diff --git a/examples/README.md b/examples/README.md
index 93c3c61..307e420 100644
--- a/examples/README.md
+++ b/examples/README.md
@@ -59,3 +59,9 @@
+## Border
diff --git a/examples/border/demo.gif b/examples/border/demo.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..046d732
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/border/demo.gif differ
diff --git a/examples/border/demo.tape b/examples/border/demo.tape
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6057224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/border/demo.tape
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Output demo.gif
+Require echo
+Set Shell "bash"
+Set Framerate 24
+Set FontSize 32
+Set Width 1200
+Set Height 600
+Type "dune exec --no-print-directory ./main.exe"
+Sleep 1s
+Type "hello world"
+Sleep 1s
+Type "q"
+Sleep 1s
diff --git a/examples/border/dune b/examples/border/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3afbe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/border/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ (name main)
+ (libraries minttea spices))
diff --git a/examples/border/main.ml b/examples/border/main.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e27a344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/border/main.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+open Minttea
+let red_with_border fmt =
+ Spices.(
+ default |> border Border.thick |> padding_left 5 |> padding_right 5
+ |> fg (color "#FF0000")
+ |> build)
+ fmt
+let overlay_border fmt = Spices.(default |> border Border.double |> build) fmt
+type s = { text : string }
+let init _ = Command.Noop
+let initial_model = { text = "" }
+let update event model =
+ match event with
+ | Event.KeyDown (Key "q" | Escape) -> (model, Command.Quit)
+ | Event.KeyDown (Key k) ->
+ let model = { text = model.text ^ k } in
+ (model, Command.Noop)
+ | Event.KeyDown Space ->
+ let model = { text = model.text ^ " " } in
+ (model, Command.Noop)
+ | Event.KeyDown Enter ->
+ let model = { text = model.text ^ "\n" } in
+ (model, Command.Noop)
+ | _ -> (model, Command.Noop)
+let view model = overlay_border "%s" (red_with_border "%s" model.text)
+let () = Minttea.app ~init ~update ~view () |> Minttea.start ~initial_model
diff --git a/spices/border.ml b/spices/border.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd011ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spices/border.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+let remove_color_sequences s =
+ let regex = Str.regexp "\027\\[[0-9;]*m" in
+ Str.global_replace regex "" s
+let rec create_string n s =
+ if n = 0 then ""
+ else
+ let str = create_string (n - 1) s in
+ str ^ s
+let utf8_len str =
+ Uuseg_string.fold_utf_8 `Grapheme_cluster (fun x _ -> x + 1) 0 str
+let get_width text =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc line ->
+ let len = utf8_len (remove_color_sequences line) in
+ if acc < len then len else acc)
+ 0
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\r?\n") text)
+let get_height text = List.length (Str.split (Str.regexp "\r?\n") text)
+type t = {
+ top : string option;
+ left : string option;
+ bottom : string option;
+ right : string option;
+ top_left : string option;
+ top_right : string option;
+ bottom_left : string option;
+ bottom_right : string option;
+ middle_left : string option;
+ middle_right : string option;
+ middle : string option;
+ middle_top : string option;
+ middle_bottom : string option;
+let make ?top ?left ?bottom ?right ?top_left ?top_right ?bottom_left
+ ?bottom_right ?middle_left ?middle_right ?middle ?middle_top ?middle_bottom
+ () =
+ {
+ top;
+ left;
+ bottom;
+ right;
+ top_left;
+ top_right;
+ bottom_left;
+ bottom_right;
+ middle_left;
+ middle_right;
+ middle;
+ middle_top;
+ middle_bottom;
+ }
+let build_border (border : t) text =
+ let top = Option.value border.top ~default:"" in
+ let left = Option.value border.left ~default:"" in
+ let bottom = Option.value border.bottom ~default:"" in
+ let right = Option.value border.right ~default:"" in
+ let top_left = Option.value border.top_left ~default:"" in
+ let top_right = Option.value border.top_right ~default:"" in
+ let bottom_left = Option.value border.bottom_left ~default:"" in
+ let bottom_right = Option.value border.bottom_right ~default:"" in
+ let width = get_width text in
+ let top_border = top_left ^ create_string width top ^ top_right in
+ let bottom_border = bottom_left ^ create_string width bottom ^ bottom_right in
+ let l = Str.split (Str.regexp "\r?\n") text in
+ let l =
+ List.map
+ (fun x ->
+ let x_w = get_width x in
+ let extra_right_spacing = create_string (width - x_w) " " in
+ let res = left ^ x ^ extra_right_spacing ^ right in
+ res)
+ l
+ in
+ let text = String.concat "\n" l in
+ Format.sprintf "%s\n%s\n%s" top_border text bottom_border
+let normal =
+ {
+ top = Some "─";
+ bottom = Some "─";
+ left = Some "│";
+ right = Some "│";
+ top_left = Some "┌";
+ top_right = Some "┐";
+ bottom_left = Some "└";
+ bottom_right = Some "┘";
+ middle_left = Some "├";
+ middle_right = Some "┤";
