Simple and powerful URL router in the form of target-action
- Support for component development based on cocopods.
- No need to register the URL, use runtime to implement the
form call. - Built-in URL Rewrite module.
- Built-in log module.
- Support module customization.
- Built-in assertions and can switch languages.
- Priority support swift.
iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
Swift 4.x
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.1+ is required.
To integrate Khala into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'Khala'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Some content can not be defined exactly, I took the liberty to define the following terms.
- Routing class: This class is responsible for receiving routing events..
- Routing function: The function responsible for receiving routing events in the routing class.
In Khala, the most primitive URL structure is:
scheme://[route class]/[route function]?key1=value1&key2=value2
But you can use rewrite module to write custom rules to implement complex URL structures, and access control.
First we define two Routing files, respectively, and packed into two pod library.
This part of the content can be viewed in the sample project
import UIKit import Khala @objc(AModule) @objcMembers class AModule: NSObject { func doSomething(_ info: [String: Any]) -> String { return description } func server(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { guard let value = info["value"] as? String, let res = Int(value) else { return 0 } return res } func forClosure(_ closure: KhalaClosure) { closure(["value": #function]) } func forClosures(_ success: KhalaClosure, failure: KhalaClosure) { success(["success": #function]) failure(["failure": #function]) } }
import UIKit import Khala @objc(BModule) @objcMembers class BModule: NSObject { func doSomething(_ info: [String: Any]) -> String { return description } }
Execute the routing function via the URL: Khala
Ordinary call:
// 2. 不保持参数类型,(url中参数类型皆为String) let value = Khala(str: "kl://AModule/server2?value=64")?.call() as? Int print(value ?? "nil") /// Print: 64
Async call:
/// 单个block调用 Khala(str: "kf://AModule/forClosure")?.call(block: { (item) in print("forClosure:", item) }) /// Print: forClosure: ["value": "forClosure"] // /// 多个block调用 Khala(str: "kf://AModule/forClosures")?.call(blocks: { (item) in print("forClosures block3:", item) },{ (item) in print("forClosure block4:", item) }) //Print: forClosures block3: ["success": "forClosures(_:failure:)"] //Print: forClosure block4: ["failure": "forClosures(_:failure:)"] /// or Khala(str: "kf://AModule/forClosures")?.call(blocks: [{ (item) in print("forClosures block1:", item) },{ (item) in print("forClosure block2:", item) }]) //Print: forClosures block1: ["success": "forClosures(_:failure:)"] //Print: forClosure block2: ["failure": "forClosures(_:failure:)"]
UIKit/AppKit Extension:
let vc = Khala(str: "kl://BModule/vc?style=0")?.viewController
**Routing notification **KhalaNotify
This type can be used to execute functions of the same name in multiple cached routing classes.
// Cache AModule and BModule routing classes. Khala(str: "kl://AModule")?.regist() Khala(str: "kl://BModule")?.regist() // Executive notice let value = KhalaNotify(str: "kl://doSomething?value=888")?.call() print(value ?? "") // Print: [<BModule: 0x60000242f230>, <AModule: 0x600002419d10>]
Notifications can only be sent to routing classes that have been cached. Cache location:PseudoClass.cache
Registered route
In Khala I provided the following interface to abstract PseudoClass.cache:
// Register route class, Equivalent to Khala(str: "kl://AModule/doSomething") func register() -> Bool // Unregister routing class, Equivalent to PseudoClass.cache["AModule"] = nil func unregister() -> Bool // Cancel all registered routing classes, Equivalent to PseudoClass.cache.removeAll() func unregisterAll() -> Bool // Batch registration of routing classes that comply with the KhalaProtocol protocol Khala.registWithKhalaProtocol()
Personal advice, please try to avoid using.
Rewrite Module: KhalaRewrite
This part is especially important if the developer needs a custom route resolution rule or a redirect route function.
Write the rules:
let filter = RewriteFilter { if $ == "AModule" { var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: $0.url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)! = "BModule" $0.url = urlComponents.url! } return $0 }
Add rules:
Request call:
let value = Khala(str: "kl://AModule/doSomething")?.call() print(value ?? "nil") /// Print: <BModule: 0x6000026e2800>
Log module: KhalaHistory
Each url request will be logged to the log file and sent to the developer at the appropriate time.
