layout | title | permalink | redirect_from | ||
post |
/docs/http-api |
- Notation
- Overview
- Easy URL
- API Reference
- Backend Provider
- Curl Examples
- Querying information
- Example: querying runtime statistics
In this README:
- denotes a (hostname:port) address of a gateway (any gateway in a given AIS cluster)
- (hostname:port) of a storage target
- (hostname:port) of any node member of the cluster
AIStore supports a growing number and variety of RESTful operations. To illustrate common conventions, let's take a look at the example:
$ curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=config
This command queries one of the AIS nodes (denoted as G-or-T
) for its configuration. The query - as well as most of other control plane queries - results in a JSON-formatted output that can be viewed with any compatible JSON viewer.
Notice the 6 (six) elements that usually accompany any RESTful operation:
- Command line option or flag.
In particular, note the '-X(or
--request) and
-L (
--location) options that
curl` supports. Those are important.
Run curl --help
for help.
- HTTP verb aka method, one of:
In the example, it's a GET but it can also be POST, PUT, and DELETE. For a brief summary of the standard HTTP verbs and their CRUD semantics, see, for instance, this REST API tutorial.
- Hostname (or IPv4 address) and TCP port of one of the AIStore daemons.
Most RESTful operations performed on an AIStore proxy/gateway will likely have a clustered scope. Exceptions may include querying proxy's own configuration via ?what=config
, and more.
- URL path: version of the REST API, RESTful resource that is operated upon, and possibly more forward-slash delimited specifiers.
For example: /v1/cluster where v1
is the currently supported API version and cluster
is the (RESTful) resource. Other resources include (but are not limited to):
RESTful resource | Description |
cluster |
cluster-wide control-plane operation |
daemon (aka node) |
control-plane request to update or query specific AIS daemon (proxy or target). In the documentation, the terms "daemon" and "node" are used interchangeably. |
buckets |
create, destroy, rename, copy, transform (entire) buckets; list objects in a given bucket; get bucket names for a given provider (or all providers); get bucket properties |
objects |
datapath request to GET, PUT and DELETE objects, read their properties |
download |
download external datasets and/or selected files from remote buckets, HDFS, or even specific HTTP locations |
sort |
user-defined distributed shuffle |
and more.
For the most recently updated URL paths, please see:
- URL query, e. g.,
In particular, all API requests that operate on a bucket carry the bucket's specification details in the URL's query. Those details may include backend provider and namespace where an empty backend provider indicates an AIS bucket (with AIStore being, effectively, the default provider) while an empty namespace parameter translates as a global (default) namespace. For exact names of the bucket-specifying URL Query parameters, please refer to this API source.
Combined, all these elements tell the following story. They specify the most generic action (e.g., GET) and designate the target aka "resource" of this action: e. g., an entire cluster or a given AIS node. Further, they may also include context-specific and query string encoded control message to, for instance, distinguish between getting system statistics (
) versus system configuration (?what=config
For developers and first-time users: if you deployed AIS locally having followed these instructions then most likely you will have
as the primary proxy, and generally,http://localhost:808x
for all locally-deployed AIS daemons.
The reference below is "formulated" in
- i.e., usingcurl
command lines. It is possible, however, and often much easier (and, therefore, preferable), to execute the same operations using AIS CLI.
- And finally, HTTP request and response headers
All supported query parameters and all HTTP headers are enumerated and commented in the following two sources, respectively:
"Easy URL" is a simple alternative mapping of the AIS API to handle URLs paths that look as follows:
- GET http(s)://host:port/provider/[bucket[/object]]
- PUT http(s)://host:port/provider/[bucket[/object]],
The capability enables (convenient) usage of your Internet Browser (or curl
, etc. tools). In other words, you can use simple intuitive URLs to execute:
- GET(object)
- PUT(object)
- list-objects(bucket)
- list-buckets
NOTE: rest of this section provides a short summary; please see easy URL readme for background, details, and extended comments.
