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A collection of Neural Network Models for potential building

Density Functional Theory Method

  • DeePKS, DeePHF
    DeePKS-kit is a program to generate accurate energy functionals for quantum chemistry systems, for both perturbative scheme (DeePHF) and self-consistent scheme (DeePKS).

  • NeuralXC
    Implementation of a machine learned density functional.

  • MOB-ML
    Machine Learning for Molecular Orbital Theory.

  • DM21
    Pushing the Frontiers of Density Functionals by Solving the Fractional Electron Problem.

    Completing density functional theory by machine-learning hidden messages from molecules.

  • FemiNet
    FermiNet is a neural network for learning highly accurate ground state wavefunctions of atoms and molecules using a variational Monte Carlo approach.

  • DeePQMC
    DeepQMC implements variational quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in molecules, using deep neural networks written in PyTorch as trial wave functions.

  • PauliNet
    PauliNet builds upon HF or CASSCF orbitals as a physically meaningful baseline and takes a neural network approach to the SJB wavefunction in order tocorrect this baseline towards a high-accuracy solution.

  • DeePErwin
    DeepErwin is python package that implements and optimizes wave function models for numerical solutions to the multi-electron Schrödinger equation.

  • Jax-DFT
    JAX-DFT implements one-dimensional density functional theory (DFT) in JAX. It uses powerful JAX primitives to enable JIT compilation, automatical differentiation, and high-performance computation on GPUs.

  • sns-mp2
    Improving the accuracy of Moller-Plesset perturbation theory with neural networks

  • DeepH-pack
    Deep neural networks for density functional theory Hamiltonian.

  • kdft
    The Kernel Density Functional (KDF) code allows generating ML based DFT functionals.

  • ML-DFT
    ML-DFT: Machine learning for density functional approximations This repository contains the implementation for the kernel ridge regression based density functional approximation method described in the paper "Quantum chemical accuracy from density functional approximations via machine learning".

  • D4FT(only arxiv, the github usl seems closed)
    this work proposed a deep learning approach to KS-DFT. First, in contrast to the conventional SCF loop, directly minimizing the total energy by reparameterizing the orthogonal constraint as a feed-forward computation. They prove that such an approach has the same expressivity as the SCF method yet reduces the computational complexity from O(N^4) to O(N^3)

  • SchOrb Unifying machine learning and quantum chemistry with a deep neural network for molecular wavefunctions

