Confirmed pnpm replaces npm successfully. If the team agrees, we can remove package-lock.json
Move eslint.config.js into tools and still have it work Sluffing fix to "whenever"
Implement airbnb eslint stylistic rules, 0 strictness to start.
Implement PRs
Correctly apply
commits from github.com/daniel-lewis-ab/litegraph.js without borking git history
Switch Project to type:"module"
Set imports and exports and window.* are present/shunted.
Port litegraph.test.js forward to modules (depends on litegraph already being so)
Provide a safe transition stage that doesn't harass
Provide a harassment stage to remove globals by using console.warn in getters
Remove IIFE
Clean up internal issues raised by upgradeShunt.js
Shifted build over to vite, and drop espresso
Shunt migration of ES6 classes along with version so calls to constructors doesn't bomb adopter's code
Enable ES6 classes in LiteGraph
Automated class conversion using lebab
Manual class conversion and movement of methods and properties into classes
Clean up global.X, LiteGraph.X class attachments
Ensure all cases of previously globally available methods are bound to LiteGraph.method()
Ensure all of the previously global variables are in the correct module.
node/Math.js and length bug fixes
Migration of getters and setters to ES6 form
Split litegraph.js into class files
Implemented Console.js, which allows setting level dynamically and can be imported into a local variable console without affecting same globally.
Replace all commented out debug calls with use of console.
Figure out and implement categorization mechanism for messages "I want a higher console level for stuff involving pointer events?"
Deprecate LiteGraph.debug boolean in favor of console mechanism by implementing a console.trace() on get/set.
Establish tests for code functionality using browser hooks and visible indications
TypeScript passes in core with reasonably non-specific but non-any types
AirBnB passes for things that lint:fix automatically and things that may cause actual bugs
This is our first release, and an upgrade to 2016 as a bare minimum for LiteGraph variants. Anyone running pre-2016 will be able to follow these footsteps to catch up to that year, providing a pathway out of legacy.
Determine what our breadcrumb commits are that adopters can stop at, take a breather, and implement changes to catch up. Set those up as such.
Take some time to test out each of the features and see if we're okay with things before releasing it as 1.0
Round table a new ROADMAP for next release.