In other words, the supported URL paths include:
URL | Comment |
/gs/mybucket/myobject |
read, write, delete, and list objects in Google Cloud buckets |
/az/mybucket/myobject |
same, for Azure Blob Storage buckets |
/ais/mybucket/myobject |
AIS buckets |
# Example: GET
$ curl -s -L -X GET 'http://aistore/gs/my-google-bucket/abc-train-0001.tar -o abc-train-0001.tar'
# Using conventional AIS RESTful API, the same exact GET operation will look as follows:
$ curl -s -L -X GET 'http://aistore/v1/objects/my-google-bucket/abc-train-0001.tar?provider=gs -o abc-train-0001.tar'
# Example: PUT
$ curl -s -L -X PUT 'http://aistore/gs/my-google-bucket/abc-train-9999.tar -T /tmp/9999.tar'
# For comparison, the same without using "easy URL":
$ curl -s -L -X PUT 'http://aistore/v1/objects/my-google-bucket/abc-train-9999.tar?provider=gs -T /tmp/9999.tar'
# Example: LIST (i.e., `list-objects`)
$ curl -s -L -X GET 'http://aistore/gs/my-google-bucket' | jq
AIS provides S3 compatibility layer via its "/s3" endpoint. S3 compatibility shall not be confused with "easy URL" mapping, whereby a path (e.g.) "gs/mybucket/myobject" gets replaced with "v1/objects/mybucket/myobject?provider=gcp" with no other changes to the request and response parameters and components.
For detals and additional usage examples, please see easy URL readme.
The entire AIStore RESTful API is substantial in size. It is also constantly growing, which is why this section is structured as several groups of related APIs.
In addition, the rightmost column references AIS api package and the specific Go-based API in it that performs the same operation. Needless to say - simply because we use it ourselves across a variety of Go-based clients and apps, the api package will always contain the most recently updated version of the API.
In other words, AIS api is always current and can be used to lookup the most recently updated version of the RESTful API.
This and the next section reference a variety of URL paths (e.g., /v1/cluster
). For the most recently updated list of all URLs, see:
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Add a node to cluster | POST /v1/cluster/join-by-admin | (to be added) | api.JoinCluster |
Put node in maintenance (that is, safely and temporarily remove the node from the cluster upon rebalancing the node's data between remaining nodes) | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.StartMaintenance |
Take node out of maintenance | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.StopMaintenance |
Decommission a node | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.Decommission |
Decommission entire cluster | PUT {"action": "decommission"} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "decommission"}' 'http://G-primary/v1/cluster' |
api.DecommissionCluster |
Shutdown ais node | PUT {"action": "shutdown-node", "value": {"sid": daemonID}} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "shutdown-node", "value": {"sid": "43888:8083"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
api.ShutdownNode |
Decommission entire cluster | PUT {"action": "decommission"} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "decommission"}' 'http://G-primary/v1/cluster' |
api.DecommissionCluster |
Query cluster health | GET /v1/health | See Probing liveness and readiness section below | api.Health |
Set primary proxy | PUT /v1/cluster/proxy/new primary-proxy-id | curl -i -X PUT 'http://G-primary/v1/cluster/proxy/26869:8080' |
api.SetPrimaryProxy |
Force-Set primary proxy (NOTE: advanced usage only!) | PUT /v1/daemon/proxy/proxyID | curl -i -X PUT -G 'http://G-primary/v1/daemon/proxy/23ef189ed' --data-urlencode "frc=true" --data-urlencode "can=http://G-new-designated-primary" 6 |
api.SetPrimaryProxy |
Get cluster configuration | GET /v1/cluster | See Querying information section below | api.GetClusterConfig |
Get BMD ("bucket metadata") |
GET /v1/cluster or GET /v1/daemon | See Querying information section below | api.GetBMD |
Set cluster-wide configuration via JSON message (proxy) | PUT {"action": "set-config", "name": "some-name", "value": "other-value"} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "set-config","name": "stats_time", "value": "1s"}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' • Note below the alternative way to update cluster configuration • For the list of named options, see runtime configuration |
api.SetClusterConfigUsingMsg |
Set cluster-wide configuration via URL query | PUT /v1/cluster/set-config/?name1=value1&name2=value2&... | curl -i -X PUT 'http://G/v1/cluster/set-config?stats_time=33s&log.loglevel=4' • Allows to update multiple values in one shot • For the list of named configuration options, see runtime configuration |
api.SetClusterConfig |
Reset cluster-wide configuration | PUT {"action": "reset-config"} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "reset-config"}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
api.ResetClusterConfig |
Shutdown cluster | PUT {"action": "shutdown"} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "shutdown"}' 'http://G-primary/v1/cluster' |
api.ShutdownCluster |
