- amend computation of diff_pump.road_segs distances in walkingB().
- add alpha.level and polygon.type args for pumpTokensB(), plot.euclidean() and plot.euclideanLatlong().
- use p.sel for selected pumps; return latlong with euclideanNominal() and euclideanNominal().
- amend pumpTokensB(type = "star") for case.set = "expected".
- add pumpTokensB(type = "star").
- add alpha.level and polygon.type args to pumpTokensB() and plot.walkingB().
- amend pumpTokensB() for case.set = "expected" & type != "roads".
- add more graphical arguments to plot.walkingB() and addNeighborhoodWalking().
- amend note for fatalities data frame.
- archive snowNeighborhood().
- use amended nearestPump() in walkingLatlong() and walkingNominal().
- clean code in voronoiNominal().
- append latlong argument value in neighborhoodVoronoi().
- amend pumpTokensB() for Voronoi functions.
- amend voronoiLatlong() and voronoiNominal() classes.
- amend selectPump() syntax.
- replace pumpCase.voronoi() and pumpCase.voronoiLatlong() with pumpCase.voronoi().
- replace pumpCase.walking() and pumpCase.walkingLatlong() with pumpCase.walkingB().
- add amended addNeighborhoodWalking() prototype.
- add/set plot.walkingB(add = FALSE).
- amend/optimize nearestPump().
- use simplified nearestPump() in simulateWalkingDistance().
- remove multi.core argument for nearestPump() in pumpFatalities().
- use simplified nearestPump() in profile2D() and profile3D().
- promote simplified nearestPumpB() to nearestPump().
- amend caseCase() for duplicate nodes: case 369 and St James Workhouse 1019.
- rename argument missing.snow to non.snow.cases in plot.neighborhood_snow().
- add/use nearestPumpB() prototype.
- use native "d" as default for distanceTime() in walkingPath().
- use native "d" as default for distanceTime() in euclideanPath().
- convert meters to native/nominal units with segmentLength(latlong = TRUE).
- remove distance.unit argument from segmentLength().
- set distanceTime() to use "native" or nominal distance.
- make caseDistance() internal.
- add cases and pumps to plot.neighborhood_snow().
- add/set plot.neighborhood_snow(missing.snow = TRUE).
- add neighborhoodSnow() prototype.
- amend/restore n.points in peripheryCases().
- implement plot.walkingB(type = "roads").
- replace cutpoint with more descriptive midpoint in walkingB().
- fix validateCase() for Square exits and expected case message.
- add optimizations to walkingB(case.set = "observed").
- use road segment endpoint approach for walkingB(case.set = "expected").
- clean walkingB(case.set = "observed").
- change igraph::distances(from) to igraph::distances(v) in walkingPath().
- amend ortho.proj and sim.ortho.proj.
- fix colors in plot.walkingB(type = "area.polygons").
- amend computation of neighborhood edges in walkingB(case.set = "observed").
- fix order of graph edges in embedNodes() for neighborhoodDataB().
- remove mode and algorithm in igraph: distances() and shortest_paths().
- specify mode and algorithm in igraph: distances() and shortest_paths().
- use x$case.set in plot.walking_path().
- pass case.set to neighborhoodDataB() and return it in walkingPath().
- use meter.to.yard in distanceTime().
- add case 296 to segment "137-3" in caseRoadClassificationFix().
- fix Falconberg Court and Mews isolate in walkingB(case.set = expected).
- remove Workhouse exception and clean simulateFatalitiesB().
- clean and comment unstackFatalitiesB().
- fix numerical zoom in caseLocator().
- fix negative zoom in segmentLocator(), streetNameLocator() and streetNumberLocator().
- export "fixed" fatalities with unstackFatalitiesB().
- move do.call()'s into auxiliary functions().
- fix orthogonalProjectionFatalitiesB() for single/manual "within.radius".
- add unstackFatalitiesB() prototype.
- make fixFatalities() internal.
- rename roadSegmentFix() to caseRoadClassificationFix().
- amend balance between ortho and Eucl proximity in simulateFatalitiesB().
- add simulateFatalitiesB() version of sim.ortho.proj.
- adopt orthogonalProjectionFatalities() strategy in simulateFatalitiesB().
- amend case 440 in ortho.proj: Euclidean distance to road endpoint.
- use ortho.proj created by orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- add cases 56 and 286 to segment "160-3" in roadSegmentFix().
- prioritize orthogonal over Euclidean in orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- set orthogonalProjectionFatalities(case.type = "fatality").
- add a different St James Workhouse exception to simulateFatalitiesB().
- add St James Workhouse exception to orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- change case 19 back to 18 on segment "290-1" in roadSegmentFix().
- add simulateFatalitiesB() prototype.
- amend computation of nr.seg in orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- add exception for roadSegmentFix() cases in orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- change case 18 to 19 on segment "290-1" in roadSegmentFix().
- use stats::dist() in orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- add segment ID to title and temp fix for simulated case # in caseLocator().
- amend/set orthogonalProjectionFatalities(radius = 2).
- leverage dist() more in orthogonalProjectionFatalities().
- add orthogonalProjectionFatalities() prototype.
- reduce computation and amend criteria for Euclidean distance cases.
- add edgesLength() to embedNodes.R.
- fix edge distances in embedNodes() with all embeddings = FALSE.
- amend/fix validateCase().
- temp fix for landmarks in longTitle() and mapDataRange().
- add/use cholera::meter.to.yard (1.093613).
- start simulated orthogonal projection cases at 10,001.
- add new simulateFatalities() prototype.
- amend simulateFatalities() documentation.
- amend sim.ortho.proj.
- add regularCases().
- add exception for Adam and Eve Court isolate in walkingB().
- add/use pumpTokensB() prototype.
- return 'pump.select' with walkingB().
- add exception for Falconberg Court and Mews isolates in walkingB().
- temp fix for "observed" and "expected" walkingNominal(case.set).
- fix duplicate road segment endpoints (self-loops) in embedNodes().
- return 'cores' with walkingB().
- add code for 'area.points' and 'area.polygons' in plot.walkingB(case.set = "expected").
