Forked from hiho-resolver. Did some performance optimization, changed the color scheme and added a lot of documents.
It's used for visualizing the final hidden stage(aka frozen time) in the competitive programming contest.
pnpm install
pnpm run start
Enter a url address in the input box or paste the entire JSON content directly into the input box and click 「加载数据」.
To see the demo, you can click on 「加载示例数据」.
preview url:
Just keep pushing the right-arrow key.
You can use XCPCIO/domjudge-utility to export the data in DOMjudge to the data format required by acm-resolver.
Configuration reference for dump
base_url: "https://localhost/domjudge/"
userpwd: "username:password"
cid: 1
saved_dir: "./output/1"
resolver_data: true
Then refer to Load Data to load the data in.
"contest_name": "your contest name",
"problem_count": 13,
"frozen_seconds": 3600,
"solutions": {},
"users": {}
The format of the solution
, the key can be arbitrary and the problem subscript starts from 1.
"381503": {
"user_id": "1",
"problem_index": "1",
"verdict": "AC",
"submitted_seconds": 22
"381504": {
"user_id": "2",
"problem_index": "1",
"verdict": "WA",
"submitted_seconds": 23
The format of the user
, where the key is the id of the user, should be matched to the solution:
"1": {
"name": "花落人亡两不知",
"college": "HZNU",
"is_exclude": true
"2": {
"name": "大斌丶凸(♯`∧´)凸",
"college": "HDU",
"is_exclude": false
"3": {
"name": "天才少女队",
"college": "PKU",
"is_exclude": true