diff --git a/vzug/__init__.py b/vzug/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d5abe92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+# Copyright 2024 Matthias Manhart smarthome@beathis.ch
+# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
+# https://www.smarthomeNG.de
+# https://knx-user-forum.de/forum/supportforen/smarthome-py
+# Sample plugin for new plugins to run with SmartHomeNG version 1.8 and
+# upwards.
+# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see .
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# History
+# =======
+# V0.1.0 240303 - erster Release
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Getestete Geraete: hh/API ai/API
+# - V4000 - Waschmaschine 1.7.0 1.8.0
+# - V6000 - Geschirrspuehler 1.8.0 1.8.0
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Notizen
+# *******
+# - Quelle: https://github.com/mico-micic/vzug-api (Ausgangslage)
+# - Version 1.1.0 ist die alte APIVersion
+# Version 1.7.0 ist die neue APIVersion mit Abfrage mit hh?command=getProgram
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPlugin
+from lib.item import Items
+from .webif import WebInterface
+import urllib.request
+import datetime
+from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+import aiohttp.web
+from aiohttp import client_exceptions, hdrs
+import json
+from yarl import URL
+import hashlib
+import time
+import os
+import re
+from typing import Optional, Any, Dict
+from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed, retry_if_exception_type, before_log
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+VERSION = '0.1.0'
+# vzug_cycle = 60
+vzug_cycle = 120
+make_anonymous = False
+# make_anonymous = True
+COMMAND_GET_STATUS = 'getDeviceStatus' # ai
+COMMAND_GET_MODEL_DESC = 'getModelDescription' # ai
+COMMAND_GET_MACHINE_TYPE = 'getMachineType' # hh
+COMMAND_GET_PROGRAM = 'getProgram' # hh
+COMMAND_GET_COMMAND = 'getCommand' # hh
+PROGRAM_NAME = 'name'
+PROGRAM_DURATION = 'duration'
+PROGRAM_PARTIALLOAD = 'partialload'
+PROGRAM_STATUS = 'status'
+PROGRAM_STARTTIME = 'starttime'
+PROGRAM_ENDTIME = 'endtime'
+ f"User-Agent": f"vzug-lib/{VERSION}",
+ "Accept": f"application/json, text/plain, */*",
+REGEX_MATCH_KWH = r"(\d+(?:[\,\.]\d+)?).?kWh"
+REGEX_MATCH_LITER = r"(\d+(?:[\,\.]\d+)?).?ℓ"
+REGEX_MATCH_WATER = r"(\d+(?:[\,\.]\d+)?).?l"
+REGEX_MATCH_TEMP = r"(\d+(?:[\,\.]\d+)?).?°C"
+vzug_log_max_rows = 40 # maximale Anzahl Eintraege (html/json)
+vzug_log_directory = "vzug_logs"
+vzug_log_extension = "log"
+vzug_log_special = "vzug_special"
+vzug_log_newline = "\n"
+vzug_log_sep = "\t"
+vzug_msg_datetime = 0
+vzug_msg_datestr = 1
+vzug_msg_msg = 2
+vzug_msg_power = 3
+vzug_msg_water = 4
+vzug_msg_temp = 5
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DeviceAuthError(Exception):
+ """Exception thrown if there is an authentication problem."""
+class DeviceError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, err_code: str, inner_exception: Exception = None):
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self._device_err_code = err_code
+ self._message = message
+ self._inner_exception = inner_exception
+ @property
+ def error_code(self) -> str:
+ return self._device_err_code
+ @property
+ def message(self) -> str:
+ return self._message
+ @property
+ def inner_exception(self):
+ if self._inner_exception is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self._inner_exception
+ @property
+ def is_auth_problem(self) -> bool:
+ return isinstance(self.inner_exception, DeviceAuthError)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plugin-Code
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class vzug(SmartPlugin):
+ """
+ Main class of the Plugin. Does all plugin specific stuff and provides
+ the update functions for the items
+ HINT: Please have a look at the SmartPlugin class to see which
+ class properties and methods (class variables and class functions)
+ are already available!
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sh):
+ """
+ Initalizes the plugin.
+ If you need the sh object at all, use the method self.get_sh() to get it. There should be almost no need for
+ a reference to the sh object any more.
+ Plugins have to use the new way of getting parameter values:
+ use the SmartPlugin method get_parameter_value(parameter_name). Anywhere within the Plugin you can get
+ the configured (and checked) value for a parameter by calling self.get_parameter_value(parameter_name). It
+ returns the value in the datatype that is defined in the metadata.
+ """
+ # Call init code of parent class (SmartPlugin)
+ super().__init__()
+ # cycle time in seconds
+ self._cycle = vzug_cycle
+ # Initialization
+ self.init_ok = True
+ if self.get_parameter_value('host') != '':
+ self._host = self.get_parameter_value('host')
+ else:
+ self.log_info("no host/ip defined !")
+ self.init_ok = False
+ self._init_complete = False
+ return
+ if self.get_parameter_value('username') != '':
+ self._username = self.get_parameter_value('username')
+ else:
+ self._username = ""
+ if self.get_parameter_value('password') != '':
+ self._password = self.get_parameter_value('password')
+ else:
+ self._password = ""
+ if self.get_parameter_value('log_data') != '':
+ self._log_data = self.get_parameter_value('log_data')
+ if self._log_data is None:
+ self._log_data = False
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("log_data not defined => log_data=false")
+ self._log_data = False
+ if self.get_parameter_value('log_age') != '':
+ self._log_age = self.get_parameter_value('log_age')
+ if self._log_age is None:
+ self._log_age = 365
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("no log_age defined => use default '" + str(365) + "s'")
+ self._log_age = 365
+ if self._log_age < 0:
+ self._log_age = 0
+ if self.get_parameter_value('save_raw') != '':
+ self._save_raw = self.get_parameter_value('save_raw')
+ if self._save_raw is None:
+ self._save_raw = False
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("save_raw not defined => save_raw=false")
+ self._save_raw = False
+ self._instance = self.get_instance_name() # Ist leer, wenn keine Instanzen verwendet werden !
+ self._apiver = ""
+ self._serial = ""
+ self._model_desc = ""
+ self._device_name = ""
+ self._status = ""
+ self._status_json: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
+ self._info = ""
+ self._softwareversion = ""
+ self._hardwareversion = ""
+ self._connectiontype = ""
+ self._firmwareavailable = False
+ self._program = ""
+ self._error_code = ""
+ self._error_message = ""
+ self._error_exception: Optional[DeviceError] = None
+ self._uuid = ""
+ self._active = False
+ self._device_information_loaded = False
+ self._device_type_short = ""
+ self._device_type: Optional[str] = DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN
+ self._auth_previous: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ self._optidos_a_status = ""
+ self._optidos_b_status = ""
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_total = 0.0
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_avg = 0.0
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_last = 0.0
+ self._water_consumption_l_total = 0.0
+ self._water_consumption_l_avg = 0.0
+ self._water_consumption_l_last = 0.0
+ self._html = ""
+ self._lpm = []
+ self._f_show_consumption_prog = False
+ self.reset_active_program_information()
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug instance = " + self._instance)
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug host/ip = " + self._host)
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug username = " + self._username)
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug password = " + self._password)
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug log data = " + str(self._log_data))
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug log age = " + str(self._log_age) + " days")
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug save raw = " + str(self._save_raw))
+ self.root_found = False
+ self.connection = False
+ self.last_connection = ""
+ self.items = []
+ # Log-Verzeichnis erstellen
+ if (self._log_data == True) or (self._save_raw == True):
+ self._log_dir = self.create_logdirectory(self.get_sh().get_basedir(),vzug_log_directory)
+ self.log_debug("log_dir=" + self._log_dir)
+ self.sh = sh
+ self.init_webinterface(WebInterface)
+ return
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run method for the plugin
+ """
+ self.log_debug("run")
+ self.scheduler_add('poll_device',self.poll_device,cycle=self._cycle)
+ if self.root_found == True:
+ self.root.info.host(self._host)
+ # Erstelle die Liste der Items mit der Kennung 'vzug_parse_item'.
