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Control flow linearity

Wenhao Tang edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 5 revisions

Enable the feature of tracking control-flow linearity by passing the flag -track-control-flow-linearity. It is usually used with --enabled-handlers.

New constructs

New types and kinds:

  • A =@ B is the signature for linear operations (A => B for unlimited operations)
  • Lin is the kind for linear effect variables (Any for effect variables with no linear restriction)

New terms:

  • lindo L invokes the linear operation L
  • case <L =@ r> -> M handles the linear operation L
  • xlin switches the current control flow to linear

Control flow

We use the concept control flow to mean terms that are sequencing evaluated. Control flows carry effects that are invoked by the terms. In other words, the terms on the same control flow share effects. Since Links' effect system is based on row polymorphism, the effect types of all terms on the same control flow are unified.

Function bodies introduce their own control flows. The computations being handled (the M in handle M {...}) also have their own control flows, which will be merged with the control flow outside after being handled.

Control flows are unlimited by default. We are allowed use both unlimited and linear operations, but only unlimited variables. We can switch the current control flow to linear by invoking the keyword xlin. In a linear control flow, we are allowed to use both unlimited and linear variables, but only linear operations. Once the control flow is switched to linear, all invocations of unlimited operations in it (even before xlin) would cause type errors.


  1. We can mix linear and unlimited operations in an unlimited control flow. The anonymous effect variable _ has kind Any by default which can be unified with any operations.

    links> fun() {do U; lindo L};
    fun : () {L:() =@ a,U:() => ()|_}-> a
  2. We can only invoke linear operations in a linear control flow. A linear control flow allows the usage of the linear channel ch. Now the effect variable _ has kind Lin explicitly, which can only be unified with linear operations of signatures =@.

    links> fun(ch:End) {xlin; lindo L; close(ch)};
    fun : (End) {L:() =@ ()|_::Lin}~> ()
  3. We can only handle linear operations using a linear handler (indicated by =@ in the clause) which guarantees the continuation is used exactly once.

    links> handle ({xlin; lindo L + 40}) { case <L =@ r> -> xlin; r(2) };
    42 : Int
  4. We can handle unlimited operations before merging with a linear control flow as long as we guarantee that they are all handled. Note that after handling, the presence variable of Choose and row variable are both linear.

    links> fun(ch:End) { xlin; close(ch); handle ({if (do Choose) 40 else 2}) {case <Choose => r> -> r(true) + r(false)} };
    fun : (End) {Choose{_::Lin}|_::Lin}~> Int
  5. When writing explicit quantifiers, we must explicitly annotate the kinds of row variables using e::Row(Lin) or e::Row(Any). If the subkind is not specified, it means Lin in order to be compatible with variants and records in Links.

    links> sig f:forall e::Row(Any). () {Get:() => Int|e}-> Int fun f() {do Get}; f();
    f = fun : () {Get:() => Int|_}-> Int

Design choices

It is necessary to have xlin for the same reason of having linfun in Links. For example, neither of the following functions has a more general type than the other one.

links> fun(x) {lindo L; x};
fun : (a) {L:() =@ ()|_}-> a
links> fun(x) {xlin; lindo L; x};
fun : (a::Any) {L:() =@ ()|_::Lin}-> a::Any


  • Compatible with all previous handler tests (except part of polymorphic operations and effect sugar).
  • Not entirely compatible with FreezeML, SessionFail, etc.
  • Passes all tests with the flag disabled, except
    • !FAILURE: Operation polymorphism (2)
    • !FAILURE: Operation polymorphism (3)
    • !FAILURE: Typecheck example file examples/handlers/monadic_reflection.links