- return 'case.pump' with walkingB(case.set = "expected").
- limit computation of paths to case.set == "observed"; re-enable multi.core.
- clean walkingB() code.
- add walkingB() prototype.
- add pump/street name to output of nearestPump(latlong = TRUE)$distance.
- add addNeighborhoodWalkingLatlong() prototype.
- amend/use index0().
- remove unused code in travelingSalesman().
- add/set nearestPumpLatlong(location = "nominal").
- add/set nearestPumpNominal(location = "nominal").
- add/set addNeighborhoodCases(latlong = FALSE).
- use do.call() in nearestPump().
- return data frame for nearestPumpNominal(metric = "euclidean").
- use lapply() for peripheryCases() and travelingSalesman() in plot.walkingLatlong().
- add/set addKernelDensity(latlong = FALSE).
- add/amend methods for pumpCase().
- amend classes for euclideanLatlong() and walkingLatlong().
- add single core/Windows exception in nearestPumpLatlong().
- copyedit "Kernel Density Plot" vignette.
- amend Windows and/or cores = 1 exception in nearestPumpNominal().
- amend QGIS URL and update latlong syntax in README.
- set addKernelDensity(multi.core = FALSE).
- add/set neighborhoodWalking(latlong = FALSE).
- add walkingNominal() and walkingLatlong().
- archive latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
- use stop(call. = FALSE) in nearestPumpNominal().
- return paths in nearestPump().
- make unitMeter() internal.
- update euclideanPath() argument in nearestPumpNominal().
- fix pumpFatalities(metric = "euclidean") and use do.call().
- fix pumpFatalities(latlong = FALSE).
- fix pumpFatalities() and use nearestPump().
- amend/set nearestPump(latlong = FALSE).
- archive latlongNearestPump().
- add nearestPumpNominal() and nearestPumpLatlong().
- set type = "roads" in plot.walking() and plot.latlong_walking().
- make latlongNeighborhoodData(), latlongNeighborhoodDataB() and latlongNeighborhoodWalking() internal.
- move walkingTime() to walkingTime.R.
- rename latlongVoronoi.R to walkingAuxiliaryFunctions.R
- rename latlongVoronoi() to latlongVoronoiVertices().
- archive latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- amend class name in pumpTokens() and voronoiLatlong()
- make latlongVoronoi() internal.
- archive latlongEuclideanPath().
- archive latlongStreetNameLocator().
- promote streetNumberLocatorB() to streetNumberLocator().
- fix/enable vector of street names in streetNameLocator().
- amend latlong.regular.cases and latlong.sim.ortho.proj.
- amend latlongSimulateFatalities() prototype.
- incorporate case.select in location: neighborhoodEuclidean(latlong = TRUE).
- incorporate case.select in location: neighborhoodEuclidean(latlong = FALSE).
- promote addEuclideanPathB() to addEuclideanPath().
- promote addWalkingPathB() to addWalkingPath().
- amend/update pumpPump().
- clean walkingPath(), casePump() and caseCase().
- promote/amend walkingPathB() to walkingPath().
- promote streetNameLocatorB() to streetNameLocator().
- add 'dstn.nm' argument to pumpPumpEucl().
- amend data.summary in pumpPumpEucl().
- clean code and amend output of euclideanPath().
- use any() in casePumpEucl()
- match caseCaseEucl() output in casePumpEucl().
- amend caseCaseEucl(), esp. Squares.
- use cholera::fatalities in validateCase().
- amend casePump() Square ID/name fix.
- add Square ID/name fix and clean code in casePump().
- fix pump name destination in walkingPathB().
- remove "outdated" landmark destination detection in walkingPathB().
- amend error and warning messages in validateCase() and validatePump().
- remove "outdated" landmark destination detection in euclideanPath().
- remove square.intersections argument.
- fix validateCase() for character cases/landmarks.
- remove redundant code and update variable names in in walkingPathB().
- fix pump selection in casePumpEucl().
- enable casePumpEucl(latlong = TRUE).
- compute missing distance 'd' in casePumpEucl().
- fix negtive selection and remove location argument in caseCaseEucl().
- enable negative selection in validateCase().
- clean and clarify casePumpEucl(latlong = FALSE).
- use geosphere::distGeo() for latlong in caseCaseEucl() and pumpPumpEucl().
- fix for cases in same stack (type = "cases").
- remove redundant code in euclideanPath(), caseCaseEucl() and pumpPumpEucl().
- update syntax for caseCaseEucl() and pumpPumpEucl() in euclideanPath().
- move longTitle(), mapDataRange() and validate.R functions to pathFunctions.R.
- use anchor case filter for all locations in casePumpEucl().
- amend variable names in euclideanPath().
- separate milepost arrows from direct arrow in plot.euclidean_path().
- include origin case when location %in% c("anchor", "orthogonal").
- remove lndmrk test.
- add dstn.nm argument to caseCase().
- return origin and location in walkingPathB().
- add x argument to longTitle().
- add anchor case filters to casePump() and caseCase().
- update validateCase() in walkingPathB().
- fix anchor orign.nm casePumpEucl().
- distinguish anchor and case in euclideanPath() and longTitle().
- archive caseLandmarks() and prior validateCase() and validatePump().
- fix validateCase() for character cases.
- add/set euclideanPath(square.intersections = FALSE); amend location argument.
- amend casePumpEucl().
- fix typo in validateCase().
- amend validateCase(); move it and validatePump() to validate.R.
- add exception for landmarks in casePumpEucl().
- check case.set and location arguments in euclideanPath().
- add/set walkingPathB(case.set = "observed", location = "nominal").
- use amended validateCase() in walkingPathB().
- amend validateCase(case.set = "expected").
- export case.set in euclideanPath().
- clean plot.euclidean_path().
- fix casePumpEucl(location = "orthogonal") with case.set == "observed".
- fix casePumpEucl(case.set == "expected").
- add geoCartesianSimulation() prototype.
- enable euclideanPath(latlong = TRUE, location = "orthogonal").
- add a stop() for validateCase(location) error.
