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379 lines (260 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

379 lines (260 loc) · 17.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • 🛑 Update to OTLP v0.9.0 protocol. Users should be aware this is not a backwards-compatible change. (#235)
  • Remove four internal counter metrics that are redundant with existing histogram instruments: sidecar.connect.duration.count, sidecar.export.duration.count, sidecar.monitor.duration.count, and sidecar.metadata.fetch.duration.count. These counters had been simply derived from the histogram data. (#235)

0.27.0 - 2021-07-22


  • Added option to set the timeout used for health-check requests to the prometheus endpoint, defaulting to 5s. (#268)

0.26.0 - 2021-07-15


  • Added a leader election feature for HA prometheus setup to reduce the amount of data transported on the wire. The leader sidecar will send data as normal, while other non-leaders sidecars will be in a stand-by mode. (#264, #263)
  • Added sidecar.metrics.current to report the number of active metrics grouped by metric type. (#259)


  • limited the number of failing metrics reported via metrics and logs. (#261)

0.25.0 - 2021-05-13


  • Single metric metadata fetching happens through /metadata/, not /targets/medatada, which should prevent causing too much stress on Prometheus (less data to query/fetch). (#252)

0.24.0 - 2021-05-07


  • Assemble multiple points per Metric, limit requests by size instead of points. (#237)
  • Replace --prometheus.max-timeseries-per-request flag with --opentelemetry.max-bytes-per-request with 64kB default size (#237)
  • Rename --prometheus.max-shards to --opentelemetry.max-shards (#245)
  • Rename --prometheus.min-shards to --opentelemetry.min-shards (#245)
  • Adds new --opentelemetry.queue-size setting. (#247)

0.23.1 - 2021-05-03


  • Add sidecar.series.current to the periodic supervisor log. (#236)
  • Fix issue w/ nextSegment being set incorrectly. (#242)

0.23.0 - 2021-04-23


  • Do not require in-order writes, use random load balancing. (#198)
  • New metrics sidecar.refs.collected and sidecar.refs.notfound count series references removed in garbage collection and not found during lookup. (#203)
  • Added a loop at the start of Tail to wait in the event that prometheus is writing a new checkpoint. The max period for this loop is 5m0s (#205)
  • Add proper support for Summary (#207)
  • Keep existing shards during re-sharding events. (#221)
  • Instead of skipping segments, restart the Prometheus reader to ensure we don't miss series references. (#227)
  • Do not count Prometheus staleness markers as skipped points. (#231)

0.22.0 - 2021-04-16


  • New metric sidecar.points.produced counts total points produced from the WAL. (#187)
  • sidecar.metrics.failing includes explanation for all unreported metrics, labeled by key_reason and metric_name, now covers filtered points, metadata errors, and explanations from the server. (#191)


  • OTLP data points re-use Resource and InstrumentationLibrary (thus are smaller). (#182)
  • sidecar.metrics.invalid broadened to include non-validation failures, renamed sidecar.metrics.failing. (#188)
  • Counter reset events output zero values at the reset timestamp, instead of skipping points. (#190)


  • Removed counters sidecar.samples.produced & sidecar.samples.processed. (#187)
  • Removed counter sidecar.cumulative.missing_resets. (#190)
  • Removed overlap detection, this cannot happen without the MonitoredResource transform removed in #2. (#190)

0.21.1 - 2021-04-06


  • Removed healthcheck metrics from telemetry traces. (#184)

0.21.0 - 2021-04-06


  • New metric sidecar.points.skipped counts points that were not processed due to filters or cumulative resets. (#174)
  • New metric sidecar.series.defined counts the number of series refs defined in the WAL. (#174)
  • New metric sidecar.metadata.lookups counts the number of metadata lookups (with error=true/false). (#174)
  • New metric sidecar.cumulative.missing_resets counts the number of points that were not processed due to cumulative resets. (#174)
  • New metric sidecar.series.current reports the current number of series (with status=live/filtered/invalid). (#174)
  • Added support for handling relabeling rules for instance label. (#175)


  • Series cache remembers points that were filtered in order to correctly count points that are dropped. (#174)
  • Metric sidecar.metadata.fetch.duration has new mode label for single and batch requests. (#174)
  • Noisy logs are reduced to emitting once per minute. (#181)

0.20.1 - 2021-03-23


  • The sidecar will no longer wait indefinitely when waiting for the initial scrape to complete, it will wait 60s longer than the longest missing interval. (#171)