+ middle = Some "┼";
+ middle_top = Some "┬";
+ middle_bottom = Some "┴";
+ }
+let rounded =
+ {
+ top = Some "─";
+ bottom = Some "─";
+ left = Some "│";
+ right = Some "│";
+ top_left = Some "╭";
+ top_right = Some "╮";
+ bottom_left = Some "╰";
+ bottom_right = Some "╯";
+ middle_left = Some "├";
+ middle_right = Some "┤";
+ middle = Some "┼";
+ middle_top = Some "┬";
+ middle_bottom = Some "┴";
+ }
+let block =
+ {
+ top = Some "█";
+ bottom = Some "█";
+ left = Some "█";
+ right = Some "█";
+ top_left = Some "█";
+ top_right = Some "█";
+ bottom_left = Some "█";
+ bottom_right = Some "█";
+ middle_left = None;
+ middle_right = None;
+ middle = None;
+ middle_top = None;
+ middle_bottom = None;
+ }
+let outer_half_block =
+ {
+ top = Some "▀";
+ bottom = Some "▄";
+ left = Some "▌";
+ right = Some "▐";
+ top_left = Some "▛";
+ top_right = Some "▜";
+ bottom_left = Some "▙";
+ bottom_right = Some "▟";
+ middle_left = None;
+ middle_right = None;
+ middle = None;
+ middle_top = None;
+ middle_bottom = None;
+ }
+let inner_half_block =
+ {
+ top = Some "▄";
+ bottom = Some "▀";
+ left = Some "▐";
+ right = Some "▌";
+ top_left = Some "▗";
+ top_right = Some "▖";
+ bottom_left = Some "▝";
+ bottom_right = Some "▘";
+ middle_left = None;
+ middle_right = None;
+ middle = None;
+ middle_top = None;
+ middle_bottom = None;
+ }
+let thick =
+ {
+ top = Some "━";
+ bottom = Some "━";
+ left = Some "┃";
+ right = Some "┃";
+ top_left = Some "┏";
+ top_right = Some "┓";
+ bottom_left = Some "┗";
+ bottom_right = Some "┛";
+ middle_left = Some "┣";
+ middle_right = Some "┫";
+ middle = Some "╋";
+ middle_top = Some "┳";
+ middle_bottom = Some "┻";
+ }
+let double =
+ {
+ top = Some "═";
+ bottom = Some "═";
+ left = Some "║";
+ right = Some "║";
+ top_left = Some "╔";
+ top_right = Some "╗";
+ bottom_left = Some "╚";
+ bottom_right = Some "╝";
+ middle_left = Some "╠";
+ middle_right = Some "╣";
+ middle = Some "╬";
+ middle_top = Some "╦";
+ middle_bottom = Some "╩";
+ }
+let hidden =
+ {
+ top = Some " ";
+ bottom = Some " ";
+ left = Some " ";
+ right = Some " ";
+ top_left = Some " ";
+ top_right = Some " ";
+ bottom_left = Some " ";
+ bottom_right = Some " ";
+ middle_left = Some " ";
+ middle_right = Some " ";
+ middle = Some " ";
+ middle_top = Some " ";
+ middle_bottom = Some " ";
+ }
diff --git a/spices/dune b/spices/dune
index aca7a4f..1e59937 100644
--- a/spices/dune
+++ b/spices/dune
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(public_name spices)
(name spices)
- (libraries tty colors))
+ (libraries tty colors str uuseg))
diff --git a/spices/spices.ml b/spices/spices.ml
index 39e78d2..7f42f35 100644
--- a/spices/spices.ml
+++ b/spices/spices.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ let color ?(profile = Tty.Profile.default) raw =
let gradient = Gradient.make
+module Border = Border
type style = {
background : color option;
blink : bool;
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ type style = {
strikethrough : bool;
underline : bool;
width : int option;
+ border : Border.t option;
let default =
@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ let default =
strikethrough = false;
underline = false;
width = None;
+ border = None;
let bg x t = { t with background = Some x }
@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ let reverse x t = { t with reverse = x }
let strikethrough x t = { t with strikethrough = x }
let underline x t = { t with underline = x }
let width x t = { t with width = x }
+let border x t = { t with border = Some x }
let do_render t str =
(* Pre-process padding *)
@@ -133,6 +138,13 @@ let do_render t str =
Buffer.contents buf
+ (* handle border *)
+ let str =
+ match t.border with
+ | Some border -> Border.build_border border str
+ | None -> str
+ in
(* handle margin *)
let str = ref str in
if t.margin_left > 0 then str := String.make t.margin_left ' ' ^ !str;
diff --git a/spices/spices.mli b/spices/spices.mli
index 0844b1f..50aa598 100644
--- a/spices/spices.mli
+++ b/spices/spices.mli
@@ -7,6 +7,36 @@ type color = Tty.Color.t = private
val color : ?profile:Tty.Profile.t -> string -> color
val gradient : start:color -> finish:color -> steps:int -> color array
+module Border : sig
+ type t
+ val make :
+ ?top:string ->
+ ?left:string ->
+ ?bottom:string ->
+ ?right:string ->
+ ?top_left:string ->
+ ?top_right:string ->
+ ?bottom_left:string ->
+ ?bottom_right:string ->
+ ?middle_left:string ->
+ ?middle_right:string ->
+ ?middle:string ->
+ ?middle_top:string ->
+ ?middle_bottom:string ->
+ unit ->
+ t
+ val normal : t
+ val rounded : t
+ val block : t
+ val outer_half_block : t
+ val inner_half_block : t
+ val thick : t
+ val double : t
+ val hidden : t
type style
val default : style
@@ -31,6 +61,7 @@ val reverse : bool -> style -> style
val strikethrough : bool -> style -> style
val underline : bool -> style -> style
val width : int option -> style -> style
+val border : Border.t -> style -> style
type 'a style_fun =
('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit, unit, string) format6 -> 'a