- add/set euclideanPath(case.set = "observed", location = "nominal").
- add validateCase(case.set, location).
- archive euclideanPathB().
- amend latlong.regular.cases and latlong.sim.ortho.proj.
- use regular.cases with latlongSimulateFatalities(recompute = FALSE).
- restore regular.cases and sim.ortho.proj.
- amend regular.cases and sim.ortho.proj.
- promote caseLocatorB() to caseLocator().
- enable negative numerical selection in validatePump().
- add/set euclideanNominal(brute.force = FALSE).
- add/set neighborhoodEuclidean(case.select = "address").
- add/set addNeighborhoodCases(case.set = "observed", case.select = "address").
- add neighborhoodVoronoi(latlong = TRUE, polygon.vertices = TRUE).
- amend cell names for voronoiNominal(polygon.vertices = TRUE).
- change "case.location" argument to 'location' with values "nominal" or "orthogonal" in neighborhoodVoronoi().
- change "case.location" argument to 'location' with values "nominal" or "orthogonal" in neighborhoodEuclidean().
- change "case.location" argument to 'location' with values "nominal" or "orthogonal" in addNeighborhoodEuclidean().
- change "case.location" argument to 'location' with values "nominal" or "orthogonal" in addNeighborhoodCases().
- change "case.location" argument to 'location' with values "nominal" or "orthogonal" in euclideanPath().
- use neighborhoodVoronoi() as wrapper for voronoiNominal() and voronoiLatlong().
- set "nominal" and "orthogonal" as arguments for case.location and pump.location.
- use neighborhoodEuclidean() as wrapper for euclideanNominal() and euclideanLatlong().
- add geoCartesianCoord().
- add caseLocatorB() prototype.
- include case when computing xlim and ylim.
- add streetNumberLocatorB() prototype.
- fix numerical zoom in streetNameLocatorB(latlong = FALSE).
- add streetNameLocatorB() prototype.
- archive latlongSegmentLocator().
- promote segmentLocatorB() to segmentLocator().
- add "nominal" distance subtitle.
- temporarily allow sole selection of pump 2 (isolate) in selectPump().
- add segmentLocatorB() prototype.
- allow NULL segment.id in latlongSegmentLocator().
- set/fix limit for positive zoom in segmentLocator().
- allow NULL segment id in segmentLocator().
- use latlongSegmentLocator() numeric zoom in segmentLocator().
- show cases with numeric zoom in latlongSegmentLocator().
- add numeric zoom in latlongSegmentLocator().
- set/fix limit for positive zoom in geoCartesianStreetLocator().
- set plot.walking(type = "area.points").
- use amended meterLatLong().
- embed origin, topleft and bottomright in meterLatLong().
- add/set caseDistance(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set addCase(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set addIndexCase(latlong = FALSE).
- amend pump icons in plot.latlong_walking(type = "area.polygons").
- add latlongSegmentLocator() prototype.
- amend syntax in roadSegments().
- add/set segmentLength(latlong = FALSE).
- amend pump graphics for "area.points" and "area.polygons" in plot.latlong_walking().
- contextualize pumps for plot(latlongNeighborhoodWalking(case.set = "snow")).
- add contextual pumps in plot.latlong_walking().
- use pump IDs in latlongNearestPump().
- enable pump.select argument for plot.latlong_walking(type = "streets").
- enable pump.select argument in latlongNearestPump().
- compute whole and split segments in plot.latlong_walking(type = "streets").
- extract 'edges' for plot.latlong_walking(type = "streets").
- add plot.latlong_walking(type = "streets").
- return 'nearest.pump' in latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
- return 'cores' in latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
- add/set plot.latlong_walking(type = "area.points").
- add plot.latlong_walking(type = "area.polygons").
- remove dev.mode argument from latlongNearestPump().
- add latlongNeighborhoodWalking(case.set = "expected") prototype.
- add latlongNearestPump(case.set = "expected") prototype.
- set snowNeighborhood(latlong = FALSE).
- add St James Workhouse segment ("148-1") to whole.segs in snowNeighborhood().
- promote/rename snowNeighborhoodB() to snowNeighborhood().
- add/set addSnow(latlong = FALSE).
- amend road segments and sub-segments in snowNeighborhoodB(latlong = TRUE).
- use snowNeighborhoodB() in addSnow().
- amend/update latlong.regular.cases and latlong.sim.ortho.proj.
- make geoCartesianStreetLocator(zoom) logical or numeric.
- define more nearest segments by euclidean rather than othogonal distance in latlongSimulateFatalities().
- add/set geoCartesianStreetLocator(street.col = "gray").
- add/set geoCartesianStreetLocator(zoom.padding = 0).
- add St James Workhouse segment ("148-1") to whole.segs in snowNeighborhoodB().
- use vector of streets for zoom in latlongStreetNameLocator().
- add street name spell-check and draw streets with lines() in geoCartesianStreetLocator().
- add internal geoCartesianStreetLocator().
- add snowNeighborhoodB() prototype.
- add exception for single pump selection in latlong_pathData().
- use computed distance to identify pump isolate(s) in latlong_pathData().
- clean latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
- amend computation of obs.edges in plot.latlong_walking().
- add latlongNearestPump(case.set = "snow").
- amend list structure of shortest path in latlongNearestPump().
- replace identifyEdgesB() with auditEdge() in addNeighborhoodWalking().
- replace identifyEdgesB() with auditEdge() in plot.latlong_walking().
- fix typo in classifyCase() for snowNeighborhood().
- add latlongNeighborhoodWalking(case.set = "snow").
- add snowMap() to plot.neighborhoodWalking() for case.set = "snow".
- amend/restore profile2D() 'ggplot2' code.
- move interpolation code for "tmin" NA to plot.oxfordWeather().
- add/set plot.oxfordWeather(unit.observation = "month").
- archive profile2D() 'ggplot2' code.
- add addLandmarkSquares().
- move post.info and amend subtitle in euclideanPathB() and walkingPathB().
- clean addEuclideanPathB() and addWalkingPathB().
- add addEuclideanPathB() prototype.
