A repo for a dataviz of Jim Ridolfo's rhetmap.org data.
- Spreadsheet of data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GuECV6Ot60h-Qab3e9-KPaKLdgXB3reoyZgo3VTlO_w/edit#gid=0
- Data Feed Source: https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/1GuECV6Ot60h-Qab3e9-KPaKLdgXB3reoyZgo3VTlO_w/od6/public/values?alt=json
- Idea for Multi-Series Line Chart: http://bl.ocks.org/asielen/44ffca2877d0132572cb. You can find more chart ideas on the D3 Gallery page.
Place to consider new datapoints and how to use them. Please feel free to suggest and add more ideas here.
- University research rank: R1-3.
- Compare when certain univs. post ads.
- Position type: Techcomm, Rhetoric, WPA, Writing Center, Postdoc
- Teaching load: 2/2, 2/3, 3/3, etc.
- Position focus: generalist, rhetoric of science, digital rhetoric, professional writing, public policy, etc.
- Noted how 2016-2017 seemed to include many rhetoric of science calls.
- Could xref focus with position types.