Rebalance cluster | PUT {"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "rebalance"}} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "rebalance"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
api.StartXaction |
Resilver cluster | PUT {"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "resilver"}} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "resilver"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
api.StartXaction |
Abort global (automated or manually started) rebalance (proxy) | PUT {"action": "stop", "value": {"kind": "rebalance"}} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "stop", "value": {"kind": "rebalance"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
Remove storage target from the cluster (NOTE: advanced usage only - use Maintenance API instead!) | DELETE /v1/cluster/daemon/daemonID | curl -i -X DELETE 'http://G/v1/cluster/daemon/15205:8083' |
n/a |
Join storage target (NOTE: advanced usage only - use JoinCluster API instead!) | POST /v1/cluster/register | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"daemon_type": "target", "node_ip_addr": "", "daemon_port": "8083", "direct_url": ""}' 'http://localhost:8083/v1/cluster/register' |
n/a |
Join proxy (aka "gateway") | POST /v1/cluster/register | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"daemon_type": "proxy", "node_ip_addr": "", "daemon_port": "8083", "direct_url": ""}' 'http://localhost:8083/v1/cluster/register' |
n/a |
Get Cluster Map | (to be added) | See Querying information section below | api.GetClusterMap |
Get Cluster Map from a specific node (any node in the cluster) | See Querying information section below | (to be added) | api.GetNodeClusterMap |
Get Cluster System information | GET /v1/cluster | See Querying information section below | api.GetClusterSysInfo |
Get Cluster statistics | GET /v1/cluster | See Querying information section below | api.GetClusterStats |
Get remote AIS-cluster information (access URL, primary gateway, cluster map version and more) | GET /v1/cluster | See Querying information section below | api.GetRemoteAIS |
Attach remote AIS cluster | PUT /v1/cluster/attach | (to be added) | api.AttachRemoteAIS |
Detach remote AIS cluster | PUT /v1/cluster/detach | (to be added) | api.DetachRemoteAIS |
The operations that are limited in scope to a single specified node and that usually require node ID:
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Get node log | GET /v1/daemon | See Querying information section below | api.GetDaemonLog |
Resilver storage target | PUT {"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "resilver", "node": targetID}} /v1/cluster | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "start", "value": {"kind": "resilver", "node": "43888:8083"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster' |
api.StartXaction |
Get target IO (aka disk) statistics | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetTargetDiskStats |
Get node log | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetDaemonLog |
Get node status | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetDaemonStatus |
Get node config | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetDaemonConfig |
Set node configuration | PUT /v1/daemon/set-config/?name1=value1&name2=value2&... | curl -i -X PUT 'http://G-or-T/v1/daemon/set-config?stats_time=33s&log.loglevel=4' • Allows to update multiple values in one shot • For the list of named configuration options, see runtime configuration |
api.SetDaemonConfig |
Reset node configuration | PUT {"action": "reset-config"} /v1/daemon | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "reset-config"}' 'http://G-or-T/v1/daemon' |
api.ResetDaemonConfig |
Get target IO (aka disk) statistics | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetTargetDiskStats |
Set (i.e., update) node config | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.SetDaemonConfig |
Reset AIS node configuration | PUT {"action": "reset-config"} /v1/daemon | curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "reset-config"}' 'http://G-or-T/v1/daemon' |
api.ResetDaemonConfig |
In this section, two quick curl
examples. Notice response headers that show both the cluster and the responding node's respective uptimes (in nanoseconds):
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080//v1/health
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Ais-Cluster-Uptime: 295433144686
Ais-Node-Uptime: 310453738871
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2022 14:11:57 GMT
Content-Length: 0
And here's a health probe executed during cluster startup:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080//v1/health?prr=true
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Ais-Cluster-Uptime: 5578879646
Ais-Node-Uptime: 20603416072
Content-Type: application/json
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2022 14:17:59 GMT
Content-Length: 221
{"message":"p[lgGp8080] primary is not ready yet to start rebalance (started=true, starting-up=true)","method":"GET","url_path":"//v1/health","remote_addr":"","caller":"","node":"p[lgGp8080]","status":503}
An additional query parameter prr=true
requests (an additional) check whether the cluster is ready to rebalance itself upon any membership changes.