- remove long.title argument from addWalkingPathB(); clean code.
- use Internet Archive links for Frerichs's UCLA website links.
- fix Dodson and Tobler URL for winbuilder.
- note Dodson and Tobler data and code on Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
- amend/update oxford.weather.
- amend temperaturePlot().
- amend rainPlot().
- archive monthEndDate().
- clean plot.oxfordWeather().
- add/set plot.oxfordWeather(end.year = NULL); amend graph elements.
- add addWalkingPathB() prototype.
- use cholera::landmarksB in addLandmarks().
- fix mapDataRange() for Square labels with euclideanPathB().
- fix multiple origins (e.g., Squares) in euclideanPathB().
- amend argument name in sqCases().
- filter orgn and dstn in caseCaseEucl() for anchors and landmarks.
- fix multiple numeric origins in caseCaseEucl().
- add euclideanPathB() prototype.
- amend distance computation and function output.
- add plot.euclidean_path_B() prototype.
- add latlongEuclideanPosts() and latlongCartesian().
- amend plot.euclidean_path_B() prototype.
- drop selectPump() in casePump() and pumpPump() in walkingPathB().
- copyedit function documentation; format code.
- amend fix for Square cases with NULL origin/destination in caseCase().
- add amended sqCases().
- remove redundant code in plot.walking_path_B().
- fix duplicate Square origin label in plot.walking_path_B().
- add validateCase() and validatePump(); archive sqCases().
- amend variables and code in casePump(), caseCase() and pumpPump().
- amend variables in plot.walking_path_B(), longTitle() and mapDataRange().
- use validateCase() and validatePump(); amend variables in walkingPathB().
- fix Square cases with NULL origin/destination in caseCase().
- add/use sqCases() and drop/archive validateDestinationCases() in caseCase().
- use caseLandmarks() in validateDestinationCases().
- exclude other Square destination cases with a Square origin.
- fix landmark destination test in walkingPathB().
- exclude landmark destinations when origin is landmark (prototype).
- fix check for compound Square postfixes (e.g., "Soho Square-S1").
- add/use caseLandmarks() for Square entry/exit names.
- fix numerical landmarks (esp. Squares) in walkingPathB().
- amend/add walkingPathB(destination = NULL, include.landmarks = TRUE).
- add caseCase(include.landmarks). .
- filter origin cases from destination in caseCase() for walkingPathB(destination = NULL).
- check 'type' in walkingPathB().
- don't plot destination case when type = "case-pump" in plot.walking_path_B().
- enable origin = NULL for caseCase().
- enable origin = NULL for pumpPump().
- enable origin = NULL for walkingPathB().
- update/copyedit 'cholera-package' and use "_PACKAGE".
- temporarily round distance and time to tenth's place in plot.walking_path_B().
- remove roadSegmentFix(), simulateWalkingDistance() and subsetRoadsSamples() from NAMESPACE.
- remove isoLines() and isoVertices() from NAMESPACE.
- Set
to "7.3.1".
- amend "Clifford Street missing segment" note.
- remove cliffordStreet() from NAMESPACE.
- fix multi-edge destination nodes in caseCase().
- draft landmarksB note.
- plot origin Square names in plot.walking_path_B().
- amend longTitle(type = "pumps").
- enable multiple origins and use walking path type functions.
- add pumpPump() prototype.
- add caseCase() prototype.
- add casePump() prototype.
- change
@docType "package"
to "_PACKAGE" in cholera.R for 'roxygen2' 7.3.0.
- add pumpCase.default() to NAMESPACE for 'roxygen2' 7.3.0.
- add pearsonResiduals() methods to NAMESPACE for 'roxygen2' 7.3.0.
- remove multi.core argument from walkingPathB().
- set
to "7.3.0".
- allow multiple landmarks in mapDataRange().
- fix labels for origin landmark Squares.
- amend mapDataRange().
- add/use mapDataRange() in walkingPathB().
- fix latlong coordinates for modelLodgingHouses().
- update landmarksB.
- add type exception for landmark destinations in walkingPathB().
- change numeric zoom to a factor >= 0 in plot.walking_path_B().
- increase default padding for plot.walking_path_B().
- remove multi.core in neighborhoodDataB() for latlongNearestPump() and walkingPathB().
- copyedit Clifford Street missing segment description in README.
- use walkingPathB() in README.
- remove parallel code from neighborhoodDataB().
- remove parallel implementation of embedNodes().
- fix zoom for non-landmarks and tweak zoom padding for latlong = TRUE.
- move segmentIntersection() to landmarkDataB.R.
- rename geodesicMeters() to geoCartesian().
- fix coordinates in stLukesChurch().
- update landmarksB.
- change geodesic to geo.cartesian in segmentTrigonometryAddress().
- clean modelLodgingHouses().
- accommodate landmark labels in plot.walking_path_B().
- restore nodeData().
- fix typo for landmarksB documentation
- provisionally use landmarksB and landmark.squaresB.
- fix squareCenterB() output variable names.
- add landmarksB and landmark.squaresB data frames.
- drop .proj suffix from coordinate names in Squares() and squareCenterB().
- rename coordinates in functions in landmarkDataB().
- implement parallel version of landmarkDataB().
- change geodesics to geo.cartesian in landmarkB functions.
- amend pantheonBazaar() and stLukesChurch().
- use "&" as coordinate delimeter in pasteCoordsB().
- add/set squareExitsB(latlong = FALSE).
- amend squareCenterB() latlong variables.
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in Squares().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in stJamesWorkhouse().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in stLukesChurch().
- add segmentGeoCartesian().
- add amended roadSegmentData().
- rename roadSegmentData() to roadSegEndpt().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in johnSnow().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in pantheonBazaar().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in karlMarx().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in magistratesCourt().
- fix output of magistratesCourt().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in lionBrewery().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in cravenChapel().
- add coordsCartesian() and projCartesian().
- amend exception for single coordinates in meterLatLong().
- fix exception for single coordinates in meterLatLong().
- set address to Hopkins Street; use proportion method in modelLodgingHouses().
- add exception for single coordinates (1 row) in meterLatLong().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in modelLodgingHouses().
