From 8afd12ac18079ca8fc4659470d27a5949115af87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:34:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] feat: support for schema copy directives

As of now copy_directives can not be specified at
TransformationSpecification level to declare that all elements of a
schema should be recursively copied.
This commit adds this missing support.

Signed-off-by: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
 src/linkml_map/datamodel/   | 1 +
 src/linkml_map/datamodel/transformer_model.yaml | 4 ++++
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/linkml_map/datamodel/ b/src/linkml_map/datamodel/
index 159a391..ac0d032 100644
--- a/src/linkml_map/datamodel/
+++ b/src/linkml_map/datamodel/
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ class TransformationSpecification(SpecificationComponent):
+    copy_directives: Optional[Dict[str, CopyDirective]] = Field(default_factory=dict)
     description: Optional[str] = Field(
         description="""description of the specification component""",
diff --git a/src/linkml_map/datamodel/transformer_model.yaml b/src/linkml_map/datamodel/transformer_model.yaml
index d573cb6..eaf6eeb 100644
--- a/src/linkml_map/datamodel/transformer_model.yaml
+++ b/src/linkml_map/datamodel/transformer_model.yaml
@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ classes:
         multivalued: true
         inlined: true
         slot_uri: sh:declare
+      copy_directives:
+        range: CopyDirective
+        multivalued: true
+        inlined: true
         description: name of the schema that describes the source (input) objects

From 50a0c1ded27527e2c1199ce6c6db19177dff82dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:37:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] feat: implement support for copy directives

As of now CopyDirective objects were supported by the specification, but
the implementation to handle them was missing.
This commit adds support for them.

Signed-off-by: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
 src/linkml_map/inference/ | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/linkml_map/inference/ b/src/linkml_map/inference/
index 966baab..bc617f6 100644
--- a/src/linkml_map/inference/
+++ b/src/linkml_map/inference/
@@ -51,6 +51,93 @@ class SchemaMapper:
     slot_info: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+    def _copy_dict(
+        self,
+        copy_directive: CopyDirective,
+        src_elements,
+        tgt_elements,
+    ):
+        if copy_directive.copy_all:
+            for element in src_elements.keys():
+                tgt_elements[element] = src_elements[element]
+        if copy_directive.exclude:
+            for element in src_elements.keys():
+                if element in copy_directive.exclude:
+                    del tgt_elements[element]
+        if copy_directive.exclude_all:
+            elements_to_delete = [key for key in tgt_elements]
+            for element in elements_to_delete:
+                del tgt_elements[element]
+        if copy_directive.include:
+            for element in copy_directive.include:
+                if element in src_elements.keys():
+                    tgt_elements[element] = src_elements[element]
+    def _copy_list(
+        self,
+        copy_directive: CopyDirective,
+        src_elements,
+        tgt_elements,
+    ):
+        if copy_directive.copy_all:
+            for element in src_elements:
+                tgt_elements.append(element)
+        if copy_directive.exclude:
+            for element in src_elements:
+                if copy_directive.exclude:
+                    tgt_elements.remove(element)
+        if copy_directive.exclude_all:
+            for element in tgt_elements:
+                tgt_elements.remove(element)
+        if copy_directive.include:
+            for element in copy_directive.include:
+                if element in src_elements:
+                    tgt_elements.append(element)
+    def _copy_schema(
+        self,
+        copy_directives: list[CopyDirective],
+        source: SchemaDefinition,
+        target: SchemaDefinition,
+    ) -> SchemaDefinition:
+        if type(copy_directives) is dict:
+            copy_directives_list = copy_directives.values()
+        else:
+            copy_directives_list = copy_directives
+        for copy_directive in copy_directives_list:
+            for element_type in ["classes", "slots", "enums"]:
+                if not hasattr(source, element_type):
+                    continue
+                src_elements = getattr(source, element_type)
+                tgt_elements = getattr(target, element_type)
+                self._copy_dict(copy_directive, src_elements, tgt_elements)
+        return target
+    def _copy_class(
+        self,
+        copy_directives: list[CopyDirective],
+        source: ClassDefinition,
+        target: ClassDefinition,
+    ) -> ClassDefinition:
+        if type(copy_directives) is dict:
+            copy_directives_list = copy_directives.values()
+        else:
+            copy_directives_list = copy_directives
+        for copy_directive in copy_directives_list:
+            if hasattr(source, "attributes"):
+                # copy attributes (which is a dict)
+                src_elements = source.attributes
+                tgt_elements = target.attributes
+                self._copy_dict(copy_directive, src_elements, tgt_elements)
+            if hasattr(source, "slots"):
+                # copy slots (which is a list)
+                src_elements = source.slots
+                tgt_elements = target.slots
+                self._copy_list(copy_directive, src_elements, tgt_elements)
+        return target
     def derive_schema(
         specification: Optional[TransformationSpecification] = None,
@@ -73,6 +160,12 @@ def derive_schema(
         if target_schema_name is None:
             target_schema_name = + suffix
         target_schema = SchemaDefinition(id=target_schema_id, name=target_schema_name)
+        if hasattr(specification, "copy_directives"):
+            target_schema = self._copy_schema(
+                specification.copy_directives,
+                source_schema,
+                target_schema,
+            )
         for im in source_schema.imports:
         for prefix in source_schema.prefixes.values():
@@ -112,6 +205,12 @@ def _derive_class(self, class_derivation: ClassDerivation) -> ClassDefinition:
             target_class.slots = []
             target_class.attributes = {}
             target_class.slot_usage = {}
+            if hasattr(class_derivation, "copy_directives"):
+                target_class = self._copy_class(
+                    class_derivation.copy_directives,
+                    source_class,
+                    target_class,
+                )
         for slot_derivation in class_derivation.slot_derivations.values():
             slot_definition = self._derive_slot(slot_derivation)
             target_class.attributes[] = slot_definition

