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DIL Job Properties

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The following are a full list of DIL job properties. Generally DIL properties complement the job properties defined in Gobblin core. When there is an exception, i.e. when a property replaces one or more Gobblin properties, the property document will explain.

Abstinent Period is designed to avoid re-extracting a dataset repeatedly. This is particularly useful for situations like downloading files in large quantity.

This is an DIL internal property, and it should not be used explicitly in job configurations.

DIL reads activation entries from secondary input and generates work units for each activation entry, and each of those work units is given a unique activation parameter using, therefore the work unit can be uniquely identified.

Value in is part of the work unit signature.

Setting ms.audit.enabled to true will enable outgoing data auditing. Auditing will trace all outgoing data including parameters and payloads to data lake through Kafka.

ms.authentication job property defines the authentication of a request. It works with HTTP protocol only for now, but could be used in other protocols.

Backfilling is to reprocess a chunk of data in the past that is beyond the look-back process using grace period. specifies the minimum time elapsed between requests in the pagination process.
When a page is retrieved sooner than the interval, to avoid QPS violation, the thread will wait until the interval has passed. works within an executor thread. In cases of parallel execution, where the number of executor threads is more than one, should be multiple of the interval allowed by the QPS to avoid QPS violations cross threads.

ms.connection.client.factory allows vendors specify customized connections with proxy or enhanced security. The default factory is com.linkedin.cdi.DefaultConnectionClientFactory.

ms.csv defines CSV extraction and conversion parameters. It can have the following parameters:

  • linesToSkip, specifies how many lines of data to skip in the CSV payload. The linesToSkip need to be more than the columnHeaderIndex. For example, if columnHeaderIndex = 0, the number of lines to skip need to be at least 1. When the linesToSkip is not set explicitly, and the columnHeaderIndex is set, linesToSkip = columnHeaderIndex + 1. When neither linesToSkip and columnHeaderIndex are set, linesToSkip = 0.
    If more lines need to be skipped after the header, then set this parameter explicitly.
  • columnHeaderIndex, specifies the 0-based row index of the header columns if they are available. CSV files may have 1 or more descriptive lines before the actual data. These descriptive lines, including the column header line, should be skipped. Note the column header line can be in any place of the skipped lines.
  • escapeCharacter, specifies how characters can be escaped. Default is "u005C" (backslash ). This can be specified as a variation of unicode without a backslash () before 'u'. For example: \ can be specified as "u005c".
  • quoteCharacter, specifies how source data are enclosed by columns. Default is double-quote ("). This can be specified as a variation of unicode without a backslash () before 'u'. For example: | can be specified as "u007C".
  • fieldSeparator, specifies the field delimiter in the source csv data. The default is comma. This can be specified as a variation of unicode without a backslash () before 'u'. For example: tab (\t) can be specified as "u0009".
  • recordSeparator, also called line separator, specifies the line or record delimiter. The default is system line separator. This can be specified as a variation of unicode without a backslash () before 'u'.
  • columnProjection, defines how CSV columns should be arranged and filtered after parse, before being sent to converter and writer to persist. This feature is primarily used to extract selected columns from csv source without a header. Column projection definition is a comma-separated string, where each value is either an integer or a range, with each number representing the 0 based index of the field. Column projection definition is inclusive, i.e., only the selected fields are included in the final dataset, if a column projection is defined.
    For example, to include the 0th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th column from a source that has 6 columns, set the value to: "columnProjection": "0,2-4"
  • defaultFieldType, specifies a default type to supersede field type inference. By default, CsvExtractor tries to infer the true type of fields when inferring schema However, in some cases, the inference is not accurate, and users may prefer to keep all fields as strings. In this case "defaultFieldType": "string". Supported types: string | int | long | double | boolean | float. provides a way to explicitly specifies data types for certain fields. This is necessary when the source data has empty fields, like placeholders, and DIL cannot infer its type properly. specifies whether an explicit EOF record should be sent to converter after processing all records.

In a nested response, like JSON or Avro, specifies where the core data (payload) is.

Derived Fields are calculated fields that serve critical roles in data ingestion process, such as compaction. This includes, but is not limited by, the following:

  • Convert a date string to a EPOC date value so that downstream compaction/partitioning can use the long EPOC value
  • Extract a part of a field to form a primary key or delta key
  • Provide a calculated value based on flow execution state or watermark, such as the often used extraction date derived field
  • Lift up a nested element in the response to the toplevel and make it a toplevel field because only toplevel fields can be primary keys or delta keys
  • Persist a job execution variable, such as the work unit identifier, into the final dataset

Schema cleansing replaces special characters in the schema element names based on a pattern. By default, it will replace all blank spaces, $, and @ to underscores.

ms.enable.dynamic.full.load enables or disables dynamic full load. When enabled (default) and = false, DIL will dynamically perform a full load if it is a SNAPSHOT_ONLY extract or if there is no pre-existing watermarks of the job.