+ for item in self.root:
+# self.log_debug("++++ V-Zug parse item: {}".format(item))
+ for itemx in item:
+# self.log_debug(" V-Zug item: {}".format(itemx) + " / {}".format(itemx.conf))
+ if 'vzug_parse_item' in itemx.conf:
+ if not itemx in self.items:
+ self.items.append(itemx)
+# self.log_debug(" ==> FOUND !")
+ self.alive = True
+ def stop(self):
+ """
+ Stop method for the plugin
+ """
+ self.logger.debug("Stop method called")
+ self.scheduler_remove('poll_device')
+ self.alive = False
+ def parse_item(self, item):
+ """
+ Default plugin parse_item method. Is called when the plugin is initialized.
+ The plugin can, corresponding to its attribute keywords, decide what to do with
+ the item in future, like adding it to an internal array for future reference
+ :param item: The item to process.
+ :return: If the plugin needs to be informed of an items change you should return a call back function
+ like the function update_item down below. An example when this is needed is the knx plugin
+ where parse_item returns the update_item function when the attribute knx_send is found.
+ This means that when the items value is about to be updated, the call back function is called
+ with the item, caller, source and dest as arguments and in case of the knx plugin the value
+ can be sent to the knx with a knx write function within the knx plugin.
+ """
+ if self.has_iattr(item.conf,'vzug_root'):
+ self.root = item
+ self.root_found = True
+ self.log_debug("V-Zug root = " + "{0}".format(self.root))
+# self.log_debug("V-Zug item: {}".format(item) + " / {}".format(item.conf))
+ def parse_logic(self, logic):
+ """
+ Default plugin parse_logic method
+ """
+ if 'xxx' in logic.conf:
+ # self.function(logic['name'])
+ pass
+ def update_item(self, item, caller=None, source=None, dest=None):
+ """
+ Item has been updated
+ This method is called, if the value of an item has been updated by SmartHomeNG.
+ It should write the changed value out to the device (hardware/interface) that
+ is managed by this plugin.
+ :param item: item to be updated towards the plugin
+ :param caller: if given it represents the callers name
+ :param source: if given it represents the source
+ :param dest: if given it represents the dest
+ """
+ if self.alive and caller != self.get_shortname():
+ # code to execute if the plugin is not stopped
+ # and only, if the item has not been changed by this this plugin:
+ self.logger.info(f"Update item: {item.property.path}, item has been changed outside this plugin")
+ if self.has_iattr(item.conf, 'foo_itemtag'):
+ self.logger.debug(f"update_item was called with item {item.property.path} from caller {caller}, source {source} and dest {dest}")
+ pass
+ def poll_device(self):
+ if self.init_ok == False:
+ return
+ self.reset_active_program_information()
+ # Allgemeine Daten zum Geraet bestimmen
+ result = asyncio.run(self.load_device_information())
+ if result == False:
+ # Abfrage hat nicht geklappt (Fehler oder Geraet nicht erreichbar)
+ self.connection = False
+ self.save_data()
+ return
+ # Angaben zum laufenden Programm im Geraet holen
+ result = asyncio.run(self.load_program_details())
+ # Angaben zum Energie- und Wasserverbrauch holen
+ result = asyncio.run(self.load_consumption_data())
+ # Die letzten Nachrichten laden
+ result = asyncio.run(self.lastpushmessages_load())
+ self.lastpushmessages_html_json()
+ self.lastpushmessages_debug()
+ self.connection = True
+ self.last_connection = self.now_str()
+ self.save_data()
+ pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Kommunikation
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def get_base_url(self) -> URL:
+ return URL.build(scheme='http',host=self._host.replace("http://", ""))
+ def get_command_url(self,endpoint:str,command:str) -> URL:
+ return self.get_base_url().join(URL(endpoint)).update_query({QUERY_PARAM_COMMAND:command})
+ async def make_vzug_device_call_raw(self,url:URL) -> str:
+ """
+ Make raw service call to any V-Zug device and return the response as text
+ """
+ connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(force_close=True)
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as session:
+ try:
+ self.log_debug("Raw service call URL: " + str(url))
+ self.logging_special("CALL","url:" + str(url),"")
+ auth = DigestAuth(self.logger,self._username,self._password,session,self._auth_previous)
+ resp = await auth.request('GET',url=url,headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
+ self._auth_previous = {
+ 'nonce_count': auth.nonce_count,
+ 'last_nonce': auth.last_nonce,
+ 'challenge': auth.challenge,
+ }
+ if aiohttp.web.HTTPUnauthorized.status_code == resp.status:
+ err_msg = "Authentication problem occurred while calling device API"
+ self.log_debug(err_msg)
+ self.logging_special("ERROR",err_msg,"")
+ raise DeviceError(err_msg,"n/a",DeviceAuthError())
+ txt_resp = await resp.read()
+ self.log_debug("Raw response from " + self._host + ": status " + str(resp.status) + ", text: " + txt_resp.decode("utf-8"))
+ self.logging_special("status:" + str(resp.status),"resp:" + txt_resp.decode("utf-8"),"")
+ return txt_resp.decode("utf-8")
+ except IOError as e:
+ err_msg = "IOError while calling device API"
+ self.log_debug(err_msg + ": " + str(e))
+ self.logging_special("ERROR",err_msg + ":" + str(e),"")
+ raise DeviceError(err_msg,"n/a",e)
+ @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3),
+ wait=wait_fixed(2),
+ retry=retry_if_exception_type(DeviceError),
+ reraise=True)
+ async def make_vzug_device_call_json(self, url: URL) -> Dict:
+ """
+ Make service call for any V-Zug device and check if there is an error code in json response.
+ Sometimes the devices returns an internal error (like 503). In this case DeviceError exception
+ is raised after 3 retries.
+ """
+ try:
+ text_resp = str(await self.make_vzug_device_call_raw(url))
+ json_resp = json.loads(text_resp)
+ if "error" in json_resp:
+ err_code = json_resp['error']['code']
+ self.log_debug("Device returned error code: " + str(err_code))
+ raise DeviceError("Device returned error code", err_code)
+ return json_resp
+ except ValueError as e:
+ err_msg = "Got invalid response from device"
+ self.log_debug(err_msg + ": " + str(e))
+ raise DeviceError(err_msg,"n/a",e)
+ async def do_consumption_details_request(self, command: str) -> str:
+ # Get consumption details
+ url = self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_HH,COMMAND_GET_COMMAND).update_query({QUERY_PARAM_VALUE:command})
+ eco_json = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(url)
+ else:
+ self.log_debug('Error reading consumption data, no \'value\' entry found in response.')