Unless cluster rebalancing was previously interrupted, there's usually a few seconds interval of time between the following two events:
- ready to run traffic
- ready to run traffic and, simultaneously, globally rebalance if new nodes join (or existing nodes leave) the cluster
To the (fully expected) question of where the prr
query comes from - all supported query parameters and all HTTP headers are enumerated and commented in the following two sources:
Special subset of node operations (see previous section) to manage disks attached to specific storage target. The corresponding AIS abstraction is called mountpath.
These APIs also require specific node ID (to identify the target in the cluster to operate on):
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Get target's mountpath info | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetMountpaths |
Attach mountpath | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.AddMountpath |
Remove mountpath | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.RemoveMountpath |
Enable mountpath | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.EnableMountpath |
Disable mountpath | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.DisableMountpath |
Many of the operations on buckets and objects support numerous options. Not all of these options are listed in the table below; in fact, the table may serve as a quick summary but may also lag behind the latest released version of AIStore.
Thirdly, some of the operations are further documented in separate sections below, including:
and more.
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
List buckets aka list-buckets (not to confuse with list-objects below) |
GET {"action": "list"} /v1/buckets/ | curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/' . More examples in the section Listing buckets below |
api.ListBuckets |
Create bucket | POST {"action": "create-bck"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "create-bck"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' |
api.CreateBucket |
Destroy bucket | DELETE {"action": "destroy-bck"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "destroy-bck"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' |
api.DestroyBucket |
Rename ais bucket | POST {"action": "move-bck"} /v1/buckets/from-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "move-bck" }' 'http://G/v1/buckets/from-name?bck=<bck>&bckto=<to-bck>' |
api.RenameBucket |
Copy bucket | POST {"action": "copy-bck"} /v1/buckets/from-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "copy-bck", }}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/from-name?bck=<bck>&bckto=<to-bck>' |
api.CopyBucket |
Rename/move object (ais buckets only) | POST {"action": "rename", "name": new-name} /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -i -X POST -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "rename", "name": "dir2/DDDDDD"}' 'http://G/v1/objects/mybucket/dir1/CCCCCC' 3 |
api.RenameObject |
Check if an object from a remote bucket is present | HEAD /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -s -L --head 'http://G/v1/objects/mybucket/myobject?check_cached=true' |
api.HeadObject |
GET object | GET /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -s -L -X GET 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject?provider=s3' -o myobject 1 |
api.GetObject , api.GetObjectWithValidation , api.GetObjectReader , api.GetObjectWithResp |
Read range | GET /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Range: bytes=1024-1535' 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject?provider=s3' -o myobject Note: For more information about the HTTP Range header, see this |
`` |
List objects (list-objects ) in a given bucket |
GET {"action": "list", "value": { properties-and-options... }} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -X GET -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list", "value":{"props": "size"}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/myS3bucket' 2 |
api.ListObjects (see also api.ListObjectsPage and section Listing objects below |
Get bucket properties | HEAD /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -s -L --head 'http://G/v1/buckets/mybucket' |
api.HeadBucket |
Get object props | HEAD /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -s -L --head 'http://G/v1/objects/mybucket/myobject' |
api.HeadObject |
Set object's custom (user-defined) properties | PATCH /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -i -L -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value": {"key": "value"}}' 'http://G/v1/objects/bucket/object' |
api.SetObjectCustomProps |
PUT object | PUT /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -s -L -X PUT 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject' -T filenameToUpload |
api.PutObject |
APPEND to object | PUT /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name?append_type=append&append_handle= | curl -s -L -X PUT 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject?append_type=append&append_handle=' -T filenameToUpload-partN 8 |
api.AppendObject |
Finalize APPEND | PUT /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name?append_type=flush&append_handle=obj-handle | curl -s -L -X PUT 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject?append_type=flush&append_handle=obj-handle' 8 |