0.20.0 - 2021-03-22


  • Uses Prometheus /api/v1/status/config endpoint to read the Prometheus config, to automatically determine the full set of scrape intervals. (#162)
  • The startup timeout is raised to 10 minutes. (#166)


  • The --prometheus.scrape-interval option is ignored. (#162)

0.19.0 - 2021-03-15


  • Adding --healthcheck.threshold-ratio to support tuning the acceptable error ratio when exporting metrics to a backend. (#146)
  • Print metadata from gRPC response trailers. (#151)
  • Added sidecar.segment.skipped counter to keep track of the number of times an event has caused the WAL to be skipped. (#155)
  • Parsing and reporting on dropped metric points due to validation errors using Lightstep's conventions. (#157)


  • Fix metadata type conflict causing infinite loop due to change of instrument from histogram to another kind. (#151)
  • Update Prometheus go.mod dependencies to match the 2.24.1 release. (#152)
  • Update to OTel-Go 0.18. (#153)
  • PrometheusReader handles truncated segment errors by raising an ErrSkipSegment which will trigger the tailer to skip to the next segment in process. (#155)
  • Update to v1.25.0, remove gogo dependency. (#156)


  • Field corrupt-segment has been removed from the progress file as the state is no longer needed now that the PrometheusReader handles this case. (#155)

0.18.3 - 2021-03-04


  • Fix issue that caused a segmentation failure on clean exit. (#143)
  • Fix reset handling by checking against previous value instead of reset value. (#145)


  • Added a check for minimum version of prometheus on start, report an error and exit if prometheus running is less version 2.10.0. (#144)

0.18.2 - 2021-02-26


  • Reduce the default value for max timeseries per request to 500. (#139)

0.18.1 - 2021-02-26


  • Reduce the default value for max shards to 200. (#139)

0.18.0 - 2021-02-26


  • Sidecar waits for the first scrapes to complete before entering its run state. (#134)
  • New setting --prometheus.scrape-interval supports configuring scrape interval(s) to wait for at startup. (#134)


  • The sidecar's WAL reader could get stuck in a restart loop in the event that the WAL's first segment after a checkpoint was truncated. The reader will now record the corrupt-segment in the progress log and skip the recorded segment on next restart (#136)


  • The --startup.delay setting has been removed in favor of monitoring when Prometheus actually finishes its first scrapes. (#134)

0.17.0 - 2021-02-23


  • Automatically set (the same) for Destination/Diagnostics Resources. (#127)
  • The sidecar's max timeseries per requests is now configurable via prometheus.max-timeseries-per-request. There is also a matching yaml configuration option: max_timeseries_per_request. (#128)
  • The sidecar's max shards is now configurable via --prometheus.max-shards. There is also a matching yaml configuration option: max_shards. (#128)
  • Adding metrcs to capture WAL size and the current offset. (#130)


  • The sidecar's WAL-reader addresses several race conditions by monitoring Prometheus for readiness and the current segment number during WAL segment transitions. (#118)
  • The yaml section named "log_config" was inconsistent, has been renamed "log". ()


  • Remove the use_meta_labels parameter. (#125)

0.16.0 - 2021-02-18


  • The sidecar's health check period is now configurable via --healthcheck.period. The metrics reporting period is automatically configured to half of the healthcheck period, since one depends on the other. (#117)
  • Adds support for gzip compression and none compression, because "" can't be configured via YAML. (#117)


  • Improved liveness checking. The sidecar starts in a healthy state and if it passes its selftest it then begins judging its own health after 5 healthcheck periods. After liveness fails, the supervisor will very rapidly report a crash report and shutdown its span reporter to flush its diagnostics. There is a chance that k8s may kill the process before the crash report is sent. (#117)
  • Numerous small consistency and style improvements for logs in general. (#117)

0.15.1 - 2021-02-12

  • Disabled target refresh and caching functionality (#115)
  • WAL reader segment change-over race condition fixed. (#112)

0.14.0 - 2021-02-08

  • Timeouts and diagnostics for Prometheus API calls (#100)
  • Snappy compression support enabled by default (#97)
  • Supervisor will kill the sidecar when there are no successful writes after repeated healthchecks. (#101)
  • Print the number of dropped series in the supervisor health report. (#102)

0.13.1 - 2021-02-04

  • Supervisor kills the process after repeated healthcheck failures. (#95)