+ raise DeviceError('Got invalid response while reading consumption data.', 'n/a')
+ async def load_device_information(self) -> bool:
+ # Load device status information by calling the corresponding API endpoint
+ try:
+ self.log_debug("Loading device api information for " + self._host)
+ self._status_json = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_APIVERSION))
+ self._apiver = self._status_json['value']
+ self.log_debug("Loading device firmware information for " + self._host)
+ self._status_json = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_FIRMWAREVERSION))
+ self._softwareversion = self._status_json['SW']
+ self._hardwareversion = self._status_json['HW']
+ self._connectiontype = self._status_json['phy']
+ self.log_debug("Loading device firmware available information for " + self._host)
+ self._firmwareavailable = await self.make_vzug_device_call_raw(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_FIRMWAREAVAILABLE))
+ self.log_debug("SW=" + self._softwareversion + " HW=" + self._hardwareversion + " Phy=" + self._connectiontype +
+ " Api=" + self._apiver + " Available=" + str(self._firmwareavailable))
+ self.log_debug("Loading device information for " + self._host)
+ self._status_json = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_STATUS))
+ self._error_code = ""
+ self._serial = self._status_json['Serial']
+ if make_anonymous == True:
+ self._serial = "XXXXX XXXXXX"
+ self._device_name = self._status_json['DeviceName']
+ self._status = self._status_json['Status']
+ self._uuid = self._status_json['deviceUuid']
+ if make_anonymous == True:
+ self._uuid = "XXXXXXXXXX"
+ self._program = self._status_json['Program']
+ self._active = not self.strtobool(self._status_json['Inactive'])
+ # Load model description in separate call
+ self._model_desc = await self.make_vzug_device_call_raw(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_MODEL_DESC))
+ # Load short device type in separate call
+ self._device_type_short = await self.make_vzug_device_call_raw(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_HH,COMMAND_GET_MACHINE_TYPE))
+ self._set_device_type()
+ if self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_DISHWASHER:
+ self._f_show_consumption_prog = True
+ self._device_information_loaded = True
+ self.log_debug("Got device information. Type: " + self._device_type + ", model: " + self._model_desc + ", serial: " + self._serial +
+ ", uuid: " + self._uuid + ", name: " + self._device_name + ", status: " + self._status)
+ return True
+ except DeviceError as e:
+ self._error_code = e.error_code
+ self._error_message = e.message
+ self._error_exception = e
+ return False
+ async def load_program_details(self) -> bool:
+ """Load program details information by calling the corresponding API endpoint"""
+ self.log_debug("Loading program information for " + self._host)
+ # Aktuelle Uhrzeit bestimmen
+ t_n = self.sh.shtime.now()
+ try:
+ program_json = (await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_HH,COMMAND_GET_PROGRAM)))[0]
+ if self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_WASHING_MACHINE:
+ result = self.read_optidos_details(program_json)
+ self._program_status = program_json[PROGRAM_STATUS]
+ if PROGRAM_STATUS_IDLE in self._program_status:
+ self.log_debug("No program information available because no program is active")
+ return False
+ self._program_name = program_json[PROGRAM_NAME]
+ if PROGRAM_STATUS_TIMED in self._program_status:
+ # Start ist programmiert worden
+ self._timed = True
+ if PROGRAM_DURATION in program_json:
+ # V6000
+ self._program_duration = program_json[PROGRAM_DURATION][PROGRAM_DURATION_SET]
+ self._seconds_to_start = program_json[PROGRAM_STARTTIME][PROGRAM_STARTTIME_SET]
+ self._seconds_to_end = self._seconds_to_start + self._program_duration
+ else:
+ # V4000
+ self._seconds_to_start = program_json[PROGRAM_STARTTIME][PROGRAM_STARTTIME_ACT]
+ self._seconds_to_end = program_json[PROGRAM_ENDTIME][PROGRAM_ENDTIME_ACT]
+ self._program_duration = self._seconds_to_end - self._seconds_to_start
+ ts = t_n + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._seconds_to_start)
+ self._date_time_start = ts.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ self._program_duration = self._program_duration / 60 # Sekunden => Minuten
+ else:
+ p = program_json[PROGRAM_DURATION]
+ self._seconds_to_end = p[PROGRAM_DURATION_ACT]
+ else:
+ self._seconds_to_end = 0
+ self.log_debug("program " + PROGRAM_DURATION_ACT + " not found in " + PROGRAM_DURATION)
+ self._program_duration = self._seconds_to_end / 60
+ te = t_n + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._seconds_to_end)
+ self._date_time_end = te.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ if self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_DISHWASHER:
+ self._is_energy_saving = program_json[PROGRAM_ENERGY_SAVING][PROGRAM_INFORMATION_SET]
+ self._is_opti_start = program_json[PROGRAM_OPTI_START][PROGRAM_INFORMATION_SET]
+ self._is_partialload = program_json[PROGRAM_PARTIALLOAD][PROGRAM_INFORMATION_SET]
+ self._is_rinse_plus = program_json[PROGRAM_RINSE_PLUS][PROGRAM_INFORMATION_SET]
+ self._is_dry_plus = program_json[PROGRAM_DRY_PLUS][PROGRAM_INFORMATION_SET]
+ self.log_debug("Go program information. Active program: " + self._program_name + ", minutes to end: " + str(self._seconds_to_end / 60) + ", end time: " + self._date_time_end)
+ return True
+ except DeviceError as e:
+ self._error_code = e.error_code
+ self._error_message = e.message
+ self._error_exception = e
+ return False
+ def read_optidos_details(self, program_json: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None:
+ """Read optiDos information from given program response"""
+ if PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_A in program_json:
+ self._optidos_a_status = program_json[PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_A][PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_ACT]
+ if PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_B in program_json:
+ self._optidos_b_status = program_json[PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_B][PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_FILL_LEVEL_ACT]
+ self._optidos_active = False
+ if PROGRAM_OPTIDOS in program_json:
+ self._optidos_config = program_json[PROGRAM_OPTIDOS][PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_SET]
+ # TODO: Add support for other optiDos configurations
+ if self._optidos_config == PROGRAM_OPTIDOS_DETERGENT_A_B:
+ self._optidos_active = True
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("Unknown optiDos configuration / status")
+ else:
+ self.log_debug("optiDos is not active / available")
+ self.log_debug("optiDos information: " + self._optidos_config + " optiDos A status: " + self._optidos_a_status + ", optiDos B status: " + self._optidos_b_status)
+ async def load_consumption_data(self) -> bool:
+ """Load power and water consumption data by calling the corresponding API endpoint"""
+ self.log_debug("Loading power and water consumption data for " + self._host)
+ # Die Geraete verwenden fuer den Verbrauch verschiedene Befehle.
+ if self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_WASHING_MACHINE:
+ elif self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_DRYER:
+ power_consumption_kwh_total = 0
+ water_consumption_l_total = 0
+ power_consumption_kwh_avg = 0
+ water_consumption_l_avg = 0
+ power_consumption_kwh_last = 0
+ water_consumption_l_last = 0
+ f_total = False
+ f_avg = False
+ if (self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_WASHING_MACHINE) or (self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_DRYER):
+ try:
+ consumption_total = await self.do_consumption_details_request(cmd1)
+ power_consumption_kwh_total = self.read_kwh_from_string(consumption_total)
+ water_consumption_l_total = self.read_liter_from_string(consumption_total)
+ f_total = True
+ except:
+ power_consumption_kwh_total = 0
+ water_consumption_l_total = 0
+ try:
+ consumption_avg = await self.do_consumption_details_request(cmd2)
+ power_consumption_kwh_avg = self.read_kwh_from_string(consumption_avg)
+ water_consumption_l_avg = self.read_liter_from_string(consumption_avg)
+ f_avg = True
+ except:
+ power_consumption_kwh_avg = 0
+ water_consumption_l_avg = 0
+ # Der Befehl 'COMMAND_GET_GETECOINFO' existiert auf verschiedenen Geraeten, hat aber '0' nach dem Einschalten des Geraetes.
