nip2 is a GUI for the VIPS image processing library. This repository has been setup to share new functions and menu options for the nip2 software.
nip2 is a very flexible piece of image processing software, all of its standard menu options from simple rotations to complex image based matrix manipulations are scripted as open and editable functions. These functions can be copied and edited or even linked together to created totally new options.
New nip2 functions are created for lots of different individual reasons but can also often be useful for others so we will try to list them here.
Please begin with the standard nip2 documentation specific comments and documentation will be provided with each new function script.
You will need nip2 installed to make use of these scripts.
All of the current extra Tools can be viewed at Extras.def or directly downloaded here.
Each of the individual tools can be found, complete with documentation in the tools folder
The Nip2 software is very flexible and can be enhanced with new tools to aid image processing activities. All of the existing menu options can be viewed and edited if required and new ones can be added as needed. New individual functions are refered to as Tools and groups of these tools are refered to as Toolkits.
To see or add to the current functions click on Toolkits, in the menu bar at the top of the nip2 window, and then Edit from the list of options.
If you have downloaded or created a new def file they can be loaded straight into nip2.
- Open up the Toolkits window from the main window menus: Toolkits > Edit
- In the Toolkits window open the new def file: File > Open Toolkits
- Browse to find you file and then click Open
- The new functions included in your selected def file will then be added to your Toolkits list.
In order for nip2 to know to continue to load your new def file it needs to be saved in a specific start folder.
- In the Toolkits window click on the name of your new Toolkit to select it.
- Then save it using: File > Save Toolkits as
- Navigate to your default nip2 start folder (see below) and then click Save
A new nip2 start folder is created every time you install an new version of nip2 and will automatically be given the name .nip2-X.X.X with X.X.X replaced with the specific version number of the software you have installed. The location of the start folder is different depending on which OS you are using, please consult the nip2 documentation for details. The default locations for each of the main OSs is given below:
- Linux: /home/USERNAME/.nip2-X.X.X/start
- Windows 10: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\nip2-8.7.0\start
- Mac: TBC
Please note an easy way to find the location of your start folder is by selecting any of the original Toolkits, such as Colour and then using File > Save Toolkits as. When the save window opens the default save location will be your start folder. Just take note of the location, click Cancel and then try saving your new Toolkit again.
If you want to create your own nip2 menus (Toolkits) or add in individual Tools to and existing Toolkit see below:
- If this is the first tool you are adding please first create a new toolkit, if you have already done this you can skip down to adding a new tool.
- Open up the Toolkits window from the main window menus: Toolkits > Edit
- In the Toolkits window create a new toolkit, if required using the following menu options: File > New > New Toolkit
- You will be asked to provide a name for your new toolkit, type a new name in and then click Create.
- You will see that the name you typed in has been added to long list on the left of the Toolkits window.
- Select the Toolkit you would like to add your new Tool to, by simply left clicking on the name of the Toolkit in the list on the left.
- To make sure you are ready to add a new tool select the option using the following menu options: File > New > New Tool
- Click the left mouse button in the blank section on the right of the Toolkits window.
- You can now either copy and paste the text for your new tool into the window, or directly write a new tool by typing in the required code.
- Once you are ready you can add the new tool to the list simply by selecting any of the other Toolkits in the list.
- This will make your tool accessible in your current nip2 window, but it has not saved your work.
- If there is a problem with your code you will get an error message at this point.
- To save your new tool, re-select the Toolkit that you added it to and then save it using the following menu options: File > Save Toolkit.
All new toolkits and tools are saved locally on your computer in a specific start folder related to the current version of nip2. When you upgrade your software to a new version of nip2 these extra files are not automatically copied across and you will need to do this manually. Please see the notes above relating to finding your current start folder.