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37 lines (28 loc) · 1.82 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (28 loc) · 1.82 KB

By running this script you can:

  • get mp3, img, title and description as input
  • generate episode covers (for youtube, RSS, VK)
  • upload mp3 and covers to file_hosting via scp
  • render video using mp3 and cover
  • upload video to youtube in proper playlist, using youtube API
  • publish podcast to the site

You can use ./ -h to get help.

Examples: Publishing podcast: ./ -i img/test.jpeg -m 'mp3/test.mp3' -t 'telecom №196. Лист и феоктист' -d description.html Publishing podcast announce: ./ -i img/test.jpeg -t 'telecom №196. Лист и феоктист' --announce 20210718T140000

You are recommended to put episode mp3 to mp3/ directory and image to img/.
Generated covers will be saved in img/covers.
Rendered video will be saved in mp4/.

img/ direcory aslo contains default templates for covers and default feed images in case there is no image file provided.

All the temporary files are in .gitignore to not change the repo.

You can put environment variables to .env file to make them available for decouple.

To get this script run you alse need client_secrets.json for google account responsible for the youtube channel.

Possible arguments:

  • -i IMG - Point to podcast image file. Mandatory
  • -m MP3 - Point to podcast mp3 file. Mandatory for podcasts. No need for Announces
  • -t TITLE - Title of the podcast or announece. "Анонс" will be added automatically when using --announce
  • -d DESCRIPTION_FILE - Point to a file with shownotes
  • --announce ANNOUNCE - This will public podcast announce. It takes On-air date in format YYYYmmddTHHMMSS, like 20210718T140000
  • --no-video - If you don't wan't to render and upload video for some reason.

To run script in environment you poetry can be used as poetry run python ...