+ try:
+ program_json = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_HH,COMMAND_GET_GETECOINFO))
+ energy = program_json['energy']
+ water = program_json['water']
+ if f_total == False:
+ power_consumption_kwh_total = energy['total']
+ water_consumption_l_total = water['total']
+ if f_avg == False:
+ power_consumption_kwh_avg = energy['average']
+ water_consumption_l_avg = water['average']
+ try:
+ power_consumption_kwh_last = energy['program']
+ except:
+ power_consumption_kwh_last = 0
+ try:
+ water_consumption_l_last = water['program']
+ except:
+ water_consumption_l_last = 0
+ except:
+ x = 0 # Dummy-Eintrag - hier ist nichts weiter zu tun
+ # Speichere die Werte fuer die spaetere Verwendung
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_total = power_consumption_kwh_total
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_avg = power_consumption_kwh_avg
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_last = power_consumption_kwh_last
+ self._water_consumption_l_total = water_consumption_l_total
+ self._water_consumption_l_avg = water_consumption_l_avg
+ self._water_consumption_l_last = water_consumption_l_last
+ self.log_debug("Power consumption [kWh] total: " + str(self._power_consumption_kwh_total) + ", avg: " + str(self._power_consumption_kwh_avg) + ", last=" + str(self._power_consumption_kwh_last))
+ self.log_debug("Water consumption [l] total: " + str(self._water_consumption_l_total) + ", avg: " + str(self._water_consumption_l_avg) + ", last=" + str(self._water_consumption_l_last))
+ return True
+ async def lastpushmessages_load(self) -> bool:
+ # Lade die letzten Pushmessages aus dem Geraet.
+ try:
+ data = await self.make_vzug_device_call_json(self.get_command_url(ENDPOINT_AI,COMMAND_GET_LASTPUSHNOTIFICATONS))
+ # Das Geraet sendet die 10 letzten Meldungen.
+ pw_f = False
+ for i in range(0,10):
+ a = self.convert_utcstr2local(data[i]['date'])
+ d = a.strftime("%d.%m.%y, %H:%M")
+ m = data[i]['message']
+ p = self.read_kwh_from_string(m)
+ w = self.read_liter_from_string(m)
+ t = self.read_temp_from_string(m)
+ if (pw_f == False) and (p > 0) and (w > 0) and (t > 0) and ((self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_WASHING_MACHINE) or (self._device_type == DEVICE_TYPE_DRYER)):
+ self._power_consumption_kwh_last = p
+ self._water_consumption_l_last = w
+ pw_f = True
+ lx = []
+ lx.append(a) # 0
+ lx.append(d) # 1
+ lx.append(m) # 2
+ lx.append(p) # 3
+ lx.append(w) # 4
+ lx.append(t) # 5
+ self.lastpushmessages_update(lx)
+ if self._log_data == True:
+ self.logging_update()
+ except DeviceError as e:
+ self._error_code = e.error_code
+ self._error_message = e.message
+ self._error_exception = e
+ return False
+ return True
+ def lastpushmessages_update(self,lpmx):
+ # Fuegt die Meldung 'lpmx' in die Liste ein. Die neuste Meldung steht zu Beginn (Index=0).
+ if len(self._lpm) == 0:
+ self._lpm.append(lpmx)
+ return
+ for i in range(len(self._lpm)):
+ dd = self._lpm[i]
+ if (dd[vzug_msg_datetime] == lpmx[vzug_msg_datetime]) and (dd[vzug_msg_power] == lpmx[vzug_msg_power]) and (dd[vzug_msg_water] == lpmx[vzug_msg_water]) and (dd[vzug_msg_temp] == lpmx[vzug_msg_temp]):
+ # Eintrag ist schon vorhanden
+ return
+ elif dd[vzug_msg_datetime] < lpmx[vzug_msg_datetime]:
+ # Index 'i' zeigt auf das Element vor dem wir das neue Element einfuegen => neue Meldung !
+ self._lpm.insert(i,lpmx)
+ if (lpmx[vzug_msg_power] > 0) and (lpmx[vzug_msg_water] > 0):
+ # Wir speichern Energie und Wasser in der Datenbank.
+ self.root.program.power(lpmx[vzug_msg_power])
+ self.root.program.water(lpmx[vzug_msg_water])
+ return
+ # Das Element 'lpmx' ist aelter als alle bisherigen Elemente.
+ self._lpm.append(lpmx)
+ return
+ def lastpushmessages_html_json(self):
+ # Erzeugt die HTML Tabelle und die Json-Liste aus den letzten Meldungen.
+ line_string = ""
+ json_list = []
+ for i in range(len(self._lpm)):
+ dd = self._lpm[i]
+ # HTML
+ line_string = line_string + '
+ line_string = line_string + '' + dd[vzug_msg_datestr] + ' | '
+ line_string = line_string + '' + dd[vzug_msg_msg] + ' | '
+ line_string = line_string + '
+ # JSON
+ jd = {"id":str(i),"title":dd[vzug_msg_msg],"content":"","level":"info","date":dd[vzug_msg_datestr]}
+ json_list.append(jd)
+ if i > vzug_log_max_rows:
+ break
+ html_string = ''
+ self._html = html_string
+ old = self.root.pushmessages.html()
+ if html_string != old:
+ self.root.pushmessages.html(html_string)
+ old = self.root.pushmessages.jsonlist()
+ if json_list != old:
+ self.root.pushmessages.jsonlist(json_list)
+ return
+ def lastpushmessages_debug(self):
+ if len(self._lpm) == 0:
+ self.log_debug("no push messages")
+ for i in range(len(self._lpm)):
+ dd = self._lpm[i]
+ self.log_debug(str(i) + ": " + dd[1] + " - " + dd[2] + " p=" + str(dd[3]) + " w=" + str(dd[4]) + " t=" + str(dd[5]))
+ return
+ def _set_device_type(self) -> None:
+ if self._device_type_short in DEVICE_TYPE_MAPPING:
+ self._device_type = DEVICE_TYPE_MAPPING.get(self._device_type_short)
+ else:
+ self._device_type = DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN
+ def strtobool(self,val):
+ """Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0).
+ True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values
+ are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Raises ValueError if
+ 'val' is anything else.
+ """
+ val = val.lower()
+ if val in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1'):
+ return 1
+ elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("invalid truth value %r" % (val,))
+ def read_kwh_from_string(self,value_str: str) -> float:
+ kwh = self.read_float_from_string(value_str, REGEX_MATCH_KWH)
+ if kwh < 0:
+ kwh = 0
+ return kwh
+ def read_float_from_string(self,value_str: str, regex: str) -> float:
+ match = re.search(regex, value_str)
+ if match:
+ return float(match.group(1).replace(',', '.'))
+ return -1
+ def read_liter_from_string(self,consumption_value: str) -> float:
+ liter = self.read_float_from_string(consumption_value, REGEX_MATCH_LITER)
+ if liter < 0:
+ liter = self.read_float_from_string(consumption_value, REGEX_MATCH_WATER)
+ if liter < 0:
+ liter = 0
+ return liter
+ def read_temp_from_string(self,value_str: str) -> float:
+ temp = self.read_float_from_string(value_str, REGEX_MATCH_TEMP)
+ if temp < 0:
+ temp = 0
+ return temp
+ def reset_active_program_information(self) -> None:
+ self._timed = False
+ self._seconds_to_end = 0
+ self._date_time_end = ""
+ self._seconds_to_start = 0
+ self._date_time_start = ""
+ self._program_duration = 0
+ self._program_name = ""
+ self._program_status = ""
+ self._is_energy_saving = False
+ self._is_opti_start = False
+ self._is_partialload = False
+ self._is_rinse_plus = False
+ self._is_dry_plus = False
+ self._optidos_active = False
+ self._optidos_config = ""
+ self._optidos_a_status = ""
+ self._optidos_b_status = ""
+ def save_data(self):
+ # Speichert die Daten in den Items.