api.FlushObject |
Delete object | DELETE /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -i -X DELETE -L 'http://G/v1/objects/mybucket/myobject' |
api.DeleteObject |
Set bucket properties (proxy) | PATCH {"action": "set-bprops"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"set-bprops", "value": {"checksum": {"type": "sha256"}, "mirror": {"enable": true}, "force": false}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 9 |
api.SetBucketProps |
Reset bucket properties (proxy) | PATCH {"action": "reset-bprops"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"reset-bprops"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' |
api.ResetBucketProps |
Evict object | DELETE '{"action": "evict-listrange"}' /v1/objects/bucket-name/object-name | curl -i -X DELETE -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "evict-listrange"}' 'http://G/v1/objects/mybucket/myobject' |
api.EvictObject |
Evict remote bucket | DELETE {"action": "evict-remote-bck"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "evict-remote-bck"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/myS3bucket' |
api.EvictRemoteBucket |
Promote file or directory | POST {"action": "promote", "name": "/home/user/dirname", "value": {"target": "234ed78", "recurs": true, "keep": true}} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"promote", "name":"/user/dir", "value": {"target": "234ed78", "trim_prefix": "/user/", "recurs": true, "keep": true} }' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 7 |
api.PromoteFileOrDir |
Example 1. List all buckets in the global namespace:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets' | jq
"name": "abc",
"provider": "ais",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "",
"name": ""
"name": "jonh-s3-bucket",
"provider": "aws",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "",
"name": ""
"name": "my-gs-bucket",
"provider": "gcp",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "",
"name": ""
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets?presence=2' | jq
"name": "abc",
"provider": "ais",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "",
"name": ""
"name": "my-gs-bucket",
"provider": "gcp",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "",
"name": ""
The presence=
query parameter tells AIStore to look only for the buckets that are present in the AIS bucket metadata called BMD
Remote buckets (such as, for instance, s3://jonh-s3-bucket
above) may not be present but they will still be fully accessible - both readable and writeable, assuming, of course, that the cluster is provided with right credentials.
That's because AIS supports on-the-fly bucket creation. When user references a new bucket, AIS looks it up behind the scenes, confirms its existence and accessibility, and updates its own cluster-wide global metadata that contains bucket definitions, associated management policies, and properties.
Further, all supported query parameters are enumerated and commented in the following source:
In the two examples below, we list buckets in the remote AIS cluster that we have previously attached (which is not shown here). We have attached it and called remais
In other words, remais
in this example is, simultaneously, a user-given name to reference remote AIS cluster, and a namespace for this cluster's buckets - all of them.
# 3.1. List remote ais://@remais/... buckets that are present in our cluster:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets?provider=ais&namespace=@remais&presence=2' | jq
"name": "abc",
"provider": "ais",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "ihGdxzrC3",
"name": ""
The result (above) translates as `ais://@remais/abc` or - same - `ais://@ihGdxzrC3/abc`.
This is the only bucket from the remote AIS cluster with UUID "ihGdxzrC3" that we currently have in our cluster.
# 3.2. List all remote ais://@remais/... buckets:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets?provider=ais&namespace=@remais' | jq
"name": "abc",
"provider": "ais",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "remais",
"name": ""
"name": "xyz",
"provider": "ais",
"namespace": {
"uuid": "remais",
"name": ""
The results include two remote buckets: ais://@remais/abc
and ais://@remais/xyz
And again, to read, write and otherwise reference these buckets we could (in this case) use @remais
and @ihGdxzrC3
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets/abc?provider=ais' | jq
"uuid": "J-6ynHbFVx",
"continuation_token": "",
"entries": [
"name": "LICENSE",
"checksum": "ed5b3e74f9f3516a",
"atime": "09 Nov 22 18:52 EST",
"size": "1075",
"flags": 64
"flags": 0
As far as "numerous supported options", JSON message '{"action": "list"}' in the curl
command line translates as:
"action": "list",
"value": {
"props": "name, size",
"pagesize": 0,
"flags": "0",
"uuid": "",
"time_format ":"",
"prefix": "",
"target": "",
Each of these value fields - "props", "flags", etc. - has its own utility. For closely related reference, see e.g.:
Example 2. Same as above using alternative easy URL notation:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list"}' 'http://localhost:8080/ais/abc' | jq
Example 3. Compare the following two curl
commands that look almost identical but produce different results.
