[1.5.4] - 2023-08-18
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.3).
[1.5.3] - 2023-04-20
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.2).
[1.5.2] - 2022-12-22
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.1.1).
[1.5.1] - 2022-09-30
- Fixed a plugin conflict with the WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin.
- The block editor colours being called incorrectly from the theme mods.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.0.2).
[1.5.0] - 2022-05-25
- Adding Yoast CSS & JS file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Adding WooCommerce CSS & PHP files file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Adding Sensei CSS & PHP files file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Adding Popup-Maker CSS & PHP files file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Adding The Events Calendar plugin CSS & PHP files file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Adding bbPress CSS & PHP files file - Moved from LSX Theme
- Added in a filter to allow 3rd party filtering of the WooCommerce menu item.
- Updated the method of generating the language files.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.0).
[1.4.1] - 2021-01-15
- Documentation and support links.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (5.6).
[1.4.0] - 2020-11-04
- Adding color palette options for the customizer.
- Added Distraction free checkout option.
- Added 2 steps checkout option.
- Updated Checkout and Cart styles.
- Added customizer colour options for the Block editor palette
- Added integration for the WooCommerce Grid / List toggle plugin.
- Merged two WooCommerce panels within the customizer sidebar.
- Enhancements for the custom login logo.
- Updating dependencies to prevent vulnerabilities.
- Updating PHPCS options for better code.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (5.5).
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest LSX Theme version (2.9).
[1.3.4] - 2020-05-21
- Woocommerce checkout and cart styling improved.
- Adding in the customizer colour for the accordian block.
- Fixed the My Account menu slug not calling the correct page ID.
- Fixing the my account menu translations.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (5.4.1).
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest LSX Theme version (2.8).
[1.3.3] - 2020-03-30
- Moved the un-prefixed
function into a class. - Added the "include-media" mixin to the body colour class, fixing the generating of the CSS.
- Updating dependencies to prevent vulnerabilities.
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (5.4).
- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest LSX Theme version (2.7).
[1.3.2] - 2019-11-13
- Fix - Fixing the
woocommerce_get_page_id is deprecated since version 3.0! Use wc_get_page_id instead.
error. - Fix - Fixing the
WC_Cart::get_cart_url is deprecated since version 2.5! Use wc_get_cart_url instead.
error. - Fix - Fixing the placeholders for the widgets.
[1.3.1] - 2019-08-21
- Added in Repeat option for background in login screen options.
- Set background size to initial[None] as default
[1.3.0] - 2019-08-06
- Adding logging screen options.
- Added in the logo control.
- Adding classes methods.
- More default styling.
- Adjust box shadow colors.
- Coding Standard fixes.
[1.2.2] - 2018-04-09
- Update the SCSS 2 CSS Vendor (http://leafo.github.io/scssphp/).
- Making sure the Thank You page does not redirect when you land on the page.
- Removed the API Class.
- WooCommerce checkout layout.
- WooCommerce checkout steps.
- WooCommerce checkout custom thank you page.
- WooCommerce checkout custom cart extra HTML.
- WooCommerce checkout custom checkout extra HTML.
- WooCommerce cart menu item position.
- WooCommerce cart menu item style.
- WooCommerce My Account menu item.
- Add WooCommerce Wishlist compatibility.
- Default colours scheme updated (top menu colors).
- Add Sensei compatibility.
- Extra menu items for logout users / Compatibility with LSX Login.
- Added compatibility with LSX 2.0.
- New project structure.
- UIX copied from TO 1.1 + Fixed issue with sub tabs click (settings).
- New option: disable theme credit.
- Fixed scripts/styles loading order.
- Fixed small issues.
- Moved all blog customizer options to LSX Blog Customizer plugin.
- Added filters to send the custom colours to custom selectors.
- Adjusted the plugin settings link inside the LSX API Class.
- Fixed buttons (default and CTA) selectors (hover, active, focus, visited).
- Fixed all prefixes replaces (to* > lsx_to*, TO* > LSX_TO*).
- Added a extra style selector for main menu CSS: item active + hover.
- Avoided use a return function inside the PHP function "empty" (compatibility with PHP 5.5 and lower).
- Compatibility with WPML 3.6.
- Reduced the access to server (check API key status) using transients.
- Made the API URLs dev/live dynamic using a prefix "dev-" in the API KEY.
- First Version