimension="x" creates vertical hover areas for every unique x value in all child data
  • Deprecates label in favor of labels in VictoryLine and VictoryArea, allowing individual data labels for these components like in other Victory components. This will be a breaking change for anyone using the label prop in VictoryLine or VictoryArea. Series labels will need to be configured manually
  • Changes how null values are handled in VictoryArea, and groups all line and area segments (i.e. split by null values) into the same eventKey, so that they operate as a single line for the purposes of events.


  • Supports x and y dimension zooming in VictoryZoomContainer
  • Adds a minimumZoom prop for VictoryZoomContainer
  • Zooming centers on mouse position rather than in the center of the chart


  • Adds a translateY prop for ClipPath to support x, y zoom behavior
  • Removes default clipPadding in ClipPath

0.17.0 (2017-02-05)

0.16.1 (2017-02-03)

  • victory-chart/429
  • Throttles onWheel and onMouseMove events on Victory container components
  • Exports container event helpers

0.16.0 (2017-01-30)

This release includes major breaking changes related to VictoryZoom

  • victory-core/189 and 191
    • Adds VictoryLegend component
  • victory-core/190
    • Allows VictoryContainer to render either <g> or <svg> depending on the value of the standalone prop
    • Passes a timer down in context for VictorySharedEvents
    • Event handlers have access to the context they are being called from via an argument
      • i.e. onClick: (event, targetProps, eventKey, context) => {...}
    • Enhances addEvents so that evented components can pick up "parentControllerProps" from parent state
      • useful for VictoryZoomContainer
    • Adds the ability to define callbacks in the events prop that will be called after setState
      • useful for allowing VictoryZoomContainer to call methods like resumeAnimation
  • victory-chart/427
    • Adds VictoryBrushContainer
    • Adds VictoryZoomContainer to replace VictoryZoom
    • See pull request for examples
    • Deprecates VictoryZoom
    • Changes default styles for VictorySelectionContainer
    • Adds override-able selectionComponent for VictorySelectionContainer
    • Adds domain and standalone to list of props that get stored in parent state
    • Simplifies and standardizes container rendering across components.

0.15.0 (2017-01-03)

  • Adds VictorySelectionContainer
  • Changes when functional styles and props are evaluated (this may be a breaking change) Functional styles and props are now evaluated in the primitive components (Point, Bar etc.)
  • Supports an active prop on all primitive components that is used when evaluating functional styles and props
  • Tooltips now trigger active: true on both labels and data components
  • defaultEvents are supported for containerComponents

0.14.2 (2016-12-13)

  • Fixes date handling in VictoryZoom
  • Adds support for className in primitive components

0.14.1 (2016-12-12)

  • Fixes minor animation bugs
  • Fixes bugs in VictoryZoom
  • Adds pointerEvent: "none" to tooltip

0.14.0 (2016-12-02)

This may be a breaking change for animating VictoryArea and VictoryLine. Animation behavior is changed.

  • Change how animations behave for continuous data i.e. VictoryArea and VictoryLine
    • clipPath curtain will never be smaller than the range except during onLoad
  • Simplify transitions code
  • Ensure that animations and transitions use the global timer passed in context or create their own
  • Fix bypassAnimation bug
  • Ensure that clipPath width and height are never negative

0.13.7 (2016-11-09)

  • Fix timer issues and export VictoryZoom

0.13.6 (2016-11-09)

  • Temporarily revert global animation timer and VictoryZoom changes

0.13.5 (2016-11-09)

  • Export VictoryZoom

0.13.4 (2016-11-09)

  • Add global animation timer
  • Add VictoryZoom

0.13.3 (2016-10-31)

  • Stricter npmignore

0.13.2 (2016-10-28)

  • Uses publishr to reduce npm installed package size #413
  • Fixes a bug where label padding was not being applied to tick labels #408
  • Removes default tick padding in themes
  • Changes how the domain is calculated when there is only one data point, or when the minimum and maximum of the data is equal in a given dimension #407
  • Removes hard-coded <g> from VictorySharedEvents #402
  • Ensures that ticks array is not empty after filtering zeroes for crossed axes
  • Fixes naming for "stack" and "group" roles

0.13.1 (2016-10-26)

  • Allows npm 2 installs
  • Fixes incorrect Aria roles

0.13.0 (2016-10-13)