But first, let's do this:
$ ais put LICENSE gs://nv
$ ais object evict gs://nv/LICENSE
And now, use curl
to list objects in a Cloud bucket called gs://nv
# 3.1. List only those objects that are _present_ or (same) cached in the cluster:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list", "value": {"flags": "1"}}' 'http://localhost:8080/gs/nv' | jq
"uuid": "P0CeeasVj",
"continuation_token": "",
"entries": null,
"flags": 0
# 3.2. List _all_ objects:
$ curl -s -L -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "list", "value": {"flags": "0"}}' 'http://localhost:8080/gs/nv' | jq
"uuid": "Tk0eebFnx",
"continuation_token": "",
"entries": [
"name": "LICENSE",
"checksum": "f70a21a0c5fa26a93820b0bef5be7619",
"version": "1668040083889738",
"size": "1075"
"flags": 0
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Erasure code entire bucket | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.ECEncodeBucket |
Configure bucket as n-way mirror | POST {"action": "make-n-copies", "value": n} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"make-n-copies", "value": 2}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' |
api.MakeNCopies |
Enable erasure coding protection for all objects (proxy) | POST {"action": "ec-encode"} /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"ec-encode"}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' |
(to be added) |
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Prefetch a list of objects | POST '{"action":"prefetch", "value":{"objnames":"[o1[,o]]"}}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"prefetch", "value":{"objnames":["o1","o2","o3"]}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.PrefetchList |
Prefetch a range of objects | POST '{"action":"prefetch", "value":{"template":"your-prefix{min..max}" }}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"prefetch", "value":{"template":"__tst/test-{1000..2000}"}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.PrefetchRange |
Delete a list of objects | DELETE '{"action":"delete", "value":{"objnames":"[o1[,o]]"}}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"delete", "value":{"objnames":["o1","o2","o3"]}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.DeleteList |
Delete a range of objects | DELETE '{"action":"delete", "value":{"template":"your-prefix{min..max}"}}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"delete", "value":{"template":"__tst/test-{1000..2000}"}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.DeleteRange |
(to be added) | (to be added) | ||
Evict a list of objects | DELETE '{"action":"evictobj", "value":{"objnames":"[o1[,o]]"}}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"evictobj", "value":{"objnames":["o1","o2","o3"]}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.EvictList |
Evict a range of objects | DELETE '{"action":"evictobj", "value":{"template":"your-prefix{min..max}"}}' /v1/buckets/bucket-name | curl -i -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"evictobj", "value":{"template":"__tst/test-{1000..2000}"}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/abc' 4 |
api.EvictRange |
Copy multiple objects from bucket to bucket | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.CopyMultiObj |
Copy and, simultaneously, transform multiple objects (i.e., perform user-defined offline transformation) | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.ETLMultiObj |
Working with archives (TAR, TGZ, ZIP, MessagePack)
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Create multi-object archive or append multiple objects to an existing one | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.CreateArchMultiObj |
APPEND to an existing archive | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.AppendToArch |
List archived content | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.ListObjects and friends |
The term we use in the code and elsewhere is xaction - a shortcut for eXtended action. For definition and further references, see:
Operation | HTTP action | Example | Go API |
Start xaction | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.StartXaction |
Abort xaction | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.AbortXaction |
Get xaction stats by ID | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetXactionStatsByID |
Query xaction stats | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.QueryXactionStats |
Get xaction status | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.GetXactionStatus |
Wait for xaction to finish | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.WaitForXaction |
Wait for xaction to become idle | (to be added) | (to be added) | api.WaitForXactionIdle |
Any storage bucket that AIS handles may originate in a 3rd party Cloud, or in another AIS cluster, or - the 3rd option - be created (and subsequently filled-in) in the AIS itself. But what if there's a pair of buckets, a Cloud-based and, separately, an AIS bucket that happen to share the same name? To resolve all potential naming, and (arguably, more importantly) partition namespace with respect to both physical isolation and QoS, AIS introduces the concept of provider.