+ self.root.info.host(self._host)
+ self.root.info.serial(self._serial)
+ self.root.info.uuid(self._uuid)
+ self.root.info.device_type(self._device_type)
+ self.root.info.device_name(self._device_name)
+ self.root.info.device_short(self._device_type_short)
+ self.root.info.model(self._model_desc)
+ self.root.info.connection_type(self._connectiontype)
+ self.root.info.api_version(self._apiver)
+ self.root.info.software_version(self._softwareversion)
+ self.root.info.hardware_version(self._hardwareversion)
+ self.root.info.is_firmware_update_available(self._firmwareavailable)
+ self.root.state.connection(self.connection)
+ self.root.state.last_connection(self.last_connection)
+ self.root.state.active(self._active)
+ self.root.state.status(self._status)
+ self.root.program.name(self._program_name)
+ self.root.program.status(self._program_status)
+ self.root.program.duration(self._program_duration)
+ self.root.program.date_time_start(self._date_time_start)
+ self.root.program.seconds_to_start(self._seconds_to_start)
+ self.root.program.date_time_end(self._date_time_end)
+ self.root.program.seconds_to_end(self._seconds_to_end)
+ self.root.power.consumption_total(self._power_consumption_kwh_total)
+ self.root.power.consumption_avg(self._power_consumption_kwh_avg)
+ self.root.power.consumption_lastprog(self._power_consumption_kwh_last)
+ self.root.water.consumption_total(self._water_consumption_l_total)
+ self.root.water.consumption_avg(self._water_consumption_l_avg)
+ self.root.water.consumption_lastprog(self._water_consumption_l_last)
+ self.root.washing_machine.optidos_active(self._optidos_active)
+ self.root.washing_machine.optidos_a_status(self._optidos_a_status)
+ self.root.washing_machine.optidos_b_status(self._optidos_b_status)
+ self.root.dishwasher.is_energy_saving(self._is_energy_saving)
+ self.root.dishwasher.is_opti_start(self._is_opti_start)
+ self.root.dishwasher.is_partialload(self._is_partialload)
+ self.root.dishwasher.is_rinse_plus(self._is_rinse_plus)
+ self.root.dishwasher.is_dry_plus(self._is_dry_plus)
+ # Bestimme den aktuellen Zustand des Geraetes als Text.
+ if self.connection == True:
+ if self._active == True:
+ self._info = self._program_name + ", " + self._status
+ if (self._program_duration > 0) and (self._timed == False):
+ self._info = self._info + " (" + f'{self._program_duration:.0f}' + " Min)"
+ elif self._timed == True:
+ self._info = self._info + " " + self._date_time_start
+ else:
+ self._info = self.translate("Standby")
+ else:
+ self._info = self.translate("Aus")
+ self.root.state.info(self._info)
+ self.logging_special("","","")
+ self.log_debug("save_data done")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Hilfsroutinen
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def convert_utcstr2local(self,utct):
+ utc = ZoneInfo('UTC')
+ localtz = ZoneInfo('localtime')
+ a = datetime.datetime.strptime(utct,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ aa = a.replace(tzinfo=utc)
+ b = aa.astimezone(localtz)
+ return b
+ def now_str(self):
+ return self.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M:%S")
+ def log_debug(self,s1):
+ self.logger.debug(s1)
+# self.logger.warning(s1)
+ def log_info(self,s1):
+ self.logger.warning(s1)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Routinen fuer das Logging der Daten
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_logdirectory(self,base,log_directory):
+ # Erstellt das Verzeichnis 'log_directory' im Log-Verzeichnis von smarthomeNG.
+ if log_directory[0] != "/":
+ if base[-1] != "/":
+ base += "/"
+ log_directory = base + "var/log/" + log_directory
+ if not os.path.exists(log_directory):
+ os.makedirs(log_directory)
+ return log_directory
+ def logging_update(self):
+ # Aktualisiert die aktuelle Logdatei.
+ # Fuer jeden Tag wird eine neue Log-Datei erstellt.
+ # Dateiname erstellen und zugehoerige Log-Liste holen
+ tn = self.now()
+ fn = f"{tn.year-2000:2d}" + f"{tn.month:02d}" + f"{tn.day:02d}" + "_VZUG_" + self._instance
+ ld = self._lpm
+ fn = self._log_dir + "/" + fn + "." + vzug_log_extension
+ self.log_debug("logging_update fn=" + fn)
+ # Wir suchen den aeltesten Eintrag in der Liste 'ld' vom heutigen Tag
+ mii = -1
+ for mi in range(len(ld) - 1,-1,-1): # len(ld)-1 .. 0
+ dd = ld[mi]
+ t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dd[vzug_msg_datestr],"%d.%m.%y, %H:%M")
+ if (t1.year == tn.year) and (t1.month == tn.month) and (t1.day == tn.day):
+ mii = mi
+ break
+ if mii == -1:
+ # In der aktuellen Liste gibt es noch keinen Eintrag vom heutigen Datum - wir warten !
+ return
+ if not os.path.exists(fn):
+ # Datei existiert noch nicht - erstellen mit Headerzeile
+ self.log_debug("logging_update file not exist yet => create (" + fn + ")")
+ f = open(fn,"wt",encoding='utf-8')
+ s1 = "Date/Time (local)" + vzug_log_sep + "Message" + vzug_log_sep + "Power [kWh]" + vzug_log_sep + "Water [l]" + vzug_log_sep + "Temperature [°C]" + vzug_log_newline
+ sx = []
+ sx.append(s1)
+ f.writelines(sx)
+ f.close()
+ self.logging_del_old_files()
+ # Datei oeffnen und alle Zeilen einlesen
+ fl = []
+ with open(fn,"rt",encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ fl = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ # Wir suchen diesen aeltesten Eintrag 'mii' in der Liste 'ld' in der Logdatei.
+ wl = []
+ wl.append(fl[0]) # Titelzeile direkt uebernehmen
+ s1 = self.logging_create_str(ld[mii])
+ if len(fl) > 1:
+ for fi in range(1,len(fl)): # 1..len(fl)-1 - ohne Titelzeile
+ # Durchlaufe alle Zeilen, beginnend mit der aeltesten Zeile (oben in der Datei)
+ if fl[fi] == s1:
+ # Wir haben den Eintrag im Log gefunden - hier brechen wir ab
+ break
+ else:
+ wl.append(fl[fi])
+ # Nun fuegen wir alle Eintraege aus 'ld' an die Datei hinzu
+ nn = 0
+ for mi in range(mii,-1,-1): # mii .. 0
+ # Durchlaufe die Eintrage im Speicher, beginnend mit der aeltesten Zeile (am Ende der Liste)
+ s1 = self.logging_create_str(ld[mi])
+ wl.append(s1)
+ nn = nn + 1
+ if len(fl) - 1 == nn:
+ # Anzahl Zeilen in der aktuellen Log unveraendert.
