diff --git a/docs/release-notes/changelog.rst b/docs/release-notes/changelog.rst
index 03fefbd852..3865bef110 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes/changelog.rst
+++ b/docs/release-notes/changelog.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,275 @@
2.x Changelog
+.. changelog:: 2.11.0
+ :date: 2024-08-27
+ .. change:: Use PyJWT instead of python-jose
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3684
+ The functionality in :mod:`litestar.security.jwt` is now backed by
+ `PyJWT `_ instead of
+ `python-jose `_, due to the unclear
+ maintenance status of the latter.
+ .. change:: DTO: Introduce ``forbid_unknown_fields`` config
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3690
+ Add a new config option to :class:`~litestar.dto.config.DTOConfig`:
+ :attr:`~litestar.dto.config.DTOConfig.forbid_unknown_fields`
+ When set to ``True``, a validation error response will be returned if the source
+ data contains fields not defined on the model.
+ .. change:: DTO: Support ``extra="forbid"`` model config for ``PydanticDTO``
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3691
+ For Pydantic models with `extra="forbid" `_
+ in their configuration:
+ .. tab-set::
+ .. tab-item:: Pydantic 2
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class User(BaseModel):
+ model_config = ConfigDict(extra='ignore')
+ name: str
+ .. tab-item:: Pydantic 1
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class User(BaseModel):
+ class Config:
+ extra = "ignore"
+ name: str
+ :attr:`~litestar.dto.config.DTOConfig.forbid_unknown_fields` will be set to ``True`` by default.
+ .. note::
+ It's still possible to override this configuration at the DTO level
+ To facilitate this feature, :meth:`~litestar.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO.get_config_for_model_type`
+ has been added to :class:`~litestar.dto.base_dto.AbstractDTO`, allowing the
+ customization of the base config defined on the DTO factory for a specific model
+ type. It will be called on DTO factory initialization, and receives the concrete
+ DTO model type along side the :class:`~litestar.dto.config.DTOConfig` defined
+ on the base DTO, which it can alter and return a new version to be used within
+ the DTO instance.
+ .. change:: Custom JWT payload classes
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3692
+ Support extending the default :class:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token` class used
+ by the JWT backends decode the payload into.
+ - Add new ``token_cls`` field on the JWT auth config classes
+ - Add new ``token_cls`` parameter to JWT auth middlewares
+ - Switch to using msgspec to convert the JWT payload into instances of the token
+ class
+ .. code-block:: python
+ import dataclasses
+ import secrets
+ from typing import Any, Dict
+ from litestar import Litestar, Request, get
+ from litestar.connection import ASGIConnection
+ from litestar.security.jwt import JWTAuth, Token
+ @dataclasses.dataclass
+ class CustomToken(Token):
+ token_flag: bool = False
+ @dataclasses.dataclass
+ class User:
+ id: str
+ async def retrieve_user_handler(token: CustomToken, connection: ASGIConnection) -> User:
+ return User(id=token.sub)
+ TOKEN_SECRET = secrets.token_hex()
+ jwt_auth = JWTAuth[User](
+ token_secret=TOKEN_SECRET,
+ retrieve_user_handler=retrieve_user_handler,
+ token_cls=CustomToken,
+ )
+ @get("/")
+ def handler(request: Request[User, CustomToken, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ return {"id": request.user.id, "token_flag": request.auth.token_flag}
+ .. change:: Extended JWT configuration options
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3695
+ **New JWT backend fields**
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.accepted_audiences`
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.accepted_issuers`
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.require_claims`
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.verify_expiry`
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.verify_not_before`
+ - :attr:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuth.strict_audience`
+ **New JWT middleware parameters**
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.token_audience`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.token_issuer`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.require_claims`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.verify_expiry`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.verify_not_before`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.JWTAuthenticationMiddleware.strict_audience`
+ **New ``Token.decode`` parameters**
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.audience`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.issuer`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.require_claims`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.verify_exp`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.verify_nbf`
+ - :paramref:`~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode.strict_audience`
+ **Other changes**
+ :meth`Token.decode_payload <~litestar.security.jwt.Token.decode_payload>` has
+ been added to make customization of payload decoding / verification easier
+ without having to re-implement the functionality of the base class method.
