ORM for relational databases.
On the fly builds an extensive API representing your database and its tables including their relations and columns. No need to write javascript models.
- Supports Postgres & MySQL
- Simple loading and filtering of nested entities
- Advanced query builder that rocks
- Transactions
- Table locks
- Bulk operations
- User extendable models (optional)
- Connection pooling
- Extensions for soft-deletes, nested sets, multilingual content, geo distance computation and reference counting
- Complex DB Cluster support (includes read replicas and failover on AWS RDS)
- No conventions for column names etc.
- Commercial support avialable
- And much more
var Related = require('related');
// The ORM looks at your database and builds on the fly models.
// You can start working on your database immediatelly.
new Related({
schema : 'mySchemaName' // optional
, database : 'myDatabaseName'
, type : 'postgres' // or mysql
, hosts: [{
host : 'localhost'
, username : 'postgres'
, password : ''
, maxConnections: 20
, pools : ['master', 'read', 'write']
}).load().then(function(orm) {
// get 10 events, their images, their tags, their categories, their venues,
// the venues images, the venues types. the 'get' prefix change sscope to the other model
// the 'fetch' prefix doenst change the scope and you can continue working on the current
// model
orm.event({id: Related.lt(2000)}, ['*'])
.find().then(function(events) {
}).catch(function(err) {
log('something went wrong :(');
We are currently working on an extensive documentation and a website. Until those are online please look at the tests
- Timestamps: support for automatic timestamps and soft deletes
- GEO: Area and distance searches using longitutde and latitude
- Localization: support for multilanguage content in the relational model
- Nested Sets: support for nested sets
- Reference Counting: Counts items that are referenced by the current entity