+ self.log_debug("logging_update rows not changed ! " + str(len(fl) - 1) + "/" + str(nn))
+ return
+ # Schreibe die Log-Datei mit den neuen Daten
+ f = open(fn,"wt",encoding='utf-8')
+ f.writelines(wl)
+ f.close()
+ def logging_create_str(self,dd):
+ s1 = dd[vzug_msg_datestr] + vzug_log_sep + dd[vzug_msg_msg] + vzug_log_sep + f"{dd[vzug_msg_power]:.1f}" + vzug_log_sep + f"{dd[vzug_msg_water]:.1f}" + vzug_log_sep + f"{dd[vzug_msg_temp]:.1f}" + vzug_log_newline
+ return s1
+ def logging_del_old_files(self):
+ # Alte Log-Dateien loeschen.
+ if self._log_age == 0:
+ return
+ tn = self.now()
+ files = os.listdir(self._log_dir)
+ ts = tn.replace(hour=0,minute=1,second=0)
+ tx = ts - timedelta(days=self.log_age)
+ tx = tx.replace(tzinfo=None)
+# self.log_debug("ts=" + ts.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") + " tx=" + tx.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"))
+ for i in range(0,len(files)):
+ yy = int(files[i][0:2])
+ mm = int(files[i][2:4])
+ da = int(files[i][4:6])
+ dt = datetime(2000 + yy,mm,da,0,1,0,0) # Datum dieser Datei als 'datetime'
+ dx = tx - dt
+# self.log_debug("i:" + str(i) + " -> " + files[i] + " / " + " y=" + str(yy) + " m=" + str(mm) + " d=" + str(da) + " - " + dt.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") + " dx=" + str(dx.total_seconds()) + " dx=" + str(dx.days))
+ if dx.days > 0:
+ # Positiv = Datei zu alt, wird geloescht !
+ os.remove(self._log_dir + "/" + files[i])
+ self.log_info("Log file " + files[i] + " too old -> deleted")
+ def logging_special(self,s1,s2,s3):
+ # Schreibt die Texte 's1,s2,s3' in die Spezial-Log-Datei.
+ if self._save_raw == False:
+ return
+ fn = self._log_dir + "/" + vzug_log_special + "_" + self._instance + "." + vzug_log_extension
+ if not os.path.exists(fn):
+ f = open(fn,"wt",encoding='utf-8')
+ sx = []
+ sx.append("V-Zug Plugin - raw data " + self._instance + vzug_log_newline)
+ sx.append(vzug_log_newline)
+ sx.append("Date/Time" + vzug_log_sep + "Status" + vzug_log_sep + "Response" + vzug_log_sep + " " + vzug_log_newline)
+ f.writelines(sx)
+ f.close()
+ file_stats = os.stat(fn)
+ if file_stats.st_size > 5000000:
+ return
+ # Neuer Eintrag - an die Datei anfuegen.
+ s = []
+ tn = self.now()
+ s.append(tn.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") + vzug_log_sep + s1 + vzug_log_sep + s2 + vzug_log_sep + s3 + vzug_log_newline)
+ f = open(fn,"at",encoding='utf-8')
+ f.writelines(s)
+ f.close()
+ return
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class DigestAuth
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DigestAuth:
+ """HTTP digest authentication helper.
+ The work here is based off of https://github.com/requests/requests/blob/v2.18.4/requests/auth.py.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,logger,username,password,session,previous=None):
+ if previous is None:
+ previous = {}
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.last_nonce = previous.get('last_nonce', '')
+ self.nonce_count = previous.get('nonce_count', 0)
+ self.challenge = previous.get('challenge')
+ self.args = {}
+ self.digest_auth_tried = False
+ self.session = session
+ self.logger = logger
+ async def request(self,method,url,*,headers=None,**kwargs):
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = {}
+ # Save the args so we can re-run the request
+ self.args = {
+ 'method': method,
+ 'url': url,
+ 'headers': headers,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs
+ }
+ self.log_debug("==== DigestAuth")
+ self.log_debug(" method =" + method)
+ self.log_debug(" url =")
+ self.log_debug(url)
+ self.log_debug(" headers =")
+ self.log_debug(headers)
+ self.log_debug(" kwargs =")
+ self.log_debug(kwargs)
+ self.log_debug("")
+ if self.challenge:
+ headers[hdrs.AUTHORIZATION] = self._build_digest_header(method.upper(),url)
+ self.log_debug(" headers =")
+ self.log_debug(headers)
+ response = await self.session.request(method,url,headers=headers,**kwargs)
+ self.log_debug(" response =")
+ self.log_debug(response)
+ # Only try performing digest authentication if the response status is # from 400 to 500.
+ if 400 <= response.status < 500 and self.digest_auth_tried is False:
+ self.digest_auth_tried = True
+ return await self._handle_401(response)
+ return response
+ def _build_digest_header(self,method,url):
+ """
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ realm = self.challenge['realm']
+ nonce = self.challenge['nonce']
+ qop = self.challenge.get('qop')
+ algorithm = self.challenge.get('algorithm', 'MD5').upper()
+ opaque = self.challenge.get('opaque')
+ if qop and not (qop == 'auth' or 'auth' in qop.split(',')):
+ raise client_exceptions.ClientError(
+ 'Unsupported qop value: %s' % qop
+ )
+ # lambdas assume digest modules are imported at the top level
+ if algorithm == 'MD5' or algorithm == 'MD5-SESS':
+ hash_fn = hashlib.md5
+ elif algorithm == 'SHA':
+ hash_fn = hashlib.sha1
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def H(x):
+ return hash_fn(x.encode()).hexdigest()
+ def KD(s, d):
+ return H('%s:%s' % (s, d))
+ path = URL(url).path_qs
+ A1 = '%s:%s:%s' % (self.username, realm, self.password)
+ A2 = '%s:%s' % (method, path)
+ HA1 = H(A1)
+ HA2 = H(A2)
+ if nonce == self.last_nonce:
+ self.nonce_count += 1
+ else:
+ self.nonce_count = 1
+ self.last_nonce = nonce
+ ncvalue = '%08x' % self.nonce_count
+ # cnonce is just a random string generated by the client.
+ cnonce_data = ''.join([
+ str(self.nonce_count),
+ nonce,
+ time.ctime(),
+ os.urandom(8).decode(errors='ignore'),
+ ]).encode()
+ cnonce = hashlib.sha1(cnonce_data).hexdigest()[:16]
+ if algorithm == 'MD5-SESS':
+ HA1 = H('%s:%s:%s' % (HA1, nonce, cnonce))
+ # This assumes qop was validated to be 'auth' above. If 'auth-int'
+ # support is added this will need to change.
+ if qop:
+ noncebit = ':'.join([
+ nonce, ncvalue, cnonce, 'auth', HA2
+ ])
+ response_digest = KD(HA1, noncebit)
+ else:
+ response_digest = KD(HA1, '%s:%s' % (nonce, HA2))
+ base = ', '.join([
+ 'username="%s"' % self.username,
+ 'realm="%s"' % realm,
+ 'nonce="%s"' % nonce,
+ 'uri="%s"' % path,
+ 'response="%s"' % response_digest,
+ 'algorithm="%s"' % algorithm,
+ ])
+ if opaque:
+ base += ', opaque="%s"' % opaque
+ if qop:
+ base += ', qop="auth", nc=%s, cnonce="%s"' % (ncvalue, cnonce)
+ return 'Digest %s' % base
+ async def _handle_401(self,response):
+ """
+ Takes the given response and tries digest-auth, if needed.
+ :rtype: ClientResponse
+ """
+ auth_header = response.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate', '')
+ parts = auth_header.split(' ', 1)
+ if 'digest' == parts[0].lower() and len(parts) > 1:
+ self.challenge = self.parse_key_value_list(parts[1])
+ return await self.request(
+ self.args['method'],
+ self.args['url'],
+ headers=self.args['headers'],
+ **self.args['kwargs']
+ )
+ return response
+ def parse_pair(self,pair):
+ key, value = pair.split('=', 1)
+ # If it has a trailing comma, remove it.