Dynamic full load is a DIL Single Flow feature that aims to alleviate users from coding 2 separate flows, one for the full load and one for the incremental load.

ms.enable.schema.based.filtering enables or disables schema-based filtering, or column projection. When enabled, only fields specified schema are projected to final dataset.

ms.encryption.fields specifies a list of fields to be encrypted before they are passed to converters.

ms.extractor.class specifies the extractor class to use for data parsing. The choice of extractor is based data format. Currently, DIL designed 4 classes of extractors. specify the file name when FileDumpExtractor is used. The file name can be specified as a string container DIL variables. set file permission when FileDumpExtractor is used.

ms.extract.preprocessors define one or more preprocessor classes that handles the incoming data before they can be processed by the extractor. When input data is compressed or encrypted, the input stream needs to be preprocessed before it can be passed to an DIL extractor to parse.
ms.extract.preprocessors is a comma delimited string if there are more than 1 preprocessors.

When a source file is encrypted, it requires credentials to decrypt. ms.extract.preprocessor.parameters defines parameters to pass into the preprocessor along with the input.

ms.grace.period.days addresses the late arrival problem, which is very common if the ingestion source is a data warehouse. ms.grace.period.days defines a Grace Period for incremental extraction, and it adds extra buffer to cutoff timestamp during the incremental load so that more data can be included.

ms.http.conn.max defines maximum number of connections to keep in a connection pool. It limits the total connections to an HTTP server. The default value is 50.

ms.http.conn.per.route.max defines maximum number of connections to keep in a connection pool. It limits the total connections to a particular path, or endpoint, on the HTTP server. The default value is 20.

ms.http.conn.ttl.seconds defines maximum idle time allowed when there is no activity on an HTTP connection. When there is no activity after TTL passed, the connection is disconnected. The default is 10 seconds.

ms.http.request.headers specifies custom headers including Content-Type that are to be included in HTTP requests.

The expected HTTP method to send the requests, decided by the data source.

ms.http.response.type specifies less common response types in addition to the default ones "application/json" or "text/csv".

ms.http.statuses defines status codes that should be treated as success, warning, or error.


ms.http.status.reasons is for future use.

http.status.reasons define reason codes of special meaning in determining whether a request was a success or failure. For example, when status is 200, but there is a reason to indicate the request was not successful, then the status.reason can be set:{"error": ["not found"]}. An HTTP response is considered success if and only if status code is in http.statuses.success and reason code is not in http.status.reasons.error.

Currently, we don't allow exceptions being made to revert errors by using reason code.

ms.jdbc.schema.refactor specifies the function to apply to JDBC schema. The choices are toupper, tolower, or none

ms.jdbc.statement specifies the SQL statement for data retrieval. The value can be any validate statement on any JDBC source.

ms.kafka specifies the Kafka producer config, all the essential producer config can be grouped under this object.

ms.normalizer.batch.size specifies the batch size for the normalizer converter to group rows. Setting ms.normalizer.batch.size to 1 has special effects of condensing a sparse table.

ms.output.schema defines the output schema of extractors. Therefore, it is also the input schema of the first converter.

ms.pagination defines key pagination attributes.

ms.parameter defines a list of named variables that can be referenced in other configuration properties using the syntax of double brackets {{variableName}}. is an internal property that DIL uses to pass payloads to work units, and it should not be used explicitly in job configurations.


ms.retention is designed for future use.

ms.s3.list.max.keys limit the number of keys when doing a "list" operation on a S3 bucket.

Schema cleansing replaces special characters in the schema element names based on a pattern. By default, it will replace all blank spaces, $, and @ to underscores.

Secondary inputs provides additional directives to job execution, in addition to the primary inputs of job execution, which is its metadata, i.e, job configurations.

ms.secret.manager.class specifies the SecretManager class to use for secrets encryption and decryption.

