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S3C: Spatial Semantic Scene Coverage for Autonomous Vehicles

This repository contains code and scripts to reproduce the results from S3C: Spatial Semantic Scene Coverage for Autonomous Vehicles.

Table of Contents

  • Requirements
  • Generating Figures and Data
  • Reproduce full study
  • Repository Structure
  • Additional Discussion
    • SGG Configuration Space
    • PhysCov
    • System vs Model-level Testing
    • Considerations for Developing Scene Graph Abstractions
    • Pseudocode for Approach
    • Random Baseline
    • Additional Training Details


This has been tested on ${\color{red}\text{Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04}}$ for both direct execution and Docker, and has been tested on Windows 11 in Docker. The code uses ${\color{red}\text{anaconda and Python 3.9}}$, which must be installed on the host system if running outside of Docker. Running source (which is done automatically by the below scripts), will set up a conda environment called sg and install all Python requirements.

If you prefer, you could also reproduce our study using docker. In order to do that, you will need to have docker installed in your machine, and execute the following command:

docker build -t s3c .

Note: The scripts have been tested with docker versions 20.10.17 and 24.0.6 for Ubuntu, and 24.0.7 for Windows.

Generating Figures and Data

The study_data contains scripts for generating the figures and tables in the paper. The study_data/carla_clusters/ folder contains the precomputed clusterings of the 5 techniques explored in Section 4.2. The study_data/physcov/ folder contains the precomputed data from PhysCov used as a baseline in Section 4.2. The study_data/model_results/ folder contains a CSV file with the predictions of the trained model for the entire train and test splits of the data.

To recreate the figures and data, run:

source study_data/

If you installed docker, you can run the following command instead. Note: On Windows, replace $(pwd) with the local file path of the s3c directory.

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/:/s3c s3c /bin/bash
source study_data/

This will take ~10-15 minutes. It generates intermediate data used by RQ1 and RQ2 in study_data/results. The final figures are stored in study_data/figures/.

Figure information

The final figures are stored in study_data/figures/. Note that the text of the paper uses the exact numbers for several data points when discussion various figures. These values are printed to the console by the script.

Paper Figure File Description
Fig. 3 study_data/figures/cluster_viz_carla_rsv.png Distribution of images across scene graph equivalence classes for the ELR abstaction.
Fig. 4 study_data/figures/new_num_clusters_80_20_trivial_legend_within.png Percentage of novel test failures not covered in training vs count of equivalence classes under different abstractions.
Fig. 5 study_data/figures/tree.png and study_data/figures/tree_small.png Test fail and Train classification tree for the ELR abstraction. NOTE: tree.png is 30,000 by 30,000 pixels to allow for zooming in to read the predicates. This file may not load on some machines. Fig. 5 shows tree_small.png (1,500 by 1,500 pixels) to visualize the structure of the tree. The explanations shown on the right side of Fig. 5 are also printed to the console by the script, specifically by running python3 rq2/a/ which is done as part of
Fig. 7 study_data/figures/TIME_new_num_clusters_80_20_trivial_legend_within PNFNC versus count of equivalence classes for ELR, ERS, and Ψ10* with 2, 5, and 10 frame windows.

Table Information

Several of the tables from the paper derive their information from data generated by these scripts. The table below describes where to find these data.

Paper Table To Reproduce Description
Table 1 python3 carla/ -i study_data/results/ -o study_data/figures/ which is run by This generates versions of Fig. 4 for all abstractions and prints statistics for each abstraction to the console. The third column of Table 1, the size of ASGC, is printed as num_clusters. The fourth column is computed as 46006 divided by the number of clusters. A short description of each abstraction including the number of clusters generated and the average cluster size.
Table 2 python3 rq2/b/ which is run by This calculates all cells of Table 2, except for the size of the total set which were derived from the specification. Test specification precondition coverage across the towns and dataset
Table 3 cd exploratory_work && source && python3 which is run by This generates the right and left half of Table 3 as separate print outs to the conole. Exploratory results from applying S3C on real-world datasets.

File naming scheme

In the paper, we introduce 5 abstractions, E, EL, ER, ELR, and ERS. The short names used in the file names are different. The various figures and supporting data use the below naming scheme.