- rename/amend assignLandmarkAddress() to projectLandmarkAddress().
- amend nominal and latlong coordinates in argyllHouse().
- add/set roadSegmentData(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set segmentTrigonometryAddress(latlong = FALSE).
- add landmarkPDF().
- amend landmarkSquares() and Squares(label.coord = TRUE).
- alphabetize landmarks and fix case IDs.
- set exit order in Squares().
- amend assignLandmarkAddress() and renumber landmark case IDs.
- use landmarkDataB() in nodeData().
- revert to other endpoint in stJamesWorkhouse().
- set case IDs for Golden and Soho Square to 20021:20022 in landmarkSquares().
- add/amend functions and clean code in landmarkDataB().
- amend modelLodgingHouses().
- add landmarkSquares().
- make pump.select first argument in addNeighborhoodWalking().
- amend addCase(case %in% c("anchor", "fatality", "orthogonal")).
- enable addSnow().
- add/use Squares().
- amend coordinates in squareCenterB() and squareExitsB().
- provisionally restore tanakaContourPlot().
- clean code for Squares in landmarkDataB().
- add more functions to landmarkDataB().
- add/use roadSegmentData().
- amend provisional landmarkDataB().
- add segmentTrignometryAddress().
- add addressProportion().
- add squareCenterB().
- add cravenChapel().
- add notes about model lodging houses.
- add assignLandmarkAddress().
- add importFrom deldir tile.list in voronoiPolygons().
- add stLukes().
- add lionBrewery().
- fix magistratesCourt().
- clean landmarkDataB().
- amend magistratesCourt().
- add roadTheta() and trignometricDelta().
- use isTRUE()/isFALSE() in walkingPathB().
- add Marlborough Street Magistrates Court and landmark street location/address.
- add/use magistratesCourt().
- clean DESCRIPTION Imports.
- check for internet connection in tanakaContourPlot().
- provisionally restore tanakaContourPlot().
- use importFrom for functions with limited package use.
- clean up use of double colon operator.
- clean DESCRIPTION Imports.
- use importFrom for 'sp' functions.
- use landmark addresses (lon.proj and lat.proj) in embedNodes().
- set Lion Brewery address (lon.proj and lat.proj) to Broad Street.
- move final "last mile" arrow and path info in plot.walking_path_B().
- fix Golden Square in latlongLandmarks(); amend 'landmarks'.
- use separate zoom padding for latlong = TRUE/FALSE in walkingPathB().
- set path color to "blue" for walkingPathB(path %in% c("cases", "pumps")).
- use separate cutpoints, latlong = TRUE/FALSE, for zero length arrows with walkingPathB().
- archive latlongWalkingPath().
- add plot and print methods for walkingPathB().
- return "edges" and set class to "walking_path_B" for walkingPathB().
- fix walking.time computation and use "xy" as path coordinates in walkingPathB(latlong = FALSE).
- add walkingPathB().
- amend graphical elements and syntax in plot.latlong_walking_path().
- amend syntax for plot.latlong_walking_path(long.title = TRUE).
- fix validateDestinationCases() for multiple landmark names.
- add/set plot.latlong_walking_path(long.title = TRUE).
- return "pmp" with latlongWalkingPath().
- add plot(latlongWalkingPath(type = "case-pump")) prototype.
- simplify computation of "ego.node" in latlongWalkingPath(destination = NULL).
- consolidate path data computation latlongWalkingPath().
- consolidate "data.summary" output in latlongWalkingPath().
- compute "d" for latlongWalkingPath(origin = grep("Square", origin), destination = NULL, type = "case-pump").
- add additional message(s) and exclusion(s) of origin in destination for latlongWalkingPath().
- add message about pump 2 isolate in latlongWalkingPath(destination = NULL, type = "pumps").
- allow landmark and pump names in latlongWalkingPath().
- allow multiple Squares in validateDestinationCases().
- fix pump names (street names) in selectPump().
- add type = "cases" and type = "pumps" to latlongWalkingPath().
- allow landmark and pump names in latlongWalkingPath().
- allow pump names (street names) in selectPump().
- fix selectPump() using all(pump.num < 0).
- allow negative selection in validateDestinationCases().
- remove redundant num.chk.
- add exception for all(destination.chk) == TRUE in validateDestinationCases().
- add validateDestinationCases() prototype.
- archive nominalNeighborhoodData().
- add/set latlongNeighborhoodWalking(case.set = "observed", weighted = TRUE).
- parallelize computation of paths in plot.latlong_walking()
- use neighborhoodDataB() in latlongWalkingPath().
- use neighborhoodDataB() in latlongNearestPump().
- separate cases, landmarks and pumps in embedNodes().
- use latlong road segment endpoint for cases 286 & 369 in latlongOrthoAddress().
- amend cases 286 & 369 in latlong.ortho.addr data frame.
- amend The Pantheon latlong coordinates in landmarks data frame.
- amend Golden and Soho Square(s) latlong coordinates in landmarks data frame.
- use georeferenced segment coordinates for Squares in latlongLandmarks().
- use landmarkDataB() in landmarksPDF() and latlongLandmarks(); exclude Squares.
- add code for latlongWalkingPath(weighted = FALSE).
- archive latlongEmbedB() and nominalEmbed().
- add neighborhoodDataB().
- add latlongNeighborhoodDataB() prototype.
- add embedNodes() prototype.
- add orthogonal longitude and latitude to landmarks data frame.
- add landmarkDataB().
- use vars in nominalEmbed() and latlongEmbedB().
- add latlongEmbedB() prototype - based on nominalEmbed().
- temporarily revert "case" to "anchor" for nodes created by nominalEmbed().
- add/set nominalEmbed(embed.pumps = TRUE).
- add/set nominalNeighborhoodData(embed.pumps = TRUE).
- add nominalNeighborhoodData() and nominalEmbed() prototypes.
- compute geographic distance for edges and output road.data in latlongNeighborhoodData().
- compute edges$id2 and output road.data in latlongEmbed().
- add/set embed.addr = TRUE in latlongEmbed() and latlongNeighborhoodData().