Session is a state management mechanism over stateless connections. For example, although Restful API is stateless, data sources can maintain a session in backend by a status field, a session cursor, or through pagination.

ms.session.key.field specifies the key field in response in order to retrieve the status for session control and the condition for termination.

ms.sftp.conn.timeout.millis defines maximum allowed inactive time. The default is 60 seconds. specifies a character set to parse JSON or CSV payload. The default source data character set is UTF-8, which should be good for most use cases.

ms.source.files.pattern specifies a pattern to filter files from S3 and SFTP sources.

ms.source.s3.parameters specifies parameters for S3 connection.

Source schema represents the source data structure. Generally, in a data ingestion scenario, the source data will be read in, projected, filtered, and converted. Source schema can be read from the source, like for JDBC data sources, or parsed from actual data, like JSON data, or defined as a string, or defined in a metadata store. address the option that defines source schema in metadata store.

ms.source.uri defines the integration point, which is called data source for data ingestion or target for data egression. It follows the URI format. The only exception is that authority is not supported, because all authority cannot be fit in the URI.

ms.ssl defines SSL parameters. defines the target schema in a JsonArray string. Target schema denotes the schema to be passed to writer, this applies to situation where the source data are transformed through a converter or other processes.

Generally, target schema should be specified through target schema URN. to avoid coding long schema strings. An URN can point to the schema storage location on DataHub, which is the only supported schema storage for now.

Total Count field directs DIL how to retrieve the expected total row counts. This is important when there are large volume of data and pagination is used to retrieve data page by page. In cases of pagination, the expected total row count is one way to indicate the end of pagination when the actually retrieved total number of rows matches or surpasses the expected total rows.

ms.validation.attributes defines a threshold to mark a job as successful or failed. The threshold can be specified as "success" or "failure" thresholds. The former is called a "success" rule, and the later is called a "failure" rule.

This property is required for InFlowValidationConverter, which is a validation converter based on simple count comparison.

ms.wait.timeout.seconds is one option to control pagination, it specifies how long the job will wait before the session ending (success or failure) status is met.

ms.watermark define watermarks for work unit generation, execution control, and incremental processing. DIL supports 2 types of watermarks, datetime and unit.

A datetime watermark is a reference. It doesn't directly effect or control job execution. The watermark name and boundaries, low watermark and high watermark, can be referenced in variables, which can control execution. See ms.parameters.

A datetime watermark is a range, defined by its from and to field. The range can be further partitioned per other configurations. See

Therefore, a datetime watermark could generate 1 or more mini-watermarks when partitioned, and each mini-watermark is mapped to a work unit. Therefore, each work unit has its own unique watermark.

A unit watermark defines a list of values that will be used by the DIL to generate work units. The unit watermark name can be referenced as a variable directly.


ms.watermark.groups is an DIL internal property, and it should not be used explicitly in job configurations.

DIL uses this property to pass work unit signature to work units.

Alert: setting this in GaaS flowSpecs may cause parsing error. is an DIL internal property, and it should not be used explicitly in job configurations.

When work unit pacing is enabled, the job planner will pass the scheduled start time to work units so that work unit can wait for their moment to start. specifies a minimum number of records that are expected. If the total processed rows is less than, the job will fail, generating an alert. specify a minimum number of work units required for the job to be successful. if the number of work units is smaller than, the job will fail, sending an alert to operations team. can spread out work unit execution by adding a waiting time in the front of each work unit's execution. The amount of wait time is based on the order of the work units. It is calculated as i *, where i is the sequence number of the work unit. defines maximum possible parallel work units that can be processed in one job execution. specifies whether the last partition of a multi-day partition scheme can be partial. If set to true, it allows the last multi-day partition to be partial (partial month or partial week). defines how the watermark will be partitioned to form work units. When a watermark is partitioned, each partition will be processed as a work unit. Partitioning, therefore, allows parallel processing.

Essential Gobblin Core Properties

The following are Gobblin core properties that are essential to job configuration. This is only a short list, for a complete list of Gobblin core properties, please refer to Gobblin documentation. indicates how date values are formatted in the user data. This property is used by the JSON to AVRO converter in converting fields of type "date".

converter.avro.time.format indicates how time values are formatted in the user data. This property is used by the JSON to AVRO converter in converting fields of type "time".

converter.avro.timestamp.format indicates how timestamp values are formatted in the user data. This property is used by the JSON to AVRO converter in converting fields of type "timestamp". specifies the target table name, not the source table name. This is a required parameter if the extractor is anything other than the FileDumpExtractor. Writers and some converters don't work without it.

job.commit.policy specifies how the job state will be committed when some of its tasks failed. Valid values are "full" or "successful".