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5/Flux Module Extension Protocol

This specification describes the format of messages used to load Flux dynamic shared object modules, and the symbols that such modules must define.

  • Name:

  • Editor: Jim Garlick <[email protected]>

  • State: raw


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


Flux components can be extended using dynamic shared object modules. The goals of the Flux Module Extension Protocol are:

  • Define service-neutral message protocol

  • Facilitate reuse of module management utility by multiple services.

  • Modules should self-identify by defining a name symbol

  • Module name should indicate what service/component the module extends.

  • Define mechanism to pass arguments to modules at insertion time.


In this description, "base component" is used to describe any Flux component that is being extended with modules, and "extension module" is used to describe the extension. A Flux component may have both roles; For example, comms modules, introduced in RFC 3, are extension modules that extend the Flux broker base component. When a comms module itself has extension modules, it is also a base component. The design places no limit on the depth of the extension hierarchy; that is, extension modules can have extension modules which can have extension modules, etc..

Extension modules may be implemented as "messaging actors", which execute in their own thread and communicate with the base component exclusively with messages, or as "plugins" that provide a set of well known function entry points that are called from the base component’s thread of control. Both types of extension module define common symbols and can be loaded/unloaded/listed with common management messages and user tools, thus reducing duplication of effort across Flux components. A base component may support one or both types, according to its requirements.

Extension modules are assigned names that indicate their position the extension hierarchy. An extension module with a single word name like "foo" is a comms module; its module extension names have "foo." as a prefix, e.g. ""; its module extension names of "" as a prefix, e.g. "; etc..

Base components with extension modules must handle requests to load, unload, and list their extension modules. For example, a comms module named "foo" would implement request handlers for "foo.insmod", "foo.rmmod", and "foo.lsmod". This allows a single tool to be used to manage extension modules for all Flux components that have them.

Base components that are extended by messaging actor based extension modules should provide message routing services to their extension modules. For example, a request to "" would be delivered to "foo", which should have registered a request handler for "*". That request should be routed by "foo" to "bar", which would send a ping response message back through the same routes taken by the request.

Plugin style extension modules have no communications path to the base component and no thread of control, so they cannot have managed extension modules without a proxy arrangement with the base component.


Extension Module Symbols

A Flux extension module SHALL export the following global symbols:

const char *mod_name;

A null-terminated C string defining the module name. The module name SHALL be structured as set of component names delimited by periods.

int mod_main (void *context, int argc, char **argv);

A C function that SHALL either be the entry point for a thread of control, or an initialization function. This function SHALL return zero to indicate success or -1 to indicate failure. The POSIX errno thread-specific variable should be set to indicate the type of error on failure.

A Flux extension module MAY export the following global symbols:

const char *service_name;

A null-terminated C string defining the service name provided by the module, if different from the module name.

A base component MAY call dlopen() with RTLD_LOCAL flag, then access these symbols with dlsym().

Loading an Extension Module

A base component SHALL load an extension module either as a messaging actor or a plugin.

A messaging actor style extension module SHALL be launched in its own thread or process with a communications socket connected to its base component. In the new thread or process, mod_main() SHALL be called with optional arguments and a handle representing the communications socket. When mod_main() returns, the module thread or process SHALL exit. While the module thread or process is executing, the base component provides message routing services on its behalf.

A plugin style extension module’s mod_main() SHALL be called as an initialization function in the base component’s thread of control. The base component MAY use dlsym() to access service-specific methods.

Monitoring an Extension Module

A messaging actor style extension module SHALL send RFC 3 keepalive messages containing status integers to the base component over its communications socket. Status integers are enumerated as follows:

  • FLUX_MODSTATE_INIT (0) - initializing

  • FLUX_MODSTATE_SLEEPING (1) - sleeping

  • FLUX_MODSTATE_RUNNING (2) - running

  • FLUX_MODSTATE_FINALIZING (3) - finalizing

  • FLUX_MODSTATE_EXITED (4) - mod_main() exited

Keepalive messages SHALL be sent to the base component on each state transition. In addition, keepalive message MAY be sent to the base component at regular intervals. The keepalive errnum field SHALL be zero except when mod_main() returns a value of -1 indicating failure and state transitions to FLUX_MODSTATE_EXITED. In this case errnum SHALL be set to the value of POSIX errno set by mod_main() before returning.

Base components MAY track the number of session heartbeats since an extension module last sent a message to the base component and report this as "idle time" for the extension module.

Unloading an Extension Module

A base component that supports dynamic unloading of messaging actor style extension modules SHALL send a shutdown request to the extension module. In response, the extension module SHALL exit mod_main(), send a keepalive transition to FLUX_MODSTATE_EXITED state, and exit the extension module’s thread or process. This final state transition indicates to the base component that it MAY clean up the thread or process.

Module Management Message Definitions

Module management messages SHALL follow the CMB1 rules described in RFC 3 for requests and responses with JSON payloads.

A base component supporting extension modules SHALL implement the insmod, rmmod, and lsmod methods. A general utility supporting module management SHALL dynamically construct message topic strings by combining the service name with these methods as described in RFC 3.

The base component’s insmod request handler SHALL wait until the state transitions out of FLUX_MODSTATE_INIT before returning a response. If it transitions immediately to FLUX_MODSTATE_EXITED, and the errnum value is nonzero, an error response SHALL be returned as described in RFC 3.

Module management messages are described in detail by the following ABNF grammar:

MODULE          = C:insmod-req S:insmod-rep
                / C:rmmod-req  S:rmmod-rep
                / C:lsmod-req  S:lsmod-rep

; Multi-part zeromq messages
C:insmod-req    = [routing] insmod-topic insmod-json PROTO ; see below for JSON
S:insmod-rep    = [routing] insmod-topic PROTO

C:rmmod-req     = [routing] rmmod-topic rmmod-json PROTO   ; see below for JSON
S:rmmod-rep     = [routing] rmmod-topic PROTO

C:lsmod-req     = [routing] lsmod-topic PROTO
S:lsmod-rep     = [routing] lsmod-topic lsmod-json PROTO   ; see below for JSON

; topic strings are optional service + module operation
insmod-topic    = [service] "insmod"
rmmod-topic     = [service] "rmmod"
lsmod-topic     = [service] "lsmod"
service         = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / ".") "."

; PROTO and [routing] are as defined in RFC 3.

JSON payloads for the above messages are as follows, described using JSON Content Rules

insmod-json {
    "path"     : string,          ; path to module file
    "args"     : [ *: string ]    ; argv array (first element is not special)

rmmod-json {
    "name"     : string,          ; module name

lsmod-obj {
    "name"     : string           ; module name
    "size"     : integer 0..      ; module file size
    "digest"   : string           ; SHA1 digest of module file
    "idle"     : integer 0..      ; comms idle time in heartbeats
    "status"   : integer 0..      ; module state (enumerated above)

lsmod-json {
    "mods"     : [ *lsmod-obj ]