- use selectPump() in latlongNearestPump(metric = "walking").
- restrict Adam and Eve Court exception to latlongNearestPump(case.set = "expected").
- use walkingTime() in latlongNearestPump().
- add/set latlongNearestPump(case.set = "observed") and parallelize.
- amend exception for Adam and Eve Court.
- add/set latlongEmbed(case.set = "observed") and parallelize.
- add/set latlongNeighborhoodData(case.set = "observed").
- change neighborhoodData(observed = TRUE) to neighborhoodData(case.set = "observed").
- use snowMap() and addRoads() in plot.walking().
- drop msg argument in neighborhoodWalking().
- clean plot.latlongEuclidean(type).
- remove redundant addRoads() in plot.euclidean().
- enable neighborhoodEuclidean(case.location = "orthogonal"); remove msg argument.
- add/set plot.latlongVoronoi(delaunay.voronoi = "voronoi").
- add/set plot.voronoi(delaunay.voronoi = "voronoi").
- amend latlongNeighborhoodEuclidean() for amended latlongVoronoi().
- add/set addDelaunay(latlong = FALSE, line.width = 1).
- compute Voronoi cells and Delaunay triangles in latlongVoronoi().
- amend addVoronoi() for amended latlongVoronoi().
- use snowMap() in plot.voronoi().
- change latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi()'s class to "latlongVoronoi".
- use pumpTokens(); loop over pump names in plotLatlongVoronoiCases().
- add exceptions for "voronoi" and "latlongVoronoi" classes in pumpTokens().
- use pump.id for selection and pump.select for title in latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- add plots for latlongNeighborhoodEuclidean(case.set = "expected").
- add/set latlong = FALSE to pearlStringRadius(), peripheryCases() and travelingSalesman().
- add/set pumpTokens(latlong = FALSE) and amend display of unselected pumps.
- assign pump names to list elements in latlongVoronoi().
- fix latlongVoronoi(pump.select).
- amend color selection in neighborhoodVoronoi().
- use pump.id instead of pumpID in neighborhoodWalking().
- amend and simplify pumpTokens().
- change latlongNeighborhoodEuclidean() class to "latlongEuclidean".
- use separate auxilliary plot functions in plot.euclidean().
- add zone, rd.name.short and rd.name.check variables (columns) to appendixB().
- add appendixB().
- add/set latlongNeighborhoodEuclidean(case.set = "observed").
- add latlong coordinates for latlong.regular.cases.
- add/set latlongSimulateFatalities(recompute = FALSE).
- use case.location %in% c("address", "orthogonal") in addNeighborhoodCases().
- use case.location %in% c("address", "orthogonal") in addNeighborhoodEuclidean().
- set case.set = "expected" in euclideanPath() in addNeighborhoodEuclidean().
- use case.location %in% c("address", "orthogonal") in neighborhoodEuclidean().
- update parLapply() for amended addEuclideanPath().
- amend addEuclideanPath(case.location, case.set, mileposts, milepost.unit, milepost.interval).
- fix plot.latlong_euclidean_path(milepost.interval).
- use case.location %in% c("address", "orthogonal") and case.set %in% c("observed", "expected").
- amend pumpTokens() for negative selection.
- use "&" as coordinate delimeter in ortho.proj.pump and ortho.proj.pump.vestry.
- fix euclideanPath() and addEuclideanPath() for revised quandrantCoordinates().
- temporarily archive tanakaContourPlot() for 'sp' evolution.
- add latlongNeighborhoodEuclidean().
- add title to plot.latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- use plotLatlongVoronoiCases().
- use "address" or "orthogonal" for case.location and pump.location.
- add/set latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi(case.location = "anchor", pump.location = "nominal")
- set neighborhoodVoronoi(case.location %in% c("address", "anchor")).
- fix pumpTokens() for negative selection in plot.voronoi().
- use only address(es) or anchor(s) for plot.voronoi(euclidean.paths = TRUE).
- remove add.case argument from plot.latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- migrate from sp::spDistsN1() to geosphere::distGeo() in plotLatlongEuclideanPaths().
- add latlong.sim.ortho.proj and latlong.regular.cases.
- add latlongSimulateFatalities() and latlongRegularCartesianCases().
- set case.location = c("address" "fatality"); use ortho.proj with case.location = "address".
- use plotLatlongEuclideanPaths() in latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- set col = "gray" for roads in plot.voronoi().
- use serialization format version 3 for fatalities, fatalities.address and fatalities.unstacked.
- use "&" as coordinate delimeter in embedSites(), nodeData() and numericNodeCoordinates().
- add/use embedSites(ortho.pump).
- amend latlong.ortho.addr using amended latlongOrthoAddress().
- choose nearest road segment endpoint for manual reclassification cases that fail bisection test in latlongOrthoAddress().
- amend latlong.ortho.addr for GCP v.02.
- add/set latlongOrthoAddress(radius = 60).
- amend fatalities.unstacked for GCP v.02; add fatalitiesUnstack().
- amend fatalities and fatalities.address for GCP v.02.
- use milePosts() in plot.walking_path().
- rename drawPathB() and milePosts() to drawPathLatLong() and milePostsLatLong(); contextualize subtitle.
- add/set plot.walking_path(mileposts = TRUE).
- set/use quandrantCoordinatesB() as default quandrantCoordinates().
- plot case and pump addresses in plot.latlong_walking_path().
- change "pump.id" to "id" in latlongEmbed() and latlongNearestPump().
- amend subtitle in latlongEuclideanPath().
- enable latlongEuclideanPath(case.location).
- amend eucl.data and format code.
- make mileposts conditional on path distancce.
- change "pump.id" to "id" in latlongOrthoPump().
- add latlongEuclideanPath().
- add milepost graphic to latlongEuclideanPath().
- update latlong.ortho.addr, latlong.ortho.pump and latlong.ortho.pump.vestry (GCP v.02).
- amend/update latlongOrthoAddress() for GCPs v.02.
- add note about missing Clifford Street segment.
- add/set segmentHighlight(latlong = FALSE, rotate.label = FALSE).