  • Removes support for children for VictoryLabel. Use text instead
  • Upgrades all d3 packages
  • Greater consistency of props for props passed to primitive components
  • Adds VictoryPortal which renders any child elments in a top level portal container if it exists
  • VictoryTooltip uses VictoryPortal by default
  • Adds VictoryClipContainer which renders children in a group container with a clipPath if clipPath props exist. This component is used for animatiing continuous data types like VictoryLine. It should not be used for custom clipPaths.
  • VictoryArea and VictoryLine use VictoryClipContainer as their groupComponent
  • Removes clipPath properties from VictoryLine and VictoryArea
  • Extracts event logic into a new inverted inheritance higher order component addEvents which is used by all chart components
  • Fixes a bug in VictoryTransition that was causing unnecessary rerendering
  • Exposes Data, Domain, Scale, and other helpers
  • Fixes date related domain bugs
  • Fixes stacking for time scale data
  • Supports separate theming for x and y axes

0.12.1 (2016-09-05)

  • Fixes ordering for stacked and grouped data
  • Fixes broken tooltips in Safari
  • Fixes tooltip fill bug
  • Corrects propTypes in VictoryTooltip
  • Removes unused flyoutProps prop in VictoryVoronoiTooltip

0.12.0 (2016-09-09)

This is a breaking change for label placement in VictoryPie

  • Adds support for VictoryTooltip
  • Adds VictoryVoronoi component
  • Adds VictoryVoronoiTooltip
  • Moves all primitive rendered components to victory-core where they are exported for external use
  • Enhances VictoryGroup so that it can accept a data prop which it will pass to all children. This also allows groups of components to be stacked as one
  • Adds support for defaultEvents in any primitive component (i.e. dataComponent, labelComponent)
  • Adds onLoad animations
  • Adds a sortKey prop to VictoryLine to allow sorting by fields other than "x"
  • Adds a fixLabelOverlap boolean prop to VictoryAxis. When enables, this feature renders a smaller subset of ticks when the full set of ticks would cause overlapping labels. This feature is currently limited to evenly spaced labels.
  • Fixes a bug related to bubbleProperty in VictoryScatter
  • Allows string data in VictoryCandlestick and VictoryErrorBar
  • Performance optimizations

0.11.0 (2016-08-18)

This is a breaking change for themes across all components and for label placement in VictoryPie

  • Updates VictoryTheme API, uses VictoryTheme.grayscale for default styling
  • Alters label placement in VictoryPie so that when label styles include padding, the innerRadius of the pie does not effect label placement.
  • Adds a displayName to all components for ease of debugging
  • Improves animation for continuous data components (i.e. VictoryLine, VictoryArea) using clipPath
  • Improves performance by simplifying scale type checking for VictoryBar and VictoryArea
  • Supports for arrays of childName in events
  • Fixes a bug related to bar width

0.10.4 (2016-08-05)

  • Fix PropType warnings in React 15.3+
  • Add animationInfo as 2nd argument to victory-animation child function call

0.10.3 (2016-08-04)

  • Fixes minor domainPadding bugs for stacked and grouped charts
  • Fixes a bug in generated data

0.10.2 (2016-08-02)

  • Fix animation and style bugs for VictoryCandlestick
  • Fix layout bug effecting negative axes in VictoryChart
  • Update docs

0.10.1 (2016-08-01)

  • Fix minor error bar bug
  • Fix minor axis style bugs

0.10.0 (2016-07-29)

Breaking Changes

  • Default styles and some default props have changed across all components in this release.


  • All Victory components support a theme prop that can be used to define styles and props across different component types.
  • victory-core includes the material theme


  • The new VictoryCandlestick component may be used standalone or in conjunction with VictoryChart. It has an idential API and feature set as other chart compatible components with the exception of the data and data accessor props. VictoryCandlestick expects data in the form [{x: value, high: NUMBER, low: NUMBER, open: NUMBER, close: NUMBER}...], and includes data sccessor props x, high, low, open, and close.


  • The new VictoryErrorBar component may be used standalone or in conjunction with VictoryChart. It has an idential API and feature set as other chart compatible components with the exception of the data and data accessor props. VictoryErrorBar expects data in the form [{x: value, y: value, errorX: ERR, errorY: ERR}...], Where ERR is a number or a two value array for asymmetric errors. VictoryErrorBar also includes data accessor props errorX and errorY.


