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limboemu edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 6 revisions

Slax: For those who want a currently active light weight linux distribution with a 4.x linux kernel and have a high end Android device.

You can download the live ISO from the official website:

You can boot the live ISO from Limbo

Limbo Configuration

cpu: x64
memory: 512
net: user
nic: default
cdrom: slax.iso

Slax installation to hard disk (Optional)

Install Slax on the hard disk image on your desktop using QEMU.
This will be faster than doing it on your android device.
Once you are done you can copy the qcow2 image to your phone.

Virtual Hard Disk

Create a qcow2 image on your PC:
qemu-img -f qcow2 slax.qcow2 10G

Boot from ISO:

Run the live linux distro in qemu and attach the Slax iso
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda slax.qcow2 -cdrom slax.iso -net nic -m 512

Install qparted

apt-get install qparted
create an msdos partition table with qparted
create a partition ext2
format with ext3
install bash if you don't have it
apt-get install bash

copy /slax folder from image to the new partition
and run from within the hard disk:

The detailed guide can be found here:


hutdown the vm and remove the cdrom option and attach only the new hard driver:
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda slax.qcow2 -net nic -m 512

create a new user
useradd -m tux --uid 1002 -U

Install ftp server:
apt-get install proftpd
uncomment in the proftpd.conf:
RequireValidShell no
/etc/init.d/proftpd start

to search in apt for a package:
apt-cache search keyword

Limbo setup with hard disk

cpu: x64
memory: 512
net: user
nic: default
hda: slax.qcow2

To connect from android with SSH and FTP (Optional) use:
hostfwd: tcp:22222:22,tcp:22221:21

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