Link to a Test Report
When looking at a report start by clicking on the small chart on the left side of the row.
This will bring up a larger version of the graph. You can zoom, pan, and select an area for zoom using the controls on the graph overlay.
Use the selection tool to focus in on the part of the graph that shows the regression.
After that it will be easy to click the point right before when the regression occurred. When you click that point you will get a fly-out that has several options. Set Baseline
Set Compare
and Clear Comparison
. It works best to click your baseline point first and then click Set Baseline
Once you have the baseline set you can close the fly-out by clicking on the red X.
Now, click the compare point, in this case you want to click the point that is closest to the baseline point that shows the regression.
After that click the Set Compare
This will bring up a link to the runtime repo that will do a comparison between the git commit hashes of the two points that were set as the baseline and compare.