  • Changes have been made across all components in order to support victory-native. VictoryNative has an identical API to Victory, and reuses most of the code. Changes made to Victory to support VictoryNative are all non-breaking, and minimal. They include the addition of a groupComponent prop in all components (which defaults to <g>), removing svg transforms whenever possible in favor of absolute positioning, and code reorganization.

Performance improvements

  • Low-hanging performance improvements included in this release:
    • Replace Object.assign with lodash assign
    • Replace map / reduce array methods with length-cached for loops in methods responsible for rendering elements


  • Improvements for domainPadding
    • domainPadding is supported in all components compatible with VictoryChart
    • Negative and asymmetric domainPadding is supported. Example: domainPadding={{x: [-20, 20], y: 50}}
    • Grouped bar charts get automatic domainPadding so that bars wont overflow axes in most cases.
  • Adds Aria roles for all rendered elements
  • Fixes bugs related to log scales
  • Fixes a bug related to time scales
  • Improves consistency for charts with empty and single value data arrays
  • Removes reduce-calc-css as a dependency

0.9.0 (2016-06-17)

Events enhancements

  • Supports events on parent containers (i.e. top level <svg>) via the parent namespace in the events prop
  • In VictoryChart, parent events have access to width, height, style and the calculated scale (with domain and range already applied). Where applicable parent events also have access to data
  • in VictoryPie parent events have access to width, height, style and the calculated slices and the calculated pathFuncton
  • When mutating elements via the return from event handlers, mutation objects may now take arrays for eventKey to target several individual elements, or the special value "all" to apply changes to all elements of a particular target type
  • Associates parent events with child events via a container prop on VictorySharedEvents. This is useful where shared events are automatic as in VictoryChart, VictoryStack and VictoryGroup


  • Supports a custom containerComponent in all chart types.
  • containerComponent defaults to the new VictoryContainer which renders an <svg> with default title and description aria roles

Full support for horizontal bar charts

  • Fixes bugs related to axis layout of horizontal bar charts

Misc improvements

  • Adds vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke" where applicable for improved readability in responsive charts
  • Increases default fontSizes for improved readability
  • Removes parent transform from VictoryAxis so that custom elements can be absolutely positioned more easily
  • Alters VictoryAxis render order to that grids are rendered under labels
  • Alters the render order of default axes in VictoryChart so that default axes will render under data. Explicitly defined axes will still render in whatever order they are defined
  • Adds a cornerRadius prop to VictoryPie to enable pie slices with rounded corners. Thanks @judikdavid!
  • Renders all pie slices before labels to prevent slices from overlapping labels

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug related to transforms for VictoryLabel
  • Fixes a bug in VictoryGroup that was causing custom labelComponents in its children to be overridden.
  • Fixes a bug related to incorrect an incorrect default tickFormat being applied to dates

0.8.0 (2016-06-01)

  • Upgrades to React 15
  • Supports wrapped components in VictoryChart
  • Adds VictorySharedEvents wrapper for coordinating events between supported Victory Components. An annotated example of the new events API:
      childName: "firstBar", // if a child name is not provided, event will be attached to all children.
      target: "data", // what type of element to attach to. Matches the style namespaces
      eventKey: 1, // What event key of element to attach to. Defaults to the index in data.
      eventHandlers: {
        onClick: () => {
          return {
            childName: "secondBar", // the child to be modified
            // props here are the props that define the targeted component i.e. what is passed to an individual bar
            mutation: (props) => {
              return {style: merge({},, {fill: "blue"})}; // Whatever is returned here will override the existing props
    }, {
      childName: "secondBar",
      target: "data",
      eventKey: 0,
      eventHandlers: {
        onClick: () => { // event handlers can return an array of mutation objects with different targeted elements
          return [
              childName: "firstBar",
              mutation: (props) => {
                return {style: merge({},, {fill: "cyan"})};
            }, {
              mutation: (props) => { // the default target element is whatever element the handler is attached to
                return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})};
            }, {
              target: "labels",
              eventKey: 1,
              mutation: () => {
                return {text: "CLICKED"};
    name="firstBar" // if children don't have name props they can be referenced by index in shared events
      data: {width: 25, fill: "gold"}
    data={[{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}, {x: "c", y: 4}]}
    data={[{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}, {x: "c", y: 4}]}

0.7.0 (2016-05-13)

  • improves consistency for labelComponent and dataComponent props. Replaces a custom label components with VictoryLabel to make the api more consistent and predictable. This is a breaking change for custom label components, as VictoryLabel expects a different set of props than the previous label components. See VictoryLabel for more detail.