- Backend Provider - an abstraction, and simultaneously an API-supported option, that allows to delineate between "remote" and "local" buckets with respect to a given AIS cluster.
Backend provider is realized as an optional parameter across all AIStore APIs that handle access to user data and bucket configuration. The list (of those APIs) includes GET, PUT, DELETE and Range/List operations. For supported backend providers, please refer to backend providers and/or Buckets: introduction and detailed overview documents.
For even more information, CLI examples, and the most recent updates, please see:
# List a given AWS bucket
$ curl -s -L -X GET 'http://G/v1/objects/myS3bucket/myobject?provider=aws'
# Using locally deployed AIS, get archived file from a remote named tar:
$ curl -s -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/myGCPbucket/train-1234.tar?provider=gcp&archpath=567.jpg' --output /tmp/567.jpg
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 201 100 201 0 0 196k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 196k
100 44327 100 44327 0 0 2404k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2404k
$ file /tmp/567.jpg
/tmp/567.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 294x312, frames 3
And here's another (somewhat more involved) example that ties an existing AIS bucket ais://nnn
to a remote backend called (in this case) gs://cloud_bucket
$ curl -i -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action":"set-bprops", "value": {"backend_bck":{"name":"cloud_bucket", "provider":"gcp"}}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/nnn'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 17:42:47 GMT
Content-Length: 0
# Next, we PUT directly into gs://cloud_bucket and then check the result via ais://nnn
$ ais ls gs://cloud_bucket -H | wc -l
$ ais put gs://cloud_bucket
PUT "" to gcp://cloud_bucket
$ ais ls ais://nnn
# List with Google version and checksum:
$ ais ls ais://nnn --props name,size,checksum,version
NAME SIZE CHECKSUM VERSION 9.97KiB a56d5e9f313480b7bbe41256012fb7b0 1658425395717602
A typical query is a GET request that includes ?what=<...>
(HTTP) query. For the most recently updated what=
enumeration, see:
Notice that many cluster-level operations can be designated to both the entire cluster or any specific node. For instance, for the current cluster map we can use GET /v1/cluster?what=smap
and GET /v1/daemon?what=smap
. This is because each node in the cluster would have a replica (of the map), and it also may be useful to find out the current cluster map of the node that's joining right now, and so on.
Querying statistics would be another typical example whereby GET /v1/daemon?what=stats
reports runtime stats of a specific node, while GET /v1/cluster?what=stats
returns a combined JSON table that includes all of the above.
Table-summary follows below but first, let's look at examples.
For instance, if we want to show all remote clusters attached to our cluster, we do something like:
$ curl -s -L http://localhost:8080//v1/cluster?what=remote | jq
"a": [
"url": "",
"alias": "remais",
"uuid": "cKEuiUYz-l",
"smap": {
"pmap": {
"Cifp11080": {
"public_net": {
"node_ip_addr": "",
"daemon_port": "11080",
"direct_url": ""
"daemon_type": "target",
"daemon_id": "pWWt11081",
"flags": 0
"uuid": "cKEuiUYz-l",
"creation_time": "2022-11-08 09:07:08.009409455 -0500 EST m=+16.021127017",
"version": "14"
"ver": 3
The result in this case includes the cluster's URL, alias, UUID and Smap - for each remote cluster.