Open log (default false)
Khala.isEnabledLog = true // or Khala.history.isEnabled = true
Log file path:
File contents: Date + Time + URL + Parameters
2018-12-01 02:06:54 kl://SwiftClass/double? {"test":"666"} 2018-12-01 02:06:54 kl://SwiftClass/double {"test":"666"}
Extension mechanism: KhalaStore
In khala, a vacant class KhalaStore is proposed, which can be used to place the mapping function of the routing function, thus simplifying the local call complexity.
extension KhalaStore { class func aModule_server(value: Int) -> Int { return Khala(str: "kf://AModule/server", params: ["value": value])!.call() as! Int } } @objc(AModule) @objcMembers class AModule: NSObject { func server(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { return info["value"] as? Int ?? 0 } } let value = KhalaStore.aModule_server(value: 46)
ps: KhalaStore Extension files are recommended to be placed in the same cocoapod library.
Assertion mechanism
For the convenience of developers, the assertion mechanism in some scenarios has been added, examples:
khala.iOS Fatal error: [Khala] If there is no match to the route function [server] in the route class[AModule], please refer to the list of functions of this class: 0: init 1: doSomething: 2: vc
Turn off assertions (default true):
Khala.isEnabledAssert = false
Cache mechanism: PseudoClass.cache
- When the route first calls the registration route class, the route class will be cached in PseudoClass.cache to improve the secondary lookup performance.
- When the route class is instantiated, the list of functions in the route class will be cached in PseudoClass().methodLists to improve lookup performance.
Routing class
The routing class must inherit from
Need to add
to prevent the compiler from removing the class.The compiler will check for classes that are not called in the swift file at compile time and remove them. (>= swift 3.0)
// recommend @objc(AModule) @objcMembers class AModule: NSObject { func server1(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } func server2(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } } // or @objc(BModule) class AModule: NSObject { @objc func server1(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } @objc func server2(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } }
Routing function
Function overloading is not supported. For example:
@objc(AModule) @objcMembers class AModule: NSObject { func server(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } func server(_ info: [String: Any], closure: KhalaClosure) -> Int { ... } }
Reason: When khala adopts the cache routing function, the function name mapping is adopted.
Recommended routing function of the first parameter is anonymous and easy to read.
Parameter format
[AnyHashable: Any]
, no order requirements -
, with order requirementstypealias KhalaClosure = @convention(block) (_ useInfo: [String: Any]) -> Void
@objc(AModule) @objcMembers class AModule: NSObject { func server1() -> Int { ... } func server2(info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } func server3(_ info: [String: Any]) -> Int { ... } func server4(_ info: [String: Any], closure: KhalaClosure) -> Int { ... } func server5(_ info: [String: Any], success: KhalaClosure,failure: KhalaClosure, complete: KhalaClosure) -> Int { ... } func server6(_ success: KhalaClosure,failure: KhalaClosure, info: [String: Any], complete: KhalaClosure) -> Int { ... } }
is a structure type, and it is impossible to abstract the base class or protocol.[String: Any]
will insert the parameter list in[KhalaClosure]
.Ps: The number of callers
needs to be more or flatter than the routing function. Otherwise the assertion will be triggered. -
Khala Initialization function
- The parameters in
will be kept in the type passed, such as the need to pass objects such asUIImage
public class Khala: NSObject { public init(url: URL, params: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]) { ... } public init?(str: String, params: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]) { ... } }
- The parameters in
Custom Rewrite module
Inherit the
protocol. -
Replace Rewrite module
Khala.rewrite = CustomRewrite()
Custom log module
Inherit the
protocol. -
Replace log module
Khala.history = CustomHistory()
- Improve Objective-C calls
- Perfect demo example.
- The log module reads and writes with mmap(Some files are not written to the file when the program crashes).
- Improve English notes and documentation.
- API Reference - please remember to read the full whenever you may need a more detailed reference.
- CTMediator: A routing framework created by Casa.
- Routable: The predecessor of khala, officially put into production environment iteration for 2 years.
- Starcraft
linhay, [email protected]
Khala is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.