- Fix(findbugs): move class file check to task execution stage
- Fix(okcheck): run all flavors when no flavor is specified
- Fix(findbugs): skip task if no class files are present
- Feat: do not apply jacoco plugin manually if it has been applied and do not assign special jacoco version
- Fix: fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException issue when need-remove-commit-id count larger than 20
- Feat: handle the case of only have one root-project(no subprojects) case
- Fix: fix on some case because of mix of jacoco version raise exec file destroyed. Refs PR 7
- Feat: record latest commit id of deleted-branch because of there are many cases we need to calc diff from the deleted-branch lastest check-success commit id.
- Feat: cover the case of branch-name is
- Fix(Incremental): save up to 20 pass check commit ids for one branch to solve incremental check can't make sense when the nearest passed id was overwritten by later one.
- Fix: fix no-such-property exclude issue and correct excludeBugFilter->excludeFilter closes #3
- Fix: do not define input and output to solve can't save the last success commit id issue
- Feat: change the default line-length from 100 to 120 checkstyle-with-suppression which has already been effected on checkstyle-non-suppression
- Fix: fix no file analysis issue for okFindbugs because of path case sensitive
- Fix: fix move failed which tests already exists when need to move tests folder to target path
- Feat: support customize whether need to report xml on findbugs
- Fix: fix can't find createDebugCoverageReport issue when there are flavors exists
- Feat: handle the case of android gradle plugin 3.2.0 for findbugs
- Feat: integrate coverageReport for unitTest and androidTest and just disabled it as default. closes #2
- Feat: change the coverageReport extension pattern. refs #2
- Fix: fix can't create passed module file issue
- Fix: fix test dir is exist issue
- Fix: fix can't find assemble task when execute okFindbugs for non-android project
- Fix: fix can't find testUnitTest task issue when run okcheck for all variants
- Fix: fix can't find okLint task when lint task has already been added during require add okLint task
- Fix: fix oklint add flavor and debug malposition issue
- Fix: fix can't find oklint on okcheck task issue if there are flavor(s) on the project
- Fix: fix can't find unitTest task on the okcheck task issue if there are flavor(s) on the project
- Feat: split tasks with build-type and flavor
- Feat: support define the custom config for checkstyle, findbugs and pmd
- Feat: integrate unit-test on okcheck
- Feat: support incremental check locally for pmd, lint, ktlint, okcheck, (findbugs and checkstyle incremental by offical support)
- Feat: apply sub plugin only if it is enabled, because we provide sub-scope extension now
- Feat: support using latest success commit id as the target compare id if there isn't any okcheck on the current branch
- Feat: using built-in extension to make config more readable, such as okcheck
{ findbugs {..} unittest {..} .. }
- Feat: support config the version of ktlint through ktlint scope on okcheck
- Feat: using debug type instead for both library and application
- Feat: using the .okcheck cache on the current path when it exist
- Feat: using the new pmd rulest to ignore single-line-if without braces and some others, more detail please see:
- Feat: support exclude param on the okcheck extension
- Feat: handle the case of using ignoreOkcheckDiff on target-module okcheck task
- Feat: support
to check whole modules, such as./gradlew -PignoreOkcheckDiff okcheck
- Feat: check all modules when there isn't ~/.okcheck exist
- Feat: add
task to clean the okcheck diff folder on ~/.okcheck
- Feat: exclude protobuf
- Fix: fix special extension with pmd,findbugs,checkstyle can't effect
- Fix: fix SuppressionFilter can't on Tree error
- Feat: enable picasso style rules as default and split rules to two type: with-suppressions if rootProject/suppressions.xml exist or without-suppressions if it is not exist
- Feat: support destination field on the extension to judge the report parent folder, and as default will output the reports on the build dir of root project
- Feat: support lint,ktlint,checkstyle,pmd,findbugs on okcheck
- Fix: fix commit-id is dir issue when there is run okcheck command not on the git repo
- Fix: fix do okcheck job on non okcheck task.