Short Name Long Name Description File Ending
E Entities Semantic Segmentation _sem
EL Entities + Lanes E with ground-truth lane occupation for each entity _no_rel
ER Entities + Relations E with RoadScene2Vec's default inter-entity relationships configuration _sem_rel
ELR Entities + Lanes + Relations E with both lane and relationship information from EL and ER _rsv
ERS Entities + Road Structure EL except lanes are modeled as multiple detailed road segments _abstract

Reproduce full study

For further validation, the study_data/full_study/ folder contains the script that will download the raw graph data from Zenodo and calculate the intermediate data and figures directly. This process takes 1-3 hours depending on network speed and computing resources.

See study_data/full_study/ for more information.

Repository Structure

The repository is divided into the following folders. See the README in each folder for more information.

  • approach/
    • Contains pseudocode descriptions of the approach described in Section 3.2
  • carla/
    • Contains Python files and bash scripts for parsing study data from CARLA, which will be automatically run as part of
    • Shell script to set up the conda environment. Will be run automatically by study_data/
  • exploratory_work/
    • Contains and precomputed data that can be used to generate right half of Table 3. Run cd exploratory_work/ && python3
  • images/
    • Images for this README
  • multiframe/
    • Information about our initial exploration into applying S3C using multi-frame inputs.
  • physcov/
    • Information about the setup and comparison with PhysCov for RQ1.
  • pipeline/
    • Contains Python files to handle loading data from CARLA and the open-source datasets explored.
  • requirements.txt
    • The Python dependencies required - will be installed into the conda environment by
  • rq1/
    • Contains which has the code used to train the model studied in RQ1.
  • rq2/
    • a/
      • Contains and precomputed data to generate the decision tree studied in RQ2 and shown in Figure 5, which will be automatically run as part of NOTE: tree.png is 30,000 by 30,000 pixels to allow for zooming in to read the predicates. This file may not load on some machines. Figure 5 shows tree_small.png (1,500 by 1,500 pixels) to visualize the structure of the tree.
    • b/
      • Contains and precomputed data to generate the precondition coverage studied in RQ2 and shown in Table 2, which will be automatically run as part of
  • study_data/
    • Contains and precomputed data. Running will save the relevant figures to study_data/figures and print data for the tables to the console.
  • utils/
    • Contains code for performing the clustering operation. also contains an interface for working with previously clustered data.

Additional Discussion

SGG Configuration Space

As noted in Section 4.1, we utilize the default inter-entity relationship configuration from RoadScene2Vec. By default, we only allow for relationships between the ego vehicle and other entities, but this can be extended to allow for relationships between any pair of entities, e.g. between cars and trucks, which can be separately configured for both distance and angular relationships.

Distance relationships

The distances used to define the relationships in the graph are tunable. We utilized the 5 default parameterization used by RoadScene2Vec, and a maximum distance of 50 meters.

Criteria Short Name Long Name
dist <= 4m near_coll Near Collision
4m < dist <= 7m super_near Super Near
7m < dist <= 10m very_near Very Near
10m < dist <= 16m near Near
16m < dist <= 25m visible Visible
25 < dist <= 50m N/A No Distance Relation
50 < dist N/A Entity not included in graph

Angular Relationships

The angular relationships are divided into 2 categories.

The first captures a single relationship of left versus right and is given relative to the vehicle; this is not parameterizable. Note that it is possible for two vehicles to both be on each others' left or right. Consider the scenarios in the image below. In the first case, car 1 is to the left of the ego, and ego is to the right of car 1 because they are both travelling in the same direction. In the second case, both ego and car 1 are to the right of each other because car 1 is turned at an angle. In the third case, both ego and ar 1 are to the left of each other because they are facing opposite directions.


The second captures information about front versus rear and side versus direct, giving 4 combinations: Direct Front (DF), Side Front (SF), Direct Rear (DR), Side Rear (SR). This is parameterizable by defining the threshold between these distinctions. The default parameterization uses 45 degree increments, giving each of the 4 combinations 90 degrees total, as shown below:



We compare against PhysCov as a baseline in Section 4.2 using ground-truth LiDAR data that was gathered from CARLA. Specifically, we compare against the Ψ10 parameterization outlined in PhysCov as it is the richest abstraction discussed in their study. However, this parameterization produces a relatively low number of equivalence classes using the data from our study, making for a poor comparison. As such, we worked with the authors of PhysCov to develop a more precise abstraction, Ψ*10, that yields a comparable number of equivalence classes to S3C under the ER and ELR abstractions.

See this README in ./physcov/ for more information.