From 8ed00a58933843d423400c59dba1baab9329a6d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 13:16:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] test: add copy directive tests

Signed-off-by: Silvano Cirujano Cuesta <>
 .../test_schema_mapper/  | 195 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 195 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/test_schema_mapper/ b/tests/test_schema_mapper/
index 000314d..86e22e3 100644
--- a/tests/test_schema_mapper/
+++ b/tests/test_schema_mapper/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 from linkml_map.datamodel.transformer_model import (
+    CopyDirective,
@@ -186,6 +187,200 @@ def test_rewire(self):
         self.assertEqual(["tr_salary"], list(emp.attributes.keys()))
         # self.assertEqual("Person", emp.is_a)
+    def test_full_copy_specification(self):
+        """tests copy isomorphism"""
+        tr = self.mapper
+        copy_all_directive = {"*": CopyDirective(element_name="*", copy_all=True)}
+        specification = TransformationSpecification(id="test", copy_directives=copy_all_directive)
+        source_schema = tr.source_schemaview.schema
+        target_schema = tr.derive_schema(specification)
+        # classes, slots and enums must be exactly the same
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.classes), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.classes)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.slots), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.slots)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.enums), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.enums)
+        )
+    def test_partial_copy_specification(self):
+        """tests copy isomorphism excluding derivations"""
+        tr = self.mapper
+        copy_all_directive = {"*": CopyDirective(element_name="*", copy_all=True)}
+        specification = TransformationSpecification(id="test", copy_directives=copy_all_directive)
+        source_schema = tr.source_schemaview.schema
+        derivations = [
+            ClassDerivation(name="Agent", populated_from="Person"),
+        ]
+        for derivation in derivations:
+            specification.class_derivations[] = derivation
+        target_schema = tr.derive_schema(specification)
+        # classes must be the same with addition
+        for schema_class in source_schema.classes.keys():
+            self.assertIn(
+                schema_class,
+                target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+            )
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Agent", target_schema.classes.keys(), "Derived class 'Agent' is missing in target"
+        )
+        # slots and enums must be exactly the same
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.slots), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.slots)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.enums), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.enums)
+        )
+    def test_full_copy_class(self):
+        """tests copy isomorphism with class derivation"""
+        tr = self.mapper
+        copy_all_directive = {"*": CopyDirective(element_name="*", copy_all=True)}
+        specification = TransformationSpecification(id="test", copy_directives=copy_all_directive)
+        source_schema = tr.source_schemaview.schema
+        derivations = [
+            ClassDerivation(
+                name="Agent", populated_from="Person", copy_directives=copy_all_directive
+            ),
+        ]
+        for derivation in derivations:
+            specification.class_derivations[] = derivation
+        target_schema = tr.derive_schema(specification)
+        # classes must be the same with addition
+        for schema_class in source_schema.classes.keys():
+            self.assertIn(
+                schema_class,
+                target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+            )
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Agent", target_schema.classes.keys(), "Derived class 'Agent' is missing in target"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.classes["Person"].slots),
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.classes["Agent"].slots),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.classes["Person"].attributes),
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.classes["Agent"].attributes),
+        )
+        # slots and enums must be exactly the same
