A brief instruction:
Step 1:
- Run ‘read_senti_frames.py” to get a list of frame names with indicated features
- In this case, it read in a folder of manually selected frames with relation to sentience
- To run locally, please remember to change to “path” at the beginning to the local directory address*
- After running ‘read_senti_frames.py”, it generates a file called “sen_output”, it’s a text file including indicated file names with line break
Step 2:
- Run “process_xml_annot.py”
- This file read in the “sen_output” file and a folder of “fulltext”
- This code will detect the cases when the evoked frame names match with the frame names in “sen_output”
- This code will generate a text file “output_list”, it includes four kinds of information:
- (1) name of the annotation text file (2) evoked frame name (3) actual text (4) sentence ID