Molecular Force Field Method

  • DeePMD
    A package designed to minimize the effort required to build deep learning based model of interatomic potential energy and force field and to perform molecular dynamics.
  • Torch-ANI
    TorchANI is a pytorch implementation of ANI model.
  • mdgrad
    Pytorch differentiable molecular dynamics
  • Schrodinger-ANI
    A neural network potential energy function for use in drug discovery, with chemical element support extended from 41% to 94% of druglike molecules based on ChEMBL.
  • NerualForceFild
    The Neural Force Field (NFF) code is an API based on SchNet, DimeNet, PaiNN and DANN . It provides an interface to train and evaluate neural networks for force fields. It can also be used as a property predictor that uses both 3D geometries and 2D graph information.
  • NNPOps
    The goal of this project is to promote the use of neural network potentials (NNPs) by providing highly optimized, open source implementations of bottleneck operations that appear in popular potentials.
  • RuNNer
    A program package for constructing high-dimensional neural network potentials,4G-HDNNPs,3G-HDNNPs.
  • aenet
    The Atomic Energy NETwork (ænet) package is a collection of tools for the construction and application of atomic interaction potentials based on artificial neural networks.
  • sGDML
    Symmetric Gradient Domain Machine Learning
  • GAP
    This package is part of QUantum mechanics and Interatomic Potentials
  • QUIP
    The QUIP package is a collection of software tools to carry out molecular dynamics simulations. It implements a variety of interatomic potentials and tight binding quantum mechanics, and is also able to call external packages, and serve as plugins to other software such as LAMMPS, CP2K and also the python framework ASE.
  • NNP-MM
    NNP/MM embeds a Neural Network Potential into a conventional molecular mechanical (MM) model.
  • GAMD
    Data and code for Graph neural network Accelerated Molecular Dynamics.
  • PFP
    Here we report a development of universal NNP called PreFerred Potential (PFP), which is able to handle any combination of 45 elements. Particular emphasis is placed on the datasets, which include a diverse set of virtual structures used to attain the universality.
  • TeaNet
    universal neural network interatomic potential inspired by iterative electronic relaxations.
  • n2p2
    This repository provides ready-to-use software for high-dimensional neural network potentials in computational physics and chemistry.
  • Nequip
    NequIP is an open-source code for building E(3)-equivariant interatomic potentials.
  • E3NN
    Euclidean neural networks,The aim of this library is to help the development of E(3) equivariant neural networks. It contains fundamental mathematical operations such as tensor products and spherical harmonics.
  • SchNet
    SchNet is a deep learning architecture that allows for spatially and chemically resolved insights into quantum-mechanical observables of atomistic systems.
  • SchNetPack
    SchNetPack aims to provide accessible atomistic neural networks that can be trained and applied out-of-the-box, while still being extensible to custom atomistic architectures.
  • G-SchNet
    Implementation of G-SchNet - a generative model for 3d molecular structures.
  • PhysNet
    PhysNet: A Neural Network for Predicting Energies, Forces, Dipole Moments and Partial Charges.
  • DimeNet
    Directional Message Passing Neural Network.
  • GemNet
    Universal Directional Graph Neural Networks for Molecules.
  • DeePMoleNet
    DeepMoleNet is a deep learning package for molecular properties prediction.
  • AirNet
    A new GNN-based deep molecular model by MindSpore.
  • TorchMD-Net
    TorchMD-NET provides graph neural networks and equivariant transformer neural networks potentials for learning molecular potentials.
  • AQML
    AQML is a mixed Python/Fortran/C++ package, intends to simulate quantum chemistry problems through the use of the fundamental building blocks of larger systems.
  • TensorMol
    A pakcages of NN model chemistry, contains Behler-Parrinello with electrostatics, Many Body Expansion Bonds in Molecules NN, Atomwise, Forces, Inductive Charges.
  • SpookyNet
    Spookynet: Learning force fields with electronic degrees of freedom and nonlocal effects.
    This repository contains reference AIMNet implementation along with some examples and menchmarks.
  • charge_transfer_nnp
    About Graph neural network potential with charge transfer with nequip model.
  • AMP
    Amp: A modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations(
    A self consistent field neural network (SCFNN) model.
  • jax-md
    JAX MD is a functional and data driven library. Data is stored in arrays or tuples of arrays and functions transform data from one state to another.
  • EANN
    Embedded Atomic Neural Network (EANN) is a physically-inspired neural network framework. The EANN package is implemented using the PyTorch framework used to train interatomic potentials, dipole moments, transition dipole moments and polarizabilities of various systems.
  • espaloma
    Extensible Surrogate Potential of Ab initio Learned and Optimized by Message-passing Algorithm.
  • MDsim
    Training and simulating MD with ML force fields
  • ForceNet We demonstrate that force-centric GNN models without any explicit physical constraints are able to predict atomic forces more accurately than state-of-the-art energy centric GNN models, while being faster both in training and inference.
  • DIG
    A library for graph deep learning research.
  • scn
    Spherical Channels for Modeling Atomic Interactions
  • spinconv
    Rotation Invariant Graph Neural Networks using Spin Convolutions.
    a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch.
  • VisNet
    a scalable and accurate geometric deep learning potential for molecular dynamics simulation
  • flare
    FLARE is an open-source Python package for creating fast and accurate interatomic potentials.)
  • alignn
    The Atomistic Line Graph Neural Network ( introduces a new graph convolution layer that explicitly models both two and three body interactions in atomistic systems.
  • So3krates
    Repository for training, testing and developing machine learned force fields using the So3krates model.
  • spice-model-five-net
    Contains the five equivariant transformer models about the spice datasets(
  • sake
    Spatial Attention Kinetic Networks with E(n)-Equivariance
  • eqgat
    Pytorch implementation for the manuscript Representation Learning on Biomolecular Structures using Equivariant Graph Attention
  • phast PyTorch implementation for PhAST: Physics-Aware, Scalable and Task-specific GNNs for Accelerated Catalyst Design
  • GNN-LF
    Graph Neural Network With Local Frame for Molecular Potential Energy Surface
  • Cormorant
    We propose Cormorant, a rotationally covariant neural network architecture for learning the behavior and properties of complex many-body physical systems.
  • LieConv
    Generalizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Equivariance to Lie Groups on Arbitrary Continuous Data
  • torchmd-net/ET
    Neural network potentials based on graph neural networks and equivariant transformers
  • GemNet
    GemNet: Universal Directional Graph Neural Networks for Molecules
  • equiformer
    Equiformer: Equivariant Graph Attention Transformer for 3D Atomistic Graphs
  • VisNet-LSRM
    Inspired by fragmentation-based methods, we propose the Long-Short-Range Message-Passing (LSR-MP) framework as a generalization of the existing equivariant graph neural networks (EGNNs) with the intent to incorporate long-range interactions efficiently and effectively.
  • AP-net
    AP-Net: An atomic-pairwise neural network for smooth and transferable interaction potentials

Semi-Empirical Method

  • OrbNet
    OrbNet Denali: A machine learning potential for biological and organic chemistry with semi-empirical cost and DFT accuracy.

  • AIQM1
    Artificial intelligence-enhanced quantum chemical method with broad applicability.

  • BpopNN
    Incorporating Electronic Information into Machine Learning Potential Energy Surfaces via Approaching the Ground-State Electronic Energy as a Function of Atom-Based Electronic Populations.

  • Delfta
    The DelFTa application is an easy-to-use, open-source toolbox for predicting quantum-mechanical properties of drug-like molecules. Using either ∆-learning (with a GFN2-xTB baseline) or direct-learning (without a baseline), the application accurately approximates DFT reference values (ωB97X-D/def2-SVP).

Coarse-Grained Method

  • cgnet
    Coarse graining for molecular dynamics
  • SchNet-CG
    We explore the application of SchNet models to obtain a CG potential for liquid benzene, investigating the effect of model architecture and hyperparameters on the thermodynamic, dynamical, and structural properties of the simulated CG systems, reporting and discussing challenges encountered and future directions envisioned.

Enhanced Sampling Method

QM/MM Model

  • NNP-MM
    NNP/MM embeds a Neural Network Potential into a conventional molecular mechanical (MM) model. We have implemented this using the Custom QM/MM features of NAMD 2.13, which interface NAMD with the TorchANI NNP python library developed by the Roitberg and Isayev groups.
  • DeeP-HP
    support for neural networks potentials (ANI-2X, DeepMD).

Charge Model

  • gimlet
    Graph Inference on Molecular Topology. A package for modelling, learning, and inference on molecular topological space written in Python and TensorFlow.

Post-HF Method