System vs Model-level Testing

As discussed in Section 4.4, our initial exploration has focused only on model-level testing single-instant camera image inputs which may not generalize to system-level failures and multi-frame inputs. Here, we provide an initial exploration of extending S3C to multi-frame inputs. See this README in ./multiframe/ for more information.

PNFNC metrics for ELR, ERS, and Ψ*10 under the multi-frame based approach explored:


Considerations for Developing Scene Graph Abstractions

When configuring S33, the choice and configuration of the SGG and scene graph abstraction are critically important as they foundationally affect the performance of the approach. In this section we discuss several considerations and recommendations that must be considered when designing or selecting a scene graph abstraction. In the "SGG Configuration Space" section below, we discuss the configurations studied in this paper and their relationship to the SGG called RoadScene2Vec from the literature.

Given S3C's primary goal as a test adequacy metric, a guiding principle in choosing an abstraction that captures the entities and relationships that are measure in the specification preconditions. If a specification precondition involves "a car near and to the left of the ego vehicle in the left lane", then the SGG must be able to detect and label as entities cars and lanes, and have relationships for near, left, etc. As with all formal specifications, care must be taken to specify the parameters used, e.g., what constitutes near. Further, specifications may imply the existence of other categories, i.e. the relationship "left" may imply a contrasting relationship "right", the entity "car" may imply a different class for non-cars.

In the absence of defined specifications of the form studied in Section 4.3, the SGG should be configured to handle the implicit specifications of the AV's operational design domain (ODD), i.e. if the AV is within the ODD, then it will operate safely/successfully. As such, the ODD can be used to define the set of entities and relationships that should be considered by the SGG.

Once a set of entities and relationships have been identified, the relationships should be refined by focusing on the ego vehicle while ensuring that the specifications are respected. All specifications are stated relative to the ego vehicle and may not require inter-entity relationships. For example, the specification precondition "a car to the left of the ego vehicle and a car to the right of the ego vehicle" required relationships between the ego vehicle and each car, but does not require relationships between the two vehicles. Simplifying the graphs can greatly aid in their interpretation by removing superfluous information.

The choice of SGG and its configuration must also consider the tradeoffs in false positives and false negatives, in both the graphs themselves and the behavior they measure. SGGs often contain an entity detection phase followed by a pair-wise relationship recognition phase. The configuration and parameterization of these phases can lead to false positives or false negatives, e.g., a car not being recognized or misclassified. For example, the SGG RoadScene2Vec uses Detectron2 for its entity recognition phase which has a tunable confidence threshold for reporting entities. At low thresholds, there may be few false negatives but many false positives, i.e., non-car entities being marked as cars, and vice versa for high thresholds. These tradeoffs also rise to the level of S3C's ability to discriminate between behaviors as dissimilar inputs may yield the same SG due to these false positive/negatives.

Finally, even with the considerations identified above, the choice of SGG and its configuration should be validated with respect to the AV system and dataset in use to ensure compatibility and maximize the utility of S3C.

Pseudocode for Approach

In Section 3.2 we present several mathematical formalisms for the approach to generate, abstract, cluster, and compute coverage in the pipeline for S3C. The code used to perform the study is available in /pipeline/ and this README contains pseudocode algorithm descriptions for each stage of the pipeline.

Random Baseline

The random baseline is computed in carla/ in the compute_true_random when invoked with the carla_abstract abstraction. This function takes in the maximum number of equivalence classes, N, that are allowed and then, for each data point, randomly chooses a number from 1 to N and assigns the data point to that equivalence class. This means that the actual number of non-empty equivalence classes will vary but be no greater than N. In Section 4.2, we use the number of non-empty equivalence classes; this is comparable to the SG-based approaches as ASGC does not contain empty equivalence classes.

We compute the random baseline so that the expected number of equivalence classes range from 1 to the number of data points in increments of 100, then, when generating the figure in carla/, the system averages the data points between 0-1000 equivalence classes, 1000-2000 equivalence classes, etc. to estimate the true mean performance of the random baseline.

Additional Training Details

We trained an AV using a PyTorch model based on ResNet34 pre-trained on ImageNet with the last layer modified for predicting a wheel steering angle from -1 to 1 which is mapped to the -70 degrees to 70 degrees of the ego vehicle, to learn to mirror the behavior of the CARLA autopilot that controlled the ego vehicle during simulation. The AV steering model was trained using MSE loss, a learning rate plateau scheduler with default parameters, a maximum of 500 epochs, and an initial learning rate of 10-4.