Here you find the details of the steps to deploy the blue green deployment pattern. The reference implementation is based on the existing secure baseline implementation with the addition of new data structure to add abstraction to manage multiple AKS clusters, in this case 2 AKS clusters, the blue and green, and additional supporting azure resources like: Application Gateway and Public DNS Zone.
The new introduced data structures are:
- Application Gateway map to deploy the blue and green Application Gateways, there is a one to one mapping between the AKS clusters and Application Gateways due to the adoption of the AGIC addon for AKS. Below is data structure and related documentation. By default only the blue application gateway is deployed.
locals {
Map of the azure application gateway to deploy
appgws = {
"appgw_blue" = {
prefix used to configure uniques names and parameter values
Boolean flag that enable or disable the deployment of the specific application gateway
"appgw_green" = {
- The other map structure is dedicated to the AKS clusters. Below the data structure and related documentation. By default only the blue AKS cluster is deployed.
locals {
Map of the AKS Clusters to deploy
aks_clusters = {
"aks_blue" = {
prefix used to configure unique names and parameter values
Boolean flag that enable or disable the deployment of the specific AKS cluster
The kubernetes version to use on the cluster
Reference Name to the Application gateway that need to be associated to the AKS Cluster with the AGIC add-on
"aks_green" = {
As part of the blue green deployment there is the configuration of 3 hostnames required to implement the pattern:
- Public facing hostname, the one used by the end users of the workloads/apps hosted into the clusters
- blue cluster hostname, that is dedicated for the internal validation
- green cluster hostname, that is dedicated for the internal validation
The tasks to test a blue green deployment can be summarized as follow:
- T0: Blue Cluster is On, this means:
- "blue cluster" and "blue app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- "green cluster" and "green app gateway" with aks_turn_on=false and appgw_turn_on=false
- A record mapped with the PIP of the Blue Application Gateway This is where you end up if you follow the steps in the default scenario Getting Started with the default values
- T1: Green Cluster Deployment
- "blue cluster" and "blue app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- "green cluster" and "green app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- A record mapped with the PIP of the Blue Application Gateway
- T2: Sync K8S State between Blue and Green clusters
- T3: Traffic Switch to the green cluster
- "blue cluster" and "blue app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- "green cluster" and "green app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- A record mapped with the PIP of the Green Application Gateway
- T4: Blue cluster is destroyed
- "blue cluster" and "blue app gateway" with aks_turn_on=false and appgw_turn_on=false
- "green cluster" and "green app gateway" with aks_turn_on=true and appgw_turn_on=true
- A record mapped with the PIP of the Green Application Gateway
Follow the steps starting here to deploy the private cluster using the default values if you haven't already but do not deploy the workload (stage 08).
⚠️ Do not deploy the fruit smoothie application highlighted in step The default values are:
- in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\05-Network-LZ\"
locals {
appgws = {
"appgw_blue" = {
"appgw_green" = {
- in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\07-AKS-cluster\"
locals {
aks_clusters = {
"aks_blue" = {
"aks_green" = {
This stage is required only for the blue green deployment.
The following will be created:
- A Records
Navigate to "/Scenarios/BlueGreen-Deployment-for-AKS/Deployment/Deploy-DNS-Records" folder
cd ./Scenarios/BlueGreen-Deployment-for-AKS/Deployment/Deploy-DNS-Records
This deployment will need to reference data objects from the Spoke deployment and will need access to the pre-existing terraform state file. This data is stored in an Azure storage account accessible through an access key. This is a sensitive variable and should not be committed to the code repo.
Once again, a sample terraform.tfvars.sample file is included. Update the required variables, save it and rename it to terraform.tfvars.
Once the files are updated, deploy using Terraform Init, Plan and Apply.
terraform init -backend-config="resource_group_name=$TFSTATE_RG" -backend-config="storage_account_name=$STORAGEACCOUNTNAME" -backend-config="container_name=$CONTAINERNAME"
terraform plan
terraform apply
If you get an error about changes to the configuration, go with the -reconfigure
flag option.
After the deployment if the Landing Zone, install a sample application to test the deployment. The sample application to use is stored in the file "Scenarios/BlueGreen-Deployment-for-AKS/Deployment/sample-workload-for-agic-test.yaml".
cd ..
az aks command invoke --resource-group $ClusterRGName --name $ClusterName --command "kubectl apply -f sample-workload-for-agic-test.yaml "
As an alternative you can run the kubectl command directly from the Linux jump box access of the BastionHost provisioned as part in the hub network.
As prerequisite to check deployment of the sample application is required to configure the NSG associated to the Application Gateway. In detail the NSG needs to accept traffic on port 80 if using the HTTP option. Run the following command to allow HTTP.
APPGWSUBNSG=<Name of NSG for AppGwy>
az network nsg rule create -g $SPOKERG --nsg-name $APPGWSUBNSG -n AllowHTTPInbound --priority 1000 \
--source-address-prefixes '*' --source-port-ranges '*' \
--destination-address-prefixes '*' --destination-port-ranges 80 --access Allow \
--protocol Tcp --description "Allow Inbound traffic through the Application Gateway on port 80"
This configuration is only for testing purpose, for production workloads is strongly suggested to use HTTPS.
If you have deployed the public dns zone that is part of AKS-Supporting, than you can test the deployment, executing an invocation to the sample app.
curl http://{hostname-app}.{public_domain}/
If the azure public dns zone is not attached to the domain, than is possible to test the app endpoint with the following command.
curl -H "Host: {hostname-app}.{public_domain}" http://{app-gateway-pip}/
At this stage is required to perform the following action to deploy the new green cluster in co-existence with the blue one.
- Run the flow mentioned here again, with the following configuration in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\05-Network-LZ\"
locals {
appgws = {
"appgw_blue" = {
"appgw_green" = {
- Run the flow mentioned here, with the following configuration in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\07-AKS-cluster\"
locals {
aks_clusters = {
"aks_blue" = {
"aks_green" = {
In our case, this means deploying the sample workload and related K8S resources in the green cluster.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $ClusterRGName --name $GreenClusterName
az aks command invoke --resource-group $ClusterRGName --name $GreenClusterName --command "kubectl apply -f sample-workload-for-agic-test.yaml "
after the deployment you can test the application with the following command.
curl -H "Host: {hostname-app-green}.{public_domain}" http://{app-gateway-pip}/
where app-gateway-pip is the public ip of the green application gateway. If the validation is ok, than the new cluster can be promoted as new production/stable cluster. Follow the instruction described in the next section.
In this step is required to update the DNS A Record in order to switch the traffic to the PIP assigned to the green cluster. You need to run the flow describe here with the following variable in input.
arecords_apps_map = {
"testapp" = {
Than you can test that the switch is performed with the following command.
curl http://{hostname-app}.{public_domain}/
If the validation is ok than you can move to the last step
At this stage you can destroy the blue AKS cluster and Application Gateway attached to it. This means:
- Run the flow mentioned here, with the following configuration in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\07-AKS-cluster\"
locals {
aks_clusters = {
"aks_blue" = {
"aks_green" = {
- Run again the flow mentioned here, with the following configuration in the file "Scenarios\AKS-Secure-Baseline-PrivateCluster\Terraform\05-Network-LZ\"
locals {
appgws = {
"appgw_blue" = {
"appgw_green" = {
Navigate to the "Scenarios\BlueGreen-Deployment-for-AKS\Deployment\Deploy-DNS-Records" folder and delete the DNS records you created first.
terrform init
terraform destroy
Clean up the rest of the resources you deployed using the instructions in the link below.