  • Custom components are now supported for all rendered axis elements (axis, axisLabel, grid, ticks, tickLabels)

  • All data and label components now have access to scale so that they can create correctly scaled elements from data i.e. error bars.

  • Functional styles and props are now all evaluated before they are passed as props to labelComponent or dataComponent, so that custom components will have access to the final values.

  • events are bound and partially applied prior to being passed as props to labelComponent or dataComponent

  • it is now possible to specify angle and verticalAnchor props for VictoryLabel via the style object

  • event return values are stored differently on state to facilitate interaction between data and labels. This is a breaking change for events as event handlers must now return an object with with data and/or labels keys so that these values may be applied appropriately to data and label elements respectively.

0.6.1 (2016-04-19)

  • Fixes a bug in VictoryChart, VictoryGroup and VictoryStack, which was causing null animation props to be ignored.

0.6.0 (2016-04-15)


  • VictoryBar and VictoryArea no longer support multiple datasets.
  • VictoryStack and VictoryGroup define stacked and grouped layouts for their children
  • Custom data components supported on for VictoryBar, VictoryLine, VictoryScatter, VictoryArea, and VictoryPie via the dataComponent prop
  • Enter and exit transitions animate. Enter and exit transition defaults defined VictoryBar, VictoryArea, VictoryScatter, VictoryLine and VictoryPie. Custom transitions may be defined via the onExit and onEnter properties of the animation prop
  • Top level svgs are all responsive by default (using svg viewBox). To render a fixed size component, set the standalone prop to false and render the component inside an svg tag

0.5.0 (2016-03-15)

  • Adds VictoryArea as a data type compatible with VictoryChart.
  • Supports custom label components
  • Upgrades all repos to lodash 4

0.4.1 (2016-03-01)

  • Remove dependency on Radium
  • Many performance improvements via memoization and replacing expensive merge operations
  • Ignore source maps for smaller NPM installation
  • Add npm start and npm test scripts for easier contribution dev workflow
  • Show gzipped size for minified distribution file
  • Code reorganization
  • Update roadmap

0.4.0 (2016-01-31)

  • Data Accessors are supported on all relevant components
  • Shared code has been factored into VictoryUtil

Breaking Changes:

  • VictoryLine and VictoryScatter:
    • plotting functions via the y prop must now be expressed as functions of data rather than functions of x. i.e. y={(data) => Math.sin(data.x)}
  • VictoryBar:
    • the domain of the dependent axis will automatically include zero unless a domain is specified via props
    • automatic alphabetic data sorting has been removed
    • automatic 1% domain padding has been removed
  • VictoryChart:
    • automatic 1% domain padding has been removed
    • default line data has been removed, so <VictoryChart/> with no additional props will now only render a set of axes with no data

0.3.0 (2016-01-26)

  • Demo application now works with hot reloading.
  • Application dependencies like radium and lodash now live in components, not in the Builder archetype. This is a breaking change. FormidableLabs#176

0.2.0 (2016-01-15)

0.1.3 (2015-12-30)

  • Fix build

0.1.2 (2015-12-30)

  • Add Cumulative min and max
  • Fix Firefox date issue

0.1.1 (2015-12-29)

  • Fix issue with exported dist file. You can now include Victory via npmcdn:

0.1.0 (2015-12-18)

The following components documented and ready to use; API subject to change:

  • victory-animation
  • victory-axis
  • victory-bar
  • victory-chart
  • victory-label
  • victory-line
  • victory-pie
  • victory-scatter

Functional styles and functional props (where appropriate) are implemented for all the data primitives (VictoryBar, VictoryLine etc.) and VictoryAxis

Components use d3-modules

Basic code coverage across all Victory components.

We make no promises about any code prior to this release. From this point on, you can expect a regular release schedule (~every two weeks) with detailed release notes. Check out our roadmap for upcoming features