- add missing Clifford Street segment; use GCPs v.02.
- add cliffordStreet().
- use specific street IDs in unitMeter().
- add/set streetHighlight(latlong = FALSE).
- add latlongOrthoLandmarks() prototype.
- remove from NAMESPACE latlong functions that document data.
- remove orthogonal code from latlongLandmarks().
- remove unused functions from latlongCoordinates().
- use streetLength(latlong = TRUE) and clean code in latlongStreetNameLocator().
- fix distanceTime(distance.unit = "native").
- add/set streetLength(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set snowMap(add.axes_box = FALSE).
- reset (delete) lon-lat for recomputation in latlongFrame() and latlongRoads().
- remove ::: operators and un-export latlongRoads().
- use "&" as coordinate delimeter in latlongRoads().
- amend classification error diagnostic in latlongRoads().
- fix addRoads() in snowMap(add.tanaka = FALSE).
- add tanakaContourPlot().
- add latlongStreetNameLocator().
- enable snowMap(add.landmarks = TRUE).
- add/set addLandmarks(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set addLandmarks(text.col = "black").
- add Golden Square and Soho Square to addLandmarks(latlong = TRUE).
- add point only for St Luke's Church in addLandmarks(latlong = FALSE).
- add point and pos = 4 label for St Luke's Church in addLandmarks(latlong = TRUE).
- enable addLandmarks(highlight.perimeter = TRUE, latlong = TRUE).
- add Adam and Eve Court and Falconberg Court and Mews to addLandmarks(latlong = TRUE).
- caseDistance().
- pumpFatalities().
- latlong.ortho.addr, latlong.ortho.pump and latlong.ortho.pump.vestry.
- frame.data.
- fix addVoronoi(color).
- fix nearestPump(metric = "euclidean", vestry = TRUE).
- fix/change unitMeter(distance.unit = "native").
- use aes_string() in profile2D().
- use Poland Street as street address for St James Workhouse.
- re-compute ortho.proj with amended unstackFatalities().
- roadSegmentFix() places cases 440 and 145 on road segment "259-1".
- add exception for observed v. expected in neighborhoodData() via embedSites().
- add/set addCase(pch = 1, cex = 1, point.lwd = 2).
- add addCase(case %in% c("all", "anchor"), col = col).
- add/set addFrame(col = "black").
- add/set latlong = FALSE in addFrame() and addRoads().
- add/set plot.euclidean(add.title = TRUE).
- add/set plot.walking_path(stacked = TRUE).
- add/set segmentLocator(cex.text = 0.67).
- add/set streetHighlight(col = "red", lwd = 3).
- add/set walkingPath(null.origin.landmark = FALSE).
- add/use duplicateNode() in neighborhoodData() via embedSites().
- amend addVoronoi().
- amend error/exception handling in walkingPath().
- amend unstackFatalities() and use roadSegmentFix().
- fix/amend milePosts() for distance and time.
- add/set snowMap(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set addPump(latlong = FALSE).
- add/ser roadSegments(latlong = FALSE).
- add/set voronoiPolygons(latlong = FALSE).
- latlongNeighborhoodVoronoi().
- latlongNeighborhoodWalking().
- latlongWalkingPath().
- note on "computing Voronoi diagrams with geographic data".
- roadHighlight().
- an interim release to address code changes in 'deldir' v1.0-2.
- add streetNames().
- amend oxford.weather data to include entire data set.
- amend code for 'deldir' v1.0-2: addDelaunay().
- fix addSnow().
- fix pumpTokens() for plot.walking(type = "roads").
- add/set addPump(cex = 1).
- add/set segmentHighlight(col = "red").
- add/set plot.oxfordWeather(month = "september").
- amend plot.oxfordWeather(statistic = "rain").
- change addDelauny() to addDelaunay().
- change type = "road" to "roads" in plot.walking().
- "gray" out unobserved and unselected pumps in pumpTokens().
- oxford.weather
- isoLines()
- isoVertices()
- oxfordWeather()
- povertyLondon()
- segmentHighlight()
- winterTemperatures()
- add addCase(case = NULL).
- add and set neighborhoodVoronoi(case.location = "address").
- add and set neighborhoodVoronoi(pump.location = "nominal").
- add subtitles for selected pumps in plot.euclidean().
- fix unneeded warnings in addEuclideanPath().
- fix typo, from Silver Street to Cross Street, for meter benchmark in roads vignette.
- add discussion of Euclidean and Voronoi "expected" neighborhoods.
- support for parallel computation on Windows.
- fix computation of core in neighborhoodWalking().
- fix nearestPump(metric = "euclidean", case.set = ("observed", "expected")).
- rename and amend simWalkingDistance() to simulateWalkingDistance().
- deprecate case.set argument in addNeighborhoodCases().
- add nearestPump(metric = "walking", case.set = "expected").
- amend expectedCount() for summary.walking().
- add unstackAuxiliaryFunctions.R
- add Parallelization vignette.
- fix plot.walking_path() timeposts.
- fix plot.walking_path(observed = FALSE).
- fix St James Workhouse for walkingPath(type = "cases").
- fix St James Workhouse for euclideanPath(type = "cases").
- fix city squares for plot.euclidean_path().
- fix computed time in nearestPump() and amend sim.walking.distance.
- add sim.walking.distance.
- add nearestPump(metric = "euclidean").
- add distance.unit argument to addWhitehead().
- add pch and point.size arguments to addNeighborhoodCases().
- add pos argument to addCase().
- add output argument to voronoiPolygons().
- add summary.euclidean(), summary.voronoi() and summary.walking().
- add multi.core argument to simWalkingDistance().
- add case.location to addEuclideanPath().
- add 'case' argument to pumpCase().
- amend travelingSalesman() argument in addSnow().
- amend print.euclidean(), print.voronoi() and print.walking().
- amend argument 'case' to 'data' in addKernelDensity().
- amend plot.walking() titles.
- deprecate pearlString() in favor of travelingSalesman().
- deprecate statistic argument in neighborhoodVoronoi().
- enable col argument in addRoads().