+ if value[-1] == ',':
+ value = value[:-1]
+ # If it is quoted, then remove them.
+ if value[0] == value[-1] == '"':
+ value = value[1:-1]
+ return str(key).strip(), str(value).strip()
+ def parse_key_value_list(self,header):
+ return {
+ key: value for key, value in
+ [self.parse_pair(header_pair) for header_pair in header.split(',')]
+ }
+ def log_debug(self,s1):
+ x = 0
+# self.logger.debug(s1)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vzug/assets/base.png b/vzug/assets/base.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1518ac555
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/assets/base.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/assets/geraet.png b/vzug/assets/geraet.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a0404dee
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/assets/geraet.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/assets/items.png b/vzug/assets/items.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f888f0e87
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/assets/items.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/assets/meldungen.png b/vzug/assets/meldungen.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bbfd34b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/assets/meldungen.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/assets/verbrauch.png b/vzug/assets/verbrauch.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..175fd4076
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/assets/verbrauch.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/locale.yaml b/vzug/locale.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f737cf589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/locale.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# translations for the web interface
+ # Translations for the plugin specially for the web interface
+ 'Gerät': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Device'}
+ 'Serienummer': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Serial number'}
+ 'Typ': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Type'}
+ 'Wert': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Value'}
+ 'Verbindung': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Connection'}
+ 'Software': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Software'}
+ 'Hardware': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Hardware'}
+ 'Eingeschaltet': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Power on'}
+ 'Letztes Update': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Last update'}
+ 'Items': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Items'}
+ 'Meldungen': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Messages'}
+ 'Laden': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Loading'}
+ 'ein': {'de': '=', 'en': 'on'}
+ 'aus': {'de': '=', 'en': 'off'}
+ 'Standby': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Standby'}
+ 'Information': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Information'}
+ 'Firmware Update': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Firmware update'}
+ 'verfügbar': {'de': '=', 'en': 'available'}
+ 'nein': {'de': '=', 'en': 'no'}
+ 'API Version': {'de': '=', 'en': 'API version'}
+ 'Aktiv': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Active'}
+ 'Status': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Status'}
+ 'Programm': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Program'}
+ 'Dauer': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Duration'}
+ 'Start': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Start'}
+ 'Ende': {'de': '=', 'en': 'End'}
+ 'Phase': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Phase'}
+ 'Energie': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Energy'}
+ 'Wasser': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Water'}
+ 'Verbrauch': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Consumption'}
+ 'Durchschnitt': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Average'}
+ 'Letztes Programm': {'de': '=', 'en': 'Last program'}
+ # Alternative format for translations of longer texts:
+ 'Hier kommt der Inhalt des Webinterfaces hin.':
+ de: '='
+ en: 'Here goes the content of the web interface.'
diff --git a/vzug/plugin.yaml b/vzug/plugin.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f45b0766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/plugin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# Metadata for the plugin
+ # Global plugin attributes
+ type: interface # plugin type (gateway, interface, protocol, system, web)
+ description:
+ de: 'Plugin fuer die Anzeige von Daten von V-Zug Geraeten'
+ en: 'Plugin to display data from V-Zug devices'
+ maintainer: Matthias Manhart
+ tester: Matthias Manhart
+ state: develop # Initial 'develop'. change to 'ready' when done with development
+ keywords: vzug v-zug
+# documentation: '' # An url to optional plugin doc - NOT the url to user_doc!!!
+# support: https://knx-user-forum.de/forum/supportforen/smarthome-py
+ version: 0.1.0 # Plugin version (must match the version specified in __init__.py)
+ sh_minversion: 1.10 # minimum shNG version to use this plugin
+# sh_maxversion: # maximum shNG version to use this plugin (leave empty if latest)
+ py_minversion: 3.9 # minimum Python version to use for this plugin
+# py_maxversion: # maximum Python version to use for this plugin (leave empty if latest)
+ multi_instance: true # plugin supports multi instance
+ restartable: unknown
+ suspendable: true # plugin can be suspended, must be implemented in code
+ classname: vzug # class containing the plugin
+ host:
+ type: str
+ mandatory: True
+ default: ''
+ description:
+ de: "IP-Adresse des V-Zug Geraetes"
+ en: "IP address of the V-Zug device"
+ username:
+ type: str
+ mandatory: False
+ description:
+ de: "Username fuer die Anmeldung am V-Zug Geraet"
+ en: "Username to access the V-Zug device"
+ password:
+ type: str
+ mandatory: False
+ description:
+ de: "Passwort fuer die Anmeldung am V-Zug Geraet"
+ en: "Password to access the V-Zug device"
+ log_data:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description:
+ de: "Erstellen der Log-Daten"
+ en: "Create the log data"
+ log_age:
+ type: num
+ default: 365
+ description:
+ de: "Aufbewahrungsdauer der Log-Dateien in Tagen (0=kein Löschen)"
+ en: "Retention period of the log files in days (0=no deletion)"
+ save_raw:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description:
+ de: "Speichert die Rohdaten der Kommunikation in einer Datei"
+ en: "Save raw data from the communication in a file"
+ vzug_root:
+ type: bool
+ mandatory: true
+ description:
+ de: 'Root-Flag fuer das Plugin'
+ en: 'Root-Flag for plugin'
+ vzug_parse_item:
+ type: bool
+ mandatory: False
+ description:
+ de: 'Eine interne Funktion des vzug-Plugins'
+ en: 'Internal function of the vzug plugin'
+ vzug_struct:
+ vzug_root: true # Must stay here - used by the plugin internally - do not remove !
+ info:
+ host: # host/ip of the device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ serial: # Serial number of the device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ uuid: # UUID of the device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ device_type: # Type of device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ device_name: # Device name
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ device_short: # Device short name
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ model: # Model
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ connection_type: # Connection type
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ api_version: # API version
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ software_version: # Software version
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ hardware_version: # Hardware version
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ is_firmware_update_available: # Is firmware update available ?
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ state:
+ connection: # Shows connection status of plugin to V-Zug device (true -> ok)
+ type: bool
+ initial_value: false
+ enforce_updates: true
+ visu_acl: ro
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ last_connection: # Date/time of last successful connection
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ active: # Active/inactive status of device
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ status: # Status of the device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ info: # text description about status of the device (connection,active,program,...)
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ program:
+ name: # Current programm running in the device
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ status: # Status of the program
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ timed: # true -> start timed, see 'date_time_start'/'seconds_to_start'
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ duration: # Duration of the program [min]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ date_time_start: # Date/time of the start of the program
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ seconds_to_start: # seconds to the start of the program [s]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ date_time_end: # Date/time of the end of the program
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ seconds_to_end: # seconds to the end of the program [s]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ power: # Power used in program [kWh], written at the end of the program into the database
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ database: init
+ water: # Power used in program [l], written at the end of the program into the database
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ database: init
+ pushmessages:
+ html: # HTML table with push messages (smartVISU: basic.print)
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ jsonlist: # Json list with push messages (smartVISU: status.activelist)
+ type: list
+ initial_value: []
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ power: # dryer, washing_machine
+ consumption_total: # Power consumption total [kWh]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ consumption_avg: # Power consumption avg [kWh]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ consumption_lastprog: # Power consumption of last program [kWh]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ water: # washing_machine
+ consumption_total: # Water consumption total [l]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ consumption_avg: # Water consumption avg [l]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ consumption_lastprog: # Power consumption of last program [l]
+ type: num
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ washing_machine: # data only for the washing machine
+ optidos_active: # Optidos active
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ optidos_a_status: # Optidos A status
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ optidos_b_status: # Optidos B status
+ type: str
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ dishwasher: # data only for the dishwasher
+ is_energy_saving: # Energy saving
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ is_opti_start: # Opti start
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ is_partialload: # Partial loaded
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ is_rinse_plus: # Rinse plus
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+ is_dry_plus: # Dry plus
+ type: bool
+ visu_acl: ro
+ cache: true
+ vzug_parse_item: true
+plugin_functions: NONE
+logic_parameters: NONE
diff --git a/vzug/requirements.txt b/vzug/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff2ea17b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/vzug/webif/__init__.py b/vzug/webif/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a7e4a148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/webif/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+# Copyright 2024 Matthias Manhart smarthome@beathis.ch
+# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
+# https://www.smarthomeNG.de
+# https://knx-user-forum.de/forum/supportforen/smarthome-py
+# This file implements the web interface for the Sample plugin.
+# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see .
+import datetime
+import time
+import os
+import json
+from lib.item import Items
+from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPluginWebIf
+# ------------------------------------------
+# Webinterface of the plugin
+# ------------------------------------------
+import cherrypy
+import csv
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+class WebInterface(SmartPluginWebIf):
+ def __init__(self, webif_dir, plugin):
+ """
+ Initialization of instance of class WebInterface
+ :param webif_dir: directory where the webinterface of the plugin resides
+ :param plugin: instance of the plugin
+ :type webif_dir: str
+ :type plugin: object
+ """
+ self.logger = plugin.logger
+ self.webif_dir = webif_dir
+ self.plugin = plugin
+ self.items = Items.get_instance()
+ self.tplenv = self.init_template_environment()
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def index(self, reload=None):
+ """
+ Build index.html for cherrypy
+ Render the template and return the html file to be delivered to the browser
+ :return: contents of the template after being rendered
+ """
+ pagelength = self.plugin.get_parameter_value('webif_pagelength')
+ tmpl = self.tplenv.get_template('index.html')
+ # add values to be passed to the Jinja2 template eg: tmpl.render(p=self.plugin, interface=interface, ...)
+ return tmpl.render(p=self.plugin,
+ webif_pagelength=pagelength,
+ items=sorted(self.items.return_items(), key=lambda k: str.lower(k['_path'])),
+ item_count=len(self.plugin.items))
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def get_data_html(self, dataSet=None):
+ """
+ Return data to update the webpage
+ For the standard update mechanism of the web interface, the dataSet to return the data for is None
+ :param dataSet: Dataset for which the data should be returned (standard: None)
+ :return: dict with the data needed to update the web page.
+ """
+ # get the new data
+ data = {}
+ data['model_desc'] = self.plugin._model_desc
+ data['uuid'] = self.plugin._uuid
+ data['device_type'] = self.plugin._device_type
+ data['connectiontype'] = self.plugin._connectiontype
+ data['serial'] = self.plugin._serial
+ data['host'] = self.plugin._host
+ data['softwareversion'] = self.plugin._softwareversion
+ data['hardwareversion'] = self.plugin._hardwareversion
+ if self.plugin.connection == True:
+ s_conn = self.translate("ein")
+ else:
+ s_conn = self.translate("aus")
+ data['connection'] = s_conn
+ data['last_connection'] = self.plugin.last_connection
+ data['msg_table'] = self.plugin._html
+ if self.plugin._firmwareavailable == True:
+ s_fup = self.translate("verfügbar")
+ else:
+ s_fup = self.translate("nein")
+ if self.plugin._active == True:
+ s_active = self.translate("ein")
+ else:
+ s_active = self.translate("Standby")
+ # Informationen
+ t = ''
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Gerät") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._model_desc + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Typ") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._device_type + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Serienummer") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._serial + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Verbindung") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._connectiontype + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + "IP" + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._host + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Software") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._softwareversion + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Hardware") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._hardwareversion + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Firmware Update") + ': | ' + '' + s_fup + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("API Version") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._apiver + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '
+ data['r1_table'] = t
+ # Programm
+ t = ''
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Eingeschaltet") + ': | ' + '' + s_conn + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Letztes Update") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin.last_connection + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Aktiv") + ': | ' + '' + s_active + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Information") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._info + ' | ' + '
+ if self.plugin._active == True:
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Programm") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._program_name + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Phase") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._status + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Dauer") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._program_duration:.0f}' + " Min" + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Start") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._date_time_start + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Ende") + ': | ' + '' + self.plugin._date_time_end + ' | ' + '
+ if self.plugin._f_show_consumption_prog == True:
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Energie") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._power_consumption_kwh_last:.1f}' + " kWh" + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Wasser") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._water_consumption_l_last:.1f}' + " l" + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '
+ data['r2_table'] = t
+ # Verbrauch
+ t = ''
+ t = t + ' | ' + '' + '' + self.translate("Energie") + '' + ' | ' + '' + '' + self.translate("Wasser") + '' + ' | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Total") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._power_consumption_kwh_total:.1f}' + ' kWh | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._water_consumption_l_total:.1f}' + ' l | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Durchschnitt") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._power_consumption_kwh_avg:.1f}' + ' kWh | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._water_consumption_l_avg:.1f}' + ' l | ' + '
+ t = t + '' + self.translate("Letztes Programm") + ': | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._power_consumption_kwh_last:.1f}' + ' kWh | ' + '' + f'{self.plugin._water_consumption_l_last:.1f}' + ' l | ' + '
+ t = t + '
+ data['r3_table'] = t
+ # return it as json the the web page
+ try:
+ return json.dumps(data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("get_data_html exception: {}".format(e))
diff --git a/vzug/webif/static/img/plugin_logo.png b/vzug/webif/static/img/plugin_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd1eadca9
Binary files /dev/null and b/vzug/webif/static/img/plugin_logo.png differ
diff --git a/vzug/webif/templates/index.html b/vzug/webif/templates/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e8226c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vzug/webif/templates/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+{% extends "base_plugin.html" %}
+{% set logo_frame = false %}
+{% set update_interval = 5000 %}
+{% set buttons = true %}
+{% set autorefresh_buttons = false %}
+{% set reload_button = true %}
+{% set close_button = true %}
+{% set initial_update = true %}
+{% block pluginstyles %}
+{% endblock pluginstyles %}
+{% block pluginscripts %}
+{% endblock pluginscripts %}
+{% block headtable %}
+ {{ _('Gerät') }}: |
+ {{ _('Laden') }} ... |
+ |
+ UUID: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Typ') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Verbindung') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Serienummer') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ IP: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Software') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Hardware') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Eingeschaltet') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+ {{ _('Letztes Update') }}: |
+ |
+ |
+{% endblock headtable %}
+{% block buttons %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% set tabcount = 4 %}
+{% set start_tab = 1 %}
+{% set tab1title = ""+_('Gerät')+"" %}
+{% block bodytab1 %}
+{% endblock bodytab1 %}
+{% set tab2title = ""+_('Meldungen')+"" %}
+{% block bodytab2 %}
+{% endblock bodytab2 %}
+{% set tab3title = ""+_('Verbrauch')+"" %}
+{% block bodytab3 %}
+{% endblock bodytab3 %}
+{% set tab4title = ""+_('Items')+" (" ~ item_count ~ ")" %}
+{% block bodytab4 %}
+ {{ _('Item') }} |
+ {{ _('Typ') }} |
+ {{ _('Wert') }} |
+ {% for item in p.items %}
+ {{ item._path }} |
+ {{ item._type }} |
+ {{ item() }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endblock bodytab4 %}