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executable file
79 lines (61 loc) · 4.24 KB

SynTracker: a pipeline to track closely related microbial strains using genome synteny

SynTracker is a pipeline to determine the biological relatedness of conspecific strains (microbial strains of the same species) using genome synteny.


Most required packages are contained in the attached conda environment (.yml file). Additional requirements: NCBI BLAST+ Python


From source:

Download SynTrakcer latest release from:

Extract the tar.gz file into the desired working-directory.

Create a new conda environment using the ‘SynTracker_env.yml’ file (located in the root directory of SynTrakcer) using the following command: conda env create -f SynTracker_env.yml

Activate the newly created environment: conda activate SynTrakcer


SynTracker requires three types of data as input:

a. Reference genome:

Reference genomes could be provided complete or as a collection of contigs. If using a number of contigs belonging to the same reference genome, all sequences should be placed in a single .fasta file. If using more than one reference genome (i.e., analyzing more than one species per run) all reference genome files should be located in the same directory.
The directory Sample_input/Reference_genomes/ contains an example reference genome.

b. Metagenomic assemblies/genomes:

These data are the metagenomic assemblies (or assembled genomes, if those are studied) that would be compared. These data should be organized in per-sample assembly files - i.e., all the contigs assembled from sample X would be kept in a single file. If genomes are studied, each genome will be stored in a single fasta file. Ideally, file naming should be the sample or isolate isolate ID, with no special characters. All files should be stored in the same directory (refered below as the "target directory"). The directory Sample_input/Target_genomes/ contains a collection of target genomes.

c. Metadata file (optional):

The metadata file contains information regarding the genomes/assemblies to be compared. The metadata file should be a tab delimited file. One of the columns should contains the sample ID, which is identical to the naming of the fasta files in the "target folder".


SynTracker is run by executing two commands sequentially: a. Fragmentation of the reference genomes and execution of BLASTn search against the target genomes/metagenomes. b. Calculation of average pairwise synteny scores (APSS).

a. First command:

./  -t -r -o -i -c -l 
    -t : path of the target directory, contains metagenome assemlies/genomes
    -r : path of the references folder containing the reference genomes 
    -o : path of the output directory. IMPORTANT: if this directory already exists, it will be written over!!!  
    -i : optional, minimal blast identity, default is 97%
    -c : optinal, minimal BLAST coverage, default is 70%
    -l : optinal, the length of flanking sequences (on the BLAST hit), default is 2000 bp. 

**Example using the provided input data: ./ -t Sample_input/Target_genomes -r Sample_input/Reference_genomes/ -o first_step_output/

b. Second command:

From the folder in which the SynTracker scripts are located, execute:

Rscript SynTracker.R  [input directory] [output directory] [number of cores] [save RDS] [set.seed] [metadata file]

input directory: The path of the /"blastcmddb_output" directory within the output directory specified in step a. 
output directory: The path of the final output directory.
number of cores : 
save RDS: should RDS image of be saved for the run (yes/no : "--intermediate"/"--no_indermediate"). If not provided the script fails
set.seed : should the subsampling of n regions per pairwise be random or not ("--use.setseed", "").  If not provided the script fails. #IMPORTANT! This flag temporarily does not ifluence the run!
metadata : metadata file, should include the sample ID, and any other relevant fields. Optional.  

Example using the provided input data:

Rscript SynTracker.R output/blastcmddb_output/ final_syntracker_output/ 8 --no_indermediate --use.setseed