0.13.0 - 2021-02-04

  • Add supervisor=true in logs from the supervisor process. (#90)
  • Add real /-/health health-checking implementation, with these criteria: sidecar.samples.produced should not stall over 5m sidecar.queue.outcome{outcome=success} divided by total {*} > 0.5 (#94)

0.12.0 - 2021-02-01

  • Less resharding synchronization: do not require in-order writes (#87)
  • Backstop against permanent Export() failures (#87)
  • Rename all sidecar metrics to match sidecar.* (#87)
  • Update to OTel-Go SDK v0.16.0. (#86)
  • Use a 2 second maximum backoff when Export() fails (vs 100ms default). (#81)
  • Update CI tests to use Prometheus 2.23. (#82)
  • Update go.mod files to use Go 1.15. (#83)

0.11.1 - 2021-01-26

  • Fix for graceful shutdown. (#79)

0.11.0 - 2021-01-25

  • Enable self-diagnostics using the OTel-Go SDK, using the primary destination by default if none is configured. Disable this behavior with --disable-diagnostics. (#72)
  • Auto-downcase headers for http2 compliance. (#73)
  • Ensures the sidecar will exit non-zero on errors. (#74)
  • Adds a /-/ready endpoint, where readiness implies:
    • Prometheus is ready
    • Can write status file
    • Export empty request succeeds. (#75)
  • Adds a /-/health endpoint, always returns OK. (#75)
  • Adds a supervisor:
    • Performs periodic healthcheck
    • Runs main() in a sub-process, tees stdout and stderr
    • Records recent logs & healthcheck status in a span. (#75)
  • Disable spans in the sidecar, replace w/ 2 Float64ValueRecorders. (#75)

0.10.0 - 2021-01-21

  • Fixes bug in WAL-tailer openSegment() method. (#71)

0.9.0 - 2021-01-15


  • Additional sanitization of HTTP2 headers. (#67)
  • Remove gRPC WithLoadBalancerName() option in favor of default service config. (#64)

0.8.0 - 2021-01-11


  • Improve startup diagnostics, add selftest step to check for a healthy endpoint. (#62)
  • Remove depdendency (wasn't used). (#63)
  • Replace oklog/oklog/pkg/group w/ up-to-date oklog/run dependency. (#63)
  • Avoid setting non-nil connection value after DialContext() failure. (#63)
  • Isolate telemetry-related code into separate module, create stand-alone telemetry test. (#63)
  • Use a gRPC default service config (copied from OTel-Go OTLP gRPC Exporter). (#63)

0.7.0 - 2020-12-24


  • Trim whitespace in configured HTTP headers and OpenTelemetry attributes. Avoid starting with newlines embedded in these strings. (#61)

0.6.0 - 2020-12-16


  • gRPC logging is enabled only when --log.level=debug or --log.verbose > 0. (#59)
  • Updated Kubernetes Helm chart example, removed former kube sub-directory. (#60)

0.5.0 - 2020-12-12


  • Update to gRPC v1.34.0 (#54)
  • Update to OTel-Go v0.15. (#56)

0.4.0 - 2020-12-09


  • Add --log.verbose setting and enable verbose gRPC logging. (#50)
  • Add --destination.timeout and --diagnostics.timeout values to set gRPC timeout for primary and diagnostic OTLP Export() calls. (#51)

0.3.0 - 2020-12-08

  • Change several metric names to use . instead of _ for OpenTelemetry consistency. (#43)
  • Update to OpenTelemetry-Go SDK version 0.14. (#41)
  • Removed unnecessary code that reduced batching capability. (#45)
  • Truncate server error messages to 512 bytes. (#46)
  • Implement --prometheus.max-point-age flag, default 25h. (#47)

0.2.0 - 2020-11-20


  • Support for all settings is available through the YAML configuration file. Formerly the configuration file was limited to metric_renames and static_metadata settings. Command-line flag values override their equivalent configuration struct fields.
  • The OpenTelemetry-Go SDK is being used with HTTP and gRPC tracing, runtime and host metrics instrumentation packages.
  • Testing for the example YAML configuration.


  • Prometheus library dependency set to v2.22.0 release (Oct 15, 2020), removes the legacy prometheus/tsdb dependency.
  • Many command-line flags names were changed so that command-line names match the configuration file structure. Please review the up-to-date documentation.
  • The metrics_prefix functionality no longer insers a / between a non-empty prefix and the metric name.


  • Existing Prometheus client and OpenCensus instrumentation was removed.


  • tail/tail.go has an updated copy of listSegments() from Prometheus v2.22.0.

0.1.0 - 2020-10-21