+ .. seealso::
+ :doc:`/usage/security/jwt`
+ .. change:: Warn about greedy exclude patterns in middlewares
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3700
+ Raise a warning when a middlewares ``exclude`` pattern greedily matches all
+ paths.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from litestar.middlewares
+ class MyMiddleware(AbstractMiddleware):
+ exclude = ["/", "/home"]
+ async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
+ await self.app(scope, receive, send)
+ Middleware like this would silently be disabled for every route, since the
+ exclude pattern ``/`` matches all paths. If a configuration like this is
+ detected, a warning will now be raised at application startup.
+ .. change:: RFC 9457 *Problem Details* plugin
+ :type: feature
+ :pr: 3323
+ :issue: 3199
+ Add a plugin to support `RFC 9457 `_
+ *Problem Details* responses for error response.
+ :class:`~litestar.plugins.problem_details.ProblemDetailsPlugin` enables to
+ selectively or collectively turn responses with an error status code into
+ *Problem Detail* responses.
+ .. seealso::
+ :doc:`/usage/plugins/problem_details`
+ .. change:: Fix creation of ``FormMultiDict`` in ``Request.form`` to properly handle multi-keys
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3639
+ :issue: 3627
+ Fix https://github.com/litestar-org/litestar/issues/3627 by properly handling
+ the creation of :class:`~litestar.datastructures.FormMultiDict` where multiple
+ values are given for a single key, to make
+ :meth:`~litestar.connection.Request.form` match the behaviour of receiving form
+ data via the ``data`` kwarg inside a route handler.
+ **Before**
+ .. code-block:: python
+ @post("/")
+ async def handler(request: Request) -> Any:
+ return (await request.form()).getall("foo")
+ with create_test_client(handler) as client:
+ print(client.post("/", data={"foo": ["1", "2"]}).json()) # [["1", "2"]]
+ **After**
+ .. code-block:: python
+ @post("/")
+ async def handler(request: Request) -> Any:
+ return (await request.form()).getall("foo")
+ with create_test_client(handler) as client:
+ print(client.post("/", data={"foo": ["1", "2"]}).json()) # ["1", "2"]
+ .. change:: DTO: Fix inconsistent use of strict decoding mode
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3685
+ Fix inconsistent usage of msgspec's ``strict`` mode in the base DTO backend.
+ ``strict=False`` was being used when transferring from builtins, while
+ ``strict=True`` was used transferring from raw data, causing an unwanted
+ discrepancy in behaviour.
+ .. change:: Use path template for prometheus metrics
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3687
+ Changed previous 1-by-1 replacement logic for
+ ``PrometheusMiddleware.group_path=true`` with a more robust and slightly faster
+ solution.
+ .. change:: Ensure OpenTelemetry captures exceptions in the outermost application layers
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3689
+ :issue: 3663
+ A bug was fixed that resulted in exception occurring in the outermost
+ application layer not being captured under the current request span, which led
+ to incomplete traces.
+ .. change:: Fix CSRFMiddleware sometimes setting cookies for excluded paths
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3698
+ :issue: 3688
+ Fix a bug that would cause :class:`~litestar.middleware.csrf.CSRFMiddleware` to
+ set a cookie (which would not be used subsequently) on routes it had been
+ excluded from via a path pattern.
+ .. change:: Make override behaviour consistent between ``signature_namespace`` and ``signature_types``
+ :type: bugfix
+ :pr: 3696
+ :issue: 3681
+ Ensure that adding signature types to ``signature_namespace`` and
+ ``signature_types`` behaves the same way when a name was already present in the
+ namespace.
+ Both will now issue a warning if a name is being overwritten with a different
+ type. If a name is registered again for the same type, no warning will be given.
+ .. note::
+ You can disable this warning globally by setting
.. changelog:: 2.10.0
:date: 2024-07-26
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 31dcc870c0..223e941780 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ maintainers = [
name = "litestar"
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.8,<4.0"
-version = "2.10.0"
+version = "2.11.0"
Blog = "https://blog.litestar.dev"