Another useful query could be retrieving log information from any selected node (notice /daemon
in the URL path):
curl -s -L -i http://localhost:8081//v1/daemon?what=log | less
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2022 17:03:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Started up at 2023/11/08 02:34:35, host ais-target-13, go1.21.4 for linux/amd64
W 02:34:35.701629 config:1238 control and data share one intra-cluster network (ais-target-13.ais.svc.cluster.local)
I 02:34:35.701785 config:1755 log.dir: "/var/log/ais"; l4.proto: tcp; pub port: 51081; verbosity: 3
I 02:34:35.701791 config:1757 config: "/etc/ais/.ais.conf"; stats_time: 10s; authentication: false; backends: [aws]
I 02:34:35.701811 daemon:195 Version, build time 2023-11-08T00:05:16+0000, debug false, CPUs(256, runtime=256), containerized
I 02:34:35.702060 init:42 Checking (HOSTNAME: "ais-target-13")
I 02:34:35.721086 init:60 K8s spec: NodeName Hostname ais-target-13 HostNetwork false
I 02:34:54.772574 htrun:1916 t[DfooZbarT] via primary health: cluster startup Ok, Smap v34[t=10, p=10]
This (log observing operation) could be especially handy for (low-level) troubleshooting of any kind. Just another tool to use.
Following is a brief summary of the majority of supported monitoring operations that query the current state and status of both the entire cluster (via /cluster
URL) or any given node (via /daemon
Query | HTTP action | Example |
Cluster map | GET /v1/cluster | curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=smap |
Cluster map | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G/v1/daemon?what=smap |
Node configuration | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=config |
Remote clusters | GET /v1/cluster | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/cluster?what=remote |
Node information | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=snode |
Node status | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=status |
Cluster statistics (proxy) | GET /v1/cluster | curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=stats |
Node statistics | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://T/v1/daemon?what=stats |
System info for all nodes in cluster | GET /v1/cluster | curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=sysinfo |
Node system info | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=sysinfo |
Node log | GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://G-or-T/v1/daemon?what=log |
Get xactions' statistics (proxy) More | GET /v1/cluster | curl -i -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "stats", "name": "xactionname", "value":{"bucket":"bckname"}}' 'http://G/v1/cluster?what=xaction' |
List of target's filesystems | GET /v1/daemon?what=mountpaths | curl -X GET http://T/v1/daemon?what=mountpaths |
List of all target filesystems | GET /v1/cluster?what=mountpaths | curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=mountpaths |
Comma-separated list of IPs of all targets (compare with ?what=snode above) |
GET /v1/cluster | curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=target_ips |
BMD (bucket metadata) |
GET /v1/daemon | curl -X GET http://T/v1/daemon?what=bmd |
$ curl -X GET http://G/v1/cluster?what=stats
Execution flow for this single command causes intra-cluster broadcast whereby requesting proxy (which could be any proxy in the cluster) consolidates all results from all other nodes in a JSON-formatted output. The latter contains both http proxy and storage targets request counters, per-target used/available capacitiesand more. For example:
More usage examples can be found in the README that describes AIS configuration.
For API Reference of ETL please refer to ETL Readme
1) This will fetch the object "myS3object" from the bucket "myS3bucket". Notice the -L - this option must be used in all AIStore supported commands that read or write data - usually via the URL path /v1/objects/. For more on the -L and other useful options, see Everything curl: HTTP redirect. ↩
2) See the List Objects section for details. ↩
3) Notice the -L option here and elsewhere. ↩
4) See the List/Range Operations section for details.
5) The request returns an HTTP status code 204 if the mountpath is already enabled/disabled or 404 if mountpath was not found. ↩
6) Advanced usage only. Use it to reassign the primary role administratively or if a cluster ever gets in a so-called split-brain mode. ↩
7) The request promotes files to objects; note that the files must be present inside AIStore targets and be referenceable via local directories or fully qualified names. The example request promotes recursively all files of a directory /user/dir
that is on the target with ID 234ed78
to objects of a bucket abc
. As trim_prefix
is set, the names of objects are the file paths with the base trimmed: dir/file1
, dir/file2
, dir/subdir/file3
etc. ↩
8) When putting the first part of an object, append_handle
value must be empty string or omitted. On success, the first request returns an object handle. The subsequent AppendObject
and FlushObject
requests must pass the handle to the API calls. The object gets accessible and appears in a bucket only after FlushObject
is done.
9) Use option "force": true
to ignore non-critical errors. E.g, to modify ec.objsize_limit
when EC is already enabled, or to enable EC if the number of target is less than ec.data_slices + ec.parity_slices + 1
. ↩