- enable 'address' and 'nominal' cases in plot.voronoi().
- exclude landmarks from case.set - "expected".
- rename deldirVertices() back to voronoiPolygons().
- rename "deldirPolygons()" to "voronoiPolygons()".
- remove Pump Neighborhoods vignette.
- remove 'scales' from Imports.
- fix title in euclideanPath(type = "case-pump").
- fix destination label for walkingPath(destination = NULL).
- add Earl of Aberdeen residence (Argyll House).
- nominal and orthogonal coordinates for landmarks.
- addNeighborhood() -> addNeighborhoodWalking()
- addSnow(type = "perimeter", line.width = 2)
- neighborhoodData(embed = TRUE, embed.landmarks = TRUE)
- neighborhoodEuclidean(case.set = "expected")
- plot.voronoi(voronoi.cells = TRUE, delauny.triangles = FALSE)
- snowMap(...)
- streetNameLocator(add.subtitle = TRUE, token = id)
- streetNumberLocator(add.subtitle = TRUE, token = id)
addNeighborhoodEuclidean(polygon.method = "traveling.salesman")
plot.euclidean(polygon.method = "traveling.salesman")
addNeighborhoodWalking(polygon.method = "pearl.string")
plot.walking(polygon.method = "pearl.string")
- euclideanPath()
- walkingPath()
- find nearest case or landmark, given pump (i.e., reverse lookup)
- addVoronoi(case.location = "nominal")
- euclideanPath(case.location = "nominal")
- neighborhoodEuclidean(case.location = "nominal")
- addNeighborhoodEuclidean(case.location = "nominal")
- addCase()
- addDelauny()
- addNeighborhoodCases()
- deldirVertices()
- orthogonalProjection()
- profile2D()
- profile3D()
- streetHighlight()
- fixFatalities()
- landmarkData()
- pearsonResiduals()
- plot.neighborhood_data()
- "deldirVertices(): Tiles, Triangles and Polygons"
- euclideanDistance()
- walkingDistance()
- backward compatibility (R 3.4.4) related to base::isFALSE() & bug fix.
- fix for multiple results in walkingDistance() and walkingPath().
- enable ellipses (...) in plot.time_series() (#1).
- enable ellipses and negative selection in addPump().
- consolidate addEuclideanPath(), euclideanDistance(), euclideanPath(), walkingDistance() and walkingPath()
- addBorder()
- addRoads()
- mapRange()
- regular.cases and sim.ortho.proj: increase number of observations from 5K to 20K.
"alpha.level" argument to control path transparency addEuclideanPath() and addWalkingPath()
distance and time based "mileposts" addEuclideanPath() and addWalkingPath(). plot.euclidean_path() and plot.walking_path(). addMilePosts().
"pump.subset" and "pump.select" arguments addCase(), addKernelDensity(), addMilePosts(), addNeighborhood(), neighborhoodEuclidean(), neighborhoodWalking()
"walking.speed" argument added to: addMilePosts(), nearestPump(), addEuclideanPath(), euclideanDistance(), euclideanPath(), addWalkingPath(), walkingDistance(), walkingPath()
euclideanDistance() no longer S3. generic S3 functionality moved to euclideanPath().
multiCore() moved to multiCore.R.
neighborhoodVoronoi() plot.voronoi() adds "euclidean.paths" argument for star graph.
neighborhoodWalking() "area.polygons" related functions for plot_walking() moved to pearlString.R.
simulateFatalities(): default is now 20K observations. use proximate in addition to orthogonal distances to find "addresses".
snowMap() new arguments: "add.cases", "add.pumps", "add.roads".
unitMeter() default unit of measurement is now "meter".
walkingAuxillaryFunctions.R: location of walking related helper functions.
walkingDistance() no longer S3. generic S3 functionality moved to walkingPath().
- addCase()
- addEuclideanPath()
- addMilePosts()
- addNeighborhood()
- addWalkingPath()()
- distanceTime()
- euclideanPath()
- walkingPath()
- neighborhoodEuclidean()
- Lab Notes available online and on GitHub: "duplicate.missing.cases.notes" "pump.neighborhoods.notes" "unstacking.bars.notes"
ortho.proj.pump and ortho.proj.pump.vestry now include node ID.
roads and road.segments amend street names: "Unknown-B" to "Tent Court" (Edmund Cooper's map). "Unknown-D" to "St James's Market" (https://maps.nls.uk). "Unknown-E" to "Market Street (II)" (https://maps.nls.uk).
addKernelDensity() uses "pump.subset" and "pump.select" arguments.
addLandmarks() add landmarks from Edmund Cooper's map.
classifierAudit() can return coordinates of address.
nearestPump() now incorporates nearestPath().
neighborhoodWalking() segment and sub-segment implementation.
pumpData() returns node ID.
timeSeries() includes day of the week.
walkingDistance() add "simulated" expected cases.
- addNeighborhood()
plot.walking type = "area.points" and type = "area-polygons". type = "area-polygons" via pearlString() replaces alphahull::ashape().
print.walking() uses expectedCount().
- add "Kernel Density Plot".
- update "Pump Neighborhoods" with discussion of area plots.
- ortho.proj: reclassify case 483: Pulteney Court (I) ("242-1") -> Little Windmill Street ("326-2"). reclassify cases 369, 434, 11, 53, 193: Poland Street ("194-1") -> St James Workhouse ("148-1").
addSnow() "area", "street" and "boundary" graphical annotation.
caseLocator() highlight home road segment.
neighborhoodWalking() "case-set" argument: "observed", "expected" and "snow". updated implementation and improved performance. pre-computed configurations from version 0.2.1 removed.
segmentLocator(), streetNameLocator() and streetNumberLocator() highlight segment or street cases. option to plot all cases, anchor cases or no cases.
- timeSeries()
- walkingDistance() incorporates and deprecates walkingPath().
- addIndexCase()
- nearestPath()
- nearestPump()
- nodeData()
- segmentLength()
- snowNeighborhood()
- streetLength()
- unitMeter()
- classifierAudit()
- euclideanDistance()
- Initial CRAN release.