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.slots), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.slots)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.enums), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.enums)
+        )
+    def test_copy_blacklisting(self):
+        """tests copy on a blacklist approach"""
+        tr = self.mapper
+        blacklist = ["Person"]
+        copy_all_directive = {
+            "*": CopyDirective(element_name="*", copy_all=True, exclude=blacklist)
+        }
+        specification = TransformationSpecification(id="test", copy_directives=copy_all_directive)
+        source_schema = tr.source_schemaview.schema
+        derivations = [
+            ClassDerivation(name="Agent", populated_from="Person"),
+        ]
+        for derivation in derivations:
+            specification.class_derivations[] = derivation
+        target_schema = tr.derive_schema(specification)
+        # classes must be the same with addition
+        for schema_class in source_schema.classes.keys():
+            if schema_class in blacklist:
+                self.assertNotIn(
+                    schema_class,
+                    target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                    f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+                )
+            else:
+                self.assertIn(
+                    schema_class,
+                    target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                    f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+                )
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Agent", target_schema.classes.keys(), "Derived class 'Agent' is missing in target"
+        )
+        # slots and enums must be exactly the same
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.slots), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.slots)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            yaml_dumper.dumps(source_schema.enums), yaml_dumper.dumps(target_schema.enums)
+        )
+    def test_copy_whitelisting(self):
+        """tests copy on a whitelist approach"""
+        tr = self.mapper
+        whitelist = ["NamedThing"]
+        whitelist_directive = {
+            "Whitelist": CopyDirective(
+                element_name="*", copy_all=True, exclude_all=True, include=whitelist
+            )
+        }
+        specification = TransformationSpecification(id="test", copy_directives=whitelist_directive)
+        source_schema = tr.source_schemaview.schema
+        derivations = [
+            ClassDerivation(name="Agent", populated_from="Person"),
+        ]
+        for derivation in derivations:
+            specification.class_derivations[] = derivation
+        target_schema = tr.derive_schema(specification)
+        # classes, slots and enums must have only what explicitly included
+        for schema_class in source_schema.classes.keys():
+            if schema_class in whitelist:
+                self.assertIn(
+                    schema_class,
+                    target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                    f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+                )
+            else:
+                self.assertNotIn(
+                    schema_class,
+                    target_schema.classes.keys(),
+                    f"Class '{schema_class}' is missing in target",
+                )
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Agent", target_schema.classes.keys(), "Derived class 'Agent' is missing in target"
+        )
+        for schema_slot in source_schema.slots.keys():
+            if schema_slot in whitelist:
+                self.assertIn(
+                    schema_slot,
+                    target_schema.slots.keys(),
+                    f"Slot '{schema_slot}' is missing in target",
+                )
+            else:
+                self.assertNotIn(
+                    schema_slot,
+                    target_schema.slots.keys(),
+                    f"Slot '{schema_slot}' is missing in target",
+                )
+        for schema_enum in source_schema.enums.keys():
+            if schema_enum in whitelist:
+                self.assertIn(
+                    schema_enum,
+                    target_schema.enums.keys(),
+                    f"Enum '{schema_enum}' is missing in target",
+                )
+            else:
+                self.assertNotIn(
+                    schema_enum,
+                    target_schema.enums.keys(),
+                    f"Enum '{schema_enum}' is missing in target",